T3 Readme

At the top-level T3 has two tools: generator, and replay. The generator will need Java 8. The replay tool can be compiled with Java 7. Both tools require a common-T3 part, which can be compiled in older Java.

All-Java8 Build (standard)

This builds the whole T3 with Java8. With this scheme, running T3's tools requires Java8.
  1. We build with ant. Before running ant, set JAVA_HOME to the jdk of Java8. In Linux/cygwin Bash: export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/apps/Java/jdk1.8
  2. run "ant jarT3" to build.

To Run

Generator: java -cp T3.jar Sequenic.T3.T3Cmd [option]* targetclass

Replay: java -co T3.jar Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd [option]* suitefile

For both, --help will list available options.

Mixed Scheme

This builds the generator with and for Java 8, and the replay tool with Java 7.
  1. Build the common-T3 with Java 7:
    1. We build with ant. Before running ant, set JAVA_HOME to the jdk of Java8. In Linux/cygwin Bash: export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/apps/Java/jdk1.7
    2. run "ant jarCommon" to build

  2. Build T3 tools.
    1. Set JAVA_HOME to the jdk of Java8. In Linux/cygwin Bash: export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/apps/Java/jdk1.8
    2. run "ant jarT3" to build

To Run

Generator: java -cp T3.jar Sequenic.T3.T3Cmd [option]* targetclass

Replay with Java 8: java -cp T3.jar Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd [option]* suitefile

Replay with older Java 7: java -cp CommonT3.jar Sequenic.T3.ReplayCmd [option]* suitefile

For all, --help will list available options.