#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict ; use Carp ; use Blib ; use lib::Tabs ; use DBI ; our $PRG = 'repocafe' ; our $VER = '0.13.1' ; $Carp::Verbose = 1 ; our %TABLE_NAMES = ( repos => 'repos' , paths => 'repo_paths' , guests => 'repo_guests' , rights => 'repo_rights' , groups => 'repo_groups' , gr_mem => 'repo_group_members' , stats => 'repo_stats' , tots => 'repo_tots' , xusers => 'repo_xusers' , roots => 'repo_roots' , mods => 'repo_mods' ) ; our $KW_LDAP = 'ldap' ; sub KW_LDAP { $KW_LDAP ; } our $KW_CLAS = 'clas' ; sub KW_CLAS { $KW_CLAS ; } our $KW_TREE = 'tree' ; sub KW_TREE { $KW_TREE ; } our $KW_BIND = 'bind' ; sub KW_BIND { $KW_BIND ; } our $KW_ATTR = 'attr' ; sub KW_ATTR { $KW_ATTR ; } our $SECRET = 'jlsadywr4n8sdydf8wery' ; sub SECRET { $SECRET ; } our $Repocafe ; sub Version { "$PRG version $VER" ; } sub version { "$PRG-$VER" ; } sub TABLE_NAMES { %TABLE_NAMES ; } sub Repocafe { $Repocafe ; } sub make_cafe { my %opts = ( c => undef , d => 0 , q => 0 , v => 0 , -conn => 1 , @_ ) ; my $cafe = Blib::Dbs -> new ( 'Repocafe' ) ; $cafe -> set_opts ( %opts ) ; $Repocafe = ref $cafe ; # printf "1 Cafe debug %s\n", $cafe -> debug ; # printf "1 Blib debug %s\n", Blib -> debug ; # printf "1 cafe debug %s\n", $cafe -> debug_me ( 'd' ) ; # printf "1 Conf debug %s\n", Blib::Mods::Conf -> debug ; if ( Blib -> debug and ! $cafe -> debug_me ) { Blib::Mods -> debug ( 2 ) ; } else { Blib::Mods -> debug ( $cafe -> debug ) ; } Blib::Mods::Conf -> verbose ( $cafe -> verbose ) ; $cafe -> init ( $opts { c }, ! $opts { -conn } ) ; $cafe ; } package Blib::Mods ; ###################################### sub print { print @_ ; } sub printf { printf @_ ; } package Blib::Dbs::Repocafe ; ###################################### eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(conf) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $path = shift ; my $_noc = shift ; Blib::Dbs::init ( $self ) ; $self -> conf ( $self -> get_config ( $path ) ) ; $self -> define_tables ; Blib::Rec::Repocafe::guests -> add_ISA ( 'Blib::Mods::User' ) ; $self -> db_connect unless $_noc ; $self ; } sub dbh { my $self = shift ; $self -> _dbh ; } sub db_connect_as { my $self = shift ; my $conf = $self -> conf ; my $user = shift || $conf -> db_user ; my $pswd = shift || $conf -> db_pswd ; my $db_host = $conf -> db_host ; my $db_name = $conf -> db_name ; printf "db connect : host %s, db %s, user %s\n", $db_host, $db_name, $user if $self -> verbose ; my $dbh = DBI -> connect ( "dbi:Pg:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_host", $user, $pswd , { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 } ) or die $DBI::errstr ; $self -> _dbh ( $dbh ) ; } sub db_connect { my $self = shift ; my $conf = $self -> conf ; $self -> db_connect_as ( $conf -> db_user, $conf -> db_pswd ) ; } sub config_list { my $self = shift ; my $home = ( getpwuid $< ) [ 7 ] or die "can get homedir '$<' ($!)" ; ( "$PRG.conf", "$home/.$PRG.conf", "/etc/$PRG.conf" ) ; } sub find_config { my $self = shift ; my $arg = shift ; my @LIST = $arg ? ( $arg ) : $self -> config_list ; for my $conf ( @LIST ) { return $conf if -f $conf ; } die sprintf "can't find a config file :\n %s\n" , join "\n ", @LIST ; } sub get_config { my $self = shift ; my $path = shift ; my $file = $self -> find_config ( $path ) ; # or die Blib::Mods::Conf -> make ( $self, $file ) ; } sub lookups { my $self = shift ; my $uids = {} ; for ( @_ ) { $uids -> { $_ } ++ ; } my $res = [] ; for my $uclas ( @{ $self -> conf -> clas_list } ) { last unless scalar keys %$uids ; for my $user ( @{ $uclas -> lookups ( keys %$uids ) } ) { push @$res, $user ; delete $uids -> { $user -> login } ; } } $res ; } sub lookup { my $self = shift ; my $uid = shift ; my $users = [] ; for my $uclas ( @{ $self -> conf -> clas_list } ) { $users = $uclas -> lookups ( $uid ) ; last if @$users ; } ( @$users ) ? shift @$users : undef ; } sub usage { my $self = shift ; my $prog = shift ; my $dir = $self -> conf -> dir_admin ; my $cmd = "cd $dir ; perl $prog -help |" ; open CMD, $cmd or die "can't popen '$cmd' ($!)" ; ; } sub revision { my $self = shift ; my $conf = $self -> conf ; my $CMD = "svn info -r head" ; open CMD, "$CMD|" or return undef ; my $res ; while ( ) { if ( /Revision: (\d+)/ ) { $res = $1 ; } } close CMD ; $res ; } sub check_tabs { my $self = shift ; my $rep = {} ; my $res = 1 ; $rep -> { miss } = [] ; $rep -> { bads } = [] ; for my $tab ( @{ $self -> _tabs } ) { unless ( $rep -> { $tab } { have } = $tab -> _in_db ) { $res = 0 ; next ; } my $tnam = $tab -> _name ; $rep -> { $tab } { fkis } = [] ; $rep -> { $tab } { refs } = [] ; my $fkis = $tab -> _foreign_key_info || [] ; $rep -> { $tab } { fkis } = $fkis ; my $have = {} ; for my $fki ( @$fkis ) { my $p = $fki -> { ptxt } ; my $f = $fki -> { ftxt } ; push @{ $rep -> { $tab } { refs } }, [ $p, $f ] ; $rep -> { fkis } { $p } { $f } = $fki ; $have -> { $p } = $f ; } for my $col ( @{ $tab -> _cols } ) { unless ( $rep -> { $col } { have } = $col -> _in_db ) { $res = 0 ; next ; } next unless my $fkey = $col -> _fkey ; next unless $rep -> { $fkey } { have } ; my $cnam = $col -> _name ; my $ftab = $fkey -> _tabl ; my $p = "$tnam.$cnam" ; my $f = join '.', map { $_ -> _name } $ftab, $fkey ; push @{ $rep -> { $col } { fkey } { have } }, [ $p, $f ] ; unless ( exists $have -> { $p } ) { push @{ $rep -> { $col } { fkey } { miss } }, [ $p, $f ] ; push @{ $rep -> { miss } }, [ $p, $f ] ; $res = 0 ; } else { my $h = $have -> { $p } ; if ( $f ne $h ) { push @{ $rep -> { $col } { fkey } { bads } } , [ $p, $f, $h ] ; push @{ $rep -> { bads } }, [ $p, $f, $h ] ; $res = 0 ; } } } } $rep -> { res } = $res ; $rep ; } package Blib::Mods::Conf ; ############################### @Blib::Mods::Conf::ISA = qw(Blib) ; our %CNF_defaults = ( db_pref => '' , db_owner => '' , db_opswd => '' , file_access => 'svnaccessfile' , file_guests => 'guestusers' , file_log => 'repocafe_log' , cmd_perl => '/usr/bin/perl' , cmd_svnadmin => '/usr/bin/svnadmin' , cmd_svnlook => '/usr/bin/svnlook' , cmd_commit_email => '/usr/bin/perl commit-email.pl' , top_head => '' , aux_head => '' , top_body => '' , aux_body => '' , top_rules_usage => '' , aux_rules_usage => '' , top_statistics => '' , aux_statistics => '' , create_guests => '' , has_groups => 1 , viewvc => 1 , motd => '' , mail_from_admin => '' , mail_from_noreply => '' , www_scheme => 'https' , $KW_LDAP => {} , $KW_BIND => {} , $KW_ATTR => {} , $KW_CLAS => [] , $KW_TREE => {} ) ; our @REQ_KEYS = qw(organisation dir_admin dir_data dir_www www_user www_group www_server www_contact www_secret db_host db_name db_user db_pswd admin_user admin_group ) ; our %CNF_KEYS ; for ( @REQ_KEYS, keys %CNF_defaults ) { $CNF_KEYS { $_ } ++ ; } eval Blib -> mk_methods ( keys %CNF_KEYS, qw(root cafe ldaps clases clas_list trees) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $cafe = shift ; my $file = shift ; $self -> cafe ( $cafe ) ; $self -> root ( $file ) ; my @keys = keys %CNF_defaults ; @{ $self } { @keys } = @CNF_defaults { @keys } ; $self -> get_conf () ; $self ; } sub _split { my $str = shift ; map { $_ eq 'EMPTY' ? '' : $_ } split ' ', $str ; } sub get_conf { my $self = shift ; my $FILE = ( @_ ? shift : $self -> root ) ; my $cafe = $self -> cafe ; my $err = '' ; if ( grep $_ eq $FILE, @{ $self -> {_include} } ) { die "already included : '$FILE'" ; } else { push @{ $self -> {_include} }, $FILE ; } open FILE, $FILE or die "can't open '$FILE' ($!)" ; my $CONF = join "\n", grep /./, ; close FILE ; $CONF =~ s/\t/ /g ; # replace tabs $CONF =~ s/^[+ ]+// ; # delete leading space, plus $CONF =~ s/\n\n\s+/ /g ; # glue continuation lines $CONF =~ s/\n\n\+\s+//g ; # glue concatenation lines $CONF =~ s/\n\n\./\n/g ; # glue concatenation lines chomp $CONF ; my $opt_d = $self -> debug ; print "--$CONF--\n" if $opt_d ; for ( grep ! /^#/, split /\n\n/, $CONF ) { my ($key,$val) = split ' ', $_, 2 ; $val = '' unless defined $val ; $val = '' if $val eq 'EMPTY' ; print "conf '$FILE' : key '$key', val '$val'\n" if $opt_d ; if ( exists $CNF_KEYS { $key } ) { my $ref = exists $self -> { $key } && ref ( $self -> $key ) ; if ( $ref and $ref eq 'ARRAY' ) { push @{ $self -> $key }, [ _split $val ] ; } elsif ( $ref and $ref eq 'HASH' ) { my ( $k, @v ) = _split $val ; if ( defined $k ) { $self -> $key -> { $k } = [ @v ] ; } else { $err .= "- config '$key' (HASH) : value is missing\n" ; } } else { $self -> $key ( $val ) ; } } elsif ( $key eq 'show' ) { $self -> show_conf if $cafe -> verbose ; } elsif ( $key eq 'no_viewvc' ) { $self -> viewvc ( 0 ) ; } elsif ( $key eq 'no_groups' ) { $self -> has_groups ( 0 ) ; } elsif ( $key eq 'exit' ) { die 'exit per config directive' ; } elsif ( $key eq 'include' ) { $self -> get_conf ( $val ) ; } elsif ( $key eq 'env' ) { my ( $x, $y ) = split ' ' , $val ; $ENV { $x } = $y ; printf "config : setenv '%s'\n '%s'\n", $x, $y if $self -> verbose ; } else { $self -> show_conf ; die "unknown keyword '$key' (value '$val')\n" ; } } my $ldaps = {} ; for my $tag ( keys %{ $self -> { $KW_LDAP } } ) { my $row = $self -> ldap -> { $tag } ; my $cnt = @$row ; $err .= "- wrong number of fields ($cnt) for ldap $tag\n" unless 2 <= $cnt and $cnt <= 3 ; my $val = { tag => $tag , serv => $row -> [ 0 ] , base => $row -> [ 1 ] , dscr => ( $row -> [ 2 ] || $tag ) } ; $val -> { dscr } =~ s/_/ /g ; my $ldap = Blib::Mods::Ldap -> new ; $ldaps -> { $tag } = $ldap -> init ( $val ) ; } for my $tag ( keys %{ $self -> { $KW_BIND } } ) { my $row = $self -> bind -> { $tag } ; my $cnt = @$row ; $err .= "- wrong number of fields ($cnt) for bind $tag\n" unless $cnt == 2 ; my $dn = $row -> [ 0 ] ; my $pw = $row -> [ 1 ] ; unless ( exists $ldaps -> { $tag } ) { $err .= "- bind : ldap ($tag) not found\n" ; } else { my $ldap = $ldaps -> { $tag } ; $ldap -> binddn ( $dn ) ; $ldap -> bindpw ( $pw ) ; } } for my $tag ( keys %{ $self -> { $KW_ATTR } } ) { my $row = $self -> attr -> { $tag } ; my $cnt = @$row ; $err .= "- wrong number of fields ($cnt) for bind $tag\n" unless $cnt == 3 ; my $login = $row -> [ 0 ] ; my $uname = $row -> [ 1 ] ; my $email = $row -> [ 2 ] ; unless ( exists $ldaps -> { $tag } ) { $err .= "- attr : ldap ($tag) not found\n" ; } else { my $ldap = $ldaps -> { $tag } ; $ldap -> login ( $login ) ; $ldap -> uname ( $uname ) ; $ldap -> email ( $email ) ; } } $self -> ldaps ( $ldaps ) ; my @clas_list = () ; for my $row ( @{ $self -> { $KW_CLAS } } ) { my $val = {} ; my $clas = $row -> [ 0 ] ; my $uclas ; if ( $row -> [ 1 ] eq 'table' ) { my $cnt = @$row ; $err .= "- clas ($clas) : wrong number of fields ($cnt)\n" unless 6 <= $cnt and $cnt <= 7 ; $val = { clas => $row -> [ 0 ] , typ => $row -> [ 1 ] , table => $row -> [ 2 ] , login => $row -> [ 3 ] , paswd => $row -> [ 4 ] , cname => $row -> [ 5 ] , dscr => $row -> [ 6 ] } ; $uclas = 'Blib::Mods::Clas::Table' ; } elsif ( $row -> [ 1 ] eq 'ldap' ) { my $cnt = @$row ; my $tag = $row -> [ 2 ] ; my $pat = $row -> [ 3 ] ; $err .= "- clas ($clas) : wrong number of fields ($cnt)\n" unless 4 <= $cnt and $cnt <= 5 ; $err .= "- clas ($clas) : ldap ($tag) not found\n" unless exists $ldaps -> { $tag } ; $err .= "- clas ($clas) : pattern ($pat) must be lowercase-only" unless $pat eq lc $pat ; $val = { clas => $row -> [ 0 ] , typ => $row -> [ 1 ] , tag => $row -> [ 2 ] , pat => $row -> [ 3 ] , dscr => $row -> [ 4 ] , ldap => $ldaps -> { $tag } } ; $uclas = 'Blib::Mods::Clas::Ldap' ; } $val -> { dscr } ||= $clas ; $val -> { dscr } =~ s/_/ /g ; $val -> { cafe } = $cafe ; push @clas_list, $uclas -> make ( $val ) ; } $self -> clas_list ( [ @clas_list ] ) ; my $clases = {} ; for my $uclas ( @clas_list ) { $clases -> { $uclas -> clas } = $uclas ; } $self -> clases ( $clases ) ; my $trees = $self -> { $KW_TREE } ; for my $path ( keys %$trees ) { my $row = $trees -> { $path } ; my @creas = split /,/, ( $row -> [ 1 ] || '' ) ; for my $crea ( sort @creas ) { $err .= "- tree ($path) : clas ($crea) not found\n" unless exists $clases -> { $crea } ; } my $val = { pref => $row -> [ 0 ] , crea => [ @creas ] } ; $trees -> { $path } = $val ; } my $create_guests = $self -> create_guests ; my $new_crg = {} ; for my $clas ( split ' ', $create_guests ) { $new_crg -> { $clas } ++ ; } $self -> create_guests ( $new_crg ) ; $self -> { mail_from_admin } ||= $self -> { www_contact } ; $self -> { mail_from_noreply } ||= sprintf '%s@%s', 'svn-no-reply' , ( $self -> { www_server } || 'no-host' ) ; ### checks my $tag = 'config error' ; for my $key ( @REQ_KEYS ) { $err .= "- missing config for '$key'\n" unless exists $self -> { $key } ; } { my $key = $KW_CLAS ; if ( exists $self -> { $key } and 0 == @{ $self -> { $key } } ) { $err .= "- no valid config line(s) for '$key'\n" } $key = $KW_TREE ; if ( exists $self -> { $key } and 0 == keys %{ $self -> { $key } } ) { $err .= "- no valid config line(s) for '$key'\n" } my $secret = $self -> www_secret ; if ( $secret =~ /^\*+$/ or $secret eq $SECRET ) { $err .= "- bad www_secret '$secret' ; pick an other one\n" ; } elsif ( length $secret < 16 ) { $err .= "- www_secret '$secret' too short (< 16 chars)\n" ; } } for my $clas ( sort keys %{ $self -> { create_guests } } ) { $err .= "- create_guests : clas ($clas) not found\n" unless exists $clases -> { $clas } ; } my $pref = $self -> db_pref ; $err .= "- database prefix ($pref) should be all lowercase\n" if $pref ne lc $pref ; $err .= "- database prefix ($pref) should be alpha-numeric\n" if $pref and $pref !~ /^[a-z]\w*$/ ; my $schm = $self -> www_scheme ; $err .= "- www_scheme must be 'http' or 'https'\n" unless $schm =~ /^https?$/ ; die sprintf "config errors in root: %s\n%s\n", $self -> root, $err if $err ; $self ; } sub show_conf { my $self = shift ; print "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\n" ; for my $key ( sort keys %$self ) { next if $key =~ m/^_/ ; my $val = $self -> { $key } ; print "$key = '$val'\n" ; if ( ref $val eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @$val ) { printf " %s\n", join "\n ", @$val ; } elsif ( ref $val eq 'HASH' and scalar keys %$val ) { for my $k ( sort keys %$val ) { printf " %s = %s\n", $k, $val -> { $k } ; } } } printf "included '%s'\n" , join "', '", @{ $self -> {_include} } ; print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" ; } sub dir_repos { my $self = shift ; $self -> dir_data . '/repos' ; } package Blib::Tab::Repocafe ; ########################################## eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(_cafe) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; Blib::Tab::init ( $self, %opts ) ; $self -> _cafe ( $opts { -cafe } ) ; $self ; } package Blib::Rec::Repocafe ; ########################################## eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(_cafe) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $hash = shift ; Blib::Rec::init ( $self, $hash ) ; $self -> _cafe ( $self -> _tabl -> _cafe ) ; $self ; } ################################################################### package Blib::Rec::Repocafe::repos ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(paths) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $hash = shift ; Blib::Rec::Repocafe::init ( $self, $hash ) ; my $rid = $self -> id ; $self -> paths ( $self -> _cafe -> paths -> select_hash ( 'path', -where => "rid = $rid" ) ) ; $self ; } sub repo_name { my $self = shift ; my $ownr = $self -> ownr ; my $side = $self -> side ; my $name = $self -> name ; my $conf = $self -> _tabl -> _cafe -> conf ; my $pref = $conf -> tree -> { $side } { pref } ; $pref .= ( $pref ? '.' : '' ) . '%n' ; $pref =~ s/%p/$side/g ; $pref =~ s/%o/$ownr/g ; $pref =~ s/%n/$name/g ; $pref ; } sub path { my $self = shift ; my $conf = $self -> _cafe -> conf ; sprintf "%s/%s", $conf -> dir_repos, $self -> repo_name ; } sub revision { my $self = shift ; my $path = $self -> path ; my $conf = $self -> _cafe -> conf ; my $prg = $conf -> cmd_svnlook ; my $CMD = "$prg youngest $path" ; open CMD, "$CMD|" or return undef ; my $res = ; close CMD ; chomp $res ; $res ; } sub size { my $self = shift ; my $path = $self -> path ; my $CMD = "/usr/bin/du -sk $path" ; open CMD, "$CMD|" or return undef ; my $res = ( split ' ', ) [ 0 ] ; close CMD ; $res ; } sub watchers () { my $self = shift ; my $cafe = $self -> _tabl -> _cafe ; my $pths = $self -> paths ; my @res = () ; my @pids = () ; for my $Path ( sort values %$pths ) { my $path = $Path -> path ; my $rrs = $Path -> rights ; for my $rr ( values %$rrs ) { push @pids, $rr -> pid if $rr -> wat ; } } my $res = $cafe -> lookups ( @pids ) ; map { $_ -> email } @$res ; } sub watch_list () { my $self = shift ; my $cafe = $self -> _tabl -> _cafe ; my $pths = $self -> paths ; my $res = {} ; my %pids = () ; for my $Path ( sort values %$pths ) { my $path = $Path -> path ; my $rrs = $Path -> rights ; for my $rr ( values %$rrs ) { if ( my $user = $cafe -> lookup ( $rr -> pid ) ) { my $mail = $user -> email ; $res -> { $mail } = {} unless exists $res -> { $mail } ; $res -> { $mail } { $path } = $rr -> wat ; } } } $res ; } ################################################################### package Blib::Rec::Repocafe::paths ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(rights) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $hash = shift ; Blib::Rec::Repocafe::init ( $self, $hash ) ; my $rid = $self -> id ; $self -> rights ( $self -> _cafe -> rights -> select_hash ( 'pid', -where => "rid = $rid" ) ) ; $self ; } package Blib::Tab::Repocafe::stats ; ##################################### sub get_upd_stats { my $self = shift ; my $then = shift ; my $res = {} ; my $sub = $self -> _make_sql ( -fields => "rid, max(time) AS time" , -where => "time > ?" , -group => 'rid' , -having => 'count (*) > 1' ) ; for my $rec ( $self -> select ( -where => "( rid, time ) IN ( $sub )" , -order => "rid, time" , -args => [ $then ] ) ) { $res -> { $rec -> rid } = $rec ; } $res ; } package Blib::Mods::User ; ######################################## @Blib::Mods::User::ISA = qw(Blib) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(login email name clas) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $hash = shift ; Carp::croak "init_user : bad args (@_)" if @_ ; $self -> login ( $hash -> { login } ) ; $self -> email ( $hash -> { email } ) ; $self -> name ( $hash -> { name } ) ; $self -> clas ( $hash -> { clas } ) ; $self ; } package Blib::Rec::Repocafe::guests ; ##################################### # ISA Blib::Mods::User ; see Blib::Dbs::Repocafe -> init ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $hash = shift ; Blib::Rec::Repocafe::init ( $self, $hash ) ; $self -> clas ( 'guests' ) ; $self ; } package Blib::Tab::Repocafe::guests ; ##################################### sub lookups { my $self = shift ; my @uids = @_ ; my $res = [] ; my $guests = $self -> select_hash ( 'login' ) ; for my $uid ( sort @uids ) { print "trying uid ($uid) as guest ...\n" if $self -> _cafe -> debug ; if ( exists $guests -> { $uid } ) { push @$res, $guests -> { $uid } ; print " found uid ($uid) as guest ...\n" if $self -> _cafe -> debug ; } } $res ; } ### class methods ########################################## sub file_out { use DB_File ; my $self = shift ; my $out = shift ; my $txt = "$out.txt" ; my $db = "$out.db" ; my $tmp = "$txt.$$" ; my $tdb = "$db.$$" ; my %tmp ; my @guests = $self -> select ; tie %tmp , "DB_File" , $tdb , O_RDWR|O_CREAT , 0644 , $DB_HASH or die "can't tie" ; open TMP, ">$tmp" or die "can't write $tmp ($!)" ; for my $guest ( sort { $a -> login cmp $b -> login } @guests ) { $tmp { $guest -> login } = $guest -> passwd ; printf TMP "%s:%s\n" , $guest -> login , $guest -> passwd ; } untie %tmp ; close TMP ; rename $tmp, $txt or die "can't rename $tmp, $txt ($!)" ; rename $tdb, $db or die "can't rename $tdb, $db ($!)" ; } package Blib::Mods::Ldap ; ########################################### use Net::LDAP ; @Blib::Mods::Ldap::ISA = qw(Blib) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(tag serv base dscr binddn bindpw login uname email) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $rec = shift ; my $serv = $rec -> { serv } ; $self -> tag ( $rec -> { tag } ) ; $self -> serv ( $rec -> { serv } ) ; $self -> base ( $rec -> { base } ) ; $self -> dscr ( $rec -> { dscr } ) ; $self -> binddn ( '' ) ; $self -> bindpw ( '' ) ; $self -> login ( 'uid' ) ; $self -> uname ( 'cn' ) ; $self -> email ( 'mail' ) ; $self ; } sub test_bind { my $self = shift ; my $serv = $self -> serv ; my $dn = $self -> binddn ; my $pw = $self -> bindpw ; my $res = "can bind to $serv" ; my $ldap = Net::LDAP -> new ( $serv ) or Carp::croak "can't make Net::LDAP ($serv)" ; my $mesg = $pw ? $ldap -> bind ( $dn, password => $pw ) : $ldap -> bind ; my $errr = $mesg -> error ; if ( $mesg -> code ) { $res = "can't bind to $serv ($errr)\n dn '$dn'\n pw '$pw'" ; } else { $ldap -> unbind ; } $res ; } sub lookups { my $self = shift ; my $clas = shift ; my $pat = shift ; my @uids = @_ ; my $res = [] ; my $serv = $self -> serv ; my $base = $self -> base ; my $dn = $self -> binddn ; my $pw = $self -> bindpw ; my $login = $self -> login ; my $uname = $self -> uname ; my $email = $self -> email ; my $ldap = Net::LDAP -> new ( $serv ) or Carp::croak "can't make Net::LDAP ($serv)" ; my $mesg = $pw ? $ldap -> bind ( $dn, password => $pw ) : $ldap -> bind ; my $errr = $mesg -> error ; die "can't bind to $serv ($errr)" if $mesg -> code ; for my $uid ( sort @uids ) { print "trying uid ($uid) on serv $serv pat ($pat) ...\n" if $self -> debug ; $mesg = $ldap -> search ( base => $base , filter => "$login=$uid" , attrs => [ $uname, $email ] ) ; next if $mesg -> code ; for my $entry ( $mesg -> entries ) { my $dn = lc $entry -> dn ; if ( $dn =~ /$pat/i ) { my $cn = $entry -> get_value ( $uname ) ; my $mail = $entry -> get_value ( $email ) ; my $user = Blib::Mods::User -> make ( { login => $uid , email => $mail , name => $cn , clas => $clas } ) ; push @$res, $user ; print " found uid ($uid) pat ($pat) ...\n" if $self -> debug ; last ; } } } $ldap -> unbind () ; $res ; } package Blib::Mods::Clas ; ########################################### @Blib::Mods::Clas::ISA = qw(Blib) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(clas typ dscr cafe) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $rec = shift ; $self -> clas ( $rec -> { clas } ) ; $self -> typ ( $rec -> { typ } ) ; $self -> dscr ( $rec -> { dscr } ) ; $self -> cafe ( $rec -> { cafe } ) ; $self ; } package Blib::Mods::Clas::Table ; #################################### @Blib::Mods::Clas::Table::ISA = qw(Blib::Mods::Clas) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(table login paswd cname) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $rec = shift ; Blib::Mods::Clas::init ( $self, $rec ) ; $self -> table ( $rec -> { table } ) ; $self -> login ( $rec -> { login } ) ; $self -> paswd ( $rec -> { paswd } ) ; $self -> cname ( $rec -> { cname } ) ; $self ; } sub lookups { my $self = shift ; my @uids = @_ ; $self -> cafe -> guests -> lookups ( @uids ) ; } package Blib::Mods::Clas::Ldap ; ##################################### @Blib::Mods::Clas::Ldap::ISA = qw(Blib::Mods::Clas) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(tag pat ldap) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $rec = shift ; Blib::Mods::Clas::init ( $self, $rec ) ; $self -> tag ( $rec -> { tag } ) ; $self -> pat ( $rec -> { pat } ) ; $self -> ldap ( $rec -> { ldap } ) ; $self ; } sub lookups { my $self = shift ; my @uids = @_ ; $self -> ldap -> lookups ( $self -> clas, $self -> pat, @uids ) ; } package Blib::Mods::Doc ; ############################################ @Blib::Mods::Doc::ISA = qw(Blib) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(prog synop opts olst args pars) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $prog = shift ; my @usage = @_ ; my $usage = join '', @usage ; chop @usage ; my $opts = {} ; my $olst = [] ; my $args = [] ; my $pars = [] ; %{ $self } = ( prog => $prog , synop => '' , opts => $opts , olst => $olst , args => $args , pars => $pars ) ; my $line = shift @usage ; die "no 'Usage:-line' ($usage)" unless $line =~ /^Usage: (.*)$/ ; $self -> synop ( $1 ) ; my $state = 'opt' ; my $opt = '' ; for $line ( @usage ) { if ( $state eq 'opt' ) { if ( $line =~ /^------/ ) { $state = 'descr' ; } elsif ( $line =~ /^option\s+(\S+)\s+:\s+(.*)/ ) { $opt = $1 ; $opts -> { $opt } = $2 ; push @$olst, $opt ; } elsif ( $line =~ /^\s+(.*)/ ) { $opts -> { $opt } .= ' ' . $1 ; } elsif ( $line =~ /^argument(s?)\s+(.*)\s+:\s+(.*)/ ) { push @$args, { arg => $2, txt => $3 } ; } } elsif ( $state eq 'descr' ) { if ( $line =~ /^------/ ) { $state = 'fin' ; } elsif ( $line =~ /^-\s+(.*)$/ ) { my $par = $1 ; my $prog = $self -> prog ; $par = ucfirst $par if @$pars and $par =~ /^$prog/ ; push @$pars, $par ; } elsif ( $line =~ /^(\s+)(\S.*)/ ) { my $sep = $1 ; my $txt = $2 ; if ( length $sep > 2 ) { $pars -> [ @$pars - 1 ] .= "\n\n $txt\n\n" ; } else { $pars -> [ @$pars - 1 ] .= ' ' unless $pars -> [ @$pars - 1 ] =~ /\n$/ ; $pars -> [ @$pars - 1 ] .= $txt ; } } } } $self -> dmp if $self -> debug ; $self ; } sub as_pod { my $self = shift ; my $auth = shift ; my $synop = $self -> synop ; my $name = $self -> pars -> [ 0 ] ; my $descr = '' ; my $opts = '' ; my @pars = @{ $self -> pars } ; shift @pars ; for my $par ( @pars ) { $descr .= sprintf "%s\n\n", $par ; } unless ( @{ $self -> olst } ) { $opts = 'none' ; } else { $opts = "=over 4\n\n" ; for my $key ( @{ $self -> olst } ) { my $opt = "B<-$key>" ; if ( $synop =~ /\[-$key\s+([^\]]+)\]/ ) { $opt = "B<-$key> I<$1>" ; } else { $opt = "B<-$key>" ; } my $txt = $self -> opts -> { $key } ; $txt =~ s/(\<[^>]*\>)/I$1/g ; $opts .= sprintf "=item %s\n\n%s\n\n" , $opt, $txt ; } my @args = @{ $self -> args } ; for my $arg ( @args ) { my $txt = $arg -> { txt } ; $txt =~ s/(\<[^>]*\>)/I$1/g ; $opts .= sprintf "=item B<%s>\n\n%s\n\n" , $arg -> { arg }, $txt ; } $opts .= "=back\n\n" ; } <$synop =end html =begin man $synop =end man =head1 DESCRIPTION $descr =head1 OPTIONS $opts =head1 AUTHOR $auth =cut POD } sub pod_author { my $self = shift ; my $vers = shift ; my $rev = shift ; my $date = shift ; my $copy = '2010' ; my $year = ( gmtime ) [ 5 ] + 1900 ; $copy .= " - $year" unless $copy eq $year ; <

© $copy Koos van den Hout - Henk P. Penning
ICT-β, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University
$vers - $date - revision $rev

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=end html =begin man (c) $copy Koos van den Hout -- Henk P. Penning k.vandenhout\@uu.nl -- http://idefix.net/ penning\@uu.nl -- http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~penni101/ ICT-beta, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University $vers - $date - revision $rev =end man =begin text (c) $copy Koos van den Hout -- k.vandenhout\@uu.nl -- http://idefix.net/ Henk P. Penning -- penning\@uu.nl -- http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~penni101/ ICT-beta, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University $vers - $date - revision $rev =end text AUTH } 1 ;