MODULE {Transform} {} {} optpragmas { {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-} } PRAGMA genlinepragmas INCLUDE "" imports { import BackendAst import CommonTypes import UU.Scanner.Position import Data.Map(Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.IntMap(IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Data.Set(Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Language.Haskell.Pretty import Language.Haskell.Syntax import System.FilePath import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Debug.Trace } WRAPPER Ag { transform :: Ag -> String transform ast = B.unpack (output_Syn_Ag syn) where sem = sem_Ag ast syn = wrap_Ag sem inh inh = Inh_Ag {} nextUnique :: Int -> (Int, Int) nextUnique n = (n+1, n) find :: (Show k, Ord k, Show a, Show p) => p -> k -> Map k a -> a find p k m = Map.findWithDefault (error (show p ++ ": no key " ++ show k ++ " in " ++ show m)) k m ppHaskell :: Pretty a => a -> B.ByteString ppHaskell = B.pack . prettyPrintWithMode modePP pushPP :: Pretty a => a -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString pushPP h = push (ppHaskell h) where push ys xs = B.append (B.append xs (B.pack "\r\n")) ys modePP :: PPHsMode modePP = defaultMode { layout = PPSemiColon, linePragmas = False } posToSrcLoc :: Pos -> SrcLoc posToSrcLoc (Pos l c f) = SrcLoc f l c class IdentConv a b where toHsn :: a -> b instance IdentConv Ident HsName where toHsn = HsIdent . show instance IdentConv String HsName where toHsn = HsIdent instance IdentConv HsName HsName where toHsn = id instance IdentConv a HsName => IdentConv a HsQName where toHsn = UnQual . toHsn conTy :: HsName -> HsType conTy = HsTyCon . toHsn } ATTR Ag Blocks Block Itf Code Items Item [ | | output USE {`B.append`} {B.empty} : {B.ByteString} ] SEM Itf | Itf loc.lsrc = posToSrcLoc @pos -- generation of I-type loc.iname = toHsn ("I_" ++ show @name) loc.ity = HsTyApp stTy $ HsTyApp (conTy @loc.sname) sTy +output = let ty = HsTyFun refty @loc.ity refty = HsTyApp strefTy (HsTyApp (conTy @loc.sname) sTy) in pushPP $ HsNewTypeDecl @loc.lsrc [] @loc.iname [sHsn] (HsConDecl @loc.lsrc @loc.iname [HsUnBangedTy ty]) [] -- generation of S-type loc.sname = toHsn ("S_" ++ show @name) loc.sty = HsTyTuple [ HsTyApp (conTy @loc.inhName) sTy, HsTyApp (conTy @loc.synName) sTy, HsTyApp (conTy @loc.visName) sTy ] +output = pushPP $ HsNewTypeDecl @loc.lsrc [] @loc.sname [sHsn] (HsConDecl @loc.lsrc @loc.sname [HsUnBangedTy @loc.sty]) [] -- generation of InhS-type loc.inhName = toHsn ("InhS_" ++ show @name) loc.inhTy = HsTyTuple [ HsTyApp strefTy $ mkHaskellTp tp | (_, tp) <- Map.toAscList @visits.inhInfos ] +output = let con = HsConDecl @loc.lsrc @loc.inhName [HsUnBangedTy @loc.inhTy] in pushPP $ HsNewTypeDecl @loc.lsrc [] @loc.inhName [sHsn] con [] -- generation of SynS-type loc.synName = toHsn ("SynS_" ++ show @name) loc.synTy = HsTyTuple [ HsTyApp strefTy $ mkHaskellTp tp | (_, tp) <- Map.toAscList @visits.synInfos ] +output = let con = HsConDecl @loc.lsrc @loc.synName [HsUnBangedTy @loc.synTy] in pushPP $ HsNewTypeDecl @loc.lsrc [] @loc.synName [sHsn] con [] -- generation of Inh-type loc.inhIName = toHsn ("Inh_" ++ show @name) loc.inhITps = [ ([qualNm "inh" @name nm], HsUnBangedTy $ mkHaskellTp tp) | (nm, tp) <- Map.toAscList @visits.inhInfos ] +output = pushPP $ HsDataDecl @loc.lsrc [] @loc.inhIName [] [HsRecDecl @loc.lsrc @loc.inhIName @loc.inhITps] [] -- generation of Syn-type loc.synIName = toHsn ("Syn_" ++ show @name) loc.synITps = [ ([qualNm "syn" @name nm], HsUnBangedTy $ mkHaskellTp tp) | (nm, tp) <- Map.toAscList @visits.synInfos ] +output = pushPP $ HsDataDecl @loc.lsrc [] @loc.synIName [] [HsRecDecl @loc.lsrc @loc.synIName @loc.synITps] [] -- generation of VisS-type loc.visName = toHsn ("VisS_" ++ show @name) loc.visTy = HsTyTuple (replicate @visits.nVisits (HsTyApp stTy (HsTyTuple []))) +output = let con = HsConDecl @loc.lsrc @loc.visName [HsUnBangedTy @loc.visTy] in pushPP $ HsNewTypeDecl @loc.lsrc [] @loc.visName [sHsn] con [] -- generation of eval-function loc.evalName = toHsn ("eval_" ++ show @name) +output = let firstTy = mkHaskellTp ("(forall s . I_" ++ show @name ++ " s)") evalsTy = HsTyFun firstTy (HsTyFun (conTy @loc.inhIName) (conTy @loc.synIName)) in pushPP $ HsTypeSig @loc.lsrc [@loc.evalName] (HsQualType [] evalsTy) +output = let body = HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn "runST") (HsParen action) action = HsDo ( [unpack, mkref, match, setref] ++ assigns ++ visits ++ derefs ++ [build] ) mkref = HsGenerator @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn "ref") errRef errRef = HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn "newSTRef") (HsVar $ toHsn "undefined") match = HsGenerator @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn "sem") actApp actApp = HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn "act") (HsVar $ toHsn "ref") setref = HsQualifier (writeExp (HsVar $ toHsn "ref") (HsVar $ toHsn "sem")) unpack = HsLetStmt [HsPatBind @loc.lsrc tree (HsUnGuardedRhs $ HsVar $ toHsn "x") []] semRef = HsVar $ toHsn "ref" assigns = [ assign nm | (nm,_) <- Map.toAscList @visits.inhInfos ] assign nm = let params = [semRef, HsVar $ toHsn ("i_" ++ show nm)] in HsQualifier $ foldl HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn $ assignNmInh @name nm) params visits = [ visit nm | (_,nm) <- IntMap.toAscList @visits.visitInfos ] visit nm = HsQualifier $ HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn $ visitNm @name nm) semRef derefs = [ deref nm | (nm,_) <- Map.toAscList @visits.synInfos ] deref nm = let exp = HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn $ derefNmSyn @name nm) semRef in HsGenerator @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn ("s_" ++ show nm)) exp build = HsQualifier $ HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn "return") (HsParen syn) tree = HsPApp (toHsn @loc.iname) [HsPVar $ toHsn "act"] xmatch = HsPVar $ toHsn "x" inhNms = [ toHsn ("i_" ++ show nm) | (nm,_) <- Map.toAscList @visits.inhInfos ] synNms = [ toHsn ("s_" ++ show nm) | (nm,_) <- Map.toAscList @visits.synInfos ] inh = HsPApp (toHsn @loc.inhIName) (map HsPVar inhNms) syn = foldl HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn @loc.synIName) (map HsVar synNms) rhs = HsUnGuardedRhs body fun = HsFunBind [HsMatch @loc.lsrc @loc.evalName [xmatch, inh] rhs []] in pushPP fun -- generation of visits +output = let nVisits = IntMap.size @visits.visitInfos visitMatches = replicate (max (nVisits-1) 0) HsPWildCard visName v = toHsn ("visit_" ++ show @name ++ "_" ++ show v) f (n,v) = let name = visName v fun = HsFunBind [HsMatch @loc.lsrc name [refMatch] rhs []] refNm = "ref" resNm = "res" refMatch = HsPVar (toHsn refNm) semMatch = HsPApp (toHsn @loc.sname) [HsPTuple [HsPWildCard, HsPWildCard, visMatch]] visMatch = HsPApp (toHsn @loc.visName) [HsPTuple matches] matches = let (l,r) = splitAt n visitMatches in l ++ [HsPVar (toHsn resNm)] ++ r rhs = HsUnGuardedRhs body body = HsDo [ HsGenerator @loc.lsrc (HsPParen semMatch) (readExp $ HsVar $ toHsn refNm) , HsQualifier $ HsVar $ toHsn resNm] in fun g (n,v) = let name = visName v tp = HsTyFun refTp unitTp unitTp = HsTyApp stTy (HsTyTuple []) refTp = HsTyApp strefTy semTp semTp = HsTyApp (HsTyCon $ toHsn @loc.sname) sTy in HsTypeSig @loc.lsrc [name] (HsQualType [] tp) in \b -> foldr (\i -> pushPP (f i) . pushPP (g i)) b (IntMap.toAscList @visits.visitInfos) -- generation of childs loc.childName = toHsn ("child_" ++ show @name) +output = let tp = HsTyFun refTp (HsTyFun ity unitTp) ity = HsTyApp (conTy @loc.iname) sTy unitTp = HsTyApp stTy (HsTyTuple []) refTp = HsTyApp strefTy semTp semTp = HsTyApp (HsTyCon $ toHsn @loc.sname) sTy sig = HsTypeSig @loc.lsrc [@loc.childName] (HsQualType [] tp) in pushPP sig +output = let fun = HsFunBind [HsMatch @loc.lsrc @loc.childName [refMatch, treeMatch] rhs []] refNm = "ref" actNm = "act" treeNm = "tree" refMatch = HsPVar $ toHsn refNm treeMatch = HsPApp (toHsn @loc.iname) [HsPVar $ toHsn actNm] rhs = HsUnGuardedRhs body body = HsDo [ HsGenerator @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn treeNm) act , HsQualifier $ writeExp (HsVar $ toHsn refNm) (HsVar $ toHsn treeNm)] act = HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn actNm) (HsVar $ toHsn refNm) in pushPP fun -- generation of assigns +output = \b -> foldr (@loc.genAssign True) b (zip [0..] $ Map.toAscList @visits.inhInfos) +output = \b -> foldr (@loc.genAssign False) b (zip [0..] $ Map.toAscList @visits.synInfos) loc.genAssign = \isInh (ind,(nm,str)) -> let name = if isInh then assignNmInh @name nm else assignNmSyn @name nm fun = HsFunBind [HsMatch @loc.lsrc name [HsPVar $ toHsn refNm, HsPVar $ toHsn valNm] rhs []] refNm = "ref" valNm = "val" atNm = "attr" rhs = HsUnGuardedRhs (HsDo [match, write]) match = HsGenerator @loc.lsrc pat (readExp $ HsVar $ toHsn refNm) pat = HsPParen $ HsPApp (toHsn @loc.sname) [HsPTuple tup] tup | isInh = [HsPApp (toHsn @loc.inhName) [matches nInh], HsPWildCard, HsPWildCard] | otherwise = [HsPWildCard, HsPApp (toHsn @loc.synName) [matches nSyn], HsPWildCard] nInh = Map.size @visits.inhInfos nSyn = Map.size @visits.synInfos matches n = let (l,r) = splitAt ind (replicate (max 0 (n-1)) HsPWildCard) in HsPTuple (l ++ [HsPVar (toHsn atNm)] ++ r) write = HsQualifier $ writeExp (HsVar $ toHsn atNm) (HsVar $ toHsn valNm) sig = HsTypeSig @loc.lsrc [name] (HsQualType [] tp) tp = HsTyFun refTy (HsTyFun valTy resTy) resTy = HsTyApp stTy (HsTyTuple []) refTy = HsTyApp strefTy (HsTyApp (conTy @loc.sname) sTy) valTy = mkHaskellTp str in pushPP fun . pushPP sig -- generation of derefs +output = \b -> foldr (@loc.genDeref True) b (zip [0..] $ Map.toAscList @visits.inhInfos) +output = \b -> foldr (@loc.genDeref False) b (zip [0..] $ Map.toAscList @visits.synInfos) loc.genDeref = \isInh (ind,(nm,str)) -> let name = if isInh then derefNmInh @name nm else derefNmSyn @name nm fun = HsFunBind [HsMatch @loc.lsrc name [HsPVar $ toHsn refNm] rhs []] refNm = "ref" atNm = "attr" rhs = HsUnGuardedRhs (HsDo [match, read]) match = HsGenerator @loc.lsrc pat (readExp $ HsVar $ toHsn refNm) pat = HsPParen $ HsPApp (toHsn @loc.sname) [HsPTuple tup] tup | isInh = [HsPApp (toHsn @loc.inhName) [matches nInh], HsPWildCard, HsPWildCard] | otherwise = [HsPWildCard, HsPApp (toHsn @loc.synName) [matches nSyn], HsPWildCard] nInh = Map.size @visits.inhInfos nSyn = Map.size @visits.synInfos matches n = let (l,r) = splitAt ind (replicate (max 0 (n-1)) HsPWildCard) in HsPTuple (l ++ [HsPVar (toHsn atNm)] ++ r) read = HsQualifier $ readExp (HsVar $ toHsn atNm) sig = HsTypeSig @loc.lsrc [name] (HsQualType [] tp) tp = HsTyFun refTy resTy resTy = HsTyApp stTy valTy refTy = HsTyApp strefTy (HsTyApp (conTy @loc.sname) sTy) valTy = mkHaskellTp str in pushPP fun . pushPP sig { sHsn :: HsName sHsn = toHsn "s" sTy :: HsType sTy = HsTyVar sHsn stTy :: HsType stTy = HsTyApp (HsTyCon $ toHsn "ST") sTy strefTy :: HsType strefTy = HsTyApp (HsTyCon $ toHsn "STRef") sTy mkHaskellTp :: String -> HsType mkHaskellTp str = HsTyTuple [HsTyVar $ HsIdent $ map rep str] where rep '\n' = ' ' rep '\r' = ' ' rep c = c qualNm :: String -> Ident -> Ident -> HsName qualNm x y z = toHsn (x ++ "_" ++ show y ++ "_" ++ show z) visitNm :: Ident -> Ident -> HsName visitNm i v = toHsn ("visit_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show v) assignNmSyn :: Ident -> Ident -> HsName assignNmSyn i a = toHsn ("assign_syn_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show a) assignNmInh :: Ident -> Ident -> HsName assignNmInh i a = toHsn ("assign_inh_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show a) derefNmSyn :: Ident -> Ident -> HsName derefNmSyn i a = toHsn ("deref_syn_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show a) derefNmInh :: Ident -> Ident -> HsName derefNmInh i a = toHsn ("deref_inh_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show a) writeExp :: HsExp -> HsExp -> HsExp writeExp ref val = HsApp (HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn "writeSTRef") ref) val readExp :: HsExp -> HsExp readExp ref = HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn "readSTRef") ref } -- number the visits and collect them ATTR ItfVisits ItfVisit [ | nVisits : Int | visitInfos USE {`mappend`} {mempty} : {IntMap Ident} ] SEM Itf | Itf visits.nVisits = 0 SEM ItfVisit | Visit : UNIQUEREF nVisits lhs.visitInfos = IntMap.singleton @name -- get the inherited and synthesized attributes ATTR ItfVisits ItfVisit Params Param [ | | inhInfos, synInfos USE {`mappend`} {mempty} : {Map Ident String} ] SEM Param | Param = Map.singleton @name @type lhs.inhInfos = if @isInput then else mempty lhs.synInfos = if not @isInput then else mempty -- collect and spread attribute info ATTR Blocks Block Itf [ | | gathItfs USE {`mappend`} {mempty} : {Map Ident (Map Ident String, Map Ident String, IntMap Ident)} ] ATTR Blocks Block Code Items Item SemVisits SemVisit Stmts Stmt [ imap : {Map Ident (Map Ident String, Map Ident String, IntMap Ident)} | | ] SEM Ag | Ag blocks.imap = @blocks.gathItfs SEM Itf | Itf lhs.gathItfs = Map.singleton @name (@visits.inhInfos, @visits.synInfos, @visits.visitInfos) SEM Item | Plain lhs.output = @loc.spacing `B.append` (B.pack @txt) loc.spacing = B.replicate (column @pos) ' ' | Attr lhs.output = B.pack $ toFieldNameIn @name @field | Sem loc.lsrc = posToSrcLoc @pos lhs.output = let treeIdentStr = "__tree" in B.unlines ( [ B.pack "(let {" , ppHaskell $ HsPatBind @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn treeIdentStr) (HsUnGuardedRhs @loc.exp) [] , B.pack ("} in " ++ treeIdentStr ++ ")") , B.replicate (column @pos) ' ' ] ) { toFieldNameOut :: Ident -> Ident -> String toFieldNameOut child attr = toFieldName False child attr toFieldNameIn :: Ident -> Ident -> String toFieldNameIn child attr = toFieldName True child attr toFieldName :: Bool -> Ident -> Ident -> String toFieldName isIn child attr | show child == "loc" = "_" ++ show child ++ "L" ++ show attr | isIn = "_" ++ show child ++ "I" ++ show attr | otherwise = "_" ++ show child ++ "O" ++ show attr } -- -- Generate semantics -- SEM Item | Sem (loc.inhs, loc.syns, loc.visits) = Map.findWithDefault (error ("tp: " ++ show @tp)) @tp @lhs.imap loc.semTp = let addS t = HsTyApp t sTy addI n = "I_" ++ show n in addS $ conTy . toHsn $ addI @tp loc.exp = let expr = HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn ("I_" ++ show @tp)) (HsParen body) body = HsLambda @loc.lsrc [HsPVar $ toHsn semVarStr] doexp doexp = HsDo (crefs ++ lrefs ++ inhs ++ syns ++ [vis, cisv, rexp]) crefs = [ cref nm | nm <- Map.keys @visits.childInfos ] cref nm = HsGenerator @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn ("cref_" ++ show nm)) (newRefExp $ HsVar $ toHsn "undefined") lref nm = HsGenerator @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn ("lref_" ++ show nm)) (newRefExp $ HsVar $ toHsn "undefined") lrefs = if @lhs.toplevel then [ lref nm | nm <- Set.toList @visits.allLocals ] else [] mkRef suf nm = HsGenerator @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn (suf ++ show nm)) (newRefExp $ HsVar $ toHsn "undefined") inhs = [ mkRef "iref_" nm | (nm, _) <- Map.toAscList @loc.inhs ] syns = [ mkRef "sref_" nm | (nm, _) <- Map.toAscList @loc.syns ] vis = HsLetStmt @visits.decls cisv = HsLetStmt [ cinh, csyn, cvis ] cinh = HsPatBind @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn "inh") (HsUnGuardedRhs einh) [] einh = HsApp (HsCon $ toHsn ("InhS_" ++ show @tp)) $ HsTuple tinh tinh = [ HsVar $ toHsn ("iref_" ++ show nm) | (nm,_) <- Map.toAscList @loc.inhs ] csyn = HsPatBind @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn "syn") (HsUnGuardedRhs esyn) [] esyn = HsApp (HsCon $ toHsn ("SynS_" ++ show @tp)) $ HsTuple tsyn tsyn = [ HsVar $ toHsn ("sref_" ++ show nm) | (nm,_) <- Map.toAscList @loc.syns ] cvis = HsPatBind @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn "vis") (HsUnGuardedRhs evis) [] evis = HsApp (HsCon $ toHsn ("VisS_" ++ show @tp)) $ HsTuple tvis tvis = [ HsVar $ toHsn ("vis_" ++ show nm) | (_,nm) <- IntMap.toAscList @loc.visits ] rexp = HsQualifier $ HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn "return") (HsParen rapp) rapp = HsApp (HsCon $ toHsn ("S_" ++ show @tp)) $ HsTuple [rinh,rsyn,rvis] rinh = HsVar $ toHsn "inh" rsyn = HsVar $ toHsn "syn" rvis = HsVar $ toHsn "vis" in expr { semVarStr :: String semVarStr = "__sem" newRefExp :: HsExp -> HsExp newRefExp e = HsParen $ HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn "newSTRef") (HsParen e) } -- -- Toplevel sem? -- ATTR SemVisits SemVisit Stmts Stmt Code Items Item [ toplevel : Bool | | ] SEM Block | Section code.toplevel = True SEM Stmt | Child code.toplevel = False | Eval expr.toplevel = False -- -- Defined children -- ATTR SemVisits SemVisit Stmts Stmt [ allChildInfos : {Map Ident Ident} | | childInfos USE {`mappend`} {mempty} : {Map Ident Ident} ] SEM Stmt | Child lhs.childInfos = Map.singleton @name @type SEM Item | Sem visits.allChildInfos = @visits.childInfos -- -- Locals -- ATTR SemVisits SemVisit Stmts Stmt Code Items Item Pats Pat [ | | allLocals USE {`mappend`} {mempty} : {Set Ident}] SEM Pat | Attr lhs.allLocals = if show @child == "loc" then Set.singleton @name else Set.empty ATTR SemVisits SemVisit [ | | decls USE {++} {[]} : {[HsDecl]}] SEM SemVisit | Visit loc.lsrc = posToSrcLoc @pos lhs.decls = [HsPatBind @loc.lsrc (HsPVar $ toHsn ("vis_" ++ show @name)) (HsUnGuardedRhs @loc.exp) []] loc.exp = HsDo (@stmts.stmts ++ [ HsQualifier $ HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn "return") (HsTuple []) ]) ATTR SemVisits SemVisit Stmts Stmt [ parentTp : {Ident} | | ] SEM Item | Sem visits.parentTp = @tp ATTR Stmts Stmt [ | | stmts USE {++} {[]} : {[HsStmt]} ] SEM Stmt | Invoke = Map.findWithDefault (error ("tp: " ++ show @name)) @name @lhs.allChildInfos lhs.stmts = [ HsQualifier $ HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn $ visitNm @tp @visit) (HsVar $ toHsn semVarStr) ] | Child Eval loc.derefAttr = \(child, field) -> let pat = HsPVar $ toHsn $ toFieldNameIn child field exp | show child == "loc" = readExp (HsVar $ toHsn ("lref_" ++ show field)) | otherwise = let tp = if show child == "lhs" then @lhs.parentTp else Map.findWithDefault (error ("child: " ++ show child)) child @lhs.allChildInfos lookupnm = if show child == "lhs" then derefNmInh tp field else derefNmSyn tp field semnm = if show child == "lhs" then semVarStr else "cref_" ++ show child in HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn lookupnm) (HsVar $ toHsn semnm) in HsGenerator @loc.lsrc pat exp | Child loc.lsrc = posToSrcLoc @pos lhs.stmts = map @loc.derefAttr (Set.toList @code.derefAttrs) ++ [HsQualifier @loc.exp] loc.exp = let body = HsApp (HsApp childfun arg) def childfun = HsVar $ toHsn ("child_" ++ show @type) arg = HsVar $ toHsn ("cref_" ++ show @name) def = embedExp @code.output in body | Eval loc.lsrc = posToSrcLoc noPos loc.derefs = map @loc.derefAttr (Set.toList @expr.derefAttrs) loc.decl = HsLetStmt [HsPatBind @loc.lsrc @pat.pat (HsUnGuardedRhs $ embedExp @expr.output) []] loc.assigns = let assignAttr (child,field) = let val = HsVar $ toHsn $ toFieldNameOut child field exp | show child == "loc" = readExp (HsVar $ toHsn ("lref_" ++ show field)) | otherwise = let tp = if show child == "lhs" then @lhs.parentTp else Map.findWithDefault (error ("child: " ++ show child)) child @lhs.allChildInfos lookupnm = if show child == "lhs" then assignNmSyn tp field else assignNmInh tp field semnm = if show child == "lhs" then semVarStr else "cref_" ++ show child in HsApp (HsApp (HsVar $ toHsn lookupnm) (HsVar $ toHsn semnm)) val in HsQualifier exp in map assignAttr (Set.toList @pat.assignAttrs) lhs.stmts = @loc.derefs ++ [@loc.decl] ++ @loc.assigns { embedExp :: B.ByteString -> HsExp embedExp str = HsVar $ UnQual $ HsSymbol $ B.unpack $ B.unlines $ [ B.pack "(let {" , (B.pack "_R_=") `B.append` (B.drop 4 str) , B.pack "} in _R_)" ] } -- -- Attributes that need to be dereferenced beforehand -- ATTR Code Items Item [ | | derefAttrs USE {`mappend`} {mempty} : {Set (Ident,Ident)} ] SEM Item | Attr lhs.derefAttrs = Set.singleton (@name, @field) -- -- Generate a pattern from a pattern -- ATTR Pat [ | | pat : {HsPat} ] ATTR Pats [ | | pats : {[HsPat]} ] SEM Pat | Con lhs.pat = HsPParen $ HsPApp (toHsn @name) @pats.pats | Attr lhs.pat = HsPVar $ toHsn $ toFieldNameOut @child @name | Tup lhs.pat = HsPTuple @pats.pats | Underscore lhs.pat = HsPWildCard SEM Pats | Cons lhs.pats = @hd.pat : @tl.pats | Nil lhs.pats = [] ATTR Pats Pat [ | | assignAttrs USE {`mappend`} {mempty} : {Set (Ident,Ident)}] SEM Pat | Attr lhs.assignAttrs = Set.singleton (@child,@name)