package Sequenic.T2ext.Selection; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import Sequenic.Graph.Vertex; import Sequenic.T2ext.Instrumenter.CFG; import Sequenic.T2ext.Instrumenter.Node; public class InterclassGraph implements PathSelector{ public InterclassGraph(Node origStartNode, Node modStartNode) { childrenMap = new HashMap>(); parentsMap = new HashMap>(); accept = new HashSet(); reject = new HashSet(); if(!parentsMap.containsKey(startNode = visitNode(origStartNode, modStartNode))) parentsMap.put(startNode, __EMPTY); } private final Map> childrenMap; private final Map> parentsMap; private final Set accept; private final Set reject; private final HashEqualsEdge startNode; private static final Set __EMPTY = Collections.emptySet(); private HashEqualsEdge visitNode(Node origNode, Node modNode) { HashEqualsEdge thisNode = HashEqualsEdge.weakCache.make(origNode.getId(), modNode.getId()); if(childrenMap.containsKey(thisNode)) return thisNode;//Do Nothing, already visited if(!origNode.lexEquivalent(modNode)) { reject.add(thisNode); childrenMap.put(thisNode, __EMPTY);//Reject return thisNode; } else if(origNode.children().isEmpty()) { //implied: origNode.lexEquivalent(modNode)) accept.add(thisNode); childrenMap.put(thisNode, __EMPTY);//Accept return thisNode; } else { Set childrenSet = new HashSet(); childrenMap.put(thisNode, childrenSet); for(Entry kv : origNode.childEdges().entrySet()) { HashEqualsEdge child = visitNode( (Node) kv.getValue(), (Node) modNode.getChild(kv.getKey())); childrenSet.add(child); Set parentsSet = parentsMap.get(child); if(parentsSet==null) parentsMap.put(child, parentsSet = new HashSet()); parentsSet.add(thisNode); } return thisNode; } } //Return the dangerous edges according to Rothermel Harrold Set rhDangerousEdges() { Set dangerousEdges = new HashSet(); for(HashEqualsEdge rejectNode : reject) { int childId = rejectNode.fst(); for(HashEqualsEdge parent : parentsMap.get(rejectNode)) dangerousEdges.add( HashEqualsEdge.weakCache.make(parent.fst(), childId) ); } return dangerousEdges; } //Returns a selector that implements Ball's partial reachability algorithm. //Resets the PathSelector Factory after usage. PathSelector ballPartialDangerousEdges(PathSelector.Factory psFactory) { Set vAccept = new HashSet(); for(HashEqualsEdge terminalAcceptNode : accept) fillAncestors(terminalAcceptNode, vAccept); //vAccept now contains all terminal accept nodes and their ancestors: it is Vaccept as Ball defines it. if(!vAccept.contains(startNode)) //Start node does not lead to accept: all paths are modification-traversing. return PathSelector.ALWAYS; psFactory.relabelStartNodeIfNeeded(startNode.fst(), startNode.snd()); //Dangerous edge: one that goes from a node in Vaccept to one not in Vaccept for(HashEqualsEdge acceptNode : vAccept) { int acceptNodeFst = acceptNode.fst(); for(HashEqualsEdge child : childrenMap.get(acceptNode)) if(!vAccept.contains(child)) psFactory.markDangerous(acceptNodeFst, child.fst());//dangerous edge else //Relabelling is only necessary for nodes in Vaccept, //other nodes are only reachable through a dangerous edge: //their paths will never be relabeled; they will be selected as modification-traversing. psFactory.relabelIfNeeded(acceptNodeFst, child.fst(), child.snd()); } return psFactory.resetAndReturn(); } //Add all ancestors of startNode to result private void fillAncestors(HashEqualsEdge startNode, Set result) { if(result.add(startNode)) { //If node was not already in result, traverse its parents. Iterator parents = parentsMap.get(startNode).iterator(); while(parents.hasNext()) fillAncestors(, result); } } public boolean select(int[] path) { return modTrav(startNode, path, 1); } private boolean modTrav(HashEqualsEdge key, int[] path, int index) { if(reject.contains(key)) return true; if(index>=path.length) return false; int id = path[index++]; for(HashEqualsEdge child : childrenMap.get(key)) if(id==child.fst() && modTrav(child,path,index)) return true; return false;//no descendants were in reject. } public int[] synthesize(int[] path) { if(path.length==0) return path; HashEqualsEdge parent = startNode; int index = 0; int[] newPath = null; while(true) { //mod-trav path if(reject.contains(parent)) return null; //relabel if needed if(parent.fst()!=parent.snd()) { if(newPath==null) { newPath = new int[path.length]; System.arraycopy(path, 0, newPath, 0, path.length); } newPath[index] = parent.snd(); } //Proceed to next element on path index++; if(index==path.length) //End of path reached. return newPath==null? path : newPath; Iterator children = childrenMap.get(parent).iterator(); if(!children.hasNext()) //If parent is reject we would have returned null earlier. //If parent is accept, path is invalid because it continues after terminal node. throw new Error("Invalid path, it continues after terminal node."); int id = path[index]; while(children.hasNext()) { parent =; if(parent.fst()==id) { while(children.hasNext()) if( //Two different children are both possible successors on the path //Cannot relabel because of ambiguity return null; //We have found our unique successor and the iterator is emptied. } } if(parent.fst()!=id) { System.err.println(childrenMap); //The path is invalid, there was no successor throw new Error("Invalid path, contains non-existant edge: "+Arrays.toString(path)+ " index "+index+ " selected node: "+parent + "parents: "+parentsMap.get(parent)); } } } public boolean hasMultiplyVisitedNode() { boolean ret = false; Map temp = new HashMap(childrenMap.size()); for(HashEqualsEdge node : childrenMap.keySet()) { HashEqualsEdge old = temp.put(node.fst(), node); if(old!=null) { System.out.println("Multiply-visited Node: "+old.toString()+" "+node.toString()); ret = true; } } return ret; } public static boolean hasMultiplyVisitedNode(Iterable old_methods, Iterable new_methods) { HashMap newMethods = new HashMap(); boolean ret = false; for(CFG newCFG : new_methods) newMethods.put(newCFG.getMethodName(), newCFG); for(CFG oldCFG : old_methods) { if(newMethods.containsKey(oldCFG.getMethodName())) { InterclassGraph icg = new InterclassGraph(oldCFG.getStartNode(), newMethods.get(oldCFG.getMethodName()).getStartNode()); ret |= icg.hasMultiplyVisitedNode(); } } return ret; } }