package Sequenic.T2.Engines; import Sequenic.T2.*; import Sequenic.P2.*; import Sequenic.T2.Msg.*; import Sequenic.T2.DataGen.* ; import jargs.gnu.*; import java.util.* ; import* ; import java.lang.reflect.* ; /** * A wrapper to plug-in {@link Replay Replay-engine} to the {@ Sequenic.T2.Main Main-tool}. * * @author underdarkprime */ /** * * @author underdarkprime */ public class ReplayToolPlug extends ToolPlug { // Variables holding various options: private CmdLineParser.Option randomTracesO = parser.addBooleanOption("randomtr"); private CmdLineParser.Option onlyRegressViolationsO = parser.addBooleanOption("onlyviol"); private CmdLineParser.Option replayUpToThisManyO = parser.addIntegerOption('t',"tmax") ; private CmdLineParser.Option maxNumOfViolO = parser.addIntegerOption('v', "violmax"); private CmdLineParser.Option timeoutO = parser.addIntegerOption("timeout"); private CmdLineParser.Option showDepthO = parser.addIntegerOption("showdepth"); private CmdLineParser.Option hideIntermediateStepsO = parser.addBooleanOption("hideintermstep") ; private CmdLineParser.Option outStreamO = parser.addStringOption("outfile"); //private CmdLineParser.Option silentO = parser.addBooleanOption("silent") ; // Variable to hold a replay-engine: private Replay engine ; private PrintStream reportStream ; public ReplayToolPlug() { addOption(randomTracesO,"To replay randomly selected traces.") ; addOption(onlyRegressViolationsO,"To replay only traces marked as violating.") ; addOption(replayUpToThisManyO,"Replay up-to this many.") ; addOption(maxNumOfViolO,"Will stop after finding this many violations.") ; addOption(timeoutO, "Timeout period."); addOption(showDepthO, "Maximum depth of objects showed in reports."); addOption(hideIntermediateStepsO,"To hide intermediate steps.") ; addOption(outStreamO, "Will print the report to the specified file rather than to the console."); //addOption(silentO, "Will not print execution trails. Overall statistics are still shown."); } public void configure(String[] options) throws CmdLineParser.IllegalOptionValueException, CmdLineParser.UnknownOptionException { assert options.length > 0 ; // Now parsing all options: parser.parse(options); // Create a replay-engine with a default configuration: engine = new Replay(options[0]) ; // Now do the configuration work: int n = 0 ; double p = 0 ; String s = null ; engine.replayRandomTraces = parser.getOptionValue(randomTracesO) != null ; engine.replayOnlyViolatingTraces = parser.getOptionValue(onlyRegressViolationsO) != null ; engine.replayUpToThisMany = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(replayUpToThisManyO,engine.replayUpToThisMany) ; engine.stopAfterThisManyViolations = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(maxNumOfViolO,engine.stopAfterThisManyViolations) ; engine.timeOutPeriod = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(timeoutO,engine.timeOutPeriod) ; engine.maxShowDepth = (Integer) parser.getOptionValue(showDepthO,engine.maxShowDepth) ; engine.printIntermediateStepsOption = parser.getOptionValue(hideIntermediateStepsO) == null ; s = (String) (parser.getOptionValue(outStreamO)) ; if (s != null) { try { reportStream = new PrintStream(s) ; } catch (Exception e) { throw new T2Error("Fail to open " + s + ".", e) ; } engine.out = reportStream ; engine.reporters.setOutStream(reportStream) ; } // Now load and select the traces: try { engine.load(); engine.selectTraces(); } catch (T2Exception e) { throw new T2Error(e.getMessage(),e.getCause()) ; } getInternalConfiguration() ; } /** * This will get the engine's internal configuration; we will store various * configuration attributes in the variable config, to be reported back * to the user. */ private void getInternalConfiguration() { config.add("File to read = " + engine.saveFile) ; config.add("CUT = " + engine.CUT); config.add("Pool = " + engine.pool.getClass().getName()) ; if (engine.timeOutPeriod<=0) config.add("Time-out = none") ; else config.add("Time-out = " + engine.timeOutPeriod) ; config.add("Select only violating sequences = " + engine.replayOnlyViolatingTraces) ; config.add("Randomly select sequences = " + engine.replayRandomTraces) ; config.add("Replay up to this many sequences = " + engine.replayUpToThisMany) ; config.add("Stop after this many violations = " + engine.stopAfterThisManyViolations) ; config.add("Max. show depth = " + engine.maxShowDepth) ; config.add("Print intermediate steps = " + engine.printIntermediateStepsOption) ; } public void run() { printConfig() ; engine.timedRun() ; if (reportStream!=null) reportStream.close(); if (engine.replayresult.numOfViolations>0) throw new Violation() ; } public void consoleHelp() { println(Message.GREET); println(Message.BEGIN); println("Base-engine GENERAL USE:\n"); println(" java -ea -cp Sequenic.T2.Main [-R]