------------------------------------ Content ------------------------------------ ** /benchmarktool It contains the SBST-benchmark Framework. An ant-build file is included to build the Framework's jar. ** runbenchmark An example of a script file to run the Framework. ** /sample_configurations Some somple configurations to specify a benchmark. ** /runtool Define interface-files to implement both sides of the Framework's protocol. ** /docs obvious ** /randoop_runtool An implementation of the Framework protocol for Randoop. ** /FITTEST2013set/src and /tests The set of classes used in as the benchmark in the Tool competition at the FITTEST 2013 workshop, along with manual test cases for them. ------------------------------------ ISSUES ------------------------------------ *** Java 8 to run the Framework: does not work. Pitest that we use, 0.31, cannot work under Java 8. *** Windows and Cygwin are not supported. The SBST-benchmark framework DOES NOT work on either! It does not deploy correctly, and I have spent several days to fix it. The problem seems to boil down to calling external executable from inside Java, more specifically Runtime.exec(...). On a Windows machine (even via Cygwin) this will invoke Window's native way to execute an external program. However, this executor cannot execute a script (e.g. a .bat, or .pl). Or at least, I don't know how to make it does that, while only changing the codebase minimally. *** Pitest seems to have problem with inner class.