%% Dear Jurriaan, %% %% I noticed that you have a dvi-file on 2ss and switchings %% on the Web. %% Here comes some references that you might want to add there. %% %% UNFORTUNATELY this file is taken from a monograph, and the %% \bibitem item is rather complicated! %% \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \newcommand{\JGT}{{\em J. of Graph Theory}} \newcommand{\DM}{{\em Discrete Math.}} \newcommand{\DAM}{{\em Discrete Appl. Math.}} \newcommand{\AmerMM}{{\em Amer. Math. Monthly}} \newcommand{\JCombB}{{\em J. Combin. Theory Ser.\, B}} \newcommand{\JCombA}{{\em J. Combin. Theory Ser.\, A}} \bib{Bate1} {\AU{N.G}{Bate}}{% Circuits of Edge-Coloured Complete Graphs} {Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Keele.%, England }{}{1981}{} \bib{Bate2} {\AU{N.G}{Bate}}{% Complete graphs without polychromatic circuits} {\DM}{46,}{1983}{1--8.} \bib{Bosak} {\AU{J}{Bos\'{a}k}}{% ``Decompositions of Graphs''}{Kluwer.}{}{1990}{} \bib{Brewster} {\AU{R}{Brewster}}{% The complexity of colouring symmetric relational systems} {\DAM}{49,}{1994}{95--105.} \bib{Butterworth} {\AU{R.W}{Butterworth}}{% A set theoretic treatment of coherent systems} {\em SIAM J. Appl. Math.}{22,}{1972}{590--598.} \bib{CheinHabib} {\AU{M}{Chein}, \AUs{M}{Habib} and \AUs{M.C}{Maurer}}{% Partitive hypergraphs} {\DM}{37,}{1981}{35--50.} \bib{CG} {\AU{F.R.K}{Chung} and \AUs{R.L}{Graham}}{% Recent results in graph decompositions} {in ``Combinatorics. Proceedings of the Eighth British Combinatorial Conference'', H.N.V. 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Logik Grundlagen Math}{37,}{1991}{227--256.} \bib{Ille-hypo} {\AU{P}{Ille}}{% Recognition problem in construction for decomposable relations} {in ``Finite and Infinite Combinatorics in Sets and Logic'', Sauer, N.W., ed., Kluwer Acad. Publ.,}{}{1993}{pp. 189--198.} \bib{Ille-inf} {\AU{P}{Ille}}{% Graphes indecomposables infinis} {\em C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris Ser. I}{318,}{1994}{499--503.} \bib{Ille} {\AU{P}{Ille}}{% Indecomposable graphs} {\DM}{173,}{1997}{71--78.} \bib{JSC} {\AU{L.O}{James}, \AUs{R.G}{Stanton} and \AUs{D.D}{Cowan}}{% Graph decomposition for undirected graphs} {in ``Proc. Third Southeastern Conf. on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing'', F. Hoffman, R.B. Levow and R.S.D. Thomas, eds., Florida Atlantic Univ.,}{}{1972}{pp. 281--290.} \bib{JensenToft} {\AU{T.R}{Jensen} and \AUs{B}{Toft}}{% ``Graph Coloring Problems''} {Wiley.}{}{1995}{} \bib{Kelly} {\AU{D}{Kelly}}{% Comparability graphs} {in ``Graphs and Order'', I. 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