An interactive T3 shell using Groovy, use this to do query-based testing ;) You need at least groovy 2.3, and java 8. (1) modify accordingly (2) run, this will open the groovy interpreter (3) from groovy, do :l script/t3iprelude.groovy ; this will import relevant classes. Example of interaction: Prepare a T3 configuration; at least we need to specify the target class: > config = new Config(CUT : Sequenic.T3.Examples.Item) Create an instance of T3: > t3 = new T3groovyAPI(config) Run it to create a suite(s): > S = t3.ADT() Here an example of expressing a Hoare triple: > h1 = hoare({s-> s.args[0]>0 & s.tobj.price>0},"incPrice",{s-> s.tobj.price>s.args[0]}) An example queries, whether it is valid, and how many sequences we have that actually fit into h1's scenario: > ltlquery(S).with(always(h1)).valid() > ltlquery(S).with(eventually(h1.antecedent())).count() See also script/demo for more examples