imports { import TempImport } DATA Expr | Lambda ident : Identifier body : Expr DATA Expr | Apply function : Expr argument : Expr DATA Expr | Variable ident : Identifier DATA Expr | Where body : Expr ident : Identifier definition : Expr DATA Expr | Let ident : Identifier decl : Expr body : Expr ATTR Expr [ gamma:{Gamma} | | ] ATTR Expr [ | | tp:{Type} ] ATTR Expr [ | unique:{Int} | ] ATTR Expr [ | | cset:{[Constraint]} ] SEM Expr | Variable lhs.cset = [instc (@freshVar0) (mylookup (@ident) (@lhs.gamma)) ("Should not fail")] = @freshVar0 lhs.unique = @lhs.unique + 1 loc.freshVar0 = makeFresh (@lhs.unique + 0) :: Type SEM Expr | Apply lhs.cset = @function.cset ++ @argument.cset ++ [eqc ( (arrow ( (@freshVar0)) ("Inconsistent types in application")] = @freshVar0 function.gamma = @lhs.gamma argument.gamma = @lhs.gamma function.unique = @lhs.unique + 1 loc.freshVar0 = makeFresh (@lhs.unique + 0) :: Type SEM Expr | Lambda lhs.cset = @body.cset ++ [eqc (@freshVar1) (arrow (@freshVar0) ( ("Inconsistent types in lambda abstraction")] = @freshVar1 body.gamma = update (@ident) (@freshVar0) (@lhs.gamma) body.unique = @lhs.unique + 2 loc.freshVar0 = makeFresh (@lhs.unique + 0) :: Type loc.freshVar1 = makeFresh (@lhs.unique + 1) :: Type SEM Expr | Let lhs.cset = @decl.cset ++ @body.cset ++ [genc (@freshVar0) (@lhs.gamma) ( ("Generalize failed in Let"), eqc ( (@freshVar1) ("Type of body does not match context type for Let")] = @freshVar1 decl.gamma = @lhs.gamma body.gamma = update (@ident) (@freshVar0) (@lhs.gamma) decl.unique = @lhs.unique + 2 loc.freshVar0 = makeFresh (@lhs.unique + 0) :: SVar loc.freshVar1 = makeFresh (@lhs.unique + 1) :: Type SEM Expr | Where lhs.cset = @body.cset ++ @definition.cset ++ [genc (@freshVar0) (@lhs.gamma) ( ("Generalize failed in Where"), eqc ( (@freshVar1) ("Type of body does not match type of Where")] = @freshVar1 definition.gamma = @lhs.gamma body.gamma = update (@ident) (@freshVar0) (@lhs.gamma) body.unique = @lhs.unique + 2 loc.freshVar0 = makeFresh (@lhs.unique + 0) :: SVar loc.freshVar1 = makeFresh (@lhs.unique + 1) :: Type