* Copyright 2007 Wishnu Prasetya.
* This file is part of T2.
* T2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any
* later version.
* T2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found in T2 distribution.
* If it is missing, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
package Sequenic.T2.Engines;
import Sequenic.T2.*;
import Sequenic.T2.Msg.*;
import Sequenic.T2.Seq.*;
import Sequenic.T2.DataGen.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import org.uncommons.maths.random.*;
* A base test engine. This engine randomly generates (and executes) traces.
public class BaseEngine extends EngineWithTimeOut {
* The class under the test.
public Class CUT = null;
* The object pool used by the engine.
public Pool pool = new Pool();
* Specify a maximum on the numbers of total execution steps
* generated by the engine. Default is 500.
public int maxNumOfSteps = 500;
* Specify a maximum on the length of each execution. Default is
* 4.
public int maxExecLength = 4;
* Search mode. The default is 0, meaning that it is turned off. When
* it is on, the engine will behave differently. When a sequence fails
* due to violation to a pre-condtion or other kind of assumptive
* conditions, the same sequence will be retried again; except that we
* will try a different last step. Of course this may fail again. This
* all will be iterated up to the specified number (as specified by
* this variable). If it still fails then the entire sequence is abandoned.
public int searchMode = 0 ;
* The engine should stop if the number of violations found
* reaches maxNumViolations. Default is 1.
public int maxNumViolations = 1;
* Specify which fields and methods are to be included in the testing
* (e.g. whether to include protected methods etc).
public AccessOption accessOption = null;
* The base domain used by the engine. Default is
* {@link Sequenic.T2.BaseDomainSmall BaseDomainSmall}.
public BaseDomain baseDomain = new BaseDomainSmall();
* A random generator.
public Random rnd = new MersenneTwisterRNG();
* Specify a maximum on the length of every generated mkVal
* sequence. Default is 4.
public int maxMkValSeqDepth = 4;
* If set true then the engine will a custom "trace-director" method
* provided by CUT to drive its trace generation.
public boolean useCustomTraceDirector = false;
* The probability to do field update rather than method call.
* The default is 10%, uniformly distributed.
public RandomBool chooseFieldUpdateProb = new RandomBoolUniform(0.1);
* When trying to generate an instance of C, and one cannot be
* found in the base domain, and the engine decided not to look in
* the pool (hence generating a fresh one), this is the
* probability of generating null. The default is 10%, uniformly
* distributed.
public RandomBool generateNullProb = new RandomBoolUniform(0.1);
* When an object has to be generated, and it cannot be generated
* from the engine's base domain, the engine decides whether
* to try to look in the pool, or to generate a fresh one. This is
* the probability that the engine chooses to look in the pool. Note
* that the decision is taken without first looking whether a suitable
* object can actually be found in the pool (in favor for speed). So,
* after decising to look in the pool the engine may still find nothing
* there, in which case it will then default to generating a fresh object.
The default probability is 70%, uniformly distributed.
public RandomBool pickTargetObjFromPoolProb = new RandomBoolUniform(0.7);
* The probability for chosing to pass the target object as a
* parameter rather than as a receiver object. Default is 40%,
* uniformly distributed.
public RandomBool passTObjAsParamProb = new RandomBoolUniform(0.4);
* The probability on the size of the collection and array (along each dimension)
* generated by the engine. The default is it is between [0..5), uniformly
* distributed. So the default max-size is 4.
public RandomInt maxArrayLengthProb = new RandomIntUniform(0, 5);
* Maximum depth when showing objects in reporting. That is,
* subobjects at deeper than this depth will not be shown. The
* default is 5.
public int maxShowDepth = 5;
* When false will hide intermeadiate steps of each shown trace.
* Default is true.
public boolean showIntermediateSteps = true;
* If false will not show the violating traces (only global statistics
* will be shown). Default is true.
public boolean showViolatingTraces = true;
* Save up to this many non-violating traces from the set of generated traces.
* Default is 0.
public int saveThisMany = 0;
* The name/path of the file to save the traces. Default is null, which means
* the traces will be saved to the standard name, which is CUT.tr.
public String nameOfSaveFile = null;
* Reporters pool to report e.g. violating traces.
public ReportersPool reporters = null;
* A sequence generator. The default is random based. We can have a different
* generator and 'plug' it to this variable.
public BaseEngineSeqGenerator seqGenerator = new RandomSequenceGenerator(this);
* An interface map used by the engine. The map lists interfaces,
* and for each possible concrete classes (currently juts one)
* that implement it. When the engine needs to generate an
* instance of an interface I, it first look it up in this
* interface map. If the map says it has implementations, one
* (say, C) will be selected and the engine will then proceed by
* trying to generate an instance of C instead.
Default is {@link Sequenic.T2.InterfaceMap0 InterfaceMap0}.
public InterfaceMap interfaceMap = new InterfaceMap0();
* The list of CUT's constructors within the testing scope.
public List consIPs;
* The list of CUT's fields within the testing scope.
public List fieldsIPs;
* The list of CUT's methods within the testing scope.
public List methodsIPs;
* The CUT's own class invariant to check.
public Method classINV;
* All class invariants, it should be the invariants of CUT's
* supper-classes. --> but this doesn't work!
* "invoking" a method via reflection is still forced to follow Java's
* rule for dynamic binding of method names.
* Anyway, we can perhaps use this as a mechanism to plug in
* additional invariants.
public List allClassINVs;
*The type of the elements of collections. Whenever the engine
* has to create a collection, it needs to know the type of its
* elements; however due to Java's type erasure this info is not
* available via reflection. FOR NOW we'll pass this info via the
* top level option, and store it in this variable. This is NOT a
* generic solution. It only works for collection, and applies
* globally. That is, the engine simply assumes that all
* collections it has to generate will have this type of elements.
* The default is Sequenic.T2.OBJECT.
public Class TYVAR0 = OBJECT.class;
* Switching this on will activate some checking assertions in the
* engine. Default is false.
static public boolean debug = false;
// Some derived variables:
private List methodsCanAcceptCUTinParam;
private List methodsCanAcceptCUTinRec;
private HashMap methodSpecs;
public List getMethodsCanAcceptCUTinRec() {
return methodsCanAcceptCUTinRec;
public HashMap getMethodSpecs() {
return methodSpecs;
* A logger.
public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Sequenic.T2");
public static final String CLASSINV_STR = "classinv";
public static final String MAIN_STR = "main";
public static final String SPEC_STR = "_spec";
public static final String AUX_STR = "aux_";
// Some private variables to get access to engine's runtime info:
* Last generated sigma.
private Sequenic.T2.Seq.Trace sigma = null;
public Sequenic.T2.Seq.Trace getLastTrace() {
return sigma;
* The result of the last run of runEngine
private TraceSetExecInfo info = null;
* Collected traces so far:
private LinkedList collectedTraces =
new LinkedList();
* Collected violating traces so far.
LinkedList violatingTraces =
new LinkedList();
* To save error thrown when the engine is run on a separate thread.
private Error errorThrownInEngineSeparateThread = null;
* This will create an unconfigured engine. E.g. CUT would be still null
* etc.
public BaseEngine() {
* Create a test-engine for the class C as target, with default configuration.
public BaseEngine(Class C) {
CUT = C;
accessOption = new AccessOption(C);
StdReporter stdR = new StdReporter();
reporters = new ReportersPool();
try {
//System.out.println("xxxxxx") ;
rnd = new MersenneTwisterRNG(new SecureRandomSeedGenerator());
} catch (Exception e) {
consIPs = Util.filterCons(accessOption, Util.getAllCons(C));
fieldsIPs = Util.filterFields(accessOption, Util.getAllFields(C));
methodsIPs = Util.filterMethods(accessOption, Util.getAllMeths(C));
classINV = Util.getClassINV(C);
allClassINVs = new LinkedList();
if (classINV != null) {
// Setting derived variables:
methodsCanAcceptCUTinParam = Util.getMethodsCanAcceptCUTinParam(CUT, methodsIPs);
methodsCanAcceptCUTinRec = Util.getMethodsCanAcceptCUTinRec(CUT, methodsIPs);
methodSpecs = Util.mk_specMap(methodsIPs);
* Recomputing the values of derived variables. Call this after the engine
* is reconfigured.
public void realign() {
methodsCanAcceptCUTinParam = Util.getMethodsCanAcceptCUTinParam(CUT, methodsIPs);
methodsCanAcceptCUTinRec = Util.getMethodsCanAcceptCUTinRec(CUT, methodsIPs);
methodSpecs = Util.mk_specMap(methodsIPs);
* Just a help function to get a random element from a list.
private static T getRndElem(Random rnd, List s) {
if (s.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return s.get(rnd.nextInt(s.size()));
* Randomly construct a meta-step that would construct an object of class
* C.
* @param allowNull When true the method will also try to generate null,
* with a certain probability. When false will try to avoid null. There is
* however no guarantee that it won't generate null; it will however do so
* more efficiently.
* @param depth The depth of the object we want to generate, relative to
* the 'root' object. After a certain max depth, this method will just
* generate null.
public MkValStep META_mkObject(Class C, int depth, boolean allowNull) {
// System.out.print(".") ;
// If C is in the base domain, always generate it, even if the
// depth exceeds max:
Object[] r = baseDomain.get(C);
if (r != null) {
return new CONST(r[0], null);
// If it is not base, and max depth is exceeded, then return
// null:
if (depth >= maxMkValSeqDepth) {
return (new CONST(null, C));
//System.out.println("...") ;
// Consult the interface map first:
Class C_implementation = interfaceMap.getImplementation(C);
if (C_implementation != null) {
return META_mkObject(C_implementation, depth, allowNull);
// If C is class "Object", replace it with TYVAR0 if defined,
// else make an instance of the class Object:
//System.out.println("... ") ;
//if (C.getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) {
if (C == Object.class) {
if (TYVAR0 != null && TYVAR0 != Object.class) {
return META_mkObject(TYVAR0, depth, allowNull);
//else {
// return CREATE_OBJECT.META_Construct_an_Object();
// Else pick from the pool or generate fresh:
//System.out.println(">>> " + pickTargetObjFromPoolProb.low + " | " + pickTargetObjFromPoolProb.high) ;
//System.out.println(">>> " + pickTargetObjFromPoolProb.nextValue() + pickTargetObjFromPoolProb.nextValue()
// + pickTargetObjFromPoolProb.nextValue()) ;
if (pickTargetObjFromPoolProb.nextValue()) {
//System.out.println("%%%" + prob + " <= " + pickTargetObjFromPoolProb) ;
// Deciding to pick the target object from the pool:
Integer index = pool.rndGetIndex(C);
//System.out.println(">>> " + index) ;
if (index != null) {
return new REF(index);
//else System.out.println("!!! ") ;
// ELSE we have to generate a fresh object
// To generate null:
if (allowNull && generateNullProb.nextValue()) {
return (new CONST(null, C));
// If C is an array, linkedlist, or hashset, then make
// one.
Class ClassCollection = null;
try {
ClassCollection = Class.forName("java.util.Collection");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (C.isArray() ||
(!C.isInterface() &&
!(C == CUT) &&
ClassCollection.isAssignableFrom(C))) {
Class elemType = null;
if (C.isArray()) {
elemType = C.getComponentType();
} else // Deciding the element type of the collection; for
// now we'll defaul it to TYVAR0 if it is not
// null. TYVAR0 can be set via top level option. If it
// is null, we'll default to Object:
if (TYVAR0 != null) {
elemType = TYVAR0;
} else {
elemType = Object.class;
// Set size to be between 0 and this max length:
int size = maxArrayLengthProb.nextValue();
//System.out.println(">>> " + size) ;
MkValStep[] elems = new MkValStep[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
elems[i] = META_mkObject(elemType, depth + 1, true);
String collectionType = MkValStep.ARRAY;
if (!C.isArray()) {
collectionType = C.getName();
return new CREATE_COLLECTION_LIKE(collectionType, elemType, size, elems);
// else, creating a fresh object from a constructor.
List constructors = null;
if (C == CUT) {
constructors = consIPs;
} else {
constructors = Util.getPubCons(C);
if (constructors.isEmpty()) // C has no constructor! Would just return null:
return (new CONST(null, C));
// ELSE:
Constructor chosenConstructor = getRndElem(rnd, constructors);
Class[] paramTypes = chosenConstructor.getParameterTypes();
MkValStep[] params = new MkValStep[paramTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
params[i] = META_mkObject(paramTypes[i], depth + 1, true);
return (new CREATE_OBJECT(chosenConstructor,
// note that it is
// important that the
// index is set to -1
// here:
* As the other META_mkObject, but produce an array of objects of the given classes.
public MkValStep[] META_mkObject(Class[] Cs, int depth, boolean allowNull) {
int N = Cs.length;
MkValStep[] result = new MkValStep[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
result[i] = META_mkObject(Cs[i], depth, allowNull);
return result;
* This is the engine's standard sequence generator, which would generate
* the sequence randomly.
static public class RandomSequenceGenerator extends BaseEngineSeqGenerator {
public RandomSequenceGenerator(BaseEngine e) {
engine = e;
public boolean isExhausted() {
return false;
protected Sequenic.T2.Seq.Trace sigma_to_redo = null ;
protected int number_of_trace_retries = 0 ;
public void notify_asmfailing_trace(Sequenic.T2.Seq.Trace sigma) {
// Search mode is off:
if (engine.searchMode<=0) return ;
// Save sigma, if we haven't retried enough:
if (number_of_trace_retries >= engine.searchMode) {
sigma_to_redo = null ;
return ;
sigma_to_redo = sigma ;
sigma.trace.removeLast() ;
number_of_trace_retries++ ;
public void notify_non_asmfailing_trace() {
sigma_to_redo = null ;
number_of_trace_retries=0 ;
* As META_mkObject, but specifically for producing the target object.
* A target object is always created with a constructor.
public MkValStep META_mkTargetObject(Class C) {
// Redoing a sigma is requested:
if (sigma_to_redo != null) return sigma_to_redo.creation ;
// consIPs should not be empty :
Constructor chosen = null;
if (C == engine.CUT) {
chosen = getRndElem(engine.rnd, engine.consIPs);
} else {
chosen = getRndElem(engine.rnd, Util.getAllCons(C));
Class[] paramTypes = chosen.getParameterTypes();
MkValStep[] params = engine.META_mkObject(paramTypes, 1, true);
return (new CREATE_OBJECT(chosen,
// note that it is important that the index is set to -1
// here:
* Randomly construct a meta-step that would make a single test-step.
* @param sigma The trace so far.
public TraceStep META_mkTestStep(Sequenic.T2.Seq.Trace sigma) {
// Redoing a sigma is requested:
if (sigma_to_redo!=null) {
if (sigma_to_redo.trace.isEmpty()) sigma_to_redo = null ;
else return sigma_to_redo.trace.removeFirst() ;
int numberOfFieldsInScope = engine.fieldsIPs.size();
int numberOfMethodsInScope = engine.methodsCanAcceptCUTinParam.size() +
Random rnd = engine.rnd;
// Case 1: nothing in scope:
if (numberOfFieldsInScope + numberOfMethodsInScope == 0) {
return null;
// Case 2: decide to update a field, and there are some fields:
if (((numberOfMethodsInScope == 0 && numberOfFieldsInScope > 0) ||
(numberOfFieldsInScope > 0 && engine.chooseFieldUpdateProb.nextValue())) &&
!engine.useCustomTraceDirector) {
Field chosen = getRndElem(rnd, engine.fieldsIPs);
return (new UPDATE_FIELD(chosen, engine.META_mkObject(chosen.getType(), 0, true)));
// Case 3: decide to call a method:
Method method = null;
int whichParam = -1;
Class[] paramTypes = null;
// Case 2.a: the normal use, with no custom trace director used:
if (!engine.useCustomTraceDirector) {
// No methods are in scope! Return null :
if (numberOfMethodsInScope == 0) {
return null;
// Else we have at least one method to choose:
if (engine.methodsCanAcceptCUTinRec.size() == 0 ||
(engine.methodsCanAcceptCUTinParam.size() > 0 && engine.passTObjAsParamProb.nextValue())) {
// Deciding to pass target object as parameter instead
method = getRndElem(rnd, engine.methodsCanAcceptCUTinParam);
List possiblePlaces = Util.canAcceptAsParameter(engine.CUT, method);
whichParam = getRndElem(rnd, possiblePlaces);
} else { // methodsCanAcceptCUTinRec is not empty
method = getRndElem(rnd, engine.methodsCanAcceptCUTinRec);
// whichParam should be -1
paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
} // Else, case 2.a: the use of a custom trace director is requested:
else {
try {
Object targetObj = engine.pool.get(sigma.indexOfTargetObj);
Method customTracedirector = targetObj.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("customTraceDirector", new Class[0]);
List possibleSteps = (List) customTracedirector.invoke(targetObj, new Object[0]);
if (possibleSteps.isEmpty()) //Message.throwT2Error(T2Error.ABORT,
// CUT.getName() + "'s customTraceDirector returns an empty set of next step.") ;
// Change the behavior, from ABORT to returning null:
return null;
// Else at least one choice is possible, then choose one:
method = possibleSteps.get(rnd.nextInt(possibleSteps.size()));
paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new T2Error(engine.CUT.getName() + " does not specify a custom trace director.");
} catch (Exception e) {
assert false;
// method should be non-null now
// Get its specification, if exists:
if (engine.methodSpecs.containsKey(method)) {
method = engine.methodSpecs.get(method);
// else System.out.println(">> " + method.getName()) ;
MkValStep[] params = new MkValStep[paramTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
// note that i>=0, so if whichParam=-1 the guard is false
// anyway:
if (i == whichParam) {
params[i] = new REF(sigma.indexOfTargetObj);
} else {
params[i] = engine.META_mkObject(paramTypes[i], 0, true);
if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) {
return (new CALL_METHOD(method, null, params));
// else, if method is not static:
MkValStep receiver = null;
if (whichParam < 0) {
receiver = new REF(sigma.indexOfTargetObj);
} else {
receiver = engine.META_mkObject(method.getDeclaringClass(), 0, false);
//receiver = META_mkTargetObject(method.getDeclaringClass());
return (new CALL_METHOD(method, receiver, params));
* This implements the main loop of the engine. It generates traces,
* collect results, and generate report.
public void mainloop() {
if (consIPs.isEmpty()) {
throw new T2Error("The set of constructor-IPs is empty.");
if (maxExecLength <= 0) {
throw new T2Error("Max. trace length is set to 0 or negative (should be positive!).");
// Make sigma global, so that we can inspect what the last generated
// sequence was.
// Sequenic.T2.Seq.Trace sigma = null;
TraceStep step = null;
Object targetObj = null;
ExecResult stepResult = null;
Sequenic.T2.Seq.Trace sigma_old = null ;
info = new TraceSetExecInfo();
//boolean invOk = true;
int numOfattempsToCreateTargetObj = 0;
boolean creationMeaningful = false;
// Execution length:
int depth = 0;
// Innitialize the sequence generator:
info.time = System.currentTimeMillis();
int aux_temination_metric_old = maxNumOfSteps - info.totNumOfSteps + 1;
int aux_sigma_length = 0;
int aux_sigma_length_frozen = -1;
reporters.reportTestSetBegin(CUT, Message.GREET);
while (info.totNumOfSteps < maxNumOfSteps &&
!seqGenerator.isExhausted() &&
(saveThisMany > 0 || info.numOfViolations < maxNumViolations)) {
//System.out.println(">>> ntraces = " + info.numOfTraces) ;
//System.out.println(">>> nsteps = " + info.totNumOfSteps) ;
//if (sigma==null) System.out.println(">>> sigma = null") ;
//else System.out.println(">>> sigma = " + sigma.creation + " // " + sigma.trace) ;
if (debug) {
if (sigma == null) {
aux_sigma_length = 0;
} else {
aux_sigma_length = sigma.trace.size() + 1;
// proof of loop termination:
assert (maxNumOfSteps - info.totNumOfSteps < aux_temination_metric_old) ||
((maxNumOfSteps - info.totNumOfSteps == aux_temination_metric_old) &&
aux_sigma_length_frozen > 0 && aux_sigma_length == 0) : "LOOP TERMINATION";
assert aux_sigma_length == 0 ||
aux_sigma_length > aux_sigma_length_frozen : "LOOPINV";
assert depth == aux_sigma_length : "LOOPINV";
aux_temination_metric_old = maxNumOfSteps - info.totNumOfSteps;
aux_sigma_length_frozen = aux_sigma_length;
if (depth >= maxExecLength) { // max depth exceeded, reset sigma:
if (saveThisMany > 0) {
depth = 0;
sigma = null;
// ELSE, create sigma, or extend it with a step:
if (sigma == null) { // create the target object first:
//System.out.println(">>>") ;
// Try 100 times (at the moment hard wired):
numOfattempsToCreateTargetObj = 0;
creationMeaningful = false;
while (numOfattempsToCreateTargetObj < 100) {
// don't forget to reset the pool !!
sigma = new Sequenic.T2.Seq.Trace();
sigma.creation = seqGenerator.META_mkTargetObject(CUT);
if (sigma.creation == null) {
// Creation fails
stepResult = sigma.creation.MkTargetObject(CUT, pool, allClassINVs);
if (stepResult.isAsmViolating()) {
// Creation fails due to pre-cond failure or args failire:
// Else creation step is at least meaningful (it may still
// fail due to violation):
creationMeaningful = true;
sigma.indexOfTargetObj =
((CREATE_OBJECT) sigma.creation).indexOfNewObject;
targetObj = pool.get(sigma.indexOfTargetObj);
if (!creationMeaningful) {
if (seqGenerator.isExhausted()) {
} else {
throw new T2Error("Keep failing to create a target object.");
// so the creation was successful:
depth = 1;
} else { // Else extend the sigma with a step:
if (debug) {
assert pool.get(sigma.indexOfTargetObj) != null : "TargetObj should not be null";
step = seqGenerator.META_mkTestStep(sigma);
if (step == null) {
if (saveThisMany > 0) {
depth = 0;
sigma = null;
stepResult = step.exec(CUT, pool, targetObj, depth, allClassINVs);
//System.out.println("...") ;
// Collect statistics:
if (stepResult.isAsmViolating()) {
//System.out.println("--- nsteps = " + info.totNumOfSteps) ;
//System.out.println("--- sigma = " + sigma.creation + " // " + sigma.trace) ;
//System.out.println("ASM violation!") ;
// irrelavant step
// discarding sigma:
seqGenerator.notify_asmfailing_trace(sigma) ;
depth = 0;
sigma = null;
if (stepResult.isReqViolating()) {
if (info.numOfViolations <= maxNumViolations) {
sigma.violating = true;
// Break immediately after suspecting divergence:
if (stepResult.possiblyDiverging) {
sigma.diverging = true;
seqGenerator.notify_non_asmfailing_trace() ;
depth = 0;
sigma = null;
} // End of loop
info.time = System.currentTimeMillis() - info.time;
* For reporting and saving results after doing runEngine.
public void reportAndSave() {
// Report violating traces:
if (showViolatingTraces) {
//println("XXX " + violatingTraces.size()) ;
TraceSet tset = new TraceSet(CUT, pool, violatingTraces);
boolean dont_execute_last_diverging_step = true;
tset.exec(allClassINVs, dont_execute_last_diverging_step,
// Report collected statistics:
reporters.reportTestSetEnd(CUT, info, "");
// Saving traces:
if (collectedTraces.size() > 0) {
println("** Saving " + collectedTraces.size() + " traces...");
TrFile trfile = new TrFile(CUT.getName(),
try {
if (nameOfSaveFile != null) {
} else {
} catch (T2Exception exc) {