package Sequenic.T2ext; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import Sequenic.T2.TrFile; import Sequenic.T2.Msg.T2Exception; import Sequenic.T2.Seq.Trace; import Sequenic.T2ext.Analyzer.T2TraceFileCoverageAnalyzer; import Sequenic.T2ext.Analyzer.T2TraceFileCoverageResult; public class MarginalGenerator { private static final int numOfExtraTraces = 1000; private static final boolean minimizeOriginal = false; private static final boolean minimizeAdditions = true; /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { main("Examples.ObsoleteTest"); } catch (T2Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String cut) throws T2Exception { final String origTrFileName = "../bin/"+cut+".tr"; final String newTrFileName = cut+".tr"; final String cfgsFileName = cut.replace('.', '/') + ".cfgs"; // 1) load existing trace file, which was created for the old version of this program. TrFile origTrFile = TrFile.load(origTrFileName); // 2) Remove obsolete traces. int obs = 0; int origTotal = origTrFile.traces.size(); Iterator iter = origTrFile.traces.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { if( { iter.remove(); obs++; } } // 3) Execute remaining traces T and note coverage Main.instrument(cut); T2TraceFileCoverageAnalyzer analz = new T2TraceFileCoverageAnalyzer(origTrFile, cfgsFileName); T2TraceFileCoverageResult rez = analz.calculateCoverage(); // MarginalSelector margSel = new MarginalSelector(); // if(minimizeOriginal) // origTrFile.traces = rez.selectedTraces(margSel); // else // rez.selectedTraces(margSel); int remaining = origTrFile.traces.size(); int redundant = origTotal - obs - remaining; System.out.println("\nOriginal trace file obsolete/redundant/remaining % total: " + obs +"/"+redundant+"/"+remaining+" % "+origTotal+"\n"); boolean modified; do { // 4) Instruct T2 to generate X traces in new trace file T' Sequenic.T2.Main.main(new String[] {cut, "--nmax="+numOfExtraTraces+"0","--savegoodtr="+numOfExtraTraces, "--bdomain=Sequenic.T2.BaseDomain0"}); // BaseDomain0 seems to be much better than the default BaseDomainSmall: // 5) Execute and note coverage of T' TrFile newTrFile = TrFile.load(newTrFileName); validate_compatibility(origTrFile, newTrFile); analz = new T2TraceFileCoverageAnalyzer(newTrFile, cfgsFileName); rez = analz.calculateCoverage(); // 6) Add traces in T' that cover previously not observed paths to the set T int oldSize = origTrFile.traces.size(); modified = false; //for now, because I commented the below code. // if(minimizeAdditions) // modified = origTrFile.traces.addAll(rez.selectedTraces(margSel)); // else { // modified = !rez.selectedTraces(margSel).isEmpty(); // if(modified) // origTrFile.traces.addAll(newTrFile.traces); // } int newSize = origTrFile.traces.size(); System.out.println("\nGenerated "+numOfExtraTraces+" extra, of which "+(newSize-oldSize)+" were added, old size/new size: "+oldSize+"/"+newSize+"\n"); // 7) If T is modified, go to (4) } while(modified); // 8) Save T, finished.; } private static void validate_compatibility(TrFile o, TrFile n) { if(!o.CUTname.equals(n.CUTname)) throw new Error("CUT is not the same: "+o.CUTname+" vs. "+n.CUTname); if(!o.poolClassName.equals(n.poolClassName)) throw new Error("Pool is not the same: "+o.poolClassName+" vs. "+n.poolClassName); HashSet s = new HashSet(o.classinvariantOwners); for(String i : n.classinvariantOwners) if(!s.contains(i)) throw new Error("New classinvariant: "+i); s.removeAll(n.classinvariantOwners); if(!s.isEmpty()) throw new Error("Missing classinvariant(s): "+s); } }