INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" imports { import List import AbstractSyntax import CommonTypes import Patterns import qualified UU.DData.Map as Map import qualified UU.DData.Seq as Seq import qualified UU.DData.Set as Set import UU.DData.Map(Map) import UU.DData.Set(Set) import UU.DData.Seq(Seq, (<>)) import UU.Util.Utils import List (deleteBy,partition) import qualified List (delete) import UU.Pretty import Maybe import ErrorMessages import Expression import UU.Scanner.Position(Pos,noPos) import Options } { attrName fld attr | fld == _LOC = locName attr | otherwise = '@':getName fld ++ "." ++ getName attr locName n = '@': getName n _ACHILD = Ident "(" noPos -- hack } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Passing down corresponding nonterminal and constructor names ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Rule Rules Child Children Alternative Alternatives Pattern Patterns [ nt:Nonterminal | | ] ATTR Rule Rules Child Children Pattern Patterns [ con:Constructor | | ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Distributing options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Grammar [ options:{Options} | | ] ATTR Productions Production Alternatives Alternative [ o_rename:{Bool} cr:Bool {- copy rule -} | | ] ATTR Children Child [ cr:Bool {- copy rule -} | | ] SEM Grammar | Grammar prods.o_rename = rename @lhs.options = modcopy @lhs.options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type synonyms environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Productions Production Alternatives Alternative [ typeSyns : {TypeSyns} | | ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get constructor name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { getConName typeSyns rename nt con1 | nt `elem` map fst typeSyns = synonym | otherwise = normalName where con = getName con1 normalName | rename = getName nt++"_"++ con | otherwise = con synonym | con == "Cons" = "(:)" | con == "Nil" = "[]" | con == "Just" = "Just" | con == "Nothing" = "Nothing" | otherwise = normalName } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Grammar Productions Production Alternatives Alternative Child Children Rule Rules Pattern Patterns [ | | errors USE {Seq.<>} {Seq.empty}:{Seq Error} ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set of all defined nonterminals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Productions Production [ || collect_nts USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set Nonterminal} ] SEM Production | Production lhs.collect_nts = Set.single @nt ATTR Productions Production Alternatives Alternative [ nonterminals : {Set Nonterminal} || ] SEM Grammar | Grammar prods.nonterminals = @prods.collect_nts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pass down the lhs-attributes and the USE's to each alternative of a production -- ATTR Productions Production [ useMap : {UseMap} || ] ATTR Alternatives Alternative [ inh, syn:{Attributes} useMap : {Map Name (String,String)}|| ] SEM Production | Production alts.inh = @inh alts.syn = @syn alts.useMap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty @nt @lhs.useMap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM Alternative | Alternative rules.con = @con children.con = @con SEM Child | Child lhs . name = @name SEM Grammar | Grammar prods . useMap = @useMap SEM Grammar | Grammar prods . typeSyns = @typeSyns SEM Production | Production alts . nt = @nt SEM Child [ | | name:{Name} inherited,synthesized:{Attributes} ] | Child lhs.inherited = @inh lhs.synthesized = @syn SEM Children [ | | inputs,outputs:{[(Name, Attributes)]} ] | Cons lhs.inputs = (, @hd.inherited) : @tl.inputs .outputs = (, @hd.synthesized) : @tl.outputs | Nil lhs.inputs = [] .outputs = [] { concatSeq = foldr Seq.append Seq.empty copy_rule nt con modcopy locals (env,(fld,as)) = foldr copy_rl ([],Seq.empty) as where copy_rl a ~(rs,es) | not modcopy && Set.member a locals = (makeRule (fld,a) (fst (mkExpr _LOC)) "copy rule (from local)":rs, es) | otherwise = let sel = Map.lookup a env ((expr,err),origin) = case sel of Nothing -> (undef,cruletxt sel) Just f | f == _ACHILD -> (child_copy,"deprecated child copy") -- HACK!! | otherwise -> (mkExpr f,cruletxt sel) in (makeRule (fld,a) expr origin:rs, es<>err) where mkExpr t = (Expression noPos $ attrName t a, Seq.empty) undef = (Expression noPos $ "error \"missing rule: " ++ show nt ++ "." ++ show con ++ "." ++ show fld ++ "." ++ show a ++ "\"" , Seq.single (MissingRule nt con fld a)) child_copy = (Expression noPos $ fieldname a ,let mesg = "In the definitions for alternative" >#< getName con >#< "of nonterminal" >#< getName nt >|< "," >-< "the value of field" >#< getName a >#< "is copied by a copy-rule." >-< "Copying the value of a field using a copy-rule is deprecated" >-< "Please add the following lines to your code:" >-< ("SEM" >#< getName nt >-< indent 2 ("|" >#< getName con >#< getName fld >#< "." >#< a >#< "=" >#< "@" >|< a) ) in Seq.single (CustomError True (getPos a) mesg ) ) -- inform the user if the modified copy rule is in use cruletxt sel | Set.member a locals && nonlocal = "modified copy rule" | incoming && outgoing = "copy rule (chain)" | incoming = "copy rule (down)" | outgoing = "copy rule (up)" | otherwise = "copy rule (chain)" where outgoing = fld == _LHS incoming = maybe False (== _LHS) sel nonlocal = maybe False (/= _LOC) sel makeRule (f1,a1) expr origin = Rule (Alias f1 a1 (Underscore noPos)) expr False origin } { splitAttrs _ [] = ([],[]) splitAttrs useMap (n:rest) = let (uses,normals) = splitAttrs useMap rest in case Map.lookup n useMap of Just x -> ((n,x):uses,normals) Nothing -> (uses ,n:normals) useRule locals ch_outs (n,(op,e)) = let elems = [ fld | (fld,as) <- ch_outs, Map.member n as] expr | Set.member n locals = attrName _LOC n | null elems = e | otherwise = foldr1 (\x y -> x ++ " " ++ op ++ " " ++ y) (map (flip attrName n) elems) in makeRule (_LHS,n) (Expression noPos expr) "use rule" removeDefined defined (fld,as) = (fld, [ a | a <- Map.keys as, not (Set.member (fld,a) defined) ]) } SEM Alternative | Alternative loc.(newRls,errs) = let locals = @rules.locals initenv = Map.fromList ([(a,_ACHILD) | (a,_) <- @children.fields] ++ attrs(_LHS, @lhs.inh) ++ [(a,_LOC) | a <- Set.toList locals]) attrs (n,as) = [ (a,n) | a <- Map.keys as ] envs = scanl (flip Map.union) initenv (map (Map.fromList . attrs ) @children.outputs) child_envs = init envs lhs_env = last envs (rss,ess) = unzip $ map (copy_rule @lhs.nt @con locals) (zip envs (map (removeDefined @rules.definedAttrs) @children.inputs)) errors = concatSeq ess rules = concat rss (rules_lhs, errors2) = let (selfAttrs, normalAttrs) = Map.partition (==NT _SELF) @lhs.syn (_,undefAttrs) = removeDefined @rules.definedAttrs (_LHS, normalAttrs) (useAttrs,others) = splitAttrs @lhs.useMap undefAttrs uRules = map (useRule locals @children.outputs) useAttrs selfLocRules = let childSelf self nm tp = case tp of NT nt -> attrName nm self _ -> fieldname nm in [ makeRule (_LOC,attr) (Expression noPos (constructor [childSelf attr nm tp | (nm,tp) <- @children.fields] ) ) "self rule" | let constructor | getName @con == "Tuple" && @lhs.nt `elem` map fst @lhs.typeSyns = \fs -> "(" ++ concat (intersperse "," fs) ++ ")" | otherwise = \fs -> getConName @lhs.typeSyns @lhs.o_rename @lhs.nt @con ++ " " ++ unwords fs , attr <- Map.keys selfAttrs , not (Set.member attr locals) ] selfRules = [ makeRule (_LHS,attr) (Expression noPos (locName attr)) "self rule" | attr <- Map.keys selfAttrs , not (Set.member (_LHS,attr) @rules.definedAttrs) ] (rules,errs) = copy_rule @lhs.nt @con locals (lhs_env, (_LHS, others)) in (uRules++selfLocRules++selfRules++rules,errs) in (rules_lhs++rules,errors<>errors2) lhs.errors = @children.errors <> @errs <> @rules.errors ATTR Rule Rules Pattern Patterns [ | | locals USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set Name} definedAttrs USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty}: {Set (Name,Name)}] SEM Pattern | Alias lhs.definedAttrs = Set.insert (@field,@attr) @pat.definedAttrs .locals = if @field == _LOC then Set.insert @attr @pat.locals else @pat.locals SEM Children [ | | fields : {[(Name,Type)]} ] | Cons lhs.fields = @hd.field : @tl.fields | Nil lhs.fields = [] SEM Child [ | | field : { (Name,Type) } ] | Child lhs.field = (@name,@tp) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Rule Pattern Patterns [ || containsVars USE {||} {False} : Bool ] SEM Pattern | Alias lhs.containsVars = True ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reconstructing the tree ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Grammar Productions Production Alternatives Alternative Children Child Rules Rule Pattern Patterns [ | | out:SELF ] SEM Alternative | Alternative lhs.out = Alternative @con @children.out (@rules.out ++ @newRls) SEM Rules | Cons lhs.out = if @hd.containsVars then @out else @tl.out -- remove rules that define nothing