package Sequenic.T2.Engines; import Sequenic.T2.*; import Sequenic.P2.*; import Sequenic.T2.Msg.*; import Sequenic.T2.DataGen.* ; import jargs.gnu.*; import java.util.* ; import* ; import java.lang.reflect.* ; /** * A wrapper to plug-in {@link BaseEngine} to the {@ Sequenic.T2.Main Main-tool}. * * @author underdarkprime */ public class BaseEngineToolPlug extends ToolPlug { // Variables holding various options: private CmdLineParser.Option execLengthO = parser.addIntegerOption('l', "lenexec");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option objDepthO = parser.addIntegerOption('d', "depthobj");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option maxNumOfStepsO = parser.addIntegerOption('n', "nmax"); //ok private CmdLineParser.Option searchModeO = parser.addIntegerOption("searchmode"); private CmdLineParser.Option maxNumOfViolO = parser.addIntegerOption('v', "violmax"); //ok private CmdLineParser.Option typeOfColElementO = parser.addStringOption("elemty"); //ok private CmdLineParser.Option customtracedirO = parser.addBooleanOption("customtracedir");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option pubOnlyO = parser.addBooleanOption("pubonly");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option ownClassOnlyO = parser.addBooleanOption("ownclassonly");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option nullProbO = parser.addDoubleOption("nullprob");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option pickPoolProbO = parser.addDoubleOption("pickpoolprob");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option passTObjAsParamProbO = parser.addDoubleOption("tobjasparam");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option fieldUpdateProbO = parser.addDoubleOption("fupdateprob");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option maxArrayLengthO = parser.addIntegerOption("maxarraylen");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option showDepthO = parser.addIntegerOption("showdepth");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option hideIntermediateStepsO = parser.addBooleanOption("hideintermstep");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option timeoutO = parser.addIntegerOption("timeout");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option inclPrivateO = parser.addBooleanOption("inclprivate");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option exclDefaultO = parser.addBooleanOption("excldefault");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option exclProtectedO = parser.addBooleanOption("exclprotected");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option exclStaticO = parser.addBooleanOption("exclstatic");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option exclFieldO = parser.addBooleanOption("exclfield");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option onlyThisMethodO = parser.addStringOption("meth");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option excludeThisMethodO = parser.addStringOption("xmeth");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option collectGoodTracesO = parser.addIntegerOption("savegoodtr"); //ok private CmdLineParser.Option saveFileO = parser.addStringOption("savefile");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option poolO = parser.addStringOption("pool");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option baseDomainO = parser.addStringOption("bdomain");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option imapO = parser.addStringOption("imap");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option debugO = parser.addBooleanOption("debug");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option inclSuperInvsO = parser.addBooleanOption("inclsuperinv");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option outStreamO = parser.addStringOption("outfile");//ok private CmdLineParser.Option silentO = parser.addBooleanOption("silent");//ok // Variable to hold a base engine: protected BaseEngine engine ; private PrintStream reportStream ; public BaseEngineToolPlug() { addOption(execLengthO, "Maximum execution depth."); addOption(objDepthO, "Maximum object depth (at the creation)."); addOption(maxNumOfStepsO, "Maximum number of execution steps afterwhich RT2 stops."); addOption(maxNumOfViolO, "Maximum number of violations afterwhich RT2 stops."); addOption(searchModeO,"Search mode. Specify a non-negative int as upperbound of search attemps.") ; addOption(typeOfColElementO, "The (qualified) name of the type of elements of Collections"); addOption(customtracedirO, "Let CUT's custom trace director drives the generation of the traces."); addOption(pubOnlyO, "Limit the test scope to public members."); addOption(ownClassOnlyO, "Limit the test scope to CUT's own declared members."); addOption(nullProbO, "The probability to generate null. Use negative value to surpress."); addOption(pickPoolProbO, "The probability to pick object from pool. Use negative value surpress."); addOption(passTObjAsParamProbO, "The probability to pass target object as a method's parameter instead of receiver. Use negative value to surpress."); addOption(fieldUpdateProbO, "The probability to choose field update for a trace step. Use negative value to surpress."); addOption(maxArrayLengthO, "Maximum length of created arrays."); addOption(showDepthO, "Maximum depth of objects showed in reports."); addOption(hideIntermediateStepsO,"To hide intermediate steps.") ; addOption(timeoutO, "Timeout period."); addOption(inclPrivateO, "Include private members in the test scope."); addOption(exclDefaultO, "Exclude members with default access from the test scope."); addOption(exclProtectedO, "Exclude protected members from the test scope."); addOption(exclStaticO, "Exclude static members from the test scope."); addOption(exclFieldO, "Exclude fields from the test scope."); addOption(onlyThisMethodO, "Only include these methods in the test scope. Will also surpress field update.", true); addOption(excludeThisMethodO, "Exclude these methods from the test scope.", true); addOption(collectGoodTracesO, "If int is positive will also save up to this much non-violating traces."); addOption(saveFileO, "Will save the traces in the specified name. Normally it is"); addOption(poolO, "Use this custom pool; \"name\" is a fully qualified Java name."); addOption(baseDomainO, "Use this custom base domain; \"name\" is a fully qualified Java name."); addOption(imapO, "Use this custom interface map; \"name\" is a fully qualified Java name."); addOption(debugO, "Turn on T2 debug-mode (only useful for T2 developer)."); addOption(inclSuperInvsO, "Also check against the class invariants of CUT's superclasses."); addOption(outStreamO, "Will print the report to the specified file rather than to the console."); addOption(silentO, "Will not print execution trails. Overall statistics are still shown."); } @Override public void configure(String[] options) throws CmdLineParser.IllegalOptionValueException, CmdLineParser.UnknownOptionException { assert options.length > 0 ; // Getting CUT: Class CUT = null ; try { CUT = Class.forName(options[0]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new T2Error("T2 fails to get class " + options[0] + ".", e); } // Collecting annotated options: T2annotation.option annotatatedO = (T2annotation.option) CUT.getAnnotation(T2annotation.option.class) ; String[] allOptions = options ; if (annotatatedO != null) { String[] annotatedOptions = annotatatedO.value().split("\\s") ; allOptions = new String[options.length + annotatedOptions.length] ; for (int i=0; i names = new LinkedList() ; for (Object name : checkOnlyTheseMethods) names.add((String) name) ; engine.fieldsIPs = new LinkedList() ; engine.methodsIPs = Util.getMethodsByNames(names, engine.methodsIPs) ; } Vector excludeTheseMethods = parser.getOptionValues(excludeThisMethodO) ; if (excludeTheseMethods != null && !excludeTheseMethods.isEmpty()) { List names = new LinkedList() ; for (Object name : excludeTheseMethods) names.add((String) name) ; engine.methodsIPs = Util.excludeMethodsByNames(names, engine.methodsIPs) ; } engine.classINV = Util.getClassINV(CUT) ; if (parser.getOptionValue(inclSuperInvsO) != null) { engine.accessOption.excludeAncestorClassInv = false ; engine.allClassINVs = Util.getSuperClassINVs(CUT) ; } else { engine.accessOption.excludeAncestorClassInv = true ; engine.allClassINVs = new LinkedList(); if (engine.classINV != null) { engine.allClassINVs.add(engine.classINV); } } s = (String) parser.getOptionValue(typeOfColElementO) ; //println(">>>" + s) ; if (s!=null) { try { engine.TYVAR0 = Class.forName(s) ; //println(">>>" + engine.TYVAR0.getName()) ; } catch (Exception e) { } } if (parser.getOptionValue(debugO) != null) BaseEngine.debug = true ; // Calculating values for derived variables: engine.realign() ; // Printing back how the engine has been configure: getInternalConfiguration() ; } /** * This will get the engine's internal configuration; we will store various * configuration attributes in the variable config, to be reported back * to the user. */ private void getInternalConfiguration() { boolean b ; config.add("CUT = " + engine.CUT.getName()) ; if (engine.TYVAR0 == null) config.add("TYVAR0 = " + "null") ; else config.add("TYVAR0 = " + engine.TYVAR0.getName()) ; config.add("Pool = " + engine.pool.getClass().getName()) ; config.add("Base domain = " + engine.baseDomain.getClass().getName()) ; config.add("Interface map = " + engine.interfaceMap.getClass().getName()) ; if (engine.timeOutPeriod<=0) config.add("Time-out = none") ; else config.add("Time-out = " + engine.timeOutPeriod) ; config.add("Max. number of steps = " + engine.maxNumOfSteps) ; config.add("Max. execution depth = " + engine.maxExecLength) ; config.add("Max. number of violations to look = " + engine.maxNumViolations) ; config.add("Max. object depth (on creation) = " + engine.maxMkValSeqDepth) ; config.add("Max. show depth = " + engine.maxShowDepth) ; config.add("Max. array/collection size = " + (engine.maxArrayLengthProb.getHigh()-1)) ; config.add("Incl. Private = " + !engine.accessOption.excludePrivate) ; config.add("Incl. Default = " + !engine.accessOption.excludeDefault) ; config.add("Incl. Protected = " + !engine.accessOption.excludeProtected) ; config.add("Incl. Static = " + !engine.accessOption.excludeStatic) ; config.add("Incl. superclass members = " + !engine.accessOption.excludeAncestorFieldsAndMethods) ; config.add("Incl. superclass classinvs = " + !engine.accessOption.excludeAncestorClassInv) ; b = !engine.accessOption.excludeField && engine.chooseFieldUpdateProb.high > 0 ; config.add("Field update enabled = " + b) ; if (b) config.add("Prob. of updating field = " + engine.chooseFieldUpdateProb.high) ; config.add("Prob. to generate NULL = " + Math.max(0,engine.generateNullProb.high)) ; config.add("Prob. to pass targetobj as param = " + Math.max(0,engine.passTObjAsParamProb.high)) ; config.add("Prob. of trying pool before constuctor = " + Math.max(0,engine.pickTargetObjFromPoolProb.high)) ; } public void run() { printConfig() ; engine.timedRun(); if (reportStream!=null) reportStream.close() ; // Throw a 'violation' signal... if (!engine.violatingTraces.isEmpty()) throw new Violation() ; } public void consoleHelp() { println(Message.GREET); println(Message.BEGIN); println("Base-engine GENERAL USE:\n"); println(" java -ea -cp Sequenic.T2.Main [-E]