%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @string{acm = {ACM Press}} @string{haskell03 = {Haskell'03: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell}} @string{haskell04 = {Haskell'04: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Haskell}} @article{hage12subgroup, author = {J. Hage}, title = {Subgroup Switching of Skew Gain Graphs}, journal = {Fundam. Inform.}, volume = {116}, number = {1-4}, year = {2012}, pages = {111-122}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/FI-2012-672}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @article{bodlaender12onswitching, title = "On switching classes, NLC-width, cliquewidth and treewidth", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "429", number = "0", pages = "30 -- 35", year = "2012", note = "Magic in Science", issn = "0304-3975", doi = "10.1016/j.tcs.2011.12.021", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030439751100987X", author = "H. L. Bodlaender and J. Hage" } @inproceedings{smaragdakis2011pick, author = {Smaragdakis, Y. and Bravenboer, M. and Lhot\'{a}k, O.}, title = {Pick your contexts well: understanding object-sensitivity}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, series = {POPL '11}, year = {2011}, location = {Austin, Texas, USA}, pages = {17--30}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {context-sensitivity, object-sensitivity, points-to analysis, type-sensitivity}, } @article{holdermans11makingstricterness-jnl, author = {Holdermans, S. and Hage, J.}, title = {Making ``stricterness'' more relevant}, journal = {Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, pages = {315-335}, volume = {23}, issue = {3}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10990-011-9079-7}, year = {2011} } @article{bodlaender12nlcwidth, author = {H. Bodlaender and J. Hage}, title = {On switching classes, {NLC}-width, cliquewidth and treewidth}, journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, note = {Accepted for publication} } @incollection{kuan07rewriting, author = {G. Kuan and D. MacQueen and R. Findler}, title = {A Rewriting Semantics for Type Inference}, booktitle = {Programming Languages and Systems}, series = {LNCS}, editor = {De Nicola, Rocco}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-540-71314-2}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {426-440}, volume = {4421}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-71316-6_29}, year = {2007} } @article{markstrum10javacop, author = {S. Markstrum and D. Marino and M. Esquivel and T. Millstein and C. Andreae and J. Noble}, title = {{JavaCOP}: Declarative pluggable types for {J}ava}, journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.}, issue_date = {January 2010}, volume = {32}, issue = {2}, month = {February}, year = {2010}, issn = {0164-0925}, pages = {4:1--4:37}, articleno = {4}, numpages = {37}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1667048.1667049}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1667048.1667049}, acmid = {1667049}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {JavaCOP, pluggable type systems}, } @incollection{gast05explaining, author = {H. Gast}, title = {Explaining ML Type Errors by Data Flows}, booktitle = {Implementation and Application of Functional Languages}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor = {C. Grelck and F. Huch and G. Michaelson and P. Trinder}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, isbn = {978-3-540-26094-3}, keyword = {Computer Science}, pages = {365-387}, volume = {3474}, year = {2005} } @inproceedings{jaspan08error, author = {Jaspan, C. and Quan, T. and Aldrich, J.}, title = {Error Reporting Logic}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2008 23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering}, series = {ASE '08}, year = {2008}, isbn = {978-1-4244-2187-9}, pages = {138--147}, numpages = {10}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ASE.2008.24}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ASE.2008.24}, acmid = {1642951}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, keywords = {heuristic, error reporting logic, first order predicate logic, specification analysis}, } @Article{deursen00dsl, author = {Deursen, A. van and P. Klint and J. Visser}, title = {Domain-Specific Languages: An Annotated Bibliography.}, journal = {ACM SIGPLAN Notices}, year = 2000, volume = 35, number = 6, pages = {26--36}, month = jun } @inproceedings{abadi99corecalculus, author = {Abadi,, M. and Banerjee,, A. and Heintze,, N. and Riecke,, J. G.}, title = {A core calculus of dependency}, booktitle = {POPL '99: Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, year = {1999}, isbn = {1-58113-095-3}, pages = {147--160}, location = {San Antonio, Texas, United States}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{lerner07searching, author = {Lerner, Benjamin S. and Flower, Matthew and Grossman, Dan and Chambers, Craig}, title = {Searching for type-error messages}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language design and implementation}, series = {PLDI '07}, year = {2007}, isbn = {978-1-59593-633-2}, location = {San Diego, California, USA}, pages = {425--434}, numpages = {10}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1250734.1250783}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1250734.1250783}, acmid = {1250783}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {error messages, objective Caml, seminal, type-checking, type-inference}, } @inproceedings{giorgidze11bringing, author = {G. Giorgidze and T. Grust and N. Schweinsberg and J. Weijers}, title = {Bringing Back Monad Comprehensions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Haskell symposium, Tokyo, Japan}, year = {2011}, publisher = {ACM}, pages = {13--22} } @inproceedings{schilling, author = {T. Schilling}, title = {Constraint-free Type Error Slicing}, booktitle = {12th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2011: Proceedings}, location = {Madrid, Spain}, note = {Accepted for publication} } @inproceedings{barendsen95uniqueness, author = "Barendsen, E. and Smetsers, S.", title = "Uniqueness type inference", editor = "Hermenegildo, Manuel V. and Swierstra, S. Doaitse", booktitle = "Programming Languages: Implementation, Logics and Programs, 7th International Symposium, PLILP'95, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 20--22, 1995, Proceedings", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 982, pages = "189--206", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 1995 } @misc{odersky11doppler, author = {M. Odersky}, title = {DOPPLER: Domain Optimized Parallelization using Polymorphic Language Embeddings and Rewritings}, note = {Accepted ERC Advanced Reseacher grant}, year = {2011} } @book{sommerville07softwareengineering, author = {I. Sommerville}, title = {Software Engineering, Eighth Edition}, publisher = {Pearson Education}, year = {2007} } @techreport{swierstra09construct, author = {Swierstra, S.Doaitse}, year = 2009, title = {Construct Your Own Favorite Programming Language}, number = {UU-CS-2009-029}, institution = {Dept. of Inf. and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, urlpdf = {{http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/repo/CS-2009/2009-029.pdf}}, pubcat = {techreport} } @misc{henglein11hiperfit, author = {F. Henglein and others}, title = {Hiperfit}, note = {Research project, \url{http://hiperfit.dk/}} } @misc{hughes11rawfp, author = {J. Hughes and M. Sheeran and K. Claessen and P. Jansson}, title = {Raw FP: Productivity and Performance through Resource Aware Functional Programming}, note = {\url{http://wiki.portal.chalmers.se/cse/pmwiki.php/RAWFP/RAWFP}} } @inproceedings{taha08domain, author={Taha, W.}, booktitle={Computer Engineering Systems, 2008. ICCES 2008. International Conference on}, title={Plenary talk III Domain-specific languages}, year={2008}, month={nov.}, pages={xxiii -xxviii}, keywords={computer science;domain-specific language;general purpose programming language;programming languages;}, doi={10.1109/ICCES.2008.4772953}, ISSN={} } @article{vytiniotis11outsidein, author = {D. Vytiniotis and S. Peyton Jones and T. Schrijvers and M. Sulzmann}, title = {OutsideIn(X) Modular type inference with local assumptions}, journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, volume = {21}, pages = {333 -- 412}, year = {2011} } @misc{peytonjones11private, author = {J. Hage and S. Peyton Jones}, title = {Private communication}, year = {2011}, month = {September} } @misc{odersky11private, author = {J. Hage and M. Odersky}, title = {Private communication}, year = {2011}, month = {September} } @misc{blogbertrandmeyer, author = {B. Meyer}, title = {The {P}rofessor {S}mith syndrome: Part 2}, category = {Blog posting}, year = {2011}, month = {June}, note = {\url{http://bertrandmeyer.com/2011/06/06/the-professor-smith-syndrome-part-2/} observed on Oct 3, 2011} } @inproceedings{alves11comparative, author={Alves, T. L. and Hage, J. and Rademaker, P.}, booktitle={Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), 2011 11th IEEE International Working Conference on}, title={A Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies}, year={2011}, month={sept.}, pages={145 -- 154}, keywords={}, doi={10.1109/SCAM.2011.14}, ISSN={} } @conference{khadka11method, title={{A method engineering based legacy to SOA migration method}}, author={Khadka, R. and Reijnders, G. and Saeidi, A. and Jansen, S. and Hage, J.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'11)}, year={2011}, pages={163--172}, organization={IEEE} } @conference{evalSF2011Ravi, title={{An evaluation of service framework for the management of service ecosystem}}, author={Khadka, R. and Saeidi, A. and Jansen, S. and Hage, J. and Helms, R.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information System (PACIS'11)}, howpublished = {Online}, isbn={978-1-86435-644-1}, year={2011}, organization={AIS}, note = {{A}vailable at: \url{http://projects.business.uq.edu.au/pacis2011/papers/PACIS2011-087.pdf}} } @article{hage11parr-bookreview, author = {Hage, Jurriaan}, title = {Language Implementation Patterns: Create your own Domain-Specific and General Programming Languages, by Terence Parr, Pragmatic Bookshelf, http://www.pragprog.com, ISBN 9781934356456}, journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, volume = {21}, number = {02}, pages = {215--217}, year = {2011}, doi = {10.1017/S0956796810000298}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0956796810000298}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0956796810000298}, } @article{boustani11improving, author = {el Boustani, N. and Hage, J.}, affiliation = {Center for Software Technology, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Universiteit Utrecht, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands}, title = {Improving type error messages for generic Java}, journal = {Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, issn = {1388-3690}, keyword = {Computer Science}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, pages = {3--39}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10990-011-9070-3}, note = {10.1007/s10990-011-9070-3}, year = {2012} } @misc{DiffLib, author = {S. Clover}, year = {2008}, title = "Haskell diff library", note = {\url{http://hackage.haskell.org/package/Diff}} } @article{Levenshtein, title={Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals}, volume={10}, number={8}, journal={Soviet Physics Doklady}, author={Levenshtein, V. I.}, year={1966}, pages={707--710}} @misc{vermeer10msc, author = {B. Vermeer}, title = {Holmes, Hunting for {H}askell Frauds}, year = {2010}, note = {Unpublished manuscript, \url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/jur/brianvermeer-msc.pdf}} } @inproceedings{hage11plagiarism, author = {Hage, J. and Rademaker, P. and van Vugt, N.}, title = {Plagiarism detection for Java: a tool comparison}, booktitle = {Computer Science Educaiton Research Conference}, series = {CSERC '11}, year = {2011}, isbn = {978 90 358 1987 0}, location = {Heerlen, Netherlands}, pages = {33--46}, numpages = {14}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2043594.2043597}, acmid = {2043597}, publisher = {Open Universiteit, Heerlen}, address = {Open Univ., Heerlen, The Netherlands, The Netherlands}, keywords = {Java, experimental evaluation, source code plagiarism}, } @inproceedings{jost10staticdetermination, author = {Jost, S. and Hammond, K. and Loidl, H.-W. and Hofmann, M.}, title = {Static determination of quantitative resource usage for higher-order programs}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, series = {POPL '10}, year = {2010}, location = {Madrid, Spain}, pages = {223--236}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {functional programming, resource analysis, types}, } @incollection{kennedy10typesforunitsofmeasure, author = {A. Kennedy}, title = {Types for Units-of-Measure: Theory and Practice}, booktitle = {Central European Functional Programming School (CEFP)}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor = {Z. Horv\'ath and R. Plasmeijer and V. Zs\'ok}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, pages = {268 -- 305}, volume = {6299}, year = {2010} } @misc{langer08website, author = {A. Langer}, title = {Java Generics FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions}, note = {http://www.angelikalanger.com/GenericsFAQ/JavaGenericsFAQ.html}, year = {2008}, month = {August} } @inbook{russell05artificial-ch5, chapter = {5}, isbn = {0137903952}, publisher = {Pearson Education}, author = {S. Russell and P. Norvig}, title = {Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach}, pages = {137-151}, year = {2003}, edition = {Second} } @book{parr09languageimplementation, author = {T. Parr}, publisher = {The Pragmatic Bookshelf}, title = {Language Implementation Patterns}, year = {2009}, note = {\url{http://www.pragprog.com/titles/tpdsl/language-implementation-patterns}} } @book{parr09thedefinitiveantlrreference, author = {T. Parr}, publisher = {The Pragmatic Bookshelf}, title = {The Definitive ANTLR Reference: Building Domain-Specific Languages}, year = {2007}, month = {May}, note = {\url{http://www.pragprog.com/titles/tpantlr/the-definitive-antlr-reference}} } @book{khedkar09dataflowanalysis, author = {U. Khedkar and A. Sanyal and B. Karkare}, publisher = {CRC Press}, title = {Data Flow Analysis: Theory and Practice}, edition = {1st}, month = {March}, year = {2009}, } @book{aho86compilers, author = {A. Aho and R. Sethi and J. D. Ullman}, publisher = {Addison Wesley}, title = {Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools}, year = {1986} } @book{nielson05principles, author = {F. Nielson and H.R. Nielson and C. Hankin}, edition = {Second printing}, location = {Berlin}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, title = {Principles of Program Analysis}, year = {2005} } @book{grune00modern, author = {D. Grune and H. E. Bal and C.J.H. Jacobs and K.G. Langendoen}, title = {Modern Compiler Design}, publisher = {Wiley}, series = {Worldwide Series in Computer Science}, year = {2000} } @article{knuth68semantics, author = {Knuth, D. E.}, affiliation = {California Institute of Technology USA}, title = {Semantics of context-free languages}, journal = {Theory of Computing Systems}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, location = {New York}, pages = {127--145}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, year = {1968} } @misc{lattner10llvm-website, author = {C. Lattner et al.}, title = {The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure}, year = {2010}, note = {\url{http://llvm.org}} } @incollection{bird98nested, author = {Bird, R. and Meertens, L.}, affiliation = {Oxford University Programming Research Group Wolfson Building, Parks Road OX1 3QD Oxford UK}, title = {Nested datatypes}, booktitle = {Mathematics of Program Construction}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor = {Jeuring, Johan}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, isbn = {}, pages = {52-67}, volume = {1422}, year = {1998} } @TECHREPORT{hage10comparison, author = {Hage, J. and Rademaker, P. and Vugt, N.~van}, year = 2010, title = {A comparison of plagiarism detection tools}, number = {UU-CS-2010-015}, institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, urlpdf = {{http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/repo/CS-2010/2010-015.pdf}}, pubcat = {techreport} } %% B:javagenerics @misc{weijers10security-msc, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {J. Weijers}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/Hage/MasterStudents}}, year = {2010}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Feedback-Oriented Security Analysis} } @techreport{rahli10constraintsystem-tr, author = {V. Rahli and J. B. Wells and F. Kamareddine}, year = {2010}, month = {Aug}, title = {A constraint system for a {SML} type error slicer}, number = {HW-MACS-TR-0079}, institution = {Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland}, urlpdf = {{http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk:8080/techreps/view_record.jsp?id=0079}}, pubcat = {techreport}, } @phdthesis{mitchell08transformation, author = "Mitchell, N.", title = "Transformation and Analysis of Functional Programs", school = "University of York", year = 2008} @inproceedings{meertens83incremental, author = {L. Meertens}, title = {Incremental polymorphic type checking in B}, booktitle = {POPL '83: Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN symposium on Principles of programming languages}, year = {1983}, isbn = {0-89791-090-7}, pages = {265--275}, location = {Austin, Texas}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/567067.567092}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @phdthesis{kennedy95dimensions, author = {A. J. Kennedy}, title = {Programming Languages and Dimensions}, school = {Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge}, year = {1995}, note = {Available as Technical Report No. 391} } @article{banerjee03modular, author = "Banerjee, A. and Jensen, T. P.", title = "Modular control-flow analysis with rank 2 intersection types", journal = "Mathemathical Structures in Computer Science", volume = 13, number = 1, pages = "87--124", year = 2003} @inproceedings{damas82principal, author = "Damas, L. and Milner, R.", title = "Principal type-schemes for functional programs", booktitle = "Conference Record of the Ninth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 1982", pages = "207--212", publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1982} @inproceedings{dussart95polymorphic, author = "Dussart, D. and Henglein, F. and Mossin, C.", title = "Polymorphic recursion and subtype qualifications: {P}olymorphic binding-time analysis in polynominal time", editor = "Mycroft, Alan", booktitle = "Static Analysis, Second International Symposium, SAS'95, Glasgow, UK, September 27, 1995, Proceedings", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 983, pages = "118--135", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 1995} @article{faehndrich08type, author = "F{\"a}hndrich, M. and Rehof, J.", title = "Type-based flow analysis and context-free language reachability", journal = "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science", volume = 18, number = 5, pages = "823--894", year = 2008} @inproceedings{faxen97polyvariance, author = "Fax{\'e}n, K.-F.", title = "Polyvariance, polymorphism and flow analysis", editor = "Dam, Mads", booktitle = "Analysis and Verification of Multiple-Agent Languages, 5th LOMAPS Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, June 24--26, 1996, Selected Papers", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 1192, pages = "260--278", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 1997} @inproceedings{gustavsson01constraint, author = "Gustavsson, J. and Svenningsson, J.", title = "Constraint abstractions", editor = "Danvy, O. and Filinski, A.", booktitle = "Programs as Data Objects, Second Symposium, PADO 2001, Aarhus, Denmark, May 21--23, 2001, Proceedings", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 2053, pages = "63--83", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 2001} @inproceedings{heintze94set, author = "Heintze, N.", title = "Set-based analysis of {ML} programs", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1994 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming, Orlando, Florida, USA, 27--29 June 1994", pages = "306--317", publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1994} @inproceedings{henglein94polymorphic, author = "Henglein, F. and Mossin, C.", title = "Polymorphic binding-time analysis", editor = "Sannella, Donald", booktitle = "Programming Languages and Systems, ESOP'94, 5th European Symposium on Programming, Edinburgh, U.K., April 11--13, 1994, Proceedings", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 788, pages = "287--301", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 1994} @inproceedings{holdermans10role, author = {Holdermans, S. and Hage, J.}, title = {On the r\^ole of minimal typing derivations in type-driven program transformation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications}, series = {LDTA '10}, year = {2010}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0063-6}, location = {Paphos, Cyprus}, pages = {2:1--2:8}, articleno = {2}, numpages = {8}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1868281.1868283}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1868281.1868283}, acmid = {1868283}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {annotated type systems, minimal typing derivations, type-driven program transformation}, } @inproceedings{jim96what, author = "Jim, T.", title = "What are principal typings and what are they good for?", booktitle = "Conference Record of POPL'96: The 23rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Language, Papers Presented at the Symposium, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, 21--24 January 1996", pages = "42--53", publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1996} @article{kam77monotone, author = "Kam, J. B. and Ullman, J. D.", title = "Monotone data flow analysis frameworks", journal = "Acta Informaticae", volume = 7, pages = "305--317", year = 1977} @inproceedings{kfoury90undecidability, author = {Kfoury, A. J. and Tiuryn, J. and Urzyczyn, P.}, title = {The undecidability of the semi-unification problem}, booktitle = {STOC '90: Proceedings of the twenty-second annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing}, year = {1990}, isbn = {0-89791-361-2}, pages = {468--476}, location = {Baltimore, Maryland, United States}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/100216.100279}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } @book{milner97mlrevised, author = {Milner, R. and Tofte, M. and Harper, R. and Macqueen, D.}, edition = {Rev Sub}, howpublished = {Paperback}, isbn = {0262631814}, keywords = {standard-ml}, month = {May}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, title = {The Definition of Standard ML - Revised}, year = {1997} } @article{kfoury92type, author = "Kfoury, Assaf J. and Tiuryn, Jerzy", title = "Type reconstruction in finite rank fragments of the second-order {$\lambda$}-calculus", journal = "Information and Computation", volume = 98, number = 2, pages = "228--257", year = 1992} @inproceedings{kfoury99principality, author = "Kfoury, Assaf J. and Wells, Joe B.", title = "Principality and decidable type inference for finte-rank intersection types", booktitle = "POPL '99, Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, January 20--22, 1999, San Antonio, TX", pages = "161--174", publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1999} @article{mossin03exact, author = "Mossin, Christian", title = "Exact flow analysis", journal = "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science", volume = 13, number = 1, pages = "125--156", year = 2003} @inproceedings{mycroft84polymorphic, author = "Mycroft, Alan", title = "Polymorphic type schemes and recursive definitions", editor = "Paul, Manfred and Robinet, Bernard", booktitle = "International Symposium on Programming, 6th Colloquium, Toulouse, April 17--19, 1984, Proceedings", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 167, pages = "217--228", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 1984} @inproceedings{nielson97infinitary, author = "Nielson, Hanne Riis and Nielson, Flemming", title = "Infinitary control flow analysis: {A} collecting semantics for closure analysis", booktitle = "Conference Record of POPL'97: The 24th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Papers Presented at the Symposium, Paris, France, 15--17 January 1997", pages = "332--345", publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1997} @inproceedings{nielson99type, author = "Nielson, Flemming and Nielson, Hanne Riis", title = "Type and Effect Systems", editor = "Olderog, Ernst-R{\"u}diger and Steffen, Bernhard", booktitle = "Correct System Design, Recent Insight and Advances, (to Hans Langmaack on the occasion of his retirement from his professorship at the University of Kiel)", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = 1710, pages = "114--136", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 1999} @inproceedings{palsberg01type, author = "Palsberg, Jens", title = "Type-based analysis and applications", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering, PASTE'01, Snowbird, Utah, USA, June 18--19, 2001", pages = "20--27", publisher = "ACM Press", year = 2001} @phdthesis{sestoft91analysis, author = "Sestoft, Peter", title = "Analysis and Efficient Implementation of Functional Languages", school = "University of Copenhagen", year = 1991} @phdthesis{shivers91control, author = "Shivers, Olin", title = "Control-flow Analysis of Higher-Order Languages", school = "Carnegie Mellon University", year = 1991} @inproceedings{smith00polyvariant, author = "Smith, Scott F. and Wang, Tiejun", title = "Polyvariant flow analysis with constrained types", editor = "Smolka, Gert", booktitle = "Programming Languages and Systems, 9th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2000, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on the Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2000, Berlin, Germany, March 25--April 2, 2000, Proceedings", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences", volume = 1782, pages = "382--396", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 2000} @inproceedings{tang95effect, author = "Tang, Yan Mei and Jouvelot, Pierre", title = "Effect systems with subtyping", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation, La Jolla, California, USA, June 21--23, 1995", pages = "45--53", publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1995} @inproceedings{tofte94implementation, author = "Tofte, Mads and Talpin, Jean-Pierre", title = "Implementation of the typed call-by-value {$\lambda$}-calculus using a stack of regions", booktitle = "Conference Record of POPL'94: 21st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Portland, Oregon, January 17--21, 1994", pages = "188--201", publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1994} @inproceedings{wansbrough99once, author = "Wansbrough, Keith and Peyton Jones, Simon", booktitle = "POPL '99, Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, January 20--22, 1999, San Antonio, TX", title = "Once upon a polymorphic type", pages = "15--28", publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1999} @article{wells02calculus, author = "Wells, Joe B. and Dimock, Allyn and Muller, Robert and Turbak, Franklyn A.", title = "A calculus with polymorphic and polyvariant flow types", journal = "Journal of Functional Programming", volume = 12, number = 3, pages = "183--227", year = 2002} @inproceedings{holdermans10higherranked, Author = {S. Holdermans and J. Hage}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN 2010 International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP '10)}, Keywords = {program analysis, type and effect systems, higher-rank, effect operators}, Editor = {}, pages = {63--74}, location = {Baltimore, Maryland, USA}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Polyvariant flow analysis with higher-ranked polymorphic types and higher-order effect operators}, Year = {2010} } @article{hermenegildo05integrated, author = {Manuel V. Hermenegildo and Germ{\'a}n Puebla and Francisco Bueno and Pedro L{\'o}pez-Garc\'{\i}a}, title = {Integrated program debugging, verification, and optimization using abstract interpretation (and the Ciao system preprocessor)}, journal = {Sci. Comput. Program.}, volume = {58}, number = {1-2}, year = {2005}, pages = {115-140}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2005.02.006}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @inproceedings{holdermans10minimal, author = {Holdermans, Stefan and Hage, Jurriaan}, title = {On the r\le of minimal typing derivations in type-driven program transformation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications}, series = {LDTA '10}, year = {2010}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0063-6}, location = {Paphos, Cyprus}, pages = {2:1--2:8}, articleno = {2}, numpages = {8}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1868281.1868283}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1868281.1868283}, acmid = {1868283}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {annotated type systems, minimal typing derivations, type-driven program transformation}, } @inproceedings{boustani10correctivehints, Author = {N. el Boustani and J. Hage}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2010 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM '10)}, Keywords = {program analysis, type error messages, generics}, Editor = {J. Gallagher and J. Voigtl\"ander}, Pages = {5--14}, location = {Madrid, Spain}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Corrective Hints for Type Incorrect {G}eneric {J}ava Programs}, Year = {2010} } @inproceedings{holdermans10makingstricterness, Author = {S. Holdermans and J. Hage}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2010 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM '10)}, Keywords = {program analysis, type and effect systems, relevance typing, strictness analysis, seq}, Editor = {J. Gallagher and J. Voigtl\"ander}, Pages = {121--130}, location = {Madrid, Spain}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Making ``Stricterness'' More Relevant}, Year = {2010} } @inproceedings{kfoury94direct, author = "Kfoury, A. J. and Wells, J. B.", title = "A direct algorithm for type inference in the rank-2 fragment of the second-order lambda-calculus", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1994 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming, Orlando, Florida, USA, 27--29 June 1994", pages = "196--207", publisher = "ACM Press", year = 1994 } @article{igarashi06variantparametrictypes, author = {Igarashi, A. and Viroli, M.}, title = {Variant parametric types: A flexible subtyping scheme for generics}, journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.}, volume = {28}, number = {5}, year = {2006}, issn = {0164-0925}, pages = {795--847}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1152649.1152650}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{thorup99unifyinggenericity, author = {Thorup, K. K. and Torgersen, M.}, title = {Unifying Genericity - Combining the Benefits of Virtual Types and Parameterized Classes}, booktitle = {ECOOP '99: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming}, year = {1999}, isbn = {3-540-66156-5}, pages = {186--204}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {London, UK}, } @inproceedings{pottier02informationflow-popl, author = {Pottier, F. and Simonet, V.}, title = {Information flow inference for ML}, booktitle = {POPL '02: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, year = {2002}, isbn = {1-58113-450-9}, pages = {319--330}, location = {Portland, Oregon}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/503272.503302}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{marino09generic, author = {D. Marino and T. D. Millstein}, title = {A generic type-and-effect system}, editor = {A. Kennedy and A. Ahmed}, booktitle = {Proceedings of TLDI'09: 2009 ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Types in Languages Design and Implementation}, year = {2009}, pages = {39--50}, publisher = {ACM}, } @inbook{hage09oninvolutions, author = {J. Hage and T. Harju}, title = {On Involutions Arising From Graphs}, booktitle = {Algorithmic Bioprocesses}, editor = {A. Condon and D. Harel and J. Kok and A. Salomaa and E. Winfree}, series = {Natural Computing Series}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, isbn = {978-3-540-88868-0}, year = {2009}, month = {September}, pages = {623 -- 630} } @inproceedings{nielson97infinitarycfa, author = {F. Nielson and H.~R. Nielson}, title = {Infinitary control flow analysis: a collecting semantics for closure analysis}, booktitle = {POPL '97: Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, year = {1997}, isbn = {0-89791-853-3}, pages = {332--345}, location = {Paris, France}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/263699.263745}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @article{mitchell91typeinference, author = {J.~C. Mitchell}, year = {1991}, title = {Type inference with simple subtypes}, journal= {Journal of Functional Programming}, volume = {1}, pages = {245 -- 285} } @article{smith94principaltypeschemes, title = "Principal type schemes for functional programs with overloading and subtyping", journal = "Science of Computer Programming", volume = "23", number = "2--3", pages = "197 -- 226", year = "1994", note = "", issn = "0167-6423", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/0167-6423(94)00020-4", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V17-45FSM4B-5/2/af5d16fdee908f239868bc868904e944", author = "G.~S. Smith" } @inproceedings{fuh88typeinferencewithsubtypes-esop, author = {Y.-C. Fuh and P. Mishra}, title = {Type Inference with Subtypes}, year = {1988}, pages = {94-114}, editor = {H. Ganzinger}, booktitle = {ESOP '88, 2nd European Symposium on Programming, Nancy, France, March 21-24, 1988, Proceedings}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {300}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @inproceedings{fuh89polymorphic, author = {Y.-C. Fuh and P. Mishra}, title = {Polymorphic Subtype Inference: Closing the Theory-Practice Gap}, year = {1989}, pages = {167-183}, editor = {J. D\'{\i}az and F. Orejas}, booktitle = {TAPSOFT'89: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, Barcelona, Spain, March 13-17, 1989, Volume 2: Advanced Seminar on Foundations of Innovative Software Development II and Colloquium on Current Issues in Programming Languages (CCIPL)}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {352}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @article{fuh95typeinferencewithsubtypes-tcs, author = "Y.-C. Fuh and P. Mishra", title = "Type inference with subtypes", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "73", number = "2", pages = "155 -- 175", year = "1990", note = "", issn = "0304-3975", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/0304-3975(90)90144-7", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V1G-45W3WV5-3G/2/a893d6a1888ca0980e88f6e327a5ed52", } @article{heintze94setbasedanalysis, author = {N. Heintze}, title = {Set-based analysis of ML programs}, journal = {SIGPLAN Lisp Pointers}, volume = {VII}, number = {3}, year = {1994}, issn = {1045-3563}, pages = {306--317}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/182590.182495}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{jagannathan95unifiedtreatment, author = {S. Jagannathan and S. Weeks}, title = {A unified treatment of flow analysis in higher-order languages}, booktitle = {POPL '95: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, year = {1995}, isbn = {0-89791-692-1}, pages = {393--407}, location = {San Francisco, California, United States}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/199448.199536}, notes = {Gelezen. Monotone framework-achtige ontwikkeling, gebaseerd op abstract interpretation. Resultaten zijn nu niet meer zo spannend. Alles is mono. heintze94setbasedanalysis lijkt bevat in dit werk, alsmede Shivers (en die doet ook nog eens CPS en een stuk ingewikkelder)}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{shivers91semanticsofschemecfa, author = {O. Shivers}, title = {The semantics of Scheme control-flow analysis}, booktitle = {PEPM '91: Proceedings of the 1991 ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Partial evaluation and semantics-based program manipulation}, year = {1991}, isbn = {0-89791-433-3}, pages = {190--198}, location = {New Haven, Connecticut, United States}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/115865.115884}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{shivers88cfainscheme, author = {O. Shivers}, title = {Control flow analysis in scheme}, booktitle = {PLDI '88: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1988 conference on Programming Language design and Implementation}, year = {1988}, isbn = {0-89791-269-1}, pages = {164--174}, location = {Atlanta, Georgia, United States}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/53990.54007}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{leijen09flexibletypes, author = {D. Leijen}, title = {Flexible types: robust type inference for first-class polymorphism}, booktitle = {POPL '09: Proceedings of the 36th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, year = {2009}, isbn = {978-1-60558-379-2}, pages = {66--77}, location = {Savannah, GA, USA}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1480881.1480891}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } @inproceedings{leijen08hmf, author = {Leijen,, D.}, title = {HMF: simple type inference for first-class polymorphism}, booktitle = {ICFP '08: Proceeding of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, year = {2008}, isbn = {978-1-59593-919-7}, pages = {283--294}, location = {Victoria, BC, Canada}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1411204.1411245}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{vytiniotis08fph, author = {D. Vytiniotis and S. Weirich and S. Peyton Jones}, title = {FPH: first-class polymorphism for Haskell}, booktitle = {ICFP '08: Proceeding of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, year = {2008}, isbn = {978-1-59593-919-7}, pages = {295--306}, location = {Victoria, BC, Canada}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1411204.1411246}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @misc{sulzmann09pc, author = {J. Hage and M. Sulzmann}, title = {Private communication}, year = {2009}, month = {January} } @misc{timberwebsite, author = {J. Nordlander and M. Carlsson and A. Gill and P. Lindgren and B. von Sydow}, title = {The {T}imber homepage}, year = {2008}, note = {\url{http://www.timber-lang.org}} } @misc{scalawebsite, author = {M. Odersky}, title = {The {S}cala homepage}, year = {2008}, note = {\url{http://www.scala-lang.org/}} } @inproceedings{nordlander98subtyping, author = {J. Nordlander}, title = {Pragmatic subtyping in polymorphic languages}, booktitle = {ICFP '98: Proceedings of the third ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, year = {1998}, isbn = {1-58113-024-4}, pages = {216--227}, location = {Baltimore, Maryland, United States}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/289423.289445}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @techreport{boustani09javaheuristics-tr, author = {Boustani, N. el and J. Hage}, year = {2009}, title = {Corrective Hints for Type Incorrect Generic Java Programs}, number = {UU-CS-2009-009}, institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, urlpdf = {{http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/repo/CS-2009/2009-009.pdf}}, pubcat = {techreport}, note = {A revised version is under submission to PEPM '10} } %% camphuijsen09tr @techreport{camphuijsen09softtyping-tr, author = {P. Camphuijsen and J. Hage and S. Holdermans}, year = {2009}, title = {Soft Typing PHP}, number = {UU-CS-2009-004}, institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, urlpdf = {{http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/repo/CS-2009/2009-004.pdf}}, pubcat = {techreport}, } @book{warmer07praktischuml, author = {J. Warmer and A. Kleppe}, title = {Praktisch UML}, publisher = {Pearson Education Benelux}, year = {2007}, edition = {4e} } @misc{plaggiewebsite, author = {A. Ahtiainen and S. Surakka and M. Rahikainen}, title = {Plaggie website}, year = {2006}, note = {{http://www.cs.hut.fi/Software/Plaggie/}} } @article{burrows07efficientplagiarism, author = {S. Burrows and S. M. M. Tahaghoghi and J. Zobel}, title = {Efficient plagiarism detection for large code repositories}, journal = {Softw., Pract. Exper.}, volume = {37}, number = {2}, year = {2007}, pages = {151 -- 175}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/spe.750}, } @inproceedings{wise96yap3, author = {M. J. Wise}, title = {YAP3: improved detection of similarities in computer program and other texts}, editor = {J. Impagliazzo and E. S. Adams and K. J. Klee}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1996, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, February 15-17, 1996}, year = {1996}, publisher = {ACM}, pages = {130--134}, ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/236452.236525}, } @misc{eng-oer-0910, author = {{Graduate School Of Natural Sciences}}, title = {Education and Examination regulations 2009-2010}, year = {2009}, note = {{http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/jur/EER2009-2010.pdf}} } %% haskellprime @misc{haskellprimewebsite, author = {I. Jones and J. Launchbury and others}, title = {Haskell Prime Trac}, note = {{http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/haskell-prime/}} } @misc{welton09langpop, author = {D. Welton}, title = {Programming Language Popularity}, year = {2009}, note = {{http://www.langpop.com/}} } @inproceedings{lerner06seminal, author = {B. Lerner and D. Grossman and C. Chambers}, title = {Seminal: searching for ML type-error messages}, booktitle = {ML '06: Proceedings of the 2006 workshop on ML}, year = {2006}, isbn = {1-59593-483-9}, pages = {63--73}, location = {Portland, Oregon, USA}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @inproceedings{boustani09javagenerics, Author = {N. el Boustani and J. Hage}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2009 Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM '09)}, Keywords = {program analysis, type error messages, generics}, Editor = {G. Puebla and G. Vidal}, Pages = {131--140}, location = {Savannah, USA}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Improving Type Error Messages for {G}eneric {J}ava}, Year = {2009} } @inproceedings{li03toolsupportforrefactoring, author = {H. Li and C. Reinke and S. Thompson}, title = {Tool Support for Refactoring Functional Programs}, month = {August}, year = {2003}, pages = {27--38}, url = {http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/pubs/2003/1677}, booktitle = {ACM SIGPLAN 2003 Haskell Workshop}, editor = {Johan Jeuring}, organization = {ACM} } @inproceedings{hage09neon, Author = {J. Hage and P. van Keeken}, keywords = {program analysis, logging}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE '08)}, title = {Neon: A Library for Language Usage Analysis}, editor = {D. Gasevic and R. L{\"a}mmel and E. Van Wyk}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {5452}, pages = {35 -- 53}, location = {Toulouse, France}, year = {2009}, note = {Revised selected papers} } @inproceedings{dijkstra09architecture, author = {Dijkstra, A. and Fokker, J. and Swierstra, S. D.}, title = {The architecture of the {U}trecht {H}askell {C}ompiler}, booktitle = {Haskell '09: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Haskell}, year = {2009}, isbn = {978-1-60558-508-6}, pages = {93--104}, location = {Edinburgh, Scotland}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1596638.1596650}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } @article{hage09strategies, author = "J. Hage and B. Heeren", title = "Strategies for Solving Constraints in Type and Effect Systems", journal = "Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "236", number = "", pages = "163 -- 183", year = "2009", place = "Bertinoro, Italy", issn = "1571-0661", note = "Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Views On Designing Complex Architectures (VODCA 2008)", keywords = "type and effect systems", keywords = "inference algorithms", keywords = "constraints", keywords = "solving strategies", } %% dolstra09icfpcontest @inproceedings{dolstra08icfpcontest, author = {E. Dolstra and J. Hage and B. Heeren and S. Holdermans and J. Jeuring and A. L{\"o}h and C. L{\"o}h and A. Middelkoop and A. Rodriguez and J. van Schie}, title = {Report on the tenth ICFP programming contest}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming (ICFP '08)}, year = {2008}, class = {Wet}, pages = {397--408}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1411203.1411259}, publisher = {ACM}, location = {Victoria, BC, Canada}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } @inproceedings{hage08heap, Author = {J. Hage and S. Holdermans}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2008 Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM '08)}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:13:21 +0200}, Editor = {J. Hatcliff and R. Gl{\"u}ck and O. de Moor}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Pages = {189 -- 198}, Place = {San Francisco, USA}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Heap recycling for lazy languages}, Year = {2008} } %% gosling05:java @book{gosling05jls, Author = {J. Gosling and B. Joy and G. Steele and G. Bracha}, Isbn = {0321246780}, Publisher = {Addison-Wesley Professional}, Title = {Java(TM) Language Specification, The Third Edition}, Year = {2005} } %% BLV:quality @inproceedings{brink07qualityassessment, Author = {H. van den Brink and R. van der Leek and J. Visser}, Booktitle = {Seventh IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2007)}, Pages = {163-170}, Title = {Quality Assessment for Embedded SQL}, Year = {2007}} @inproceedings{sewell07ott, Author = {P. Sewell and F. Zappa Nardelli and S. Owens and G. Peskine and T. Ridge and S. Sarkar and R. Strnisa}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP 2007, Freiburg, Germany, October 1-3, 2007}, Editor = {R. Hinze and N. Ramsey}, Pages = {1-12}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Ott: effective tool support for the working semanticist}, Year = {2007}} %% HH:bipartite @article{hage07bipartite, Author = {J. Hage and T. Harju}, Journal = {Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Number = {3}, Pages = {471 -- 483}, Pubcat = {article}, Title = {Towards a characterization of bipartite switching classes by means of forbidden subgraphs}, Volume = {27}, Year = {2007} } %% xu2006staticchecking @inproceedings{xu06extendedstaticchecking, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {D. N. Xu}, Booktitle = {Haskell '06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Haskell}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1159842.1159849}, Isbn = {1-59593-489-8}, Location = {Portland, Oregon, USA}, Pages = {48--59}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Extended static checking for {H}askell}, Year = {2006}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1159842.1159849}} %% BlanchetPhd00 @PHDTHESIS{blanchet00analyse-phd, AUTHOR = {B. Blanchet}, TITLE = {Analyse d'chappement. Applications ML et Java({TM}). Escape Analysis. Applications to ML and Java({TM})}, SCHOOL = {cole Polytechnique}, YEAR = 2000, MONTH = {7 } # DEC, NOTE = {En anglais. In English. Prix de thse de l'cole Polytechnique. Thesis prize of Ecole Polytechnique.} } @inproceedings{hage07generic, Author = {J. Hage and S. Holdermans and A. Middelkoop}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, ICFP 2007, Freiburg, Germany, October 1--3, 2007}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:13:39 +0200}, Editor = {Hinze, Ralf and Ramsey, Norman}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Pages = {235--246}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {A generic usage analysis with subeffect qualifiers}, Year = 2007} %% 351261 @inproceedings{gapeyev00recursivesubtyping, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {Vladimir Gapeyev and Michael Y. Levin and Benjamin C. Pierce}, Booktitle = {ICFP '00: Proceedings of the fifth ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/351240.351261}, Isbn = {1-58113-202-6}, Pages = {221--231}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Recursive subtyping revealed: (functional pearl)}, Year = {2000}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/351240.351261}} %% WB:adhocpolymorphism @inproceedings{wadler89adhocpolymorphism, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {P. Wadler and S. Blott}, Booktitle = {POPL '89: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/75277.75283}, Isbn = {0-89791-294-2}, Location = {Austin, Texas, United States}, Pages = {60--76}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc}, Year = {1989}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/75277.75283}} %% J:methodsandtools @inproceedings{jadud06methodsandtools, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {Matthew C. Jadud}, Booktitle = {ICER '06: Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Computing education research}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1151588.1151600}, Isbn = {1-59593-494-4}, Location = {Canterbury, United Kingdom}, Pages = {73--84}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Methods and tools for exploring novice compilation behaviour}, Year = {2006}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1151588.1151600}} %% HH:heuristics @inproceedings{hage07heuristics, Address = {Heidelberg}, Author = {J. Hage and B. Heeren}, Booktitle = {Implementation of Functional Languages -- IFL 2006}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:13:17 +0200}, Editor = {Z. Horv\'{a}th and V. Zs\'{o}k and A. Butterfield}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Pages = {199 -- 216}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Title = {Heuristics for type error discovery and recovery}, Volume = {4449}, Year = {2007}} %% H:marble1 @article{hage07marble, Author = {J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:09:43 +0200}, Journal = {TINFON, Tijdschrift voor informatieonderwijs}, Keywords = {plagiarism detection, program analysis}, Month = {April}, Number = {1}, Pages = {4 -- 8}, Pubcat = {journal}, Title = {Programmeerplagiaatdetectie met {M}arble}, Volume = {16}, Year = {2007}} %% H:UUCS2006062 @techreport{hage06marble-tr, Author = {J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:14:18 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, Keywords = {program analysis, plagiarism detection}, Number = {UU-CS-2006-062}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Programmeerplagiaatdetectie met Marble}, Urlpdf = {{http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/repo/CS-2006/2006-062.pdf}}, Year = 2006} %% HH:strategies @techreport{hage06strategies-tr, Author = {J. Hage and B. Heeren}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:16:47 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Number = {UU-CS-2006-055}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Strategies for solving constraints in program analysis}, Urlpdf = {{http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/repo/CS-2006/2006-055.pdf}}, Year = 2006} %% HH:heuristicsrevisedrevised @techreport{hage06heuristicsrevisedrevised-tr, Author = {J. Hage and B. Heeren}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:14:28 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Number = {UU-CS-2006-054}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Heuristics for type error discovery and recovery (revised revised)}, Urlpdf = {{http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/repo/CS-2006/2006-054.pdf}}, Year = 2006} %% B:javagenerics @misc{boustani08javagenerics-msc, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {N. el Boustani}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/Hage/MasterStudents}}, year = {2008}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Improving Type Error Messages for Generic Java} } %% L:repair @misc{langebaerd06repair-msc, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {A. Langebaerd}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/Hage/MasterStudents}}, Pubcat = {external}, year = {2006}, Title = {Repair Systems, Automatic Correction of Type Errors in Functional Programs} } %% HK:neon1 @techreport{hage06neon-tr, Author = {J. Hage and P. van Keeken}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:14:26 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Number = {UU-CS-2006-047}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Mining for {H}elium}, Urlpdf = {{http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/repo/CS-2006/2006-047.pdf}}, Year = {2006} } %% K:analyzing @misc{keeken06analyzing, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {P. van Keeken}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/Hage/MasterStudents}}, Number = {INF/SCR-05-93}, year = {2006}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Analyzing {H}elium programs obtained through logging} } %% J:securingperl @misc{jackson05securingperl, author = {G. Jackson}, title = {Securing {P}erl with type inference}, note = {\url{http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~bargle/project2.pdf}}, month = {May}, year = {2005} } %% N05javacc @misc{norvell05javaccfaq, author = "T. S. Norvell", title = "{The JavaCC FAQ}", howpublished = "Available at \url{http://www.engr.mun.ca/\~{}theo/JavaCC-FAQ/javacc-faq.pdf}", year = "2005", month = "July" } %% CU91iterative @article{chambers91iterative, author = {C. Chambers and D. Ungar}, title = {Iterative type analysis and extended message splitting: optimizing dynamically-typed object-oriented programs}, journal = {Lisp Symb. Comput.}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, year = {1991}, issn = {0892-4635}, pages = {283--310}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01806109}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, address = {Hingham, MA, USA} } %% A00aggressive @inproceedings{aycock00aggressive, author = {J. Aycock}, title = {Aggressive type inference}, booktitle = {The Eighth International Python Conference}, year = {2000}, note = {\url{http://www.python.org/workshops/2000-01/proceedings/papers/aycock/aycock.html}} } %% phpwebsite @misc{phpwebsite, author = {The {PHP} {G}roup}, title = {{PHP}: {H}ypertext {P}rocessor}, note = {\url{http://www.php.net}} } %% CR91revisedscheme @article{clinger91revisedscheme, author = {Abelson,, H. and Dybvig,, R. K. and Haynes,, C. T. and Rozas,, G. J. and Adams,IV, N. I. and Friedman,, D. P. and Kohlbecker,, E. and Steele,Jr., G. L. and Bartley,, D. H. and Halstead,, R. and Oxley,, D. and Sussman,, G. J. and Brooks,, G. and Hanson,, C. and Pitman,, K. M. and Wand,, M.}, editor = {Clinger,, William and Rees,, Jonathan}, title = {Revised report on the algorithmic language scheme}, journal = {SIGPLAN Lisp Pointers}, volume = {IV}, number = {3}, year = {1991}, issn = {1045-3563}, pages = {1--55}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/382130.382133}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } %% C:php @misc{camphuijsen06softtypingphp-msc, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {P. Camphuijsen}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/Hage/MasterStudents}}, Number = {INF/SCR-06-37}, Pubcat = {external}, year = "2006", Title = {Soft typing and analyses on {PHP} programs} } %% EHHR:embeddingextended @article{ehrenfeucht06embedding-jnl, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and J. Hage and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:09:06 +0200}, Journal = {Fundamenta Informaticae}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1 -- 17}, Pubcat = {journal}, Title = {The embedding problem for switching classes of graphs}, Volume = {74}, Year = {2006}} %% HH:bipartiteTR @techreport{hage06bipartite-tr, Author = {J. Hage and T. Harju}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:16:27 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Number = {UU-CS-2006-028}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Towards a characterization of bipartite switching classes by means of forbidden subgraphs}, Urlpdf = {{http://archive.cs.uu.nl/pub/RUU/CS/techreps/CS-2006/2006-028.pdf}}, Year = {2006}} %% HH:heuristicsrevised @techreport{hage06heuristicsrevised-tr, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {J. Hage and B. Heeren}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:14:30 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Month = {July}, Note = {Technical Report}, Number = {UU-CS-2006-007}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Heuristics for type error discovery and recovery (revised)}, Urlpdf = {{http://archive.cs.uu.nl/pub/RUU/CS/techreps/CS-2006/2006-007.pdf}}, Year = {2006}} %% H:heliumlogger @techreport{hage05heliumlogger-tr, Author = {J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:15:21 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, Keywords = {programming languages, program analysis}, Number = {UU-CS-2005-055}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {The {H}elium Logging Facility}, Urlpdf = {{http://archive.cs.uu.nl/pub/RUU/CS/techreps/CS-2005/2005-055.pdf}}, Year = 2005} %% neonwebsite @misc{neonwebsite, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:11:23 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/Hage/Neon}}, Pubcat = {website}, Title = {{\Neon} website}} %% ploticus @misc{ploticuswebsite, Author = {S. Grubb}, Note = {\url{http://ploticus.sourceforge.net}}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Ploticus website}} %% topwebsite @misc{topwebsite, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:12:10 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/Top}}, Pubcat = {website}, Title = {Top project website}} %% HH:heuristics-old @techreport{hage05heuristics-tr, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {J. Hage and B. Heeren}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:14:33 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Month = {July}, Note = {Technical Report}, Number = {UU-CS-2005-029}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Heuristics for type error discovery and recovery}, Year = {2005}} %% heeren2005ordering @techreport{hage05ordering, Address = {Utrecht University, Netherlands}, Author = {J. Hage and B. Heeren}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:14:23 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Month = {April}, Note = {Technical Report}, Number = {UU-CS-2005-016}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Ordering Type Constraints: A Structured Approach}, Year = {2005}} %% EHHR:techrepembeddingv2 @techreport{ehrenfeucht05embedding-tr, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and J. Hage and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:16:33 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Number = {UU-CS-2005-007}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {The Embedding Problem For Switching Classes}, Year = {2005}} %% HH:typeclassdirectives @inproceedings{heeren05typeclassdirectives, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {B. Heeren and J. Hage}, Booktitle = {Seventh International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:13:08 +0200}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Pages = {253 -- 267}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Title = {Type Class Directives}, Year = {2005}} %% heeren2004firstattempt @techreport{heeren04typeclassdirectives-tr, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {B. Heeren and J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:14:54 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Month = {September}, Note = {Technical Report}, Number = {UU-CS-2002-031}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {A first attempt at type class directives}, Year = {2004}} %% EHHR:embedding @inproceedings{ehrenfeucht04embedding, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and J. Hage and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Booktitle = {Graph Transformations, Second International Conference, ICGT 2004}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:10:21 +0200}, Editor = {H. Ehrig and G. Engels and F. Parisi-Presicce and G. Rozenberg}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Month = {September/October}, Notes = {Same as technical report UU-CS-2004-023}, Pages = {257 -- 270}, Pubcat = {article}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Title = {Embedding in Switching Classes with Skew Gains}, Volume = {LNCS 3256}, Year = {2004}} %% EHHR:techrepembedding @techreport{ehrenfeucht04embedding-tr, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and J. Hage and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:16:01 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Number = {UU-CS-2004-023}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Embedding in Switching Classes with Skew Gains}, Year = {2004}} %% HH:critical @article{hage04characterization, Author = {J. Hage and T. Harju}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:08:45 +0200}, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Number = {1}, Pages = {159 -- 176}, Pubcat = {article}, Title = {A characterization of acyclic switching classes using forbidden subgraphs}, Volume = {18}, Year = {2004}} %% HHW:eulerimproved @article{hage03euler-jnl, Author = {J. Hage and T. Harju and E. Welzl}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:08:34 +0200}, Journal = {Fundamenta Informaticae}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Month = {November}, Number = {1}, Pages = {23--37}, Pubcat = {journal}, Publisher = {IOS Press}, Title = {Euler Graphs, Triangle-Free Graphs and Bipartite Graphs in Switching Classes}, Volume = {58}, Year = {2003}} %% HHS:constraint @inproceedings{heeren03constraint, Address = {Cork}, Author = {B. Heeren and J. Hage and S. D. Swierstra}, Booktitle = {Workshop Proceedings of Immediate Applications of Constraint Programming}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:13:35 +0200}, Editor = {M.-C.~Silaghi and M.~Zanker}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Month = {September}, Notes = {Based on \cite{heeren2002parametric} and \cite{heeren2002generalizing}}, Pages = {59 -- 80}, Pubcat = {workshop}, Title = {Constraint based type inferencing in {H}elium}, Year = {2003}} %% HHS:scripting @inproceedings{heeren03scripting, Address = {New York}, Author = {B. Heeren and J. Hage and S. D. Swierstra}, Booktitle = {Eighth International Conference on Functional Programming}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:13:14 +0200}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Pages = {3 -- 13}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Scripting the type inference process}, Year = {2003}} %% H:enummultisets @article{hage03enumerating, Author = {J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:08:39 +0200}, Journal = {Inf. Proc. Letters}, Keywords = {algorithms, switching classes}, Notes = {Replaces technical report UU-CS-2001-27}, Number = {4}, Pages = {221 -- 226}, Pubcat = {journal}, Title = {Enumerating submultisets of multisets}, Volume = {85}, Year = {2003}} %% schrage04proxima @misc{schrage04proxima-phd, Author = {M. Schrage}, Text = {M. M. Schrage. Proxima - A presentation-oriented editor for structured documents. PhD thesis, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 2004.}, Title = {Proxima - A presentation-oriented editor for structured documents}, Year = {2004}} %% heeren2002parametric @techreport{heeren02parametric-tr, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {B. Heeren and J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:14:20 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Month = {August}, Note = {Technical Report}, Number = {UU-CS-2002-035}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Parametric Type Inferencing for Helium}, Year = {2002}} %% heeren2002generalizing @techreport{heeren02generalizing-tr, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {B. Heeren and J. Hage and D. Swierstra}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:14:45 +0200}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Month = {July}, Note = {Technical Report}, Number = {UU-CS-2002-031}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Generalizing {H}indley-{M}ilner Type Inference Algorithms}, Year = {2002}} %% HHW:euler @inproceedings{hage02euler, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {J. Hage and T. Harju and E. Welzl}, Booktitle = {Graph Transformation, First Int. Conf, ICGT 2002}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:10:18 +0200}, Editor = {A. Corradini and H. Ehrig and H.-J. Kreowski and G. Rozenberg}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {48--60}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Euler Graphs, Triangle-Free Graphs and Bipartite Graphs in Switching Classes}, Volume = {2505}, Year = {2002}} %% H:thesis @phdthesis{hage01structural-phd, Author = {J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:16:15 +0200}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Note = {http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/jur/2s.html}, Pubcat = {phdthesis}, School = {Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science}, Title = {Structural Aspects Of Switching Classes}, Year = {2001}} %% EHHR:complex @inproceedings{ehrenfeucht00complexity, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and J. Hage and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Booktitle = {Theory And Application Of Graph Transformations - TAGT '98}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:10:04 +0200}, Editor = {H. Ehrig and G. Engels and H.-J. Kreowski and G. Rozenberg}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {59--70}, Pubcat = {workshop}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {Complexity Issues in Switching of Graphs}, Volume = {1764}, Year = {2000}} %% EHHR:pancyclicity @article{ehrenfeucht00pancyclicity, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and J. Hage and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:08:31 +0200}, Journal = {Inf. Proc. Letters}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Number = {5--6}, Pages = {153 -- 156}, Pubcat = {article}, Title = {Pancyclicity in Switching Classes}, Volume = {73}, Year = {2000}} %% HH:criticaltr @techreport{hage00characterization-tr, Author = {J. Hage and T. Harju}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:16:12 +0200}, Institution = {Leiden University, Department of Computer Science}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Note = {Old version in Technical report}, Number = {5}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {A characterization of acyclic switching classes using forbidden subgraphs}, Year = {2000}} %% HH:sizesrev @article{hage00size, Author = {J. Hage and T. Harju}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:09:01 +0200}, Journal = {Discrete Math.}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {81 -- 92}, Pubcat = {article}, Title = {The size of switching classes with skew gains}, Volume = {215}, Year = {2000}} %% H:member @article{hage99membership, Author = {J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:09:03 +0200}, Journal = {Fundamenta Informaticae}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Number = {4}, Pages = {375--387}, Pubcat = {article}, Title = {The membership problem for switching classes with skew gains}, Volume = {39}, Year = {1999}} %% HH:acyclicity @article{hage98acyclicity, Author = {J. Hage and T. Harju}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:08:42 +0200}, Journal = {European J. Combin.}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Notes = {Also Techical Report 96-15.}, Pages = {321--327}, Pubcat = {article}, Title = {Acyclicity of Switching Classes}, Url = {http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/TechRep/tr96-12.html}, Volume = {19}, Year = {1998}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/TechRep/tr96-12.html}} %% EHHR:complextr @techreport{ehrenfeucht97complexity-tr, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and J. Hage and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:16:09 +0200}, Institution = {Leiden University, Department of Computer Science}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Number = {15}, Pubcat = {workshop}, Title = {Complexity Problems In Switching Classes Of Graphs}, Year = {1997}} %% HH:sizes @techreport{hage96size-tr, Author = {J. Hage and T. Harju}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:16:30 +0200}, Institution = {Leiden University, Department of Computer Science}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Note = {Generalized in \cite{HH:sizesrev}}, Number = {17}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {The size of 2-classes in group labeled 2-structures}, Url = {http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/TechRep/tr96-17.html}, Year = {1996}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/TechRep/tr96-17.html}} %% JH:reversible @techreport{hage94reversible-msc, Address = {Leiden}, Author = {J. Hage}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:18:50 +0200}, Institution = {Leiden University}, Keywords = {programming languages}, Number = {94-25}, Pubcat = {mastersthesis}, Title = {ARL and PR2, reversible languages}, Url = {http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/TechRep/hage.html}, Year = {1994}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/TechRep/hage.html}} %% chitil01compositional @inproceedings{chitil01compositional, Author = {O.~Chitil}, Booktitle = {ICFP'01: Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming}, Location = {Firenze, Italy}, Month = {September}, Pages = {193 -- 204}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Compositional explanation of types and algorithmic debugging of type errors}, Year = {2001}} %% neubauer:discriminative @inproceedings{neubauer03discriminative, Address = {New York}, Author = {M.~Neubauer and P.~Thiemann}, Booktitle = {ICFP'03: Proceedings of the 68h ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming}, Pages = {15 -- 26}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Discriminative Sum Types Locate the Source of Type Errors}, Year = {2003}} %% PMP:jplag @article{prechelt02jplag, Author = {L. Prechelt and G. Malpohl and M. Philippsen}, Journal = {J. of Universal Comp. Sci.}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1016 -- 1038}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Finding Plagiarisms among a Set of Programs with {JP}lag}, Volume = {8}, Year = {2002}} %% GH:sim @article{grune89detecterenkopieen, Author = {D. Grune and M. Huntjens}, Journal = {Informatie (in Dutch)}, Number = {11}, Pages = {864 -- 867}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Het detecteren van kopie{\"e}n bij informatica-practica}, Volume = {31}, note = {{http://www.cs.vu.nl/~dick/sim.html}}, Year = {1989}} %% SWA:winnowing @inproceedings{schleimer03winnowing, Author = {S. Schleimer and D. Shawcross Wilkerson and A. Aiken}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data}, Pages = {76 -- 85}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Winnowing: Local Algorithms for Document Fingerprinting.}, Year = {2003}} %% DS:ruler @inproceedings{dijkstra06ruler, Author = {Dijkstra, Atze and Swierstra, S. Doaitse}, Booktitle = {Functional and Logic Programming: 8th International Symposium, FLOPS 2006, Fuji-Susono, Japan, April 24-26, 2006}, Howpublished = {\verb|http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11737414_4|}, Number = {3945}, Pages = {30-46}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Series = {LNCS}, Title = {{Ruler: Programming Type Rules}}, Year = {2006} } %% difftool @book{eggert03diffandpatch, Author = {P. Eggert and D. MacKenzie and R. Stallman}, Month = {Jan}, Note = {http://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/manual/}, Publisher = {Network Theory Limited}, Title = {Comparing and Merging Files with GNU Diff and Patch}, Year = {2003}} %% submitsysteem @misc{submitwebsite, Author = {Departement Informatica}, Note = {http://www.cs.uu.nl/docs/submit/}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Submit systeem}} %% docentenhandleiding @misc{docentenhandleidingwebsite, Author = {Departement Informatica}, Note = {http://www.cs.uu.nl/bama/Docenten/Docentenhandleiding.pdf}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Docentenhandleiding} } %% oer2006 @misc{oer2006website, Author = {Departement Informatica}, Note = {http://www.cs.uu.nl/education/regels/}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Onderwijs- en Examenregelingen 2006}} %% 2006:anonymous @misc{AAXX, Author = {Anonymous}, Note = {Details omitted for double blind reviewing}, Title = {Anonymous Unrefereed Workshop 20XX}} @inproceedings{bjoerner94minimal, author = "Bj{\o}rner, Nickolaj", title = "Minimal typing derivations", booktitle = "Record of the 1994 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML and its Applications, Orlando, Florida (USA), June 25--26, 1994", pages = "120--126", year = 1994, note = "The proceedings of the workshop have been published as a technical report (2265) at the Institute National Recherche en Informatique et Automatique"} %% PJVWS:rankn @article{peytonjones07practicalrankn, author = {S. Peyton Jones and D. Vytiniotis and S. Weirich and M. Shields}, title = {Practical type inference for arbitrary-rank types}, journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, volume = {17}, number = {1}, year = {2007}, issn = {0956-7968}, pages = {1--82}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0956796806006034}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } %% LP:tinkertype @article{levin03tinkertype, Author = {M. Y. Levin and B. C. Pierce}, Journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, Month = {March}, Number = {2}, Pages = {295 -- 316}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {TinkerType: A Language for Playing with Formal Systems}, Volume = {13}, Year = {2003}} %% P:typesadv @book{pierce05advanvedtopics, Editor = {B. C. Pierce}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages}, Year = {2005}} %% PR:essenceofml @incollection{pottier05essenceofml, Author = {F. Pottier and D. R\'{e}my}, Booktitle = {Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages}, Editor = {B. C. Pierce}, Pages = { 389 -- 489}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {The essence of {ML} type inference}, Year = {2005}} %% leijenphd @phdthesis{leijen03lambdaabroad-phd, Author = {D. Leijen}, Month = {November}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/download/papers/phd-thesis.pdf}}, Pubcat = {external}, School = {Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands}, Title = {The $\lambda$ Abroad - A Functional Approach to Software Components}, Url = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/download/papers/phd-thesis.pdf}}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/download/papers/phd-thesis.pdf}} %% leijenmeijer:parsec @techreport{leijen01parsec-tr, Author = {Daan Leijen and Erik Meijer}, Institution = {Departement of Computer Science, {Utrecht University}}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/parsec.html}}, Number = {UU-CS-2001-35}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Parsec: Direct Style Monadic Parser Combinators for the Real World}, Year = 2001} %% leijen:lvm @techreport{leijen03lvm-tr, Author = {Daan Leijen}, Institution = {Departement of Computer Science, {Utrecht University}}, Number = {UU-CS-2003}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {The Lazy Virtual Machine}, Year = 2003} %% heeren05TopQuality @phdthesis{heeren05topquality-phd, Author = {B. Heeren}, Note = {http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/bastiaan/phdthesis}, Pubcat = {external}, School = {Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands}, Title = {Top Quality Type Error Messages}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/bastiaan/phdthesis}} %% loh04exploring @phdthesis{loh04exploring, Author = {A. L{\"o}h}, Note = {\url{http://people.cs.uu.nl/andres/ExploringGH.pdf}}, Pubcat = {external}, School = {Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands}, Title = {Exploring Generic Haskell}, Year = {2004}} %% helium:nioc @inproceedings{heeren04helium-nioc, Author = {B. Heeren and D. Leijen}, Booktitle = {NIOC 2004 Proceedings}, Location = {Groningen}, Month = nov, Pages = {73--82}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Passage}, Title = {Functioneel Programmeren met {H}elium}, Year = {2004}} %% helium:informatie @article{heeren04helium-informatie, Author = {B. Heeren and D. Leijen}, Journal = {Informatie}, Month = {Oktober}, Number = {8}, Pages = {46 -- 50}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Gebruiksvriendelijke compiler voor het onderwijs}, Volume = {46}, Year = {2004}} %% JF:naivetools @techreport{jadud03naivetools, Address = {Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF}, Author = {M. C. Jadud and S. A. Fincher}, Institution = {University of Kent Canterbury}, Month = {March}, Number = {3-03}, Pages = {13}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Naive tools for studying compilation histories}, Url = {http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/pubs/2003/1588}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/pubs/2003/1588}} %% RT:haskellmetrics @inproceedings{ryder05measuringhaskell, Address = {Tallinn}, Author = {C. Ryder and S. Thompson}, Booktitle = {6th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2005: Proceedings}, Editor = {M. van Eekelen}, Pages = {119 -- 134}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {Institute of Cybernetics}, Title = {Software metrics: measuring {H}askell}, Year = {2005}} %% ryder:phdthesis @phdthesis{ryder04softwaremeasurementforfp-phd, Address = {Canterbury, UK}, Author = {Chris Ryder}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:18:25 +0200}, Keywords = {program analysis}, Month = {August}, Pages = {395}, Publication_Type = {phdthesis}, School = {Computing Lab, University of Kent}, Submission_Id = {5299_1122555827}, Title = {Software Measurement for Functional Programming}, Url = {http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/pubs/2004/2236}, Year = {2004}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/pubs/2004/2236}} %% J:bluej @article{jadud05bluej, Author = {M. C. Jadud}, Journal = {Computer Science Education}, Month = {March}, Number = {1}, Pages = {25 -- 40}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {A First Look at Novice Compilation Behaviour Using {B}lue{J}}, Volume = {15}, Year = {2005}} %% joosten93teaching @article{joosten93teaching, Author = {S. Joosten and K. van den Berg and G. van der Hoeven}, Journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, Number = {1}, Pages = {49-65}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Teaching Functional Programming to First-Year Students}, Url = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/joosten93teaching.html}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1993}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/joosten93teaching.html}} %% Berg1992 @incollection{berg92syntaticcomplexitymetrics, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {K. van den Berg}, Booktitle = {Cognitive Modelling and Interactive Environments in Language Learning}, Editor = {F.L. Engel, et al.}, Note = {ISBN 3-540-55559-5}, Pages = {199-206}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {NATO Advanced Science Institute Series}, Title = {Syntactic Complexity Metrics and the Readability of Programs in a Functional Computer Language}, Year = {1992}} %% bergphdthesis @phdthesis{berg9softwaremeasurement-phd, Address = {Enschede, the Netherlands}, Author = {K. van den Berg}, Institute = {University of Twente}, Isbn = {90-9008251-4}, Note = {http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~vdberg/thesis/PhD%20Thesis%20vdBerg%20v02.pdf}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Software measurement and functional programming}, Url = {http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~vdberg/thesis/PhD%20Thesis%20vdBerg%20v02.pdf}, Year = {1995}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~vdberg/thesis/PhD%20Thesis%20vdBerg%20v02.pdf}} %% MM:ditran @article{moulton67ditran, Author = {P. G. Moulton and M. E. Muller}, Journal = {Communications of the ACM}, Pages = {45 -- 52}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {DITRAN: a compiler emphasizing diagnostics}, Volume = {10}, Year = {1967}} %% GH:impact @inproceedings{gannon75impact, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {J. D. Gannon and J. J. Horning}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the international conference on Reliable software}, Location = {Los Angeles, California}, Pages = {10--22}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {The impact of language design on the production of reliable software}, Year = {1975}} %% LD:cobol @article{litecky76errordiagnosisincobol, Author = {C. R. Litecky and G.B. Davis}, Journal = {Communications of the ACM}, Pages = {33 -- 38}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {A study of errors, error-proneness, and error diagnosis in {C}obol}, Volume = {19}, Year = {1976}} %% Z:pli @inproceedings{zelkowitz76automatic, Author = {M. V. Zelkowitz}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering}, Pages = {158 -- 163}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, Title = {Automatic program analysis and evaluation}, Year = {1976}} %% HH:disc @misc{harju00discussions, Author = {J. Hage and T. Harju}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:10:53 +0200}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pubcat = {Private communication}, Title = {Discussions in a cafeteria}, Year = {1996 -- 2000}} %% sds:parsercombinators @inproceedings{swierstra01combinatorparsers, Author = {S. D. Swierstra}, Booktitle = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, Editor = {Graham Hutton}, Issue = {1}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers}, Title = {Combinator Parsers: From Toys to Tools}, Url = {http://math.tulane.edu/~entcs/}, Volume = {41}, Year = {2001}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://math.tulane.edu/~entcs/}} @misc{hage08heliumcompiler, Author = {J. Hage and B. Heeren and A. Middelkoop and others}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:11:58 +0200}, Keywords = {programming languages}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/bin/view/Helium/WebHome}}, Pubcat = {website}, Title = {The {H}elium Compiler}} %% LM:dsec @inproceedings{leijen99domainspecificembeddedcompilers, Address = {Austin, Texas}, Author = {D. Leijen and E. Meijer}, Booktitle = {2nd {USENIX} Conference on Domain Specific Languages ({DSL'99})}, Month = oct, Note = {Also appeared in {ACM SIGPLAN} {N}otices 35, 1, (Jan. 2000)}, Pages = {109-122}, Title = {Domain Specific Embedded Compilers}, Year = 1999} %% BH:haskelldb @inproceedings{bringert04haskelldb, Author = {B. Bringert and D. H{\"o}ckerstein}, Booktitle = {{ACM SIGPLAN} {Haskell} Workshop ({HW'04})}, Month = {sep}, Pages = {108 -- 115}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Haskell{DB} Improved}, Year = 2004} %% wwwphpnet @misc{phpnetwebsite, Author = {S. S. Bakken and E. Schmid and others}, Note = {\url{http://www.php.net/}}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {The PHP Documentation group}, Title = {{PHP}.net}} %% shootout @misc{fulghamXXshootout, Author = {B. Fulgham and others}, Note = {\url{http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/}}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {The Great Programming Language Shootout}} %% ghcsurvey @misc{ghcteam05survey, Author = {The {GHC} {T}eam}, Note = {\url{http://www.haskell.org/ghc/survey2005-summary.html}}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {The {GHC} {S}urvey 2005}} %% CommonHaskellIdioms @misc{AAXXcommonhaskellidiomswebsite, Note = {\url{http://www.haskell.org/hawiki/CommonHaskellIdioms}}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {{C}ommon {H}askell {I}dioms}} %% eclipsefp @misc{eclipsefpwebsite, Note = {\url{http://eclipsefp.sourceforge.net/}}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Eclipse{FP}}} %% NNH @book{nielson05principles, Author = {F. Nielson and H.R. Nielson and C. Hankin}, Edition = {Second printing}, Location = {Berlin}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Title = {Principles of Program Analysis}, Year = {2005}} %% SIJG:dazzle @inproceedings{schrage05dazzle, Author = {M. M. Schrage and A. van IJzendoorn and L. C. van der Gaag}, Booktitle = {ACM Sigplan 2005 Haskell Workshop}, Note = {To appear}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Haskell ready to {D}azzle the real world}, Year = {2005}} %% heliumwebsite @misc{heliumwebsite, author = {J. Hage}, title = {The {H}elium homepage}, year = {2008}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/bin/view/Helium/WebHome}}, } %% heliumlearning @inproceedings{heeren03heliumlearning, Address = {New York}, Author = {B. Heeren and D. Leijen and A. van IJzendoorn}, Booktitle = {ACM Sigplan 2003 Haskell Workshop}, Pages = {62 -- 71}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {Helium, for learning {H}askell}, Year = {2003}} %% heeren2002improving @techreport{heeren02improving-tr, Address = {University Utrecht, Netherlands}, Author = {B. Heeren and J. Jeuring and D. Swierstra and P. Azero Alcocer}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Science}, Month = {February}, Note = {Technical Report}, Number = {UU-CS-2002-009}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Improving type-error messages in functional languages}, Year = {2002}} %% hannan98 @article{hannan98escapeanalysis, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {J. Hannan}, Doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0956796898003025}, Issn = {0956-7968}, Journal = {J. Funct. Program.}, Number = {3}, Pages = {239--273}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {A type-based escape analysis for functional languages}, Volume = {8}, Year = {1998}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0956796898003025}} %% LM:parsec @techreport{leijen01parsec-tr, Author = {D. Leijen and Erik Meijer}, Institution = {Dept. of Comp. Sci, Universiteit Utrecht}, Note = {http://www.cs.uu.nl/people/daan/parsec.html}, Number = {UU-CS-2001-35}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Parsec: Direct Style Monadic Parser Combinators for the Real World}, Year = {2001}} %% Chameleon @misc{chameleonwebsite, Author = {Martin Sulzmann}, Key = {Chameleon}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {The {C}hameleon System, \url{http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~sulzmann/chameleon}}} %% ehc @misc{ehcwebsite, Author = {A. Dijkstra and S.D. Swierstra et al.}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/UHC/WebHome}}, Title = {The {U}trecht {H}askell {C}ompiler}} %% hut @misc{hutwebsite, Author = {S.~D. Swierstra and A. Rodriguez and A. Middelkoop and A.~I. Baars and A. Loeh et al.}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/HUT/WebHome}}, Title = {The {H}askell {U}trecht {T}ools (HUT)}} %% ghcproject @misc{ghcprojectwebsite, Author = {J. Jeuring et al.}, Note = {\url{http://www.generic-haskell.org/}}, Title = {The Generic Haskell Compiler}} %% stgroup @misc{stgroupwebsite, Author = {S.~D.~Swierstra et al.}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/twiki/bin/view/Center/}}, Title = {The {S}oftware {T}echnology group at {U}trecht {U}niversity}} %% P:types @book{pierce02types, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Author = {B. C. Pierce}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Types and Programming Languages}, Year = {2002}} %% Robinson65 @article{robinson65unification, Author = {J. A. Robinson}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/321250.321253}, Issn = {0004-5411}, Journal = {Journal of the ACM}, Number = {1}, Pages = {23--41}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {A Machine-Oriented Logic Based on the Resolution Principle}, Volume = {12}, Year = {1965}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/321250.321253}} @inproceedings{aiken94softtyping, Abstract = {We present a simple and powerful type inference method for dynamically typed languages where no type information is supplied by the user. Type inference is reduced to the problem of solvability of type inclusion constraints over a rich type language that includes function types, constructor types, union, intersection, and recursive types, and conditional types. Conditional types enables us to analyse control flow using type inference, thus facilitating computation of accurate types. We demonstrate the power and practicality of the method with examples and performance results from an implementation.}, Address = {Portland, Oregon}, Author = {A. Aiken and E. L. Wimmers and T. K. Lakshman}, Booktitle = {Conference Record of POPL '94: 21st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages}, Month = jan, Pages = {163--173}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Soft Typing with Conditional Types}, Url = {http://http.cs.berkeley.edu/~aiken/ftp/popl94.ps}, Year = {1994}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://http.cs.berkeley.edu/~aiken/ftp/popl94.ps}} %% gandhe96correcting @inproceedings{gandhe96correcting, Author = {M. Gandhe and G. Venkatesh and A. Sanyal}, Booktitle = {Chandrum V. and Vinay, V. (Eds.): Proc. of 16th Conf. on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, LNCS vol. 1180, Springer-Verlag}, Pages = {347--358}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Correcting Errors in the Curry System}, Year = {1996}} %% duggan96science @inproceedings{duggan96science, Author = {D. Duggan and F. Bent}, Booktitle = {Science of Computer Programming 27}, Pages = {37--83}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Explaining type inference}, Year = {1996}} %% junexplaining @incollection{yang00explaining, Author = {J. Yang}, Booktitle = {Trends in Functional Programming}, Editor = {Greg Michaelson and Phil Trinder and Hans-Wolfgang Loidl}, Pages = {58--66}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Intellect Books}, Title = {Explaining Type Errors by Finding the Sources of Type Conflicts}, Year = {2000}} %% walz86maximum @inproceedings{walz86maximum, Address = {St. Petersburg, FL}, Author = {J. A. Walz and G. F. Johnson}, Booktitle = {Conference Record of the 13th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages}, Month = {January}, Pages = {44--57}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {A maximum flow approach to anomaly isolation in unification-based incremental type inference}, Year = {1986}} %% kozsik07subtypemarks @inproceedings{kozsik07subtypemarks, Address = {Heidelberg}, Author = {T. Kozsik}, Booktitle = {Implementation of Functional Languages -- IFL 2006}, Editor = {Z. Horv\'{a}th and V. Zs\'{o}k and A. Butterfield}, Pages = {163 -- 180}, Pubcat = {conference}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Title = {Proving Program Properties Specified with Subtype Marks}, Volume = {4449}, Year = {2007}} %% pierce98local @manual{pierce98local, Address = {Indiana University}, Author = {B. C. Pierce and D. N. Turner}, Month = {November}, Note = {CSCI Technical Report 493}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Local Type Inference}, Year = {1997}} %% flanagan06hybrid @inproceedings{flanagan06hybrid, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {C. Flanagan}, Booktitle = {POPL '06: Conference record of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1111037.1111059}, Isbn = {1-59593-027-2}, Location = {Charleston, South Carolina, USA}, Pages = {245--256}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Hybrid type checking}, Year = {2006}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1111037.1111059}} %% drscheme @article{findler02drscheme, Author = {R. B. Findler and J. Clements and C. Flanagan and M. Flatt and S. Krishnamurthi and P. Steckler and M. Felleisen}, Journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, Month = {March}, Number = {2}, Pages = {159--182}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {{D}r{S}cheme: A Programming Environment for {S}cheme}, Url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/findler01drscheme.html}, Volume = {12}, Year = {2002}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/findler01drscheme.html}} %% R:dream @article{roberts04commonlanguage, Author = {E. Roberts}, Journal = {ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, Proceedings of the 35th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education}, Month = {March}, Number = {1}, Pages = {115--119}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {The Dream of a Common Language: the Search for Simplicity and Stability in Computer Science Education}, Volume = {36}, Year = {2004}} %% CK:risks @article{chakravarty04risksandbenefits, Author = {M. M. T. Chakravarty and G. Keller}, Journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, Month = {January}, Number = {1}, Pages = {113--123}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {The Risks and Benefits of Teaching Purely Functional Programming in First Year}, Volume = {14}, Year = {2004}} %% corman90introduction @book{corman90introduction, Author = {T. Corman and C. Leiserson and R. Rivest}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Introduction to Algorithms}, Year = {1990}} %% beaven94explaining @inproceedings{beaven93explaining, Author = {M. Beaven and R. Stansifer}, Booktitle = {ACM Letters on Programming Languages}, Month = {December}, Pages = {17--30}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Explaining type errors in polymorphic languages}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1993}} %% wand86finding @inproceedings{wand86finding, Author = {M. Wand}, Booktitle = {13th Annual ACM Symp. on Principles of Prog. Languages}, Month = {January}, Pages = {38--43}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Finding the source of type errors}, Year = {1986} } %% wright97softtypingforscheme @article{wright97softtypingforscheme, author = {A. K. Wright and R. Cartwright}, title = {A practical soft type system for {S}cheme}, journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, year = {1997}, issn = {0164-0925}, pages = {87--152}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/239912.239917}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } %% cannon2005lti @phdthesis{cannon05localizedtypeinference-phd, title = {Localized type inference of atomic types in {P}ython}, author = {Cannon, B.}, year = {2005}, school= {California Polytechnic State University} } %% milner78theory @article{milner78theory, Author = {R. Milner}, Journal = {Journal of Computer and System Sciences}, Pages = {348--375}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming}, Volume = {17}, Year = {1978}} %% SC:javagenerics @inproceedings{smith08javatypeinference, author = {D. Smith and R. Cartwright}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '08)}, pages = {505--524}, pubcat = {external}, location = {Nashville, TN, USA}, isbn = {978-1-60558-215-3}, title = {Java Type Inference Is Broken: can We Fix It?}, year = {2008}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } %% jastadd @Article{hedin03jastadd, author = {G. Hedin and E. Magnusson}, title = {The {J}ast{A}dd system -- an aspect-oriented compiler construction system}, journal = {Science of Computer Programming}, year = {2003}, volume = {47}, number = {1}, pages = {37-58}, month = {April}, note = {http://www.cs.lth.se/\~{}gorel/publications/2003-JastAdd-SCP-Preprint.pdf} } %% attgram @Article{hedin00reference, author = {G. Hedin}, title = {Reference Attributed Grammars}, journal = {Informatica}, year = {2000}, volume = {24}, number = {3}, pages = {301-317}, note = {http://www.cs.lth.se/~gorel/publications/2000-RAGsInformatica-PreliminaryVersion.pdf} } %% aspectj @InProceedings{kiczales01aspectj, author = {G. Kiczales and E. Hilsdale and J. Hugunin and M. Kersten and J. Palm and William G. Griswold}, title = {An Overview of AspectJ}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP '01)}, pages = {327 -- 353}, year = {2001}, month = {June}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, address = {London, UK} } %% wild1 @inproceedings{torgersen04wildcards, author = {M. Torgersen and C. Plesner Hansen and E. Ernst and P. von der Ah{\'e} and G. Bracha and N. Gafter}, title = "{Adding wildcards to the Java programming language}", booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '04)}, year = {2004}, isbn = {1-58113-812-1}, pages = {1289--1296}, location = {Nicosia, Cyprus}, publisher = {ACM Press}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } %% CSPnewchap05 @InBook{russell03csp, chapter = {5}, isbn = {0137903952}, publisher = {Pearson Education}, author = {Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig}, title = {Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach}, pages = {137--151}, year = {2003}, edition = {Second} } %% gosling05java @book{gosling05javathirdedition, author = {J. Gosling and B. Joy and G. Steele and G. Bracha}, citeulike-article-id = {113341}, edition = {Third}, howpublished = {Paperback}, isbn = {0321246780}, keywords = {java programming}, month = {July}, priority = {1}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley Professional}, title = {Java Language Specification}, url = {http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=citeulike04-20{\&}path=ASIN/0321246780}, year = {2005} } %% ColooLocalTypeInference @InProceedings{odersky01coloredlocaltypeinference, author = {M. Odersky and C. Zenger and M. Zenger}, booktitle = {{POPL} 2001}, details = {http://infoscience.epfl.ch/search?recid=64406}, documenturl = {http://infoscience.epfl.ch/getfile.py?mode=best&recid=64406}, oai-id = {oai:infoscience.epfl.ch:64406}, oai-set = {conf}, status = {PUBLISHED}, title = {Colored {L}ocal {T}ype {I}nference (colored version) (black and white version)}, unit = {LAMP}, year = 2001 } @inproceedings{ekman07jastadd, author = {Ekman, Torbj\"{o}rn and Hedin, G\"{o}rel}, title = {The {J}ast{A}dd extensible {J}ava compiler}, booktitle = {OOPSLA '07: Proceedings of the 22nd annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems and applications}, year = {2007}, isbn = {978-1-59593-786-5}, pages = {1--18}, location = {Montreal, Quebec, Canada}, publisher = {ACM} } %% jastaddCompiler2 @misc{jastaddwebsite, note = "http://jastadd.cs.lth.se/web/extjava", author = {T. Ekman and G. Hedin}, title = {{J}ast{A}dd {E}xtensible {J}ava {C}ompiler}, url = "http://jastadd.cs.lth.se/web/extjava" } %% cartwright91soft @inproceedings{cartwright91softtyping, Author = {R. Cartwright and M. Fagan}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {SIGPLAN} '91 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI '91)}, Pages = {278--292}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Soft typing}, Url = {ftp://cs.rice.edu/public/languages/pldi91-sf.ps.Z}, Year = {1991}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {ftp://cs.rice.edu/public/languages/pldi91-sf.ps.Z}} %% jones99typing @inproceedings{jones99typing, Author = {M. Jones}, Booktitle = {Haskell Workshop}, Month = {September}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Typing {H}askell in {H}askell}, Year = {1999}} %% hudak:00 @book{hudak00haskell, Address = {New York}, Author = {Paul Hudak}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {The Haskell School of Expression: Learning Functional Programming Through Multimedia}, Year = 2000} %% Thompson:craft @book{thompson99craft, Author = {Simon Thompson}, Edition = {second}, Note = {\url{http://www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/people/staff/sjt/craft2e}}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Addison-Wesley Longman}, Title = {Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming}, Year = 1999} %% Bird:intro @book{bird98introduction, Author = {Richard Bird}, Edition = {second}, Isbn = {0-13-484346-0}, Month = {April}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Prentice Hall}, Series = {Series in Computer Science}, Title = {Introduction to Functional Programming using {H}askell}, Year = 1998} %% Hugs @manual{hugswebsite, Address = {\url{http://www.haskell.org/hugs}}, Author = {M. P. Jones and others}, Organization = {OGI and Yale}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {The Hugs 98 system}} %% GHC @manual{ghcwebsite, Author = {{GHC Team}}, note = {\url{http://www.haskell.org/ghc}}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {The {G}lasgow {H}askell {C}ompiler}} %% L:wxhaskell @inproceedings{leijen04wxhaskell, Author = {D. Leijen}, Booktitle = {{ACM SIGPLAN} {Haskell} Workshop ({HW'04})}, Location = {Snowbird, Utah}, Month = {sep}, Pages = {57 -- 68}, Publisher = {ACM Press}, Title = {{wxHaskell} -- A portable and concise {GUI} library for {Haskell}}, Year = 2004} %% schrijvers08opentypefunctions @inproceedings{schrijvers08opentypefunctions, author = {Schrijvers,, T. and Peyton Jones,, S. and Chakravarty,, M. and Sulzmann,, M.}, title = {Type checking with open type functions}, booktitle = {ICFP '08: Proceeding of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, year = {2008}, isbn = {978-1-59593-919-7}, pages = {51--62}, location = {Victoria, BC, Canada}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1411204.1411215}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } %% Haskell98RevisedReport @book{peytonjones03haskell98revisedreport, Editor = {S. {Peyton Jones}}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Haskell 98 Language and Libraries: The Revised Report}, Year = {2003}} %% jones-first-clas @misc{jonesXXfirstclasspolymorphism, Author = {M. P. Jones}, Pubcat = {external}, pages = {483--496}, Title = {First-class polymorphism with type inference} } %% jones92theoryofqualifiedtypes @inproceedings{jones92theoryofqualifiedtypes, Address = {London, UK}, Author = {M. P. Jones}, Booktitle = {ESOP'92: Symposium proceedings on 4th European symposium on programming}, Isbn = {0-387-55253-7}, Location = {Rennes, France}, Pages = {287--306}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {A theory of qualified types}, Year = {1992}} %% jones97type @inproceedings{peytonjones97typeclasses, Author = {S. {Peyton Jones} and M. Jones and E. Meijer}, Booktitle = {Haskell Workshop}, Month = {June}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Type classes: an exploration of the design space}, Year = {1997}} %% aiken98toolkit @inproceedings{aiken98toolkit, Address = {Kyoto, Japan}, Author = {A. Aiken and M. Fahndrich and J. Foster and Z. Su}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the second International Workshop on Types in Compilation}, Month = {March}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {A Toolkit for Constructing Type- and Constraint-Based Program Analyses}, Year = {1998}} %% aiken99introduction @inproceedings{aiken99introduction, Author = {A. Aiken}, Booktitle = {Science of Computer Programming, 35(1)}, Pages = {79--111}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Introduction to set constraint-based program analysis}, Year = {1999}} %% aiken95constraint-based @inproceedings{aiken95constraintbased, Author = {A. Aiken and N. Heintze}, Booktitle = {POPL'95 Tutorial}, Month = {January}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Constraint-based program analysis}, Year = {1995}} %% McAdamIFL98 @inproceedings{mcadam98unificationofsubstitutions, Author = {B. J. McAdam}, Booktitle = {Implementation of Functional Languages (IFL~'98), London, UK}, Editor = {K. Hammond and A. J. T. Davie and C. Clack}, Month = {September}, Pages = {139--154}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Series = {LNCS}, Title = {{On the Unification of Substitutions in Type Inference}}, Volume = {1595}, Year = {1998}} %% mcadam99generalising @inproceedings{mcadam99generalising, Address = {Bristol, UK}, Author = {B. J. McAdam}, Booktitle = {Trends in Functional Programming}, Editor = {P. Trinder and G. Michaelson and H-W. Loidl}, Pages = {50--59}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Intellect}, Title = {Generalising Techniques for Type Debugging}, Volume = {1}, Year = {2000}} %% mcadam01repair @inproceedings{mcadam01repair, Address = {Bristol, UK}, Author = {B. J. McAdam}, Booktitle = {Trends in Functional Programming}, Editor = {K. Hammond and S. Curtis}, Pages = {87--98}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Intellect}, Title = {How to Repair Type Errors Automatically}, Volume = {3}, Year = {2002}} %% mcadam99 @inproceedings{mcadam99generalisingtechniques, Author = {B. J. McAdam}, Booktitle = {Scottish Functional Programming Workshop}, Note = {Heriot-Watt Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering Technical Report RM/99/9}, Pages = {243--252}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Generalising Techniques for Type Explanation}, Year = {1999}} %% gaster96polymporphic @manual{gaster96polymporphic-tr, Address = {University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK}, Author = {B. Gaster and M. Jones}, Month = {March}, Note = {Technical Report NOTTCS-TR-96-3}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {A Polymorphic Type System for Extensible Records and Variants}, Year = {1996}} %% bernstein-debugging @techreport{bernstein95debugging, Address = {State University of New York at Stony Brook}, Author = {K. Bernstein}, Month = {November}, Note = {Technical Report}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Debugging Type Errors (Full version)}, Year = {1995}} %% duggan98correct @inproceedings{duggan98correct, Author = {D. Duggan}, Booktitle = {Workshop on ML: ACM SIGPLAN, 1998}, Pages = {49--58}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Correct type explanation}, Year = {1998}} %% asian2000 @inproceedings{lee00generalization, Address = {National university of Singapore, Singapore}, Author = {O. Lee and K. Yi}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Asian Workshop on Programming Languages and Systems}, Month = {December}, Pages = {79--88}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {A Generalization of Hybrid Let-Polymorphic Type Inference Algorithms}, Year = {2000}} %% CSF:generating @inproceedings{ocallaghan05generating, author = {B. O'Callaghan and B. O'Sullivan and E. C. Freuder}, title = {Generating Corrective Explanations for Interactive Constraint Satisfaction}, booktitle = {Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2005, 11th International Conference, CP 2005, Sitges, Spain, October 1-5, 2005, Proceedings}, editor = {Peter van Beek}, year = {2005}, pages = {445 -- 459}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {3709} } %% toplas1998 @article{lee98proofsfolklore, Author = {O. Lee and K. Yi}, Journal = {ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems}, Month = {July}, Number = {4}, Pages = {707--723}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Proofs about a Folklore Let-Polymorphic Type Inference Algorithm}, Volume = {20}, Year = {1998}} %% sulzmann2000 @phdthesis{sulzmann00generalframework, Author = {M. Sulzmann}, Month = {May}, Pubcat = {external}, School = {Yale University, Department of Computer Science}, Title = {A General Framework for {H}indley/{M}ilner Type Systems with Constraints}, Year = {2000}} %% stuckey:interactive @inproceedings{stuckey03interactive, Address = {New York}, Author = {P. J. Stuckey and M. Sulzmann and J. Wazny}, Booktitle = haskell03, Pages = {72--83}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = acm, Title = {Interactive Type Debugging in {H}askell}, Year = {2003}} %% stuckey04improving @inproceedings{stuckey04improving, Author = {P. J. Stuckey and M. Sulzmann and J. Wazny}, Booktitle = haskell04, Isbn = {1-58113-850-4}, Location = {Snowbird, Utah, USA}, Pages = {80--91}, Publisher = acm, Title = {Improving type error diagnosis}, Year = {2004}} %% yang01explaining @article{yang01explaining, Author = {J. Yang and G. Michaelson and P. Trinder}, Journal = {The Computer Journal}, Number = {4}, Pages = {436--452}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Title = {Explaining Polymorphic Types}, Volume = {45}, Year = {2002}} %% sulzmann:hm-in-constraint-form @techreport{sulzmann99hminconstraintform, Author = {M. Sulzmann and M. M{\"u}ller and C. Zenger}, Institution = {University of South Australia, School of Computer and Information Science}, Month = {July}, Number = {ACRC--99--009}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {{H}indley/{M}ilner style type systems in constraint form}, Type = {Research Report}, Year = 1999} @inproceedings{sulzmann01generaltypeinferenceframework, Author = {M. Sulzmann}, Bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, Booktitle = {FLOPS}, Ee = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/2024/20240248.htm}, Pages = {248-263}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {A General Type Inference Framework for {H}indley/{M}ilner Style Systems.}, Year = {2001}} @techreport{sulzmann97constrainedtypes-tr, Abstract = {In this paper we present a general framework HM(X) for Hindley/Milner style type systems with constraints. HM(X) stays in the tradition of the Hindley/Milner type system. Type systems in HM(X) are sound under a standard untyped compositional semantics that guarantees the slogan `well--typed programs can not go wrong'. Furthermore, we can give a generic type inference algorithm for HM(X). Under sufficient conditions on X, type inference will always compute the principal type of a term. An instance of our framework which deals with polymorphic records is discussed. Also, we give a subtyping extension SHM(X) of our HM(X) system. In particular, the type inference algorithm for subtypes computes principal types. Simplification of the constraints inferred by the type inference algorithm is discussed for HM(X) and SHM(X).}, Author = {M. Sulzmann and M. Odersky and M. Wehr}, Folder = {13-23}, Institution = {Yale University, Department of Computer Science}, Month = {April}, Number = {YALEU/DCS/RR-1129}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Type Inference with Constrained Types}, Type = {Research Report}, Year = 1997} %% tr2000a @techreport{lee00generalized-tr, Author = {O. Lee and K. Yi}, Institution = {Research on Program Analysis System, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology}, Month = {March}, Number = {ROPAS-2000-5}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {A Generalized Let-Polymorphic Type Inference Algorithm}, Type = {Technical Memorandum}, Year = {2000}} %% cardelli97type @inbook{cardelli97typesystems, Author = {L. Cardelli}, Pubcat = {external}, booktitle = {Handbook of Computer Science and Engineering}, chapter = {103}, publisher = {CRC Press}, Title = {Type Systems}, Year = {1997} } %% jones95simplifying @inproceedings{jones95simplifying, Author = {M. P. Jones}, Pubcat = {external}, booktitle = {International Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture (FPGA 95)}, pages = {160--169}, month = {June}, Title = {Simplifying and improving qualified types}, Year = {1995} } %% cousot77 @inproceedings{cousot77abstractinterpretation, Address = {Los Angeles, California}, Author = {P. Cousot and R. Cousot}, Booktitle = {Conference Record of the Fourth Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages}, Pages = {238--252}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {ACM Press, New York, NY}, Title = {Abstract interpretation: a unified lattice model for static analysis of programs by construction or approximation of fixpoints}, Year = 1977} %% jones94 @incollection{jones94abstractinterpretation, Author = {N.D. Jones and F. Nielson}, Booktitle = {Handbook of Logic in Computer Science}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:19:09 +0200}, Keywords = {abstract interpretation, program analysis}, Note = {527--629}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Semno = {D-58}, Summary = {This is a broad overview of Abstract Interpretation, to be a large chapter (around 100 pages) in the above-mentioned handbook. It consists of three main parts: an Introduction with motivation and Descriptions of the main methods used in the field; a mathematical development of the logical relations approach with several applications; and short descriptions of a broad spectrum of Semantics-Based Program Analyses.}, Title = {Abstract Interpretation: a Semantics-Based Tool for Program Analysis}, Year = {1994}} @misc{sabelfeld98forwards, Author = {A. Sabelfeld and V. Sabelfeld}, Pubcat = {external}, Text = {A. Sabelfeld, V. Sabelfeld. Forwards and backwards analysis for functional programs. http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~andrei/wm98.ps.gz Andrei Sabelfeld and Viktor Sabelfeld: Forwards and backwards analysis for functional programs. Proceedings of the WM98, Sm?gens Havsbad, Sweden, January 14-16, 1998, P. 77-90. }, Title = {Forwards and backwards analysis for functional programs}, Url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/48133.html}, year = {1998}, pages = {77 -- 90}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/48133.html} } %% huch00typeview @inproceedings{huch00typeview, Author = {F. Huch and O. Chitil and A. Simon}, Pubcat = {external}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 12th International Workshop on Implementation of Functional Languages (IFL 00)}, editor = {M. Mohnen and P. Koopman}, publisher = {Aachner Informatik-Berichte}, pages = {63--69}, Title = {Typeview: a tool for understanding type errors}, Year = {2000}} %% flanagan96catching @article{flanagan96catching, Author = {C. Flanagan and M. Flatt and S. Krishnamurthi and S. Weirich and M. Felleisen}, Journal = {ACM SIG{\-}PLAN Notices}, Number = {5}, Pages = {23--32}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Catching Bugs in the Web of Program Invariants}, Volume = {31}, Year = {1996} } %% NS:valgrind @article{nethercote07valgrind, author = {N. Nethercote and J. Seward}, title = {Valgrind: a framework for heavyweight dynamic binary instrumentation}, journal = {SIGPLAN Not.}, volume = {42}, number = {6}, year = {2007}, issn = {0362-1340}, pages = {89--100}, note = {\url{http://valgrind.org/}}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1273442.1250746}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } %% nikhil85practical @incollection{nikhil85practical, Address = {Berlin, DE}, Author = {R. S. Nikhil}, Booktitle = {Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture}, Editor = {J.-P. Jouannaud}, Isbn = {3-540-15975-4}, Pages = {319--333}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {Practical Polymorphism}, Year = {1985}} %% yang00how @misc{yang00howdopeople, Author = {J. Yang and G. Michaelson and P. Trinder}, Pubcat = {external}, Text = {Yang, J., Michaelson, G. and Trinder, P. How do people check polymorphic types? In A.F. Blackwell and E. Bilotta, editors, Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group Proceedings, pages 67--77, Cosenza, Italy, April 2000. Memoria.}, Title = {How do people check polymorphic types}, Year = {2000}} %% yang00helping @misc{yang00helping, Author = {J. Yang and G. Michaelson and P. Trinder}, Pubcat = {external}, Text = {Yang, J., Michaelson, G. and Trinder, P. Helping Students Understand Polymorphic Type Errors. 1 st Annual Conference of the LSTN Centre for Information and Computer Sciences, S. Alexander et al. (Editors), LTSN-ICS, University of Ulster, pp11-19, August 2000}, Title = {Helping Students Understand Polymorphic Type Errors}, Year = {2000}} %% dinesh98slicingbased @incollection{dinesh98slicingbased, Address = {ISSN 1386-369X}, Author = {T. B. Dinesh and Frank Tip}, Booktitle = {264}, Month = {31}, Pages = {24}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI)}, Title = {A slicing-based approach for locating type errors}, Year = {1998}} %% choppella-diagnosis @misc{choppella95diagnosis, Author = {Venkatesh Choppella}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Diagnosis of Ill-typed Programs}, Url = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/11931.html}, Year = {1995}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {citeseer.nj.nec.com/11931.html}} %% aditya91incremental @misc{aditya91incremental, Author = {S. Aditya and R. Nikhil}, Pubcat = {external}, Text = {Shail Aditya and Rishiyur Nikhil. Incremental polymorphism. In Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, volume 523 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 379--405. Springer-Verlag, 1991.}, Title = {Incremental polymorphism}, Year = {1991}} %% plevyak93incremental @techreport{plevyak93incremental, Author = {John Plevyak and Andrew A. Chien}, Number = {UIUCDCS-R-93-1829}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Incremental inference of concrete types}, Year = {1993}} %% jim96what @misc{jim96principaltypes, Author = {T. Jim}, Pubcat = {external}, Text = {Trevor Jim. What are principal typings and what are they good for? In Conf. Record of POPL'96: the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 42-53, 1996.}, Title = {What are principal typings and what are they good}, Year = {1996}} %% millerCIDtype @inproceedings{miller79typechecking, Author = {T. C. Miller}, Pages = {237--243}, Pubcat = {external}, Text = {POPL'79}, Title = {Type Checking in an Imperfect World}} %% cox84finding @incollection{cox84finding, Author = {P. T. Cox}, Booktitle = {Implementations of Prolog}, Pages = {216-233}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Finding Backtrack Points for Intelligent Backtracking}, Year = {1984}} %% graeme88simple @inproceedings{graeme88simple, Address = {Seatle}, Author = {Port, G. S.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming}, Editor = {Kowalski, Robert A. and Bowen, Kenneth A.}, Pages = {651--665}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {The MIT Press}, Title = {A Simple Approach to Finding the Cause of Non-Unifiability}, Year = {1988}} %% lasser87unification @misc{lasser87unification, Author = {J. Lasser and M. Maher and K. Marriot}, Pubcat = {external}, Text = {J.-L.Lasser, M.J.Maher and K.Marriot. Unification revisited. In: Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming J.Minker (Ed.), Morgan Kauffman, pp.587-626, 1987.}, Title = {Unification revisited}, Year = {1987}} %% aiken99optimal @article{aiken99optimal, Author = {A. Aiken and E. L. Wimmers and J. Palsberg}, Journal = {Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation}, Number = {3}, Pages = {237--282}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Optimal Representations of Polymorphic Types with Subtyping}, Volume = {12}, Year = {1999}} %% aiken93type @inproceedings{aiken93typeinclusion, Author = {A. Aiken and E. Wimmers}, Booktitle = {In Proceedings of Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture}, Pages = {31--41}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Type inclusion constraints and type inference}, Year = {1993}} %% trifonov96third @inproceedings{trifonov96subtyping, Author = {V. Trifonov and S. Smith}, Pubcat = {external}, booktitle = {Third International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 96)}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, volume = {1145}, pages = {349--365}, Title = {Subtyping Constrained Types}, Year = {1996}} %% mitchell96foundations @book{mitchell96foundations, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Author = {J. C. Mitchell}, Isbn = {0-262-13321-0}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Foundations for Programming Languages}, Year = {1996}} %% chitilcomp @inproceedings{chitil01compositional, Author = {O. Chitil}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP'01)}, Month = {September}, Pages = {193--204}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Compositional explanation of types and algorithmic debugging of type errors}, Year = {2001}} %% haack03:ESOP-2003 @inproceedings{haack03typerrorslicing, Author = {C. Haack and J. B. Wells}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP)}, Month = {April}, Pages = {284--301}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Type Error Slicing in Implicitly Typed Higher-Order Languages}, Year = {2003}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {2618} } %% yang00improvedtype @inproceedings{yang00improvedtype, author = {J. Yang and G. Michaelson and P. Trinder and J. B. Wells}, title = {Improved type error reporting}, booktitle = {In Proceedings of 12th International Workshop on Implementation of Functional Languages}, year = {2000}, volume = {2011}, series = {LNCS}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, pages = {71--86} } %% HM94bindingtime @inproceedings{henglein94bindingtime, Author = {F. Henglein and C. Mossin}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of 5th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 94)}, Pages = {287-301}, Title = {Polymorphic Binding-Time Analysis}, Year = {1994}} %% HM:cfacomplexity @inproceedings{horn07cfacomplexity, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {D. Van Horn and H. G. Mairson}, Booktitle = {ICFP '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1291151.1291166}, Isbn = {978-1-59593-815-2}, Location = {Freiburg, Germany}, Pages = {85--96}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Relating complexity and precision in control flow analysis}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1291151.1291166}} %% GSSS02exception @inproceedings{glynn02exception, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {K. Glynn and P. J. Stuckey and M. Sulzmann and H. S{\"o}ndergaard}, Booktitle = {ICFP '02: Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/581478.581488}, Isbn = {1-58113-487-8}, Location = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, Pages = {98--109}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Exception analysis for non-strict languages}, Year = {2002}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/581478.581488}} %% PVWW:gadts @inproceedings{peytonjones06simpleunificationbased, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {S. Peyton Jones and D. Vytiniotis and S. Weirich and G. Washburn}, Booktitle = {ICFP '06: Proceedings of the eleventh ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1159803.1159811}, Isbn = {1-59593-309-3}, Location = {Portland, Oregon, USA}, Pages = {50--61}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Simple unification-based type inference for GADTs}, Year = {2006}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1159803.1159811}} %% CKP:associated @inproceedings{chakravarty05associated, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {M. M. T. Chakravarty and G. Keller and S. Peyton Jones}, Booktitle = {ICFP '05: Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1086365.1086397}, Isbn = {1-59593-064-7}, Location = {Tallinn, Estonia}, Pages = {241--253}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Associated type synonyms}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1086365.1086397}} %% CKPM:associatedtypewithclass @inproceedings{chakravarty05associatedtypeswithclass, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {M. M. T. Chakravarty and G. Keller and S. Peyton Jones and S. Marlow}, Booktitle = {POPL '05: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1040305.1040306}, Isbn = {1-58113-830-X}, Location = {Long Beach, California, USA}, Pages = {1--13}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Associated types with class}, Year = {2005}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1040305.1040306}} %% VWP:boxy @inproceedings{vytiniotis06boxytypes, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {D. Vytiniotis and S. Weirich and S. Peyton Jones}, Booktitle = {ICFP '06: Proceedings of the eleventh ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1159803.1159838}, Isbn = {1-59593-309-3}, Location = {Portland, Oregon, USA}, Pages = {251--262}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Boxy types: inference for higher-rank types and impredicativity}, Year = {2006}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1159803.1159838}} %% CK:nested @inproceedings{chakravarty00nested, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {Manuel M. T. Chakravarty and Gabriele Keller}, Booktitle = {ICFP '00: Proceedings of the fifth ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/351240.351249}, Isbn = {1-58113-202-6}, Pages = {94--105}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {More types for nested data parallel programming}, Year = {2000}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/351240.351249}} %% H:polytypic @inproceedings{hinze00polytypic, Author = {R. Hinze}, Booktitle = {Mathematics of Program Construction, 5th International Conference, (MPC 2000)}, Editor = {R. C. Backhouse and J. N. Oliveira}, Pages = {2--27}, Title = {Polytypic Values Possess Polykinded Types}, Year = {2000}} %% MP:adts @article{mitchell88abstractdatatypes, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {J. C. Mitchell and G. D. Plotkin}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/44501.45065}, Issn = {0164-0925}, Journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.}, Number = {3}, Pages = {470--502}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Abstract types have existential type}, Volume = {10}, Year = {1988}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/44501.45065}} %% HS:feedback @inproceedings{harris07feedback, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {T. Harris and S. Singh}, Booktitle = {ICFP '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1291151.1291192}, Isbn = {978-1-59593-815-2}, Location = {Freiburg, Germany}, Pages = {251--264}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Feedback directed implicit parallelism}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1291151.1291192}} %% P:typesafechannels @inproceedings{park07typesafechannels, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {S. Park}, Booktitle = {ICFP '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1291151.1291181}, Isbn = {978-1-59593-815-2}, Location = {Freiburg, Germany}, Pages = {191--202}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Type-safe higher-order channels in {ML}-like languages}, Year = {2007}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1291151.1291181}} %% DS:exploiting @techreport{dijkstra06exploiting, Author = {A. Dijkstra and S. D. Swierstra}, Institution = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, Number = {UU-CS-2006-051}, Pubcat = {techreport}, Title = {Expoiting Type Annotations}, Urlpdf = {{http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/repo/CS-2006/2006-051.pdf}}, Year = 2006} %% GSSS01bindingtime @inproceedings{glynn01bindingtime, Address = {London, UK}, Author = {K. Glynn and P. J. Stuckey and M. Sulzmann and H. S{\"o}ndergaard}, Booktitle = {PADO '01: Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Programs as Data Objects}, Isbn = {3-540-42068-1}, Pages = {39--62}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {Boolean Constraints for Binding-Time Analysis}, Year = {2001}} %% GSS:strictness @inproceedings{glynn01strictness, Address = {London, UK}, Author = {K. Glynn and P. J. Stuckey and M. Sulzmann}, Booktitle = {SAS '01: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Static Analysis}, Isbn = {3-540-42314-1}, Pages = {73--92}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {Effective Strictness Analysis with HORN Constraints}, Year = {2001}} %% N:tandesurvey @article{nielson96annotated, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {F. Nielson}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/234528.234745}, Issn = {0360-0300}, Journal = {ACM Comput. Surv.}, Number = {2}, Pages = {344--345}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Annotated type and effect systems}, Volume = {28}, Year = {1996}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/234528.234745}} %% LG:effectsystems @inproceedings{lucassen88effectsystems, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {J. M. Lucassen and D. K. Gifford}, Booktitle = {POPL '88: Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/73560.73564}, Isbn = {0-89791-252-7}, Location = {San Diego, California, United States}, Pages = {47--57}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Polymorphic effect systems}, Year = {1988}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/73560.73564}} %% CRR:typesasmodels @inproceedings{chaki02typesasmodels, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Author = {S. Chaki and S. K. Rajamani and J. Rehof}, Booktitle = {POPL '02: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/503272.503278}, Isbn = {1-58113-450-9}, Location = {Portland, Oregon}, Pages = {45--57}, Publisher = {ACM}, Title = {Types as models: model checking message-passing programs}, Year = {2002}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/503272.503278}} %% VS:security @inproceedings{volpano97security, Address = {London, UK}, Author = {D. M. Volpano and G. Smith}, Booktitle = {TAPSOFT '97: Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference CAAP/FASE on Theory and Practice of Software Development}, Isbn = {3-540-62781-2}, Pages = {607--621}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Title = {A Type-Based Approach to Program Security}, Year = {1997}} %% E:switching @article{ellingham91switching, Author = {M.~N. Ellingham}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:28 +0200}, Journal = jgt, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {563 -- 572}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Vertex-switching, isomorphisms, and pseudosimilarity}, Volume = {15}, Year = {1991}} %% H:finiteperm @article{higman64finiteperm, Author = {D.~G. Higman}, Category = {complete}, Journal = {Math Z.}, Pages = {145 -- 156}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Finite permutation groups of rank 3}, Volume = {86}, Year = {1964}} %% GT:topology @book{gross87topological, Address = {New York}, Author = {J.~L. Gross and T.~W. Tucker}, Category = {complete}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = wiley, Title = {Topological Graph Theory}, Year = {1987}} %% S:euler @inproceedings{seidel74euler, Address = {Winnipeg, Canada}, Author = {J.~J. Seidel}, Booktitle = {Proc. 5th Southeastern Conf. on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:22:10 +0200}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Utilitas Mathematica Publishing Inc.}, Title = {Graphs and two-graphs}, Year = {1974}} %% S:survey1 @inproceedings{seidel76survey, Address = {Rome}, Author = {J.~J. Seidel}, Booktitle = {Intern. Coll. Teorie Combinatorie (Roma,1973)}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:22:12 +0200}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Note = {Reprinted in \cite{S:compile}}, Pages = {481--511}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Accad. Naz. Lincei}, Title = {A survey of two-graphs}, Volume = {I}, Year = {1976}} %% S:compile @book{seidel91compilation, Address = {Boston}, Category = {complete}, Editor = {D.~G. Corneil and R.~A. Mathon}, Notes = {A compilation of very interesting material}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Title = {Geometry and Combinatorics: {S}elected {W}orks of J.~J. Seidel}, Year = {1991}} %% ST:survey2 @inproceedings{seidel78secondsurvey, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {J.~J. Seidel and D.~E. Taylor}, Booktitle = {Algebraic Methods in Graph Theory (Proc. Internat. Colloq., Szeged, 1978)}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:22:06 +0200}, Editor = {L. Lovasz and V.T. S\'{o}s}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Note = {Reprinted in \cite{S:compile}}, Pages = {689--711}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = nh, Title = {Two-graphs, a second survey}, Volume = {II}, Year = {1981}} %% C:coh @article{cameron77cohomological, Author = {P.~J. Cameron}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:22:18 +0200}, Journal = {Math. Z.}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {101 -- 119}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Cohomological aspects of two-graphs}, Volume = {157}, Year = {1977}} %% C:auto @article{cameron77automorphisms, Author = {P.~J. Cameron}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:21:06 +0200}, Journal = jocb, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {297 -- 298}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Automorphisms and cohomology of switching classes}, Volume = {22}, Year = {1977}} %% C:tree @article{cameron94twographsandtrees, Author = {P.~J. Cameron}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:22:16 +0200}, Journal = dm, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {63 -- 74}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Two-graphs and trees}, Volume = {127}, Year = {1994}} %% CW:signatures @article{cameron86signatures, Author = {P.~J. Cameron and A.~L. Wells Jr.}, Category = {signed}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:39 +0200}, Journal = jocb, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {344 -- 361}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Signatures and signed switching classes}, Volume = {40}, Year = {1986}} %% LS:equilateral @article{lint66equilateral, Author = {J.~H. van Lint and J.~J. Seidel}, Category = {complete}, Journal = {Proc. Kon. Nederl. Acad. Wetensch., Ser. A}, Note = {Reprinted in \cite{S:compile}}, Pages = {335 -- 348}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Equilateral points in elliptic geometry}, Volume = {69}, Year = {1966}} %% S:more @inproceedings{seidel90moreabouttwographs, Address = {Prague}, Author = {J.~J. Seidel}, Booktitle = {Combinatorics graphs complexity}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:22:09 +0200}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {297 -- 308}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {Prachatice}, Title = {More about two-graphs}, Year = {1990}} %% KNZ:computational @article{kratochvil92computational, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {J. Kratochv\'{\i}l and J. Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il and O. Z\'{y}ka}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:47 +0200}, Journal = adm, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {161 -- 166}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {North Holland}, Title = {On the computational complexity of {S}eidel's switching, in: {C}ombinatorics, {G}raphs and {C}omplexity ({M.F}iedler and {J.N}e\v{s}et\v{r}il eds.) {P}roceedings 4th {C}zechoslovak {S}ymposium on {C}ombinatorics, {P}rachatice 1990}, Volume = {51}, Year = {1992}} %% K:private @misc{kratochvilXXprivate, Author = {J. Kratochv\'{\i}l}, Category = {complete}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Private communication}} %% S:twofiles @misc{spenceXXtwofiles, Author = {E. Spence}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:22:02 +0200}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Note = {http://gauss.maths.gla.ac.uk/\~{}ted/}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Tables of Two-graphs}} %% MS:eveneuler @article{mallows75eulergraphs, Author = {C.~L. Mallows and N.~J.~A. Sloane}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:30 +0200}, Journal = siamappl, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {876 -- 880}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Two-graphs, switching classes and {E}uler graphs are equal in number}, Volume = {28}, Year = {1975}} %% S:reconstruct @article{stanley85reconstruct, Author = {R.~P. Stanley}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:41 +0200}, Journal = jocb, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {132 -- 138}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Reconstruction from vertex-switching}, Volume = {38}, Year = {1985}} %% HL:isomorphisms @article{harries78isomorphisms, Author = {D. Harries and H. Liebeck}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:57 +0200}, Journal = jams # {Ser. A}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {475--486}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Isomorphisms in switching classes}, Volume = {26}, Year = {1978}} %% BC:graphiso @article{booneXXgraphisomorphism, Author = {K.~S. Boone and C~.J. Colbourn}, Category = {complete}, Journal = {\em ??}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Problems polynomially equivalent to graph isomorphism}, Year = {($>$1980)}} %% CC:switching @article{colbourn80decidingswitching, Author = {C.~J. Colbourn and D.~G. Corneil}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:54 +0200}, Journal = dm, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {181 -- 184}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {On deciding switching equivalence of graphs}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1980}} %% EHR:semigroups @article{ehrenfeucht93semigroups, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Category = {skew}, Journal = sf, Pages = {123--125}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Permutable transformations semigroups}, Volume = {47}, Year = {1993}} %% ER:dynamic @inproceedings{ehrenfeucht93dynamic, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and G. Rozenberg}, Booktitle = {Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1993}, Category = {skew}, Editor = {A.M. Borzyszkowski and S. Sokolowski}, Pages = {156--173}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = sv, Series = lncs, Title = {An introduction to dynamic labeled 2-structures}, Volume = {711}, Year = {1993}} %% DEG:abelian @article{deutz94abelian, Author = {A.~H. Deutz and A. Ehrenfeucht and G. Rozenberg}, Category = {skew}, Journal = tcs, Notes = {Also Technical Report 93--23, } # ludocs, Pages = {387--393}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Hyperedge channels are abelian}, Volume = {127}, Year = {1994}} %% EHR:planetrees @inproceedings{ehrenfeucht94quotients, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Booktitle = {GRAGRA '94 Proceedings}, Category = {skew}, Notes = {Also Technical Report 94--03, } # ludocs # { and also \cite{EHR:graphtfm}}, Pages = {247--251}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Quotients and plane trees of group labeled 2-structures}, Year = {1994}} %% ER:dl2sdomain @inproceedings{ehrenfeucht94variabledomain, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and G. Rozenberg}, Booktitle = {Results and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science}, Category = {skew}, Notes = {Also Technical Report 94--07, } # ludocs, Pages = {97--123}, Pubcat = {external}, Series = lncs, Title = {Dynamic labeled 2-structures with variable domains}, Volume = {812}, Year = {1994}} %% EHR:inversive2s @techreport{ehrenfeucht94invariantsofinversive, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Category = {gain}, Institution = ludocs, Note = {To appear in } # msics # { in 1997}, Number = {08}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Invariants of inversive 2-structures on groups of labels}, Year = {1994}} %% ER:dl2s @article{ehrenfeucht94dynamiclabeled, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and G. Rozenberg}, Category = {skew}, Journal = msics, Notes = {Also Technical Report 94--09, } # ludocs, Pages = {433--455}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Dynamic labeled 2-structures}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1994}} %% G:voltage @article{gross74voltage, Author = {J.~L. Gross}, Category = {gain}, Journal = dm, Pages = {239--246}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Voltage graphs}, Volume = {9}, Year = {1974}} %% EHR:graphtfm @article{ehrenfeucht96groupbasedgraphtransformations, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Category = {skew}, Journal = lncs, Note = {Reprinted ad \cite{EHR:planetrees} }, Pages = {502--520}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Group Based Graph Transformations and Hierarchical Representations of Graphs}, Volume = {1073}, Year = {1996}} %% Z:charsigned @article{zaslavsky81characterizations, Author = {T. Zaslavsky}, Category = {signed}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:07:22 +0200}, Journal = jgt, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {401--406}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Characterizations of signed graphs}, Volume = {5}, Year = {1981}} %% Z:signed @article{zaslavsky82signed, Author = {T. Zaslavsky}, Category = {signed}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:07:10 +0200}, Journal = dam, Keywords = {switching classes}, Note = {Erratum on p. 248 of volume 5}, Pages = {47--74}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Signed graphs}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1982}} %% H:perfect @article{hertz98perfect, Author = {A. Hertz}, Category = {graphs}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:51 +0200}, Journal = dam, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {263--267}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {On perfect switching classes}, Volume = {89}, Year = {1998}} %% Z:signedcol @article{zaslavsky82signedgraphcoloring, Author = {T. Zaslavsky}, Category = {signed}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:07:14 +0200}, Journal = dm, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {215--228}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Signed graph coloring}, Volume = {39}, Year = {1982}} %% Z:chromatic @article{zaslasvsky82chromatic, Author = {T. Zaslavsky}, Category = {signed}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:07:18 +0200}, Journal = dm, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {287--312}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Chromatic invariants of signed graphs}, Volume = {42}, Year = {1982}} %% Z:biased1 @article{zaslavsky89biased1, Author = {T. Zaslavsky}, Category = {biased}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:07:26 +0200}, Journal = jocb, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {32--52}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Biased graphs. {I}. {B}ias, balance, and gains}, Volume = {47}, Year = {1989}} %% H:balance @article{harary54balance, Author = {F. Harary}, Category = {signed}, Journal = {Michigan Math. J.}, Note = {Addendum in same journal preceding page 1}, Pages = {143--146}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {On the notion of balance of a signed graph}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1953--1954}} %% HNC:structural @inbook{harary66structural, Address = {New York}, Author = {F. Harary and R.~Z. Norman and D. Cartwright}, Category = {signed}, Chapter = {13}, Edition = {2nd}, Month = {August}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = wiley, Title = {Structural models: an introduction to the theory of directed graphs}, Year = {1966}} %% SZ:coding @article{sole94coding, Author = {P. Sol\'e and T. Zaslavsky}, Category = {signed}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:07:37 +0200}, Journal = siamdisc, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {544--553}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {A Coding Approach to Signed Graphs}, Volume = {7}, Year = {1994}} %% C:H-equivalent @article{cheng86h-equivalent, Author = {Y. Cheng}, Category = {complete?}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:33 +0200}, Journal = dm, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {27--40}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Switching classes of directed graphs and H-equivalent matrices}, Volume = {61}, Year = {1986}} %% CW:directed @article{cheng86switchingdirected, Author = {Y. Cheng and A.~L. Wells Jr.}, Category = {complete?}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:35 +0200}, Journal = jocb, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {169--186}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Switching classes of directed graphs}, Volume = {49}, Year = {1986}} %% EHR:handbook @inbook{ehrenfeucht97handbook, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Category = {skew}, Pages = {411 -- 488}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = ws, Title = {Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformations, Vol. I, Foundations}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1997}} %% EHR:book @book{ehrenfeucht99theory, Address = {Singapore}, Author = {A. Ehrenfeucht and T. Harju and G. Rozenberg}, Category = {skew}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {World Scientific}, Title = {The Theory of 2-Structures}, Year = {1999}} %% ER:subnumbers @article{ellingham92subgraphnumbers, Author = {M.~N. Ellingham and G.~F. Royle}, Category = {complete?}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:16 +0200}, Journal = jocb, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {167 -- 177}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Vertex-switching reconstruction of subgraph numbers and triangle-free graphs}, Volume = {54}, Year = {1992}} %% L:groupfixing @article{liebeck82groupsfixing, Author = {M.~R. Liebeck}, Category = {complete?}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:59 +0200}, Journal = jams, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {76 -- 85}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Groups fixing graphs in switching classes}, Volume = {33}, Year = {1982}} %% ST:rootsystems @article{seidel90rootsystems, Author = {J.~J. Seidel and S.~V. Tsaranov}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:22:14 +0200}, Journal = bsmbsa, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {695 -- 711}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Two-graphs, related groups and root systems}, Volume = {42}, Year = {1990}} %% S:graphical @article{shen87graphical, Author = {M. Shen}, Category = {complete?}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:21:01 +0200}, Journal = jstunse, Keywords = {switching classes}, Note = {Chinese}, Pages = {5 -- 10}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Graphical properties of switching classes of graphs}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1987}} %% W:even @article{wells84even, Author = {A.~L. Wells, Jr.}, Category = {signed}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:21:04 +0200}, Journal = jocb, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {194 -- 212}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Even signings, signed switching classes, and (-1,-1)-matrices)}, Volume = {36}, Year = {1984}} %% Z:rootsystems @article{zaslavsky81rootsystems, Author = {T. Zaslavsky}, Category = {signed}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:07:05 +0200}, Journal = amm, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {88 -- 105}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {The geometry of root systems and signed graphs}, Volume = {88}, Year = {1981}} %% AR:symbolic @article{abelson58symbolic, Author = {R.~P. Abelson and M.~J. Rosenberg}, Category = {signed}, Journal = {Behavioral Sci.}, Pages = {1 -- 13}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Symbolic psycho-logic: A model of attitudinal cognition}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1958}} %% Z:dynsurvey @article{zaslavsky99dynamicsurvey, Address = {http://www.combinatorics.org}, Author = {T. Zaslavsky}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:05:56 +0200}, Journal = {Electronic J. Combin.}, Keywords = {switching classes, survey}, Note = {Dynamic Survey No. DS8}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = {World Combinatorics Exchange}, Read = {No}, Title = {A Mathematical Bibliography of Signed and Gain Graphs and Allied Areas}, Year = {1999}} %% A:acyclic @article{acharya81acyclic, Author = {D. Acharya}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:55 +0200}, Journal = {Indian J. Pure Appl. Math}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {1187--1191}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {On Characterizing Graphs Switching Equivalent to Acyclic Graphs}, Volume = {12}, Year = {1981}} %% BMS:tables @inproceedings{bussemaker81tables, Author = {F.~C. Bussemaker and R.~A. Mathon and J.~J. Seidel}, Booktitle = {Combinatorics and Graph Theory - Proc. Sympos., Calcutta, 1980)}, Category = {complete}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:22:07 +0200}, Editor = {S.B. Rao}, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {70--112}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = sv, Series = lncs, Title = {Tables of two-graphs}, Volume = {885}, Year = {1981}} %% H:recognizing @article{hayward96recognizing, Author = {R.~B. Hayward}, Category = {graphs}, Date-Modified = {2008-07-15 23:20:44 +0200}, Journal = jocb, Keywords = {switching classes}, Pages = {247--262}, Pubcat = {external}, Title = {Recognizing ${P}_3$-structure: a switching approach}, Volume = {66}, Year = {1996}} %% BB:algebra @book{birkhoff70algebra, Address = {New York}, Author = {G. Birkhoff and T.~C. Bartee}, Notes = {Two volume work on basic computer science oriented mathematics}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = mh, Title = {Modern Applied Algebra}, Year = {1970}} %% EV:graphs @book{even79graphalgorithms, Address = {Potomac}, Author = {S. Even}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = csp, Title = {Graph Algorithms}, Year = {1979}} %% HA:graphs @book{harary72graphtheory, Author = {F. Harary}, Notes = {Basic book on graph theory}, Pubcat = {external}, Publisher = aw, Title = {Graph Theory}, Year = {1972}} %% HW:numbers @book{hardy83theoryofnumbers, Address = {Hong Kong}, Author = {G.~H. Hardy and E.~M. 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