set terminal png set output "Exp_LinkedList_1.png" set title "The path-coverage of T2 in standard-mode on LinkedList" set xlabel "Max. number of test-steps" set ylabel "Coverage (%)" set xtics 1000, 2000 set ytics 50, 2.5 set key right bottom set datafile separator "," plot [] [70:100] "Exp_LinkedList_1.csv" using 1:3 title "Path coverage" with linespoints,\ "Exp_LinkedList_1.csv" using 1:3:4 title "Std. dev. path cov." with yerrorbars, \ "Exp_LinkedList_1.csv" using 1:5 title "Branch coverage" with linespoints, \ "Exp_LinkedList_1.csv" using 1:5:6 title "Std. dev. branch cov." with yerrorbars set output set terminal pop