package Sequenic.T2; import Sequenic.T2.*; import*; import java.util.*; import org.junit.Test; public class Main_Test_3 { /** * Test purpose: check if T2 can generate array. */ static public class Carray{ boolean[] sizes = {false,false,false,false,false} ; public void m(Object[] a) { assert a!=null : "PRE" ; sizes[a.length % 5] = true ; } public void check() { boolean allDone = sizes[0] && sizes[1] && sizes[2] && sizes[3] && sizes[4] ; assert !allDone ; } } @Test public void test_array() { System.out.println("@@@. check if T2 can arrays of various size..."); Class C = Carray.class; TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --silent --exclfield --nmax=20000 --lenexec=10"); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); } /** * Test purpose: check if T2 can generate collection. */ static public class Ccollection{ boolean[] sizes = {false,false,false,false,false} ; public void m(List a) { assert a!=null : "PRE" ; sizes[a.size() % 5] = true ; } public void check() { boolean allDone = sizes[0] && sizes[1] && sizes[2] && sizes[3] && sizes[4] ; assert !allDone ; } } @Test public void test_collection() { System.out.println("@@@. check if T2 can collection of various size..."); Class C = Ccollection.class; TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --silent --exclfield --nmax=20000 --lenexec=10"); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); } /** * Test purpose: check if T2 can generate null, and can exclude null. */ static public class Cnull { void m1(Cnull x) { assert x == null; } void m2(Cnull x) { assert x != null; } } @Test public void test_Cnull() { System.out.println("@@@. check if T2 can generate null, and can exclude null..."); Class C = Cnull.class; TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m2 --nullprob=0 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfEmpty(C); TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m1 --nullprob=1 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); } /** * Test purpose: check if elemty option is handled correctly. */ static public class Celemty1 { static Class OBJECT = Sequenic.T2.OBJECT.class ; void m0(Object x) { assert x.getClass() == OBJECT ; } void m1(T x) { assert x.getClass() == OBJECT ; } void m2(U x) { assert x.getClass() == OBJECT ; } void m3(List s) { if (!s.isEmpty()) { T x = s.get(0); assert x.getClass() == OBJECT ; } } void m4(T[] s) { if (s.length > 0) { T x = s[0]; assert x.getClass() == OBJECT ; } } } static public class Celemty2 { void m10(Object x) { assert x instanceof Integer; } void m11(T x) { assert x instanceof Integer; } void m12(U x) {assert x instanceof Integer; } void m3(List s) { if (!s.isEmpty()) { T x = s.get(0); assert x instanceof Integer; } } void m4(T[] s) { if (s.length > 0) { T x = s[0]; assert x instanceof Integer; } } } @Test public void test_elemty() { System.out.println("@@@. check if elemty option is handled correctly..."); Class C = Celemty1.class; // with no elemty, Object and tyvars should be replaced by Sequenic.T2.OBJECT: TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --nullprob=-1 "); Debug.assertTrfEmpty(C); C = Celemty2.class; TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --nullprob=-1 --elemty=java.lang.Integer --silent"); Debug.assertTrfEmpty(C); } /** * Test purpose: check if depthobj option is handled correctly. */ static public class Cdepthobj { private Cdepthobj next = null; public Cdepthobj(Cdepthobj n) { next = n; } private int length() { if (next == null) { return 1; } else { return 1 + next.length(); } } void m0() { //System.out.println(">>>" + length()) ; assert length() <= 10; } void m1() { //System.out.println(">>>" + length()) ; assert length() < 4; } void m2() { //System.out.println(">>>" + length()) ; assert length() != 1; } } @Test public void test_depthobj() { System.out.println("@@@. check if depthobj option is handled correctly..."); Class C = Cdepthobj.class; // created objects will have the actual depth <= specified TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m0 --depthobj=10 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfEmpty(C); // check that depth 1 and depth max are also generated: TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m1 --depthobj=4 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m2 --depthobj=4 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); } /** * Test purpose: check if T2 can pick and ignore objects from the pool. */ static public class Cpickpool0 { private static int lastId = 0; private int id; int getId() { return id; } public Cpickpool0() { id = lastId; lastId++; } boolean isNewestObject() { return id + 1 == lastId; } void m0(Cpickpool0 y) { assert y != null : "PRE"; //System.out.println(">>>" + y.getId() + " | " + lastId) ; assert y.isNewestObject(); } void m1(Cpickpool0 y) { assert y != null : "PRE"; assert !y.isNewestObject(); } void m2(Cpickpool0 y) { assert y != null : "PRE"; assert y == this; } } static public class Cpickpool1 extends Cpickpool0 { void m3(Cpickpool0 y) { assert !(y instanceof Cpickpool1); } } @Test public void test_pickpool() { System.out.println("@@@ check if T2 can pick and ignore objects from the pool..."); Class C = Cpickpool0.class; System.out.println("@ check if T2 can get an object from pool") ; TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m0 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); System.out.println("@ check if T2 can generate fresh object") ; TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m1 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); System.out.println("@ check if T2 can force to use only pool") ; TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m2 --pickpoolprob=1 "); Debug.assertTrfEmpty(C); System.out.println("@ check if T2 can force avoiding pool") ; TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m0 --pickpoolprob=-1 --tobjasparam=-1 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfEmpty(C); System.out.println("@ check if we can get a subclass from the pool") ; C = Cpickpool1.class; TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m3 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); } /** * Test purpose: to check if the interface map is working properly. */ static public class Cimap { void m0(Comparable x) { assert x instanceof Integer; } void m1(Collection U) { assert U instanceof LinkedList; } void m2(List U) { assert U instanceof LinkedList; } void m3(Queue U) { assert U instanceof LinkedList; } void m4(Set U) { assert U instanceof HashSet; } void m4(Map M) { assert M instanceof HashMap; } } @Test public void test_imap() { System.out.println("@@@. check if the interface map is working properly..."); Class C = Cimap.class; //check if T2 can pass tobj in parameter: TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --nullprob=-1 "); Debug.assertTrfEmpty(C); } /** * Test purpose: to check if the base domain is working properly. */ static public class Cbdomain { static BaseDomainSmall bd = new BaseDomainSmall(); void m0(String x) { boolean found = false; String[] ss = bd.getStringsupply(); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length && !found; i++) { found = ss[i].equals(x); } assert found; } void m1(char x) { char[] ss = bd.getCharsupply(); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < ss.length && !found; i++) { found = ss[i] == x; } assert found; } void m2(int i) { assert -3 <= i && i < bd.getRange() - 3; } void m3(byte i) { assert -3 <= i && i < bd.getRange() - 3; } void m4(long i) { assert -3 <= i && i < bd.getRange() - 3; } void m5(Float i) { assert -3 <= i && i < bd.getRange() - 3; } } @Test public void test_bdomain() { System.out.println("@@@. check if the base domain is working properly..."); Class C = Cbdomain.class; //check if T2 can pass tobj in parameter: TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --silent"); Debug.assertTrfEmpty(C); } /** * Test purpose: to check if using a custom basedomain we can generate * a null Integer. */ static public class classThatExpectsNullInteger { public void m1(int x) { } public void checknull(Integer x) { assert x!= null ; } } static public class MyBaseDomain extends BaseDomain0 { public MyBaseDomain() { super() ; ArrayList intdomain = new ArrayList() ; intdomain.add(new Integer(0)) ; intdomain.add(new Integer(1)) ; ArrayList INTdomain = new ArrayList() ; // Hmm ... do I need to cast null? INTdomain.add((Integer) null) ; INTdomain.add(new Integer(1)) ; // Replacing original domains for int and Integer with the above: domain.put(Integer.TYPE,intdomain) ; domain.put(Integer.class,INTdomain) ; } } @Test public void test_custom_bdomain_null_Integer() { System.out.println("@@@. check if a custom basedomain can generate null Integer..."); Class C = MyBaseDomain.class; //check if T2 can pass tobj in parameter: TrFile.delete(C); String custombdom = MyBaseDomain.class.getName() ; Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --silent --bdomain=" + custombdom); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); } /** * Test purpose: to check if the tobjasparam option is handled correctly. */ static public class Ctobjasparam { void m0(Ctobjasparam x) { assert x != this; } static private Ctobjasparam tobj = null; void m1(Ctobjasparam x) { assert x == this : "PRE"; tobj = x; } static void s1(Ctobjasparam x) { assert tobj != null : "PRE"; assert x != tobj; } static private Ctobjasparam last = null; static void s2(Ctobjasparam x) { last = x; } void m2() { assert last != this; } } @Test public void test_tobjasparam() { System.out.println("@@@. check if the tobjasparam option is handled correctly..."); Class C = Ctobjasparam.class; //check if T2 can pass tobj in parameter: TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m0 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); //check if T2 can pass tobj in parameter of a static method: TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m1 --meth=s1 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfNonEmpty(C); // check if T2 can surpress passing tobj as parameter TrFile.delete(C); Main.main(C.getName() + " --debug --meth=m0 --meth=m2 --meth=s2 --tobjasparam=-1 --pickpoolprob=-1 --silent"); Debug.assertTrfEmpty(C); } }