INCLUDE "" imports { import qualified UU.DData.Map as Map import UU.Util.Utils import UU.Pretty import UU.DData.Set as Set import UU.DData.Seq as Seq import UU.DData.Map (Map) import ConcreteSyntax import AbstractSyntax import Patterns import ErrorMessages import List (partition) import Maybe import UU.Scanner.Position(noPos) import Options import qualified SemRules import SemRules(DefinedAttrs, FieldMap, checkDef, hasAttr) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Distributing flags ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR AG [ options:{Options} | | ] SEM AG | AG elems.withSelf = withSelf @lhs.options ATTR Elems Elem [ withSelf:{Bool} | | ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Passing errors, nonterminals and constructors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pass the name of the associated nonterminal to everyone ATTR Alt Alts SemAlt SemAlts [ nt:{Nonterminal} | | ] SEM Elem | Data alts.nt = @name | Sem alts.nt = @name -- Everyone that wants to report an error can do this by adding an error message to the -- stream of errors ATTR AG Elem Elems Alt Alts SemAlt SemAlts Attrs NontSet ConstructorSet [ | | errors USE {Seq.<>}{Seq.empty}:{Seq Error} ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Calculation of code blocks -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- types { type Blocks = Map.Map Name [String] } -- Collect code blocks bottom-up ATTR Elems AG [ | | blocks : {Blocks} ] SEM Elems | Cons hd.blocks = @tl.blocks lhs.blocks = @hd.blocks | Nil lhs.blocks = Map.empty -- A Txt Elem adds the codelines to the block is passed in, if an Elem is not a Txt Elem -- the blocks remain the same SEM Elem [ | blocks : {Blocks} | ] | Txt lhs.blocks = Map.insertWith (++) @name @lines @lhs.blocks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check for duplicates and report error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { checkDuplicate :: (Identifier -> Identifier -> Error) -> Identifier -> val -> Map Identifier val -> (Map Identifier val,Seq Error) checkDuplicate dupError key val m = case Map.lookupIndex key m of Just ix -> let (key',_) = Map.elemAt ix m in (m,Seq.single (dupError key key')) Nothing -> (Map.insert key val m,Seq.empty) checkDuplicates :: (Identifier -> Identifier -> Error) -> [(Identifier, val)] -> Map Identifier val -> (Map Identifier val,Seq Error) checkDuplicates dupError new m = foldErrors check m new where check = uncurry (checkDuplicate dupError) foldErrors f e xs = foldl g (e,Seq.empty) xs where g ~(e,es) x = let (e',es') = f x e in (e', es <> es') } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting DATA's and type synonyms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { type DataTypes = Map.Map Nonterminal DataAlts type DataAlts = Map.Map Constructor FieldMap } ATTR Alt [ | | dataAlt:{(Constructor,FieldMap )}] SEM Alt | Alt loc.(fieldMap,errors) = let fields = [ (n,makeType @lhs.nonterminals t) | (n,t) <- @fields ] (_,errs) = checkDuplicates (DupChild @lhs.nt @name) fields Map.empty in (fields,errs) lhs.dataAlt = (@name, @fieldMap) SEM Alts [ | | dataAlts:{[(Constructor,FieldMap )]} ] | Cons lhs.dataAlts = @hd.dataAlt : @tl.dataAlts | Nil lhs.dataAlts = [] ATTR Elem Elems [ | datas:{DataTypes} | ] ATTR Elem Elems Attrs NontSet [ datatypes:{DataTypes} | | ] ATTR Elem Elems Attrs Alts Alt [nonterminals : {Set Nonterminal} | | ] ATTR Elem Elems SemAlt SemAlts [ attributes:{Map Nonterminal (Attributes, Attributes)} | | ] ATTR Elem Elems [ | | defined_nts USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty}: {Set Nonterminal}] SEM Elem | Data lhs.defined_nts = Set.single @name | Type lhs.defined_nts = Set.single @name SEM AG | AG elems.datas = Map.empty elems.datatypes = @elems.datas elems.attributes = @elems.attrDecls loc.nonterminals = @elems.defined_nts -- Set.fromList (Map.keys @elems.datas) SEM Elem | Data loc.(alternatives2,errs) = checkDuplicates (DupAlt @name) @alts.dataAlts @alternatives .alternatives = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty @name @lhs.datas lhs.datas = Map.insert @name @alternatives2 @lhs.datas lhs.errors = @attrs.errors <> @errs <> @alts.errors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type synonyms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- At the moment type synonyms are only supported for list types This means that only synonyms of the form: TYPE = [ ] are allowed -} ATTR Elem Elems [ | | typeSyns USE {++} {[]} : {TypeSyns} ] {- Put this synonym in the typeSyns list and add the implicit Cons and Nil productions for the type synonym A synonym of the form: TYPE = [ ] is translated into: DATA | Cons hd: tl: | Nil -} SEM Elem | Type loc.(datas,errors) = let expanded = case @argType of List tp -> [(Ident "Cons" @pos, [(Ident "hd" @pos, tp) ,(Ident "tl" @pos, NT @name) ] ) ,(Ident "Nil" @pos, []) ] Maybe tp -> [(Ident "Just" @pos, [(Ident "just" @pos, tp) ] ) ,(Ident "Nothing" @pos, []) ] Tuple xs -> [(Ident "Tuple" @pos, xs)] in checkDuplicate DupSynonym @name (Map.fromList expanded) @lhs.datas loc.argType = case @type of Maybe tp -> Maybe (makeType @lhs.nonterminals tp) List tp -> List (makeType @lhs.nonterminals tp) Tuple xs -> Tuple [(f,makeType @lhs.nonterminals tp) | (f,tp) <- xs] lhs.typeSyns = if Map.member @name @lhs.datas then [] else [(@name,@argType)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interpreting Nonterminal sets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { type DefinedSets = Map Name (Set Nonterminal) } ATTR Elem Elems [ definedSets:{DefinedSets} | defSets:{Map Name (Set Nonterminal,Set Name)} | ] SEM AG | AG elems.defSets = Map.mapWithKey (\key _ -> (Set.single key, Set.empty)) @elems.datas .definedSets = fst @elems.defSets SEM Elem | Set loc.(defSets',errs) = let allUsedNames = Set.unions [ ns | n <- Set.toList @set.usedNames , let ns = maybe (Set.single n) snd (Map.lookup n @lhs.defSets) ] (nontSet,e1) | Set.member @name allUsedNames = (Set.empty, Seq.single(CyclicSet @name)) | otherwise = (@set.nontSet, Seq.empty) (res, e2) = checkDuplicate DupSet @name (nontSet,Set.insert @name allUsedNames) @lhs.defSets in (res, e1 Seq.<> e2) lhs.defSets = @defSets' .errors = @errs Seq.<> @set.errors ATTR NontSet [ definedSets : {DefinedSets} nonterminals : {Set Nonterminal} | | nontSet : {Set Nonterminal} usedNames USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set Name} ] SEM NontSet | NamedSet lhs.usedNames = Set.single @name SEM NontSet | All lhs.nontSet = @lhs.nonterminals | NamedSet loc.(nontSet,errors) = case Map.lookup @name @lhs.definedSets of Nothing -> (Set.empty, Seq.single (UndefNont @name)) Just set -> (set, Seq.empty) | Union lhs.nontSet = Set.union @set1.nontSet @set2.nontSet | Intersect lhs.nontSet = Set.intersection @set1.nontSet @set2.nontSet | Difference lhs.nontSet = Set.difference @set1.nontSet @set2.nontSet | Path lhs.nontSet = let table = flattenDatas @lhs.datatypes in path table @from @to --- mesg = @from >#< "->" >#< @to >#< ":" >-< show p ---in trace (show mesg) p lhs.errors = let check name | Set.member name @lhs.nonterminals = Seq.empty | otherwise = Seq.single (UndefNont name) in check @from <> check @to { flattenDatas :: DataTypes -> Map Nonterminal (Set Nonterminal) flattenDatas ds = flatten ds where flatten cs = Set.fromList [ nt | (_,NT nt) <- concatMap snd (Map.toList cs)] reachableFrom :: Map Nonterminal (Set Nonterminal) -> Set Nonterminal -> Set Nonterminal reachableFrom table nts = reach nts where reach nts = let nts' = Set.unions (nts : [ ns | nt <- Set.toList nts , let ns = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty nt table ]) in if Set.size nts' > Set.size nts then reach nts' else nts invert :: Map Nonterminal (Set Nonterminal) -> Map Nonterminal (Set Nonterminal) invert m = foldr inv Map.empty (Map.toList m) where inv (x,ns) m = fold (\n m -> Map.insertWith Set.union n (Set.single x) m) m ns path :: Map Nonterminal (Set Nonterminal) -> Nonterminal -> Nonterminal -> Set Nonterminal path table from to = let children = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty from table forward = reachableFrom table children backward = reachableFrom (invert table) (Set.single to) in Set.intersection forward backward } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constructor Sets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR ConstructorSet [ nt:Nonterminal definedConstructors : {Set.Set Constructor} | | constructors : {Set.Set Constructor} ] SEM ConstructorSet | CName lhs.(errors,constructors) = if @name `Set.member` @lhs.definedConstructors then (Seq.empty, Set.single @name) else (Seq.single (UndefAlt @lhs.nt @name) , Set.empty ) | CUnion lhs.constructors = @set1.constructors `Set.union` @set2.constructors | CDifference lhs.constructors = @set1.constructors `Set.difference` @set2.constructors | CAll lhs.constructors = @lhs.definedConstructors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting wrappers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Elem Elems [ | | wrappers USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} :{Set Nonterminal}] SEM Elem | Wrapper lhs.wrappers = @set.nontSet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting derivings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Elem Elems [ | | derivings USE {`mergeDerivings`} {Map.empty} :{Derivings}] { mergeDerivings m1 m2 = foldr (\(n,cs) m -> Map.insertWith Set.union n cs m) m2 (Map.toList m1) } SEM Elem | Deriving lhs.derivings = Map.fromList [(nt,Set.fromList @classes) | nt <- Set.toList @set.nontSet] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting ATTR declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- undefined nt's , duplicate attr declarations, useMap ATTR Elems Elem Attrs [ | attrDecls:{Map Nonterminal (Attributes, Attributes)} | useMap USE {`merge`} {Map.empty}:{Map Nonterminal (Map Name (String,String))} ] { merge x y = foldr f y (Map.toList x) where f ~(k,v) m = Map.insertWith (Map.union) k v m } SEM AG | AG elems.attrDecls = Map.empty SEM Elem | Data attrs.nts = Set.single @name | Attr attrs.nts = @names.nontSet | Sem attrs.nts = Set.single @name SEM Attrs [ nts:{Set Nonterminal} | | ] | Attrs loc.(attrDecls,errors) = checkAttrs @lhs.datatypes (Set.toList @lhs.nts) @inherited @synthesized @lhs.attrDecls .(inherited,synthesized,useMap) = let splitAttrs xs = unzip [ ((n,makeType @lhs.nonterminals t),(n,(c,d))) | (n,t,(c,d)) <- xs ] (inh,_) = splitAttrs @inh (chn,uses1) = splitAttrs @chn (syn,uses2) = splitAttrs @syn isUse (n,(e1,e2)) = not (null e1 || null e2) in (inh++chn,chn++syn, Map.fromList (Prelude.filter isUse (uses1++uses2))) lhs.useMap = Map.fromList (zip (Set.toList @lhs.nts) (repeat @useMap)) { checkAttrs datatypes nts inherited synthesized decls = foldErrors check decls nts where check nt decls | not (nt `Map.member` datatypes) = (decls,Seq.single(UndefNont nt)) | otherwise = let (inh,syn) = Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty,Map.empty) nt decls (inh',einh) = checkDuplicates (DupInhAttr nt) inherited inh (syn',esyn) = checkDuplicates (DupSynAttr nt) synthesized syn in (Map.insert nt (inh',syn') decls,einh <> esyn) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- undef nt's, undef constructors, undef field, superfluous rule -- duplicate rules { type RuleMap = Map Nonterminal RuleMapAlt type RuleMapAlt = Map Constructor (Rules,DefinedAttrs) } { checkUndef err key m errs | Map.member key m = errs | otherwise = Seq.single (err key) } ATTR Elem Elems [ | ruleMap:{RuleMap} |] SEM Elems | Cons lhs.ruleMap = @hd.ruleMap hd.ruleMap = @tl.ruleMap tl.ruleMap = @lhs.ruleMap ATTR SemAlt SemAlts [ alternatives:{DataAlts} | ruleMapAlt:{RuleMapAlt} |] SEM AG | AG elems.ruleMap = Map.empty SEM Elem | Sem alts.ruleMapAlt = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty @name @lhs.ruleMap .alternatives = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty @name @lhs.datatypes lhs.errors = let es = checkUndef UndefNont @name @lhs.datatypes @alts.errors in if null (Seq.toList es) then @attrs.errors else es lhs.ruleMap = Map.insert @name @alts.ruleMapAlt @lhs.ruleMap SEM SemAlts | Cons lhs.ruleMapAlt = @hd.ruleMapAlt hd.ruleMapAlt = @tl.ruleMapAlt tl.ruleMapAlt = @lhs.ruleMapAlt SEM SemAlt | SemAlt lhs.ruleMapAlt = foldr (\(con,rules) rsMap ->Map.insert con rules rsMap) @lhs.ruleMapAlt @ruless .errors = @constructorSet.errors <> foldr (Seq.<>) Seq.empty @errors constructorSet.definedConstructors = @constructors loc.constructors = Set.fromList (Map.keys @lhs.alternatives ) loc.(errors, ruless) = unzip (map rules (Set.toList @constructorSet.constructors)) where rules con = let rules = Map.findWithDefault ([],Map.empty) con @lhs.ruleMapAlt fieldMap = Map.findWithDefault [] con @lhs.alternatives inherited = SemRules.Inh_SemDefs { SemRules.attributes_Inh_SemDefs = @lhs.attributes , SemRules.con_Inh_SemDefs = con , SemRules.fieldMap_Inh_SemDefs = fieldMap , SemRules.nt_Inh_SemDefs = @lhs.nt , SemRules.rules_Inh_SemDefs = rules } result = semDefs inherited in ( SemRules.errors_Syn_SemDefs result Seq.<> checkUndef (UndefAlt @lhs.nt) con @lhs.alternatives Seq.empty , (con,SemRules.rules_Syn_SemDefs result) ) semDefs = SemRules.wrap_SemDefs (SemRules.sem_SemDefs @rules) -- Add declaration of self-attribute for each nonterminal: ATTR [ | | self:SELF] { addSelf name atMap = let (eInh,eSyn) = Map.findWithDefault(Map.empty,Map.empty) name atMap in Map.insert name (eInh, Map.insert (Ident "self" noPos) (NT _SELF) eSyn)atMap } SEM Elem | Data attrs.attrDecls = if @lhs.withSelf then addSelf @name @lhs.attrDecls else @lhs.attrDecls | Type lhs .attrDecls = if @lhs.withSelf then addSelf @name @lhs.attrDecls else @lhs.attrDecls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constructing transformed syntax tree ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM AG [ | | trans : Grammar ] | AG lhs.trans = let ws = if wrappers @lhs.options then @loc.nonterminals else @elems.wrappers in constructGrammar @loc.nonterminals @elems.datas @elems.attrDecls @elems.useMap @elems.derivings ws @elems.ruleMap @elems.typeSyns { makeType :: Set Nonterminal -> Type -> Type makeType nts tp@(NT x) | x == _SELF = tp | Set.member x nts = tp | otherwise = Haskell (getName x) makeType _ tp = tp } { constructGrammar nts gram attrs uses derivings wrappers rules tsyns = let gr = [ (nt,Map.toList alts) | (nt,alts) <- Map.toList gram] prods = map prod gr prod (nt,alts) = let (inh,syn) = Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty,Map.empty) nt attrs rmap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt rules alt (con,flds) = let rules = maybe [] fst (Map.lookup con rmap) child (nm, tp) = let (inh,syn) = case tp of NT nt -> Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty,Map.empty) nt attrs _ -> (Map.empty,Map.empty) in Child nm tp inh syn in Alternative con (map child flds) rules in Production nt inh syn (map alt alts) in Grammar tsyns uses derivings wrappers prods }