Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/org/scribe/model/ReplayTestToken.class Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/org/scribe/model Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/org/scribe Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/org Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation.class Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/pitestout/mutations.csv Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/pitestout Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/instrumented Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/org/scribe/model/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/org/scribe/model Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/org/scribe Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/org Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases Deleting file or directory ./temp/data/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/data/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/data/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/data/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/data/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/data Deleting file or directory ./temp Creating directory ./temp Creating directory ./temp/data Creating directory ./temp/testcases *Executing /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./runtool >> BENCHMARK >> /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/src >> /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses >> 1 >> /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses >> 3 expecting CLASSPATH or READY Scalar value @nameElements[$#nameElements] better written as $nameElements[$#nameElements] at /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./runtool line 96. << CLASSPATH expecting number << 4 expecting directory or jar file << /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar expecting directory or jar file << /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar expecting directory or jar file << /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin expecting directory or jar file << /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin << READY Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases Creating directory ./temp/testcases ### CLASS UNDER TEST ###: Examples.Triangle >> Examples.Triangle expecting: READY JUnit version 4.8.2 .Oct 01, 2014 7:13:02 PM Sequenic.T3.Reflection.ClassesScanner scan INFO: ** Scanning classes in /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses Oct 01, 2014 7:13:02 PM Sequenic.T3.Reflection.ClassesScanner scan INFO: ** 17 classes scanned. ----- Configuration: ** General parameters: #cores : 2 ** Generator related parameters: Dirs to class-files to be scanned : /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses CUT : class Examples.Triangle Testing CUT from the same package's perspective Max. number of step-retries : 30 Max. number of sequence-retries : 5 ** T3-default-generator's specific parameters: Regression-mode : true Injecting oracles : true Max. collection size : 3 Max. level of object nesting : 4 Max. prefix length : 1 Max. suffix length : 3 Variable length prefix : true Field-update probablity as a step : 0.0 Suite size multiplier for each goal : 10.0 Keeping only exception-throwing sequences : false Dropping duplicates : false Suite is to be split in : 1 subsuites ** Replay related parameters: Replaying all sequences: false Regression-mode : true Show exception-throwning execution: true Max. length of shown suffix: 10 Max. depth of objects shown: 3 ----- ** Scanned : 26 directly instantiable classes, 5 not directly instantiable classes. Oct 01, 2014 7:13:02 PM Sequenic.T3.T3SuiteGenAPI INFO: Using T3's default value generator. ----- Oct 01, 2014 7:13:02 PM Sequenic.T3.Generator.SeqAndSuite.T3SuiteG calculateGoals INFO: Constructing ADT goals of class Examples.Triangle: 1 CM, 0 Mut[Mut], 3 NonMut. Oct 01, 2014 7:13:02 PM Sequenic.T3.Generator.SeqAndSuite.T3SuiteG generateSuite INFO: Suite for Examples.Triangle is generated, size=80 ** Performed ADT testing Testing scope:CUT = Examples.Triangle Including non-private members Constructors: 1 Examples.Triangle public Creator methods: 0 Mutators: 0 Non-mutators: 3 isIsoleces public isScalene public isEquilateral public Fields: 3 a b c Oct 01, 2014 7:13:02 PM Sequenic.T3.T3SuiteGenAPI suite INFO: ** Injecting oracles Oct 01, 2014 7:13:02 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE injectOracles INFO: ** Injected oracles on 80 sequences of a suite of Examples.Triangle ... ----- ** Suite generated. ** Suite name : ADT_Examples.Triangle ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:03 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE save INFO: ** Saving a test-suite to /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/, 30 KB ** Runtime = 603 ** Suite name : ADT_Examples.Triangle ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 ** Executed : 80 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 41 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) ** Constructor coverage : 1/1 (100.0%) ** Creator-method coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Method coverage : 3/3 (100.0%) ** Field coverage : 0/3 (0.0%) ** Method-pair coverage : 12/12 (100.0%) ** Member-pair coverage : 12/21 (57.14%) ** Uncovered constructors: - ** Uncovered creator methods: - ** Uncovered methods: - ** Uncovered fields: double Examples.Triangle.a; double Examples.Triangle.b; double Examples.Triangle.c ** Uncovered methods pairs: - ----- Oct 01, 2014 7:13:03 PM Sequenic.T3.Generator.SeqAndSuite.T3SuiteG calculateGoals INFO: Constructing Non-ADT goals of class Examples.Triangle: 0 CM, 0 Mut[Mut], 0 NonMut. Oct 01, 2014 7:13:03 PM Sequenic.T3.Generator.SeqAndSuite.T3SuiteG generateSuite INFO: Suite for Examples.Triangle is generated, size=0 ** Performed non-ADT testing Testing scope:CUT = Examples.Triangle Including non-private members Constructors: 0 Creator methods: 0 Mutators: 0 Non-mutators: 0 Fields: 0 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:03 PM Sequenic.T3.T3SuiteGenAPI suite INFO: ** Injecting oracles Oct 01, 2014 7:13:03 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE injectOracles INFO: ** Injected oracles on 0 sequences of a suite of Examples.Triangle ... ----- ** Suite generated. ** Suite name : nonADT_Examples.Triangle ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:03 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE save INFO: ** Saving a test-suite to /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/, 0 KB ** Runtime = 10 ** Suite name : nonADT_Examples.Triangle ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 ** Constructor coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Creator-method coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Method coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Field coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Method-pair coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Member-pair coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Uncovered constructors: - ** Uncovered creator methods: - ** Uncovered methods: - ** Uncovered fields: - ** Uncovered methods pairs: - Oct 01, 2014 7:13:03 PM Sequenic.T3.T3Cmd runT3 INFO: >> T3 runtime = 795ms Time: 0.808 OK (1 test) cp: cannot stat ‘/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/tests/Examples/’: No such file or directory << READY Creating directory ./temp/testcases/bin Creating dummy JUnit test file ---Compilation--- === javac command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/javac -sourcepath /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin -d ./temp/testcases/bin /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/Examples/ Compiled 'Examples/' === javac command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/javac -sourcepath /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin -d ./temp/testcases/bin /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/ ---Timing Information--- === JUnit test command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore Examples.ReplayTestTriangle Executed 'Examples.ReplayTestTriangle' JUnit version 4.10 .Oct 01, 2014 7:13:06 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB ----- ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 ** Executed : 80 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 132 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) Oct 01, 2014 7:13:07 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 320ms Oct 01, 2014 7:13:07 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 2 KB ----- ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:07 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 3ms Time: 0.346 OK (1 test) === JUnit test command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation JUnit version 4.10 . Time: 0.007 OK (1 test) ---Coverage Calculation--- Creating directory ./temp/testcases/instrumented === Jacoco command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore Examples.ReplayTestTriangle **** jacoco command line: [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java, -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true, -cp, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin, org.junit.runner.JUnitCore, Examples.ReplayTestTriangle] JUnit version 4.10 .Oct 01, 2014 7:13:08 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB ----- ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 ** Executed : 80 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 142 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) Oct 01, 2014 7:13:08 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 430ms Oct 01, 2014 7:13:08 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 2 KB ----- ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:08 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 1ms Time: 0.505 OK (1 test) Executed 'Examples.ReplayTestTriangle' === Jacoco command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation **** jacoco command line: [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java, -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true, -cp, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin, org.junit.runner.JUnitCore, SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation] JUnit version 4.10 . Time: 0.016 OK (1 test) ---Mutation Coverage--- Created PITest output directory in /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/pitestout === PITest command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-command-line-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.pitest.mutationtest.commandline.MutationCoverageReport --failWhenNoMutations false --outputFormats CSV --threads 1 --reportDir /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/pitestout --targetClasses Examples.Triangle,Examples.Triangle$* --targetTests Examples.ReplayTestTriangle,SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation --timestampedReports false --verbose --sourceDir /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/src Executed 'Examples.ReplayTestTriangle' 7:13:10 PM PIT >> FINE : Running report with ReportOptions [config=org.pitest.mutationtest.config.CompoundConfiguration@5d11346a, targetClasses=[^Examples\.Triangle$, ^Examples\.Triangle\$.*$], excludedMethods=[], excludedClasses=[], codePaths=[], reportDir=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/pitestout, historyInputLocation=null, historyOutputLocation=null, sourceDirs=[/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/src], classPathElements=[/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-1.0.0.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-command-line-1.0.0.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin], mutators=[], dependencyAnalysisMaxDistance=-1, mutateStaticInitializers=false, jvmArgs=[], numberOfThreads=1, timeoutFactor=1.25, timeoutConstant=4000, targetTests=[^Examples\.ReplayTestTriangle$, ^SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation$], loggingClasses=[], maxMutationsPerClass=0, verbose=true, failWhenNoMutations=false, outputs=[CSV], groupConfig=TestGroupConfig [excludedGroups=[], includedGroups=[]], mutationUnitSize=0, shouldCreateTimestampedReports=false, detectInlinedCode=false, exportLineCoverage=false, mutationThreshold=0, coverageThreshold=0, mutationEngine=gregor, javaExecutable=null] 7:13:10 PM PIT >> FINE : System class path is /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-command-line-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin 7:13:10 PM PIT >> FINE : Maximum available memory is 241 mb 7:13:10 PM PIT >> FINE : using port 8092 7:13:10 PM PIT >> FINE : SLAVE : Installing PIT agent 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : Sending 3 test classes to slave 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : Sent tests to slave 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:10 PM PIT >> FINE : Expecting 3 tests classes from parent 7:13:10 PM PIT >> FINE : Tests classes received 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : Found 3 tests 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : Dependency analysis reduced number of potential tests by 0 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : 3 tests received 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:10 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 3 units 7:13:10 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:10 PM PIT >> FINE : Gathering coverage for test Description [testClass=Examples.ReplayTestTriangle, name=test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)] 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:11 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ----- 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Executed : 80 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Violating : 0 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Invalid : 0 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Failing : 0 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Runtime : 134 ms 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:11 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 297ms 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:11 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 2 KB 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ----- 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:11 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 12ms 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:11 PM PIT >> FINE : Gathering coverage for test Description [testClass=Examples.ReplayTestTriangle, name=test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)] 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:11 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ----- 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Executed : 80 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Violating : 0 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Invalid : 0 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Failing : 0 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Runtime : 93 ms 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:11 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 119ms 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:11 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 2 KB 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ----- 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:11 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 4ms 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:11 PM PIT >> FINE : Gathering coverage for test Description [testClass=SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation, name=test(SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation)] 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:11 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : Calculated coverage in 1 seconds. 7:13:11 PM PIT >> FINE : Used memory after coverage calculation 5 mb 7:13:11 PM PIT >> FINE : Free Memory after coverage calculation 10 mb 7:13:11 PM PIT >> INFO : Created 1 mutation test units 7:13:11 PM PIT >> FINE : Used memory before analysis start 5 mb 7:13:11 PM PIT >> FINE : Free Memory before analysis start 10 mb 7:13:11 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units 7:13:11 PM PIT >> FINE : using port 8092 stdout : Installing PIT agent stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ConditionalsBoundaryMutatorstderr : ],, block=0, lineNumber=15, description=changed conditional boundary, testsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 8 ms stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:12 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 80 stderr : ** Violating : 0 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 119 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:12 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 246ms stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:12 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 2 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:12 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 2ms stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ConditionalsBoundaryMutator] SURVIVED stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ConditionalsBoundaryMutator] detected = SURVIVED stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 423 ms. stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ConditionalsBoundaryMutatorstderr : ],, block=4, lineNumber=17, description=changed conditional boundary, testsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for stderr : 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 6 ms 7:13:12 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:12 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 80 stderr : ** Violating : 0 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 92 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 116ms stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 2 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 2ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ConditionalsBoundaryMutator] SURVIVED stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ConditionalsBoundaryMstderr : utator] detected = SURVIVED 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 147 ms. 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[1],stderr : mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ConditionalsBoundaryMutator],, block=2, lineNumber=16, description=changed conditional boundary, testsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] 7stderr : :13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 17 ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 80 stderr : ** Violating : 0 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 68 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 93ms stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 2 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 3ms stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ConditionalsBoundaryMutator] detected = SURVIVED 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ConditionalsBoundaryMutator] SURVIVED stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 135 ms. stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],stderr :, block=4, lineNumber=17, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 17 ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 12] , length=1 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(254.35275045222807, 984.2092853311167, -56.375260423502255) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 254.35275045222807 b (Double) : 984.2092853311167 c (Double) : -56.375260423502255stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException to be thrown, but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.CONSTRUCTOR.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 13 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 32 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/12 (0.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 58ms stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutstderr : ator] detected = KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 117 ms. 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examstderr : ples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=2, lineNumber=16, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.Replaystderr : TestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 16 ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 18] , length=1 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(356.06589663495174, -444.6236827607788, 873.1449197901643) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 356.06589663495174 b (Double) : -444.6236827607788 c (Double) : 873.1449197901643stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException to be thrown, but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.CONSTRUCTOR.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 19 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 36 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/12 (0.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 60ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutstderr : ator] detected = KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 116 ms. 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examstderr : ples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=0, lineNumber=15, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.Replaystderr : TestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 20 ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 1] , length=1 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(-600.9852725568086, 764.5061779891271, 420.90796981392464) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : -600.9852725568086 b (Double) : 764.5061779891271 c (Double) : 420.90796981392464stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException to be thrown, but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.CONSTRUCTOR.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 2 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 20 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/12 (0.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 45ms stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] detected = KILLED by Examplestderr : s.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=, methodDesc=(DDD)V], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 90 ms. stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],stderr :, block=16, lineNumber=39, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isScalene stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isScalene stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 19 ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 2] , length=5 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(183.72587406918387, 990.2792097975973, 103.16218137860483) stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isEquilateral on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isIsoleces on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isScalene on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : true but getting: (Boolean) : falsestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 3 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 24 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 44ms stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutstderr : ator] detected = KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 90 ms. 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Exampstderr : les.Triangle, method=isEquilateral, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=10, lineNumber=25, description=replaced return of integer sized value with (x == 0 ? stderr : 1 : 0), testsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isEquilateral stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isEquilateral stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 20 ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 5] , length=5 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(629.8377169518658, 657.3644903169209, 877.0739718505292) stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 629.8377169518658 b (Double) : 657.3644903169209 c (Double) : 877.0739718505292stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isIsoleces on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 629.8377169518658 b (Double) : 657.3644903169209 c (Double) : 877.0739718505292stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isIsoleces on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 629.8377169518658 b (Double) : 657.3644903169209 c (Double) : 877.0739718505292stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isEquilateral on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 629.8377169518658 b (Double) : 657.3644903169209 c (Double) : 877.0739718505292stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : false but getting: (Boolean) : truestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 6 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 21 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 39ms stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isEquilateral, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLED by Examples.Restderr : playTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isEquilateral, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 102 ms. stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],stderr :, block=17, lineNumber=39, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isScalene stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isScalene stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 17 ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 2] , length=5 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(183.72587406918387, 990.2792097975973, 103.16218137860483) stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isEquilateral on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isIsoleces on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isScalene on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : true but getting: (Boolean) : falsestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 3 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 13 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 37ms stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutstderr : ator] detected = KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 86 ms. 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Exampstderr : les.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=18, lineNumber=39, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.Replaystderr : TestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isScalene stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isScalene stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 23 ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 2] , length=5 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(183.72587406918387, 990.2792097975973, 103.16218137860483) stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isEquilateral on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isIsoleces on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isScalene on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : true but getting: (Boolean) : falsestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 3 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 14 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 37ms stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutstderr : ator] detected = KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 79 ms. 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Exampstderr : les.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=13, lineNumber=31, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.Replastderr : yTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isIsoleces stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isIsoleces stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 21 ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 14] , length=5 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(205.52656606800178, 393.4576524373199, 461.5000415203035) stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isScalene on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isEquilateral on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isIsoleces on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : false but getting: (Boolean) : truestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 15 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 18 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:13 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 34ms 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMustderr : tator] detected = KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 84 ms. 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examstderr : ples.Triangle, method=isEquilateral, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=8, lineNumber=25, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.Restderr : playTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isEquilateral stderr : 7:13:13 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isEquilateral stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 19 ms 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 80 stderr : ** Violating : 0 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 41 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 62ms stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 2 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 2ms stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isEquilateral, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] detected = SURVIVED 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isEquilateral, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] SURVIVED stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 96 ms. stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isEquilateral, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutatstderr : or],, block=7, lineNumber=25, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isEquilateral stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isEquilateral stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 18 ms 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 80 stderr : ** Violating : 0 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 40 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 57ms stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 2 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 0 stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 4ms stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isEquilateral, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalstderr : sMutator] detected = SURVIVED 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 92 ms. 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0stderr : ], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=15, lineNumber=31, description=replaced return of integer sized value with (x == 0 ? 1 : 0), testsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examplestderr : s.ReplayTestTriangle)]] 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isEquilateral, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] SURVIVED stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isIsoleces stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isIsoleces stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 17 ms 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 14] , length=5 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(205.52656606800178, 393.4576524373199, 461.5000415203035) stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isScalene on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isEquilateral on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isIsoleces on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : false but getting: (Boolean) : truestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 15 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 15 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 41ms stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] dstderr : etected = KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 79 ms. 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Tristderr : angle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=20, lineNumber=39, description=replaced return of integer sized value with (x == 0 ? 1 : 0), tesstderr : tsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isScalene stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isScalene stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 16 ms 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 2] , length=5 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(183.72587406918387, 990.2792097975973, 103.16218137860483) stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isEquilateral on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isIsoleces on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isScalene on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 183.72587406918387 b (Double) : 990.2792097975973 c (Double) : 103.16218137860483stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : true but getting: (Boolean) : falsestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 3 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 13 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 24ms stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLED by Examples.Replaystderr : TestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isScalene, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 58 ms. stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator]stderr : ,, block=11, lineNumber=31, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isIsoleces stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isIsoleces stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 21 ms 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 14] , length=5 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(205.52656606800178, 393.4576524373199, 461.5000415203035) stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isScalene on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isEquilateral on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isIsoleces on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : false but getting: (Boolean) : truestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 15 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 15 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 30ms stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMustderr : tator] detected = KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 78 ms. 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examstderr : ples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=12, lineNumber=31, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Examples.Replstderr : ayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle)]] 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isIsoleces stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isIsoleces stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 13 ms 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 305 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Examples.Triangle seq 14] , length=5 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Examples.Triangle(205.52656606800178, 393.4576524373199, 461.5000415203035) stderr : -- returned value: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isScalene on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isEquilateral on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isIsoleces on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Examples.Triangle) @ 0 a (Double) : 205.52656606800178 b (Double) : 393.4576524373199 c (Double) : 461.5000415203035stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : false but getting: (Boolean) : truestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor24.invoke(Unknown Source)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Examples.Triangle ** Suite size : 80 ** Avrg. seq. length : 1.825 stderr : ** Executed : 15 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 13 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 32ms stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] detected = KILLED by Examplstderr : es.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Examples.Triangle, method=isIsoleces, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Examples.ReplayTestTriangle.test1(Examples.ReplayTestTriangle) stderr : 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 68 ms. 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Exit code was - OK 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Slave exited ok 7:13:14 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:14 PM PIT >> INFO : Completed in 4 seconds ================================================================================ - Timings ================================================================================ > scan classpath : < 1 second > coverage and dependency analysis : 1 seconds > build mutation tests : < 1 second > run mutation analysis : 2 seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Total : 4 seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ - Statistics ================================================================================ >> Generated 17 mutations Killed 12 (71%) >> Ran 17 tests (1 tests per mutation) ================================================================================ - Mutators ================================================================================ > org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ConditionalsBoundaryMutator >> Generated 3 Killed 0 (0%) > KILLED 0 SURVIVED 3 TIMED_OUT 0 NON_VIABLE 0 > MEMORY_ERROR 0 NOT_STARTED 0 STARTED 0 RUN_ERROR 0 > NO_COVERAGE 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator >> Generated 3 Killed 3 (100%) > KILLED 3 SURVIVED 0 TIMED_OUT 0 NON_VIABLE 0 > MEMORY_ERROR 0 NOT_STARTED 0 STARTED 0 RUN_ERROR 0 > NO_COVERAGE 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator >> Generated 11 Killed 9 (82%) > KILLED 9 SURVIVED 2 TIMED_OUT 0 NON_VIABLE 0 > MEMORY_ERROR 0 NOT_STARTED 0 STARTED 0 RUN_ERROR 0 > NO_COVERAGE 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- === Results ======================================================================================================================== GenTime ExecTime InstrCov LineCov BranchCov MethodCov MutationCov ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.09s 0.84s 88% (85/96) 100% (11/11) 59% (13/22) 100% (4/4) 70% (12/17) ConditionalBoundaryMutations: 0/3 NegateConditionalMutations: 9/11 MathMutations: 0/0 IncrementMutations: 0/0 InvertNegativeMutations: 0/0 ReturnValueMutations: 3/3 VoidMethodCallMutations: 0/0 Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/Examples/ReplayTestTriangle.class Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/Examples Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation.class Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/pitestout/mutations.csv Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/pitestout Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/instrumented Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/Examples/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/Examples Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases Creating directory ./temp/testcases ### CLASS UNDER TEST ###: Sequenic.T2.XPool >> Sequenic.T2.XPool expecting: READY JUnit version 4.8.2 .Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Reflection.ClassesScanner scan INFO: ** Scanning classes in /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Reflection.ClassesScanner scan INFO: ** 17 classes scanned. ----- Configuration: ** General parameters: #cores : 2 ** Generator related parameters: Dirs to class-files to be scanned : /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses CUT : class Sequenic.T2.XPool Testing CUT from the same package's perspective Max. number of step-retries : 30 Max. number of sequence-retries : 5 ** T3-default-generator's specific parameters: Regression-mode : true Injecting oracles : true Max. collection size : 3 Max. level of object nesting : 4 Max. prefix length : 6 Max. suffix length : 2 Variable length prefix : true Field-update probablity as a step : 0.0 Suite size multiplier for each goal : 50.0 Keeping only exception-throwing sequences : false Dropping duplicates : false Suite is to be split in : 1 subsuites ** Replay related parameters: Replaying all sequences: false Regression-mode : true Show exception-throwning execution: true Max. length of shown suffix: 10 Max. depth of objects shown: 3 ----- ** Scanned : 26 directly instantiable classes, 5 not directly instantiable classes. Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.T3SuiteGenAPI INFO: Using T3's default value generator. ----- Oct 01, 2014 7:13:14 PM Sequenic.T3.Generator.SeqAndSuite.T3SuiteG calculateGoals INFO: Constructing ADT goals of class Sequenic.T2.XPool: 1 CM, 4 Mut[Mut], 3 NonMut. Oct 01, 2014 7:13:15 PM Sequenic.T3.Generator.SeqAndSuite.T3SuiteG generateSuite INFO: Suite for Sequenic.T2.XPool is generated, size=750 ** Performed ADT testing Testing scope:CUT = Sequenic.T2.XPool Including non-private members Constructors: 1 Sequenic.T2.XPool public Creator methods: 0 Mutators: 2 put public reset public Non-mutators: 3 getIndex public get_objectCount public get public Fields: 0 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:15 PM Sequenic.T3.T3SuiteGenAPI suite INFO: ** Injecting oracles Oct 01, 2014 7:13:16 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE injectOracles INFO: ** Injected oracles on 750 sequences of a suite of Sequenic.T2.XPool ... ----- ** Suite generated. ** Suite name : ADT_Sequenic.T2.XPool ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:16 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE save INFO: ** Saving a test-suite to /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/, 515 KB ** Runtime = 1600 ** Suite name : ADT_Sequenic.T2.XPool ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 ** Executed : 750 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 144 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) ** Constructor coverage : 1/1 (100.0%) ** Creator-method coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Method coverage : 5/5 (100.0%) ** Field coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Method-pair coverage : 30/30 (100.0%) ** Member-pair coverage : 30/30 (100.0%) ** Uncovered constructors: - ** Uncovered creator methods: - ** Uncovered methods: - ** Uncovered fields: - Oct 01, 2014 7:13:16 PM Sequenic.T3.T3Cmd runT3 INFO: >> T3 runtime = 1887ms Time: 1.899 OK (1 test) cp: cannot stat ‘/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/tests/Sequenic/T2/’: No such file or directory << READY Creating directory ./temp/testcases/bin Creating dummy JUnit test file ---Compilation--- === javac command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/javac -sourcepath /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin -d ./temp/testcases/bin /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/ === javac command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/javac -sourcepath /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin -d ./temp/testcases/bin /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/Sequenic/T2/ Compiled 'Sequenic/T2/' ---Timing Information--- === JUnit test command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation JUnit version 4.10 . Time: 0.007 OK (1 test) === JUnit test command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool Executed 'Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool' JUnit version 4.10 .Oct 01, 2014 7:13:20 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB ----- ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A 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by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A 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by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 ** Executed : 750 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 384 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) Oct 01, 2014 7:13:21 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 767ms Time: 0.793 OK (1 test) ---Coverage Calculation--- Creating directory ./temp/testcases/instrumented === Jacoco command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation **** jacoco command line: [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java, -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true, -cp, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin, org.junit.runner.JUnitCore, SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation] JUnit version 4.10 . Time: 0.018 OK (1 test) === Jacoco command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool **** jacoco command line: [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java, -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true, -cp, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin, org.junit.runner.JUnitCore, Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool] JUnit version 4.10 .Oct 01, 2014 7:13:23 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB ----- ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is 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by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 ** Executed : 750 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 432 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) Oct 01, 2014 7:13:23 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 882ms Time: 0.956 OK (1 test) Executed 'Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool' ---Mutation Coverage--- Created PITest output directory in /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/pitestout === PITest command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-command-line-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.pitest.mutationtest.commandline.MutationCoverageReport --failWhenNoMutations false --outputFormats CSV --threads 1 --reportDir /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/pitestout --targetClasses Sequenic.T2.XPool,Sequenic.T2.XPool$* --targetTests SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation,Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool --timestampedReports false --verbose --sourceDir /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/src Executed 'Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool' 7:13:24 PM PIT >> FINE : Running report with ReportOptions [config=org.pitest.mutationtest.config.CompoundConfiguration@5d11346a, targetClasses=[^Sequenic\.T2\.XPool$, ^Sequenic\.T2\.XPool\$.*$], excludedMethods=[], excludedClasses=[], codePaths=[], reportDir=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/pitestout, historyInputLocation=null, historyOutputLocation=null, sourceDirs=[/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/src], classPathElements=[/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-1.0.0.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-command-line-1.0.0.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin], mutators=[], dependencyAnalysisMaxDistance=-1, mutateStaticInitializers=false, jvmArgs=[], numberOfThreads=1, timeoutFactor=1.25, timeoutConstant=4000, targetTests=[^SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation$, ^Sequenic\.T2\.ReplayTestXPool$], loggingClasses=[], maxMutationsPerClass=0, verbose=true, failWhenNoMutations=false, outputs=[CSV], groupConfig=TestGroupConfig [excludedGroups=[], includedGroups=[]], mutationUnitSize=0, shouldCreateTimestampedReports=false, detectInlinedCode=false, exportLineCoverage=false, mutationThreshold=0, coverageThreshold=0, mutationEngine=gregor, javaExecutable=null] 7:13:24 PM PIT >> FINE : System class path is /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-command-line-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin 7:13:24 PM PIT >> FINE : Maximum available memory is 241 mb 7:13:24 PM PIT >> FINE : using port 8092 7:13:24 PM PIT >> FINE : SLAVE : Installing PIT agent 7:13:24 PM PIT >> INFO : Sending 3 test classes to slave 7:13:24 PM PIT >> INFO : Sent tests to slave 7:13:24 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:24 PM PIT >> FINE : Expecting 3 tests classes from parent 7:13:24 PM PIT >> FINE : Tests classes received 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : Found 3 tests 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : Dependency analysis reduced number of potential tests by 0 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : 3 tests received 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:25 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 3 units 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:25 PM PIT >> FINE : Gathering coverage for test Description [testClass=SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation, name=test(SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation)] 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:25 PM PIT >> FINE : Gathering coverage for test Description [testClass=Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool, name=test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)] 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:25 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ----- 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its ora 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : cle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Executed : 750 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Violating : 0 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Invalid : 0 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Failing : 0 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Runtime : 423 ms 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:25 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 777ms 7:13:25 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:25 PM PIT >> FINE : Gathering coverage for test Description [testClass=Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool, name=test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)] 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:26 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ----- 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Executed : 750 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Violating : 0 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Invalid : 0 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Failing : 0 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Runtime : 222 ms 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:26 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 449ms 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:26 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : Calculated coverage in 2 seconds. 7:13:26 PM PIT >> FINE : Used memory after coverage calculation 5 mb 7:13:26 PM PIT >> FINE : Free Memory after coverage calculation 9 mb 7:13:26 PM PIT >> FINE : According to coverage no tests hit the mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=9, lineNumber=101, description=mutated return of Object value for Sequenic/T2/XPool::getIndex to ( if (x != null) null else throw new RuntimeException ), testsInOrder=[]] 7:13:26 PM PIT >> INFO : Created 1 mutation test units 7:13:26 PM PIT >> FINE : Used memory before analysis start 6 mb 7:13:26 PM PIT >> FINE : Free Memory before analysis start 9 mb 7:13:26 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units 7:13:26 PM PIT >> FINE : using port 8092 stdout : Installing PIT agent stderr : 7:13:27 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=put, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator], fstderr :, block=10, lineNumber=111, description=Replaced integer addition with subtraction, testsInOrder=[Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)]] stderr : 7:13:27 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method put stderr : 7:13:27 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for put stderr : 7:13:27 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 8 ms stderr : 7:13:27 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:28 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Sequenic.T2.XPool seq 15] , length=4 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Sequenic.T2.XPool() stderr : -- returned value: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL put on REF 0 with (CON java.lang.Object()) stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 [ (Integer) : 0] (java.lang.Object) @ 3 domainMap (HashMap) @ 4 [ (Class) : ...] (LinkedList) @ 5 stderr : [0] ... objectCount (Integer) : -1stderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL get_objectCount on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 [ (Integer) : 0] (java.lang.Object) @ 3 domainMap (HashMap) @ 4 [ (Class) : ...] (LinkedList) @ 5 stderr : [0] ... objectCount (Integer) : -1stderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : -1stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 [ ...] ... domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 [ ...] ... objectCount (Integer) : 1 but getting: stderr : (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 [ ...] ... domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 [ ...] ... objectCount (Integer) : -1stderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 stderr : ** Executed : 16 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 51 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:28 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 384ms stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=put, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator] KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=put, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator] detected = KILLED by Sequenic.stderr : T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 562 ms. stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=get_objectCount, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator], fstderr :, block=1, lineNumber=47, description=replaced return of integer sized value with (x == 0 ? 1 : 0), testsInOrder=[Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)]] stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method get_objectCount stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for get_objectCount stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 7 ms 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:28 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : **--- [Sequenic.T2.XPool seq 3] , length=4 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Sequenic.T2.XPool() stderr : -- returned value: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL reset on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (LinkedHashMap) @ 1 domainMap (LinkedHashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL get_objectCount on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (LinkedHashMap) @ 1 domainMap (LinkedHashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : 1stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Integer) : 0 but getting: (Integer) : 1stderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 stderr : ** Executed : 4 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 18 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:28 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 198ms stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=get_objectCount, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLED by Sequenic.stderr : T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=get_objectCount, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 245 ms. stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mustderr : tators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=7, lineNumber=88, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)]] stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method getIndex stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for getIndex stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 13 ms 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:28 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Sequenic.T2.XPool seq 1] , length=4 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Sequenic.T2.XPool() stderr : -- returned value: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL get_objectCount on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getIndex on REF 0 with (null) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: null to be thrown, but getting: java.util.NoSuchElementExceptionstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 stderr : ** Executed : 2 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 17 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:28 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 181ms stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutstderr : ator] detected = KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 218 ms. 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexestderr : s=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=5, lineNumber=87, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)]] 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method getIndex stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for getIndex stderr : 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 8 ms 7:13:28 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:28 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed 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A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 stderr : ** Executed : 750 stderr : ** Violating : 0 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 347 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:29 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 517ms stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] SURVIVED stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutstderr : ator] detected = SURVIVED stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 571 ms. stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mustderr : tators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=4, lineNumber=86, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)]] stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method getIndex stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for getIndex stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 17 ms 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:29 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Sequenic.T2.XPool seq 1] , length=4 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Sequenic.T2.XPool() stderr : -- returned value: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL get_objectCount on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getIndex on REF 0 with (null) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: null to be thrown, but getting: java.util.NoSuchElementExceptionstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 stderr : ** Executed : 2 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 11 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:29 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 176ms 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.grestderr : gor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] detected = KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 213 ms. 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifstderr : ier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=8, lineNumber=88, descrstderr : iption=mutated return of Object value for Sequenic/T2/XPool::getIndex to ( if (x != null) null else throw new RuntimeException ), testsInOrder=[Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)]] stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method getIndex stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for getIndex stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 14 ms 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:29 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Sequenic.T2.XPool seq 1] , length=4 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Sequenic.T2.XPool() stderr : -- returned value: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL get_objectCount on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getIndex on REF 0 with (null) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: null to be thrown, but getting: java.lang.RuntimeExceptionstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 stderr : ** Executed : 2 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 9 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:29 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 115ms 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=getIndex, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Integer;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.grestderr : gor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 149 ms. 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [locstderr : ation=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=put, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=10, lineNumber=113, description=negated condistderr : tional, testsInOrder=[Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)]] stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method put stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for put stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 9 ms 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:29 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Sequenic.T2.XPool seq 27] , length=4 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Sequenic.T2.XPool() stderr : -- returned value: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL get on REF 0 with (4) stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL put on REF 0 with (CON java.lang.Object()) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 [ (Integer) : 0] (java.lang.Object) @ 3 domainMap (HashMap) @ 4 objectCount (Integer) : 1stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: null to be thrown, but getting: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 stderr : ** Executed : 28 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 24 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:29 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 151ms 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=put, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=put, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConstderr : ditionalsMutator] detected = KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 195 ms. 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Locationstderr : [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=put, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=12, lineNumber=120, description=replaced return of integer sized vastderr : lue with (x == 0 ? 1 : 0), testsInOrder=[Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)]] stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method put stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for put stderr : 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 15 ms 7:13:29 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:30 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [Sequenic.T2.XPool seq 22] , length=4 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Sequenic.T2.XPool() stderr : -- returned value: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL put on REF 0 with (REF 0) stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 [ (Integer) : 0] (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap ... domainMap ... stderr : objectCount ... domainMap (HashMap) @ 3 [ (Class) : ...] (LinkedList) @ 4 [0] ... objectCount (Integer) : 1stderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : 1stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL put on REF 0 with (CON java.lang.Object()) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 [ (Integer) : 0] (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap ... domainMap ... stderr : objectCount ... [ (Integer) : 1] (java.lang.Object) @ 4 domainMap (HashMap) @ 5 [ (Class) : ...] (LinkedList) @ 6 [0] ... [ (Class) : stderr : ...] (LinkedList) @ 7 [0] ... objectCount (Integer) : 2stderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : 0stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Integer) : 1 but getting: (Integer) : 0stderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 stderr : ** Executed : 23 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 17 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:30 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 110ms 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=put, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) stderr : 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=put, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValstderr : sMutator] detected = KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 144 ms. 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=stderr : Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=get, methodDesc=(I)Ljava/lang/Object;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=3, lineNumber=70, description=mutated return of Object value for Sequenic/Tstderr : 2/XPool::get to ( if (x != null) null else throw new RuntimeException ), testsInOrder=[Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool)]] stderr : 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method get stderr : 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for get stderr : 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 13 ms 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:30 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 5157 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : **--- [Sequenic.T2.XPool seq 2] , length=4 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON Sequenic.T2.XPool() stderr : -- returned value: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (HashMap) @ 1 domainMap (HashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL reset on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (LinkedHashMap) @ 1 domainMap (LinkedHashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL get on REF 0 with (0) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (Sequenic.T2.XPool) @ 0 objectMap (LinkedHashMap) @ 1 domainMap (LinkedHashMap) @ 2 objectCount (Integer) : 0stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: null to be thrown, but getting: java.lang.RuntimeExceptionstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : Sequenic.T2.XPool ** Suite size : 750 ** Avrg. seq. length : 6.0226665 stderr : ** Executed : 3 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 10 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 3/12 (25.0%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:30 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 103ms stderr : 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=get, methodDesc=(I)Ljava/lang/Object;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLED by Seqstderr : uenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=Sequenic.T2.XPool, method=get, methodDesc=(I)Ljava/lang/Object;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool.test1(Sequenic.T2.ReplayTestXPool) stderr : 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 149 ms. 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : Exit code was - OK 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : Slave exited ok 7:13:30 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:30 PM PIT >> INFO : Completed in 6 seconds ================================================================================ - Timings ================================================================================ > scan classpath : < 1 second > coverage and dependency analysis : 2 seconds > build mutation tests : < 1 second > run mutation analysis : 3 seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Total : 5 seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ - Statistics ================================================================================ >> Generated 10 mutations Killed 8 (80%) >> Ran 9 tests (0.9 tests per mutation) ================================================================================ - Mutators ================================================================================ > org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator >> Generated 5 Killed 4 (80%) > KILLED 4 SURVIVED 0 TIMED_OUT 0 NON_VIABLE 0 > MEMORY_ERROR 0 NOT_STARTED 0 STARTED 0 RUN_ERROR 0 > NO_COVERAGE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator >> Generated 1 Killed 1 (100%) > KILLED 1 SURVIVED 0 TIMED_OUT 0 NON_VIABLE 0 > MEMORY_ERROR 0 NOT_STARTED 0 STARTED 0 RUN_ERROR 0 > NO_COVERAGE 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator >> Generated 4 Killed 3 (75%) > KILLED 3 SURVIVED 1 TIMED_OUT 0 NON_VIABLE 0 > MEMORY_ERROR 0 NOT_STARTED 0 STARTED 0 RUN_ERROR 0 > NO_COVERAGE 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- === Results ======================================================================================================================== GenTime ExecTime InstrCov LineCov BranchCov MethodCov MutationCov ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.19s 1.32s 77% (107/138) 82% (24/29) 50% (4/8) 100% (6/6) 80% (8/10) ConditionalBoundaryMutations: 0/0 NegateConditionalMutations: 3/4 MathMutations: 1/1 IncrementMutations: 0/0 InvertNegativeMutations: 0/0 ReturnValueMutations: 4/5 VoidMethodCallMutations: 0/0 Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/Sequenic/T2/ Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/Sequenic/T2 Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/Sequenic Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/Sequenic/T2/ReplayTestXPool.class Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/Sequenic/T2 Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/Sequenic Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin/SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation.class Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/bin Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/pitestout/mutations.csv Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/pitestout Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases/instrumented Deleting file or directory ./temp/testcases Creating directory ./temp/testcases ### CLASS UNDER TEST ###: org.scribe.model.Token >> org.scribe.model.Token expecting: READY JUnit version 4.8.2 .Oct 01, 2014 7:13:30 PM Sequenic.T3.Reflection.ClassesScanner scan INFO: ** Scanning classes in /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses Oct 01, 2014 7:13:30 PM Sequenic.T3.Reflection.ClassesScanner scan INFO: ** 17 classes scanned. ----- Configuration: ** General parameters: #cores : 2 ** Generator related parameters: Dirs to class-files to be scanned : /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses CUT : class org.scribe.model.Token Testing CUT from the same package's perspective Max. number of step-retries : 30 Max. number of sequence-retries : 5 ** T3-default-generator's specific parameters: Regression-mode : true Injecting oracles : true Max. collection size : 3 Max. level of object nesting : 4 Max. prefix length : 1 Max. suffix length : 4 Variable length prefix : false Field-update probablity as a step : 0.0 Suite size multiplier for each goal : 100.0 Keeping only exception-throwing sequences : false Dropping duplicates : false Suite is to be split in : 1 subsuites ** Replay related parameters: Replaying all sequences: false Regression-mode : true Show exception-throwning execution: true Max. length of shown suffix: 10 Max. depth of objects shown: 3 ----- ** Scanned : 26 directly instantiable classes, 5 not directly instantiable classes. Oct 01, 2014 7:13:30 PM Sequenic.T3.T3SuiteGenAPI INFO: Using T3's default value generator. ----- Oct 01, 2014 7:13:30 PM Sequenic.T3.Generator.SeqAndSuite.T3SuiteG calculateGoals INFO: Constructing ADT goals of class org.scribe.model.Token: 2 CM, 0 Mut[Mut], 7 NonMut. Oct 01, 2014 7:13:31 PM Sequenic.T3.Generator.SeqAndSuite.T3SuiteG generateSuite INFO: Suite for org.scribe.model.Token is generated, size=1600 ** Performed ADT testing Testing scope:CUT = org.scribe.model.Token Including non-private members Constructors: 2 org.scribe.model.Token public org.scribe.model.Token public Creator methods: 1 empty public static Mutators: 0 Non-mutators: 7 getToken public getSecret public getRawResponse public equals public toString public hashCode public isEmpty public Fields: 0 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:31 PM Sequenic.T3.T3SuiteGenAPI suite INFO: ** Injecting oracles Oct 01, 2014 7:13:32 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE injectOracles INFO: ** Injected oracles on 1600 sequences of a suite of org.scribe.model.Token ... ----- ** Suite generated. ** Suite name : ADT_org.scribe.model.Token ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:32 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE save INFO: ** Saving a test-suite to /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/, 753 KB ** Runtime = 1793 ** Suite name : ADT_org.scribe.model.Token ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 ** Executed : 1600 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 175 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Constructor coverage : 2/2 (100.0%) ** Creator-method coverage : 0/1 (0.0%) ** Method coverage : 7/7 (100.0%) ** Field coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Method-pair coverage : 63/70 (90.0%) ** Member-pair coverage : 63/70 (90.0%) ** Uncovered constructors: - ** Uncovered creator methods: public static org.scribe.model.Token org.scribe.model.Token.empty(), estimated complexity=2 ** Uncovered methods: - ** Uncovered fields: - ----- Oct 01, 2014 7:13:32 PM Sequenic.T3.Generator.SeqAndSuite.T3SuiteG calculateGoals INFO: Constructing Non-ADT goals of class org.scribe.model.Token: 0 CM, 1 Mut[Mut], 0 NonMut. Oct 01, 2014 7:13:32 PM Sequenic.T3.Generator.SeqAndSuite.T3SuiteG generateSuite INFO: Suite for org.scribe.model.Token is generated, size=400 ** Performed non-ADT testing Testing scope:CUT = org.scribe.model.Token Including non-private members Constructors: 0 Creator methods: 0 Mutators: 1 empty public static Non-mutators: 0 Fields: 0 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:32 PM Sequenic.T3.T3SuiteGenAPI suite INFO: ** Injecting oracles Oct 01, 2014 7:13:32 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE injectOracles INFO: ** Injected oracles on 400 sequences of a suite of org.scribe.model.Token ... ----- ** Suite generated. ** Suite name : nonADT_org.scribe.model.Token ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 400 ** Avrg. seq. length : 7.0 Oct 01, 2014 7:13:32 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE save INFO: ** Saving a test-suite to /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/, 199 KB ** Runtime = 83 ** Suite name : nonADT_org.scribe.model.Token ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 400 ** Avrg. seq. length : 7.0 ** Executed : 400 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 11 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Constructor coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Creator-method coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Method coverage : 1/1 (100.0%) ** Field coverage : 0/0 (100%) ** Method-pair coverage : 1/1 (100.0%) ** Member-pair coverage : 1/1 (100.0%) ** Uncovered constructors: - ** Uncovered creator methods: - ** Uncovered methods: - ** Uncovered fields: - Oct 01, 2014 7:13:32 PM Sequenic.T3.T3Cmd runT3 INFO: >> T3 runtime = 2228ms Time: 2.251 OK (1 test) cp: cannot stat ‘/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/tests/org/scribe/model/’: No such file or directory << READY Creating directory ./temp/testcases/bin Creating dummy JUnit test file ---Compilation--- === javac command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/javac -sourcepath /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin -d ./temp/testcases/bin /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/ === javac command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/javac -sourcepath /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin -d ./temp/testcases/bin /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/org/scribe/model/ Compiled 'org/scribe/model/' ---Timing Information--- === JUnit test command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation JUnit version 4.10 . Time: 0.007 OK (1 test) === JUnit test command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken Executed 'org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken' JUnit version 4.10 .Oct 01, 2014 7:13:36 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB ----- ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 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by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 ** Executed : 1600 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 451 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) Oct 01, 2014 7:13:37 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 887ms Oct 01, 2014 7:13:37 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 1991 KB ----- ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 400 ** Avrg. seq. length : 7.0 ** Executed : 400 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 16 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) Oct 01, 2014 7:13:37 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 116ms Time: 1.035 OK (1 test) ---Coverage Calculation--- Creating directory ./temp/testcases/instrumented === Jacoco command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation **** jacoco command line: [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java, -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true, -cp, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin, org.junit.runner.JUnitCore, SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation] JUnit version 4.10 . Time: 0.012 OK (1 test) === Jacoco command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.junit.runner.JUnitCore org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken **** jacoco command line: [/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java, -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/jacocoagent.jar=destfile=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/instrumented/jacoco.exec,append=true, -cp, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin, org.junit.runner.JUnitCore, org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken] JUnit version 4.10 .Oct 01, 2014 7:13:39 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB ----- ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 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by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 ** Executed : 1600 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 468 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) Oct 01, 2014 7:13:39 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 991ms Oct 01, 2014 7:13:40 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 1991 KB ----- ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 400 ** Avrg. seq. length : 7.0 ** Executed : 400 ** Violating : 0 ** Invalid : 0 ** Failing : 0 ** Runtime : 15 ms ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) Oct 01, 2014 7:13:40 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 81ms Time: 1.145 OK (1 test) Executed 'org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken' ---Mutation Coverage--- Created PITest output directory in /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/pitestout === PITest command line: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -cp /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-command-line-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin org.pitest.mutationtest.commandline.MutationCoverageReport --failWhenNoMutations false --outputFormats CSV --threads 1 --reportDir /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/pitestout --targetClasses org.scribe.model.Token,org.scribe.model.Token$* --targetTests SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation,org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken --timestampedReports false --verbose --sourceDir /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/src Executed 'org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken' 7:13:40 PM PIT >> FINE : Running report with ReportOptions [config=org.pitest.mutationtest.config.CompoundConfiguration@5d11346a, targetClasses=[^org\.scribe\.model\.Token$, ^org\.scribe\.model\.Token\$.*$], excludedMethods=[], excludedClasses=[], codePaths=[], reportDir=/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/pitestout, historyInputLocation=null, historyOutputLocation=null, sourceDirs=[/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/src], classPathElements=[/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-1.0.0.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-command-line-1.0.0.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin, /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin], mutators=[], dependencyAnalysisMaxDistance=-1, mutateStaticInitializers=false, jvmArgs=[], numberOfThreads=1, timeoutFactor=1.25, timeoutConstant=4000, targetTests=[^SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation$, ^org\.scribe\.model\.ReplayTestToken$], loggingClasses=[], maxMutationsPerClass=0, verbose=true, failWhenNoMutations=false, outputs=[CSV], groupConfig=TestGroupConfig [excludedGroups=[], includedGroups=[]], mutationUnitSize=0, shouldCreateTimestampedReports=false, detectInlinedCode=false, exportLineCoverage=false, mutationThreshold=0, coverageThreshold=0, mutationEngine=gregor, javaExecutable=null] 7:13:40 PM PIT >> FINE : System class path is /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/pitest-command-line-1.0.0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/junit-4.10.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/./temp/testcases/bin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/build/CUTclasses:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/interactiveT3v0.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/../t3/jars/groovy-all-2.3.6.jar:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/commonbin:/home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/bin 7:13:40 PM PIT >> FINE : Maximum available memory is 241 mb 7:13:40 PM PIT >> FINE : using port 8092 7:13:40 PM PIT >> FINE : SLAVE : Installing PIT agent 7:13:40 PM PIT >> INFO : Sending 3 test classes to slave 7:13:40 PM PIT >> INFO : Sent tests to slave 7:13:41 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:41 PM PIT >> FINE : Expecting 3 tests classes from parent 7:13:41 PM PIT >> FINE : Tests classes received 7:13:41 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:41 PM PIT >> INFO : Found 3 tests 7:13:41 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:41 PM PIT >> INFO : Dependency analysis reduced number of potential tests by 0 7:13:41 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:41 PM PIT >> INFO : 3 tests received 7:13:41 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:41 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 3 units 7:13:41 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:41 PM PIT >> FINE : Gathering coverage for test Description [testClass=SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation, name=test(SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation)] 7:13:41 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:41 PM PIT >> FINE : Gathering coverage for test Description [testClass=org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken, name=test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)] 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:42 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ----- 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its ora 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : cle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Executed : 1600 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Violating : 0 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Invalid : 0 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Failing : 0 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Runtime : 478 ms 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:42 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 928ms 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:42 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 1991 KB 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ----- 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 400 ** Avrg. seq. length : 7.0 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Executed : 400 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Violating : 0 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Invalid : 0 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Failing : 0 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Runtime : 16 ms 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:42 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 86ms 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:42 PM PIT >> FINE : Gathering coverage for test Description [testClass=org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken, name=test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)] 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:42 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ----- 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:42 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its ora 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : cle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Executed : 1600 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Violating : 0 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Invalid : 0 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Failing : 0 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Runtime : 299 ms 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:43 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 517ms 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:43 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 1991 KB 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ----- 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 400 ** Avrg. seq. length : 7.0 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Executed : 400 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Violating : 0 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Invalid : 0 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Failing : 0 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Runtime : 22 ms 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:43 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 70ms 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : SLAVE : 7:13:43 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : Calculated coverage in 2 seconds. 7:13:43 PM PIT >> FINE : Used memory after coverage calculation 6 mb 7:13:43 PM PIT >> FINE : Free Memory after coverage calculation 9 mb 7:13:43 PM PIT >> FINE : According to coverage no tests hit the mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[3], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=18, lineNumber=90, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[]] 7:13:43 PM PIT >> FINE : According to coverage no tests hit the mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[4], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=19, lineNumber=90, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[]] 7:13:43 PM PIT >> FINE : According to coverage no tests hit the mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=21, lineNumber=90, description=replaced return of integer sized value with (x == 0 ? 1 : 0), testsInOrder=[]] 7:13:43 PM PIT >> INFO : Created 1 mutation test units 7:13:43 PM PIT >> FINE : Used memory before analysis start 6 mb 7:13:43 PM PIT >> FINE : Free Memory before analysis start 8 mb 7:13:43 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units 7:13:43 PM PIT >> FINE : using port 8092 stdout : Installing PIT agent stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getRawResponse, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.stderr : NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=4, lineNumber=52, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method getRawResponse stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for getRawResponse stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 7 ms stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:44 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 1] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("Sponge@bob", "Sponge!bob") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge!bob rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL equals on REF 0 with (CON java.lang.Object()) stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge!bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getSecret on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge!bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Sponge!bobstderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge!bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL getRawResponse on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge!bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: java.lang.IllegalStateException to be thrown, but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 2 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 24 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:44 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 461ms stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getRawResponse, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getRawResponse, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] dstderr : etected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 631 ms. stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnVstderr : alsMutator],, block=17, lineNumber=87, description=replaced return of integer sized value with (x == 0 ? 1 : 0), testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method equals stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for equals stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 11 ms stderr : 7:13:44 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:45 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 8] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("Sponge@bob", "Sponge.bob") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[Sponge@bob , Sponge.bob]stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getToken on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Sponge@bobstderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL equals on REF 0 with (CON java.lang.Object()) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : false but getting: (Boolean) : truestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 9 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 25 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:45 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 292ms 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.Rstderr : eturnValsMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 323 ms. 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [locatiostderr : n=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getToken, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=2, lineNumber=42, description=mutated return of stderr : Object value for org/scribe/model/Token::getToken to ( if (x != null) null else throw new RuntimeException ), testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method getToken stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for getToken stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 9 ms 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:45 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 23] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token(" ", "Patrick") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Patrick rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Patrick rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Patrick rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL getSecret on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Patrick rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Patrickstderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL getToken on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Patrick rawResponse nullstderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (String) : but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 24 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 32 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:45 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 298ms 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getToken, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getToken, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.stderr : ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 335 ms. 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [locatistderr : on=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=14, lineNumber=86, description=replaced return ostderr : f integer sized value with (x == 0 ? 1 : 0), testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method equals stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for equals stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 6 ms 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:45 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 52] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("-1", "12") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : -1 secret (String) : 12 rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : -1 secret (String) : 12 rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getToken on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : -1 secret (String) : 12 rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : -1stderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL equals on REF 0 with (REF 0) stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : -1 secret (String) : 12 rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL equals on REF 0 with (REF 0) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : -1 secret (String) : 12 rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : true but getting: (Boolean) : falsestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 53 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 60 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:45 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 230ms stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLEstderr : D by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 261 ms. stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=isEmpty, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutatostderr : r],, block=9, lineNumber=70, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isEmpty stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isEmpty stderr : 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 16 ms 7:13:45 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:45 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 15] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("", "Sponge@bob") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge@bob rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge@bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[ , Sponge@bob]stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getToken on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge@bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : stderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge@bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[ , Sponge@bob]stderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge@bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : false but getting: (Boolean) : truestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 16 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 23 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:46 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 156ms stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=isEmpty, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] detected = KILLED by org.stderr : scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=isEmpty, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 196 ms. stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=isEmpty, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutatostderr : r],, block=8, lineNumber=70, description=negated conditional, testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isEmpty stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isEmpty stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 11 ms 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:46 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 134] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("Spongebob", "") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Spongebob secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL hashCode on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Spongebob secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : -1932472603stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL equals on REF 0 with (CON java.lang.Object()) stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Spongebob secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL getSecret on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Spongebob secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : stderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Spongebob secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : false but getting: (Boolean) : truestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 135 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 83 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:46 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 240ms 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=isEmpty, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=isEmpty, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsstderr : Mutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 268 ms. 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Locatiostderr : n [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getSecret, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=3, lineNumber=47, description=mutated return of Object vstderr : alue for org/scribe/model/Token::getSecret to ( if (x != null) null else throw new RuntimeException ), testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method getSecret stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for getSecret stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 10 ms 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:46 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 14] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("Patrick", " ") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Patrick secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL getSecret on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Patrick secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Patrick secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Patrick secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[Patrick , ]stderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL getSecret on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Patrick secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (String) : but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 15 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 20 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:46 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 126ms stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getSecret, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutatorsstderr : .ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 166 ms. 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [locatstderr : ion=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=hashCode, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=22, lineNumber=96, description=replaced return of integer sizedstderr : value with (x == 0 ? 1 : 0), testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getSecret, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method hashCode stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for hashCode stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 25 ms 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:46 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 28] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token(" ", "Sponge-bob") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[ , Sponge-bob]stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getSecret on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Sponge-bobstderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[ , Sponge-bob]stderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL hashCode on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : 0stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Integer) : -1934031774 but getting: (Integer) : 0stderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 29 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 19 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:46 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 150ms 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=hashCode, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=hashCode, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutatorstderr : ] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 206 ms. 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazstderr : z=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getRawResponse, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=6, lineNumber=56, description=mutated return of Object valstderr : ue for org/scribe/model/Token::getRawResponse to ( if (x != null) null else throw new RuntimeException ), testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method getRawResponse stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for getRawResponse stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 10 ms 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:46 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its orastderr : cle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle. ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an 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its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 400] , length=3 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("Sponge Bob", "01", "Sponge!bob") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge Bob secret (String) : 01 rawResponse (String) : Sponge!bobstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL getRawResponse on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge Bob secret (String) : 01 rawResponse (String) : Sponge!bobstderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (String) : Sponge!bob but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 401 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 129 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:46 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 226ms stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getRawResponse, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutstderr : ators.ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 268 ms. 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [stderr : location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=isEmpty, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=11, lineNumber=70, description=replaced return of integer sstderr : ized value with (x == 0 ? 1 : 0), testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=getRawResponse, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method isEmpty stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for isEmpty stderr : 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 20 ms 7:13:46 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 10] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("Sponge Bob", "-12") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge Bob secret (String) : -12 rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge Bob secret (String) : -12 rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge Bob secret (String) : -12 rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[Sponge Bob , -12]stderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL getSecret on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge Bob secret (String) : -12 rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : -12stderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge Bob secret (String) : -12 rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : false but getting: (Boolean) : truestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 11 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 12 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 104ms stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=isEmpty, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator]stderr : detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 143 ms. 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazzstderr : =org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=13, lineNumber=86, description=negated conditional, testsIstderr : nOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=isEmpty, methodDesc=()Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method equals stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for equals stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 17 ms 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 8] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("Sponge@bob", "Sponge.bob") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[Sponge@bob , Sponge.bob]stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getToken on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Sponge@bobstderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL equals on REF 0 with (CON java.lang.Object()) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : truestderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Boolean) : false but getting: (Boolean) : truestderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 9 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 12 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 100ms stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.Nstderr : egateConditionalsMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 147 ms. 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier stderr : [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=15, lineNumber=87, description=nestderr : gated conditional, testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method equals stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for equals stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 11 ms 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A 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A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 718] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("S B", "", "030") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : S B secret (String) : rawResponse (String) : 030stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL equals on REF 0 with (CON java.lang.Object()) stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : S B secret (String) : rawResponse (String) : 030stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL equals on REF 0 with (CON java.lang.Object()) stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : S B secret (String) : rawResponse (String) : 030stderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : S B secret (String) : rawResponse (String) : 030stderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[S B , ]stderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL equals on REF 0 with (null) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : S B secret (String) : rawResponse (String) : 030stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: null to be thrown, but getting: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 719 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 165 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 212ms stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.Nstderr : egateConditionalsMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 252 ms. 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier stderr : [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator],, block=16, lineNumber=87, description=nestderr : gated conditional, testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method equals stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for equals stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 18 ms 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 8] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("Sponge@bob", "Sponge.bob") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[Sponge@bob , Sponge.bob]stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getToken on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Sponge@bobstderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL equals on REF 0 with (CON java.lang.Object()) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge@bob secret (String) : Sponge.bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: null to be thrown, but getting: java.lang.ClassCastExceptionstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 9 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 17 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 102ms stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.Nstderr : egateConditionalsMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 148 ms. 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier stderr : [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=toString, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator],, block=7, lineNumber=62, description=mutated restderr : turn of Object value for org/scribe/model/Token::toString to ( if (x != null) null else throw new RuntimeException ), testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=equals, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z], indexes=[2], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method toString stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for toString stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 15 ms 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 13] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("030", "") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : 030 secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : 030 secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL isEmpty on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : 030 secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Boolean) : falsestderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL getToken on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : 030 secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : 030stderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : 030 secret (String) : rawResponse nullstderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (String) : Token[030 , ] but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 14 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 12 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 98ms stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=toString, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLstderr : ED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=toString, methodDesc=()Ljava/lang/String;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 133 ms. stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutatiostderr : ntest.engine.gregor.mutators.VoidMethodCallMutator],, block=1, lineNumber=32, description=removed call to org/scribe/utils/Preconditions::checkNotNull, testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestTokestderr : n)]] stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 17 ms 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 0] , length=1 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token(null, "Beach") stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token null secret (String) : Beach rawResponse nullstderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException to be thrown, but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.CONSTRUCTOR.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 1 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 3 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:47 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 101ms stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mstderr : utationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.VoidMethodCallMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 136 ms. 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation Mutatiostderr : nDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=hashCode, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator],, block=22, lineNumber=96, description=stderr : Replaced integer addition with subtraction, testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.VoidMethodCallMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method hashCode stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for hashCode stderr : 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 16 ms 7:13:47 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:48 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 28] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token(" ", "Sponge-bob") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[ , Sponge-bob]stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getSecret on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Sponge-bobstderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[ , Sponge-bob]stderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL hashCode on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : 1934095262stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Integer) : -1934031774 but getting: (Integer) : 1934095262stderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 29 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 18 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:48 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 138ms stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=hashCode, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.stderr : ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=hashCode, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 194 ms. stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutatiostderr : ntest.engine.gregor.mutators.VoidMethodCallMutator],, block=1, lineNumber=33, description=removed call to org/scribe/utils/Preconditions::checkNotNull, testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestTokestderr : n)]] stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 18 ms 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:48 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 29] , length=1 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token("Sponge Bob", null) stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : Sponge Bob secret null rawResponse nullstderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException to be thrown, but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.CONSTRUCTOR.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor38.invoke(Unknown Source)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 30 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 20 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:48 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 104ms stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutatorsstderr : .VoidMethodCallMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=, methodDesc=(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V], indexes=[1], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.VoidMethodCallMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 136 ms. stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=empty, methodDesc=()Lorg/scribe/model/Token;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.Retstderr : urnValsMutator],, block=12, lineNumber=80, description=mutated return of Object value for org/scribe/model/Token::empty to ( if (x != null) null else throw new RuntimeException ), testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(orgstderr : .scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method empty stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for empty stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 19 ms 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:48 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an 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exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 1600 stderr : ** Violating : 0 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 243 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:48 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 343ms stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:48 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 1991 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 0] , length=8 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CALL static empty() stderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL static empty() stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL static empty() stderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL static empty() stderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL static empty() stderr : ** [step 5] stderr : CALL static empty() stderr : ** [step 6] stderr : CALL static empty() stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : rawResponse null but getting: nullstderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor38.invoke(Unknown Source)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 400 ** Avrg. seq. length : 7.0 stderr : ** Executed : 1 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 3 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:48 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 38ms stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=empty, methodDesc=()Lorg/scribe/model/Token;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutatostderr : rs.ReturnValsMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 417 ms. 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Running mutation MutationDetails [id=MutationIdentifier [locstderr : ation=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=hashCode, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator],, block=22, lineNumber=96, description=Replaced integer multiplication withstderr : division, testsInOrder=[org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken)]] 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=empty, methodDesc=()Lorg/scribe/model/Token;], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : mutating method hashCode stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : 1 relevant test for hashCode stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : replaced class with mutant in 16 ms 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Running 1 units stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:48 PM Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE load INFO: ** Suite /home/ubuntu/workshop/T2benchmark/testingtools/t3custom/temp/data/ is loaded, 7536 KB stderr : ----- stderr : ** Replaying dummy name, a merged suite stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : ** A sequence throws an exception, but is allowed by its oracle.stderr : **--- [org.scribe.model.Token seq 28] , length=6 throws an exception.stderr : ** [step 0] stderr : CON org.scribe.model.Token(" ", "Sponge-bob") stderr : -- returned value: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : ** [step 1] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[ , Sponge-bob]stderr : ** [step 2] stderr : CALL getSecret on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Sponge-bobstderr : ** [step 3] stderr : CALL toString on REF 0 with () stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (String) : Token[ , Sponge-bob]stderr : ** [step 4] stderr : CALL hashCode on REF 0 with () stderr : >> VIOLATION! stderr : -- state of the receiver object: (org.scribe.model.Token) @ 0 token (String) : secret (String) : Sponge-bob rawResponse nullstderr : -- returned value: (Integer) : -1934063518stderr : -- thrown exception: stderr : Sequenic.T3.OracleError: T3: violating an oracle. Info: Expecting: (Integer) : -1934031774 but getting: (Integer) : -1934063518stderr : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.METHOD.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SEQ.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.showSequence( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.Sequence.Datatype.SUITE.exec( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.SuiteAPI.replay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runSuite( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.runReplay( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd.main( : stderr : at Common.Common.replay( : stderr : at Common.Common.replayCUTtest( : stderr : at org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1( : stderr : at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor38.invoke(Unknown Source)stderr : stderr : at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( : stderr : at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall( : stderr : at : stderr : at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively( : stderr : at org.junit.internal.runners.statements.InvokeMethod.evaluate( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$ : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000( : stderr : at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate( : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : at org.pitest.junit.adapter.AdaptedJUnitTestUnit.execute( : stderr : at org.pitest.mutationtest.execute.MutationTimeoutDecorator$ : stderr : at : stderr : at : stderr : ** The above sequence is VIOLATING an oracle!stderr : ** Suite name : dummy name, a merged suite ** CUT : org.scribe.model.Token ** Suite size : 1600 ** Avrg. seq. length : 3.1375 stderr : ** Executed : 29 stderr : ** Violating : 1 stderr : ** Invalid : 0 stderr : ** Failing : 0 stderr : ** Runtime : 13 ms stderr : ** Field-pairs' abstract values coverage : 0/0 (100%) stderr : Oct 01, 2014 7:13:48 PM Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd runReplay INFO: >> Replay runtime = 137ms stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Mutation MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=hashCode, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator] detected = KILLED by org.scribe.model.stderr : ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) stderr : 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : processed mutation in 177 ms. 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : MutationIdentifier [location=Location [clazz=org.scribe.model.Token, method=hashCode, methodDesc=()I], indexes=[0], mutator=org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator] KILLED by org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken.test1(org.scribe.model.ReplayTestToken) 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Exit code was - OK 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Slave exited ok 7:13:48 PM PIT >> FINE : Finished 7:13:48 PM PIT >> INFO : Completed in 8 seconds ================================================================================ - Timings ================================================================================ > scan classpath : < 1 second > coverage and dependency analysis : 2 seconds > build mutation tests : < 1 second > run mutation analysis : 5 seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Total : 8 seconds -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ - Statistics ================================================================================ >> Generated 22 mutations Killed 19 (86%) >> Ran 19 tests (0.86 tests per mutation) ================================================================================ - Mutators ================================================================================ > org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.VoidMethodCallMutator >> Generated 2 Killed 2 (100%) > KILLED 2 SURVIVED 0 TIMED_OUT 0 NON_VIABLE 0 > MEMORY_ERROR 0 NOT_STARTED 0 STARTED 0 RUN_ERROR 0 > NO_COVERAGE 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.ReturnValsMutator >> Generated 10 Killed 9 (90%) > KILLED 9 SURVIVED 0 TIMED_OUT 0 NON_VIABLE 0 > MEMORY_ERROR 0 NOT_STARTED 0 STARTED 0 RUN_ERROR 0 > NO_COVERAGE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.MathMutator >> Generated 2 Killed 2 (100%) > KILLED 2 SURVIVED 0 TIMED_OUT 0 NON_VIABLE 0 > MEMORY_ERROR 0 NOT_STARTED 0 STARTED 0 RUN_ERROR 0 > NO_COVERAGE 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > org.pitest.mutationtest.engine.gregor.mutators.NegateConditionalsMutator >> Generated 8 Killed 6 (75%) > KILLED 6 SURVIVED 0 TIMED_OUT 0 NON_VIABLE 0 > MEMORY_ERROR 0 NOT_STARTED 0 STARTED 0 RUN_ERROR 0 > NO_COVERAGE 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- === Results ======================================================================================================================== GenTime ExecTime InstrCov LineCov BranchCov MethodCov MutationCov ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.58s 1.52s 84% (100/119) 90% (20/22) 68% (11/16) 100% (10/10) 86% (19/22) ConditionalBoundaryMutations: 0/0 NegateConditionalMutations: 6/8 MathMutations: 2/2 IncrementMutations: 0/0 InvertNegativeMutations: 0/0 ReturnValueMutations: 9/10 VoidMethodCallMutations: 2/2 Stopping runtool...