-- Creating documentation haddock -h -o docs/haddock src/.... (files for which you want documentation) default: palindromes palindromes: Data/Algorithm/Palindromes/Main.hs Data/Algorithm/Palindromes/Palindromes.hs ghc --make -o palindromes Data/Algorithm/Palindromes/Main.hs if test -e /usr/local/wxhaskell/bin/macosx-app; then /usr/local/wxhaskell/bin/macosx-app -v palindromes; fi -- Code coverage -- make sure all files for which you want code coverage are compiled -- doesn't seem to work anymore; I don't get tix files. ghc -fhpc -isrc -o Run tests/Main.hs --make ./Run hpc markup --destdir=docs/hpc Run -- Testing ghc --make -isrc tests/Main.hs -- Creating cabal file, in the dir where the .cabal is cabal sdist -- Benchmarking: ghc --make tests/Main -- possibly -O2 tests/Main -o ....html