#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Koos van den Hout, Henk P. Penning. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Koos van den Hout, Henk P. Penning, ``AS IS'' # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Koos van den Hout or Henk P. # Penning OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are # those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official # policies, either expressed or implied, of Koos van den Hout, Henk P. Penning. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Simplified BSD License" or "FreeBSD License" # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses use strict ; package Blib ; ############################################################## use Exporter qw( import ) ; use Carp ; @Blib::ISA = qw(Exporter) ; @Blib::EXPORT = qw(mk_method mk_methods new_pack unref) ; our %LOGLEVELS = ( quiet => 0 , terse => 1 , verbose => 2 , debug => 3 ) ; sub _is_loglevel { my $self = shift ; my $cand = shift ; exists $LOGLEVELS { $cand } ; } sub _loglevels { my $self = shift ; sort { $LOGLEVELS { $a } <=> $LOGLEVELS { $b } ; } keys %LOGLEVELS ; } sub _pr { my @args = @_ ; if ( Blib::Mods -> can ( 'print' ) ) { Blib::Mods::print ( @args ) ; } else { print @args ; } } sub _pf { my @args = @_ ; if ( Blib::Mods -> can ( 'printf' ) ) { Blib::Mods::printf ( @args ) ; } else { printf @args ; } } my %Opts = () ; sub Opts { my $self = shift ; $Opts { $self } = { q => 0 , t => 0 , v => 0 , d => 0 , self => $self } unless exists $Opts { $self } ; $Opts { $self } ; } sub dmp_opt { my $hash = shift ; sprintf "{%s}\n" , join ' , ' , map { "$_=>$hash->{$_}" } ( 'self', sort grep { $_ ne 'self' } keys %{ $hash } ) ; } my $level = 0 ; sub lvl { my $lvl = shift ; $level = $lvl if defined $lvl ; $lvl ; } sub xx1 { Blib::_pr ( @_ ) if $level > 0 ; } sub xx2 { Blib::_pr ( @_ ) if $level > 1 ; } sub _opt { my $self = shift ; my ( $recurse, $key, $val ) = @_ ; unless ( $self ) { xx1 "self empty ; result=0" ; return 0 ; } my $opts = Opts $self ; my $parent = $self -> parent ; my $v = ( defined $val ? $val : '' ) ; xx1 "self ($self) key ($key) val ($v) recurse ($recurse)\n" ; xx1 dmp_opt $opts ; unless ( exists $opts -> { $key } ) { Carp::confess "_opt : unknown option '$key'\n" ; } elsif ( defined $val ) { Carp::confess "_opt : bad arg ($val)" if $val eq 'Blib' ; $opts -> { $key } = $val ; xx1 "set key ($key) val ($val)\n" ; } $val = $opts -> { $key } ; xx1 "key ($key) => val ($val)\n" ; xx1 dmp_opt ( $opts ) ; my $res = 0 ; if ( ! defined $val ) { $res = 0 ; xx2 "undef\n" ; } elsif ( $val ) { $res = $val % 2 ; xx2 sprintf "result ($val)\n" ; } elsif ( $recurse and $parent ) { xx1 "recurse\n" ; $res = $parent -> _opt ( $recurse, $key, undef ) ; } else { xx2 "else ($val)\n" ; } xx1 "=> self ($self) key ($key) res ($res)\n" ; $res ; } sub _dqv { my $self = shift ; xx1 "\n" ; $self -> _opt ( @_ ) ; } sub quiet { my $self = shift ; $self -> _dqv ( 1, 'q', shift ) ; } sub quiet_me { my $self = shift ; $self -> _dqv ( 0, 'q', shift ) ; } sub terse { my $self = shift ; $self -> _dqv ( 1, 't', shift ) ; } sub terse_me { my $self = shift ; $self -> _dqv ( 0, 't', shift ) ; } sub verbose { my $self = shift ; $self -> _dqv ( 1, 'v', shift ) ; } sub verbose_me { my $self = shift ; $self -> _dqv ( 0, 'v', shift ) ; } sub debug { my $self = shift ; $self -> _dqv ( 1, 'd', shift ) ; } sub debug_me { my $self = shift ; $self -> _dqv ( 0, 'd', shift ) ; } sub set_opts { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; if ( $opts{d} ) { $self -> set_loglevel ( 'debug' ) ; } elsif ( $opts{v} ) { $self -> set_loglevel ( 'verbose' ) ; } elsif ( $opts{q} ) { $self -> set_loglevel ( 'quiet' ) ; } else { $self -> set_loglevel ( 'terse' ) ; } } # parent '' is '' ; the parent of an object instance is it's class sub parent { my $self = shift ; if ( ref $self ) { ref $self ; } elsif ( $self =~ /^\w*$/ ) { '' ; } elsif ( $self =~ /::\w+$/ ) { $` ; } else { Carp::confess "parent : bad arg ($self)" ; } } sub set_loglevel { my $self = shift ; my $level = shift ; my $where = shift ; if ( Blib -> _is_loglevel ( $level ) ) { my $mark = $LOGLEVELS { $level } ; for my $llvl ( keys %LOGLEVELS ) { $self -> $llvl ( $LOGLEVELS { $llvl } <= $mark ) ; } Blib::_pf ( "set loglevel $self '%s' (%s)\n" , $level , ( $where || 'somewhere' ) ) if $where or $self -> debug ; } else { Carp::confess "set_log_level : bad level ($level)" ; } } sub unref { my $self = shift ; ref $self or $self ; } sub new { my $self = shift ; my $name = shift ; if ( defined $name ) { $self = "${self}::${name}" ; Carp::confess "Blib::new : bad name ($name)" if $name =~ /^Dbs|Tab|Rec|Mods$/ ; new_pack ( 'Blib', 'Mods' ) ; new_pack ( 'Blib', $name ) ; new_pack ( $self ) ; } bless {}, $self ; } sub make { my $self = shift ; my @args = @_ ; $self -> new -> init ( @args ) ; } sub add_ISA { my $self = shift ; my $pack = shift ; my $isa = sprintf 'push @%s::ISA, "%s" ;', $self, $pack ; Blib::_pr ( "\n# multiple inheritance for $self\n$isa\n\n" ) if Blib -> debug ; my $res = eval "$isa 1 ;" ; Carp::confess "add_isa : $@" unless defined $res ; $res ; } my %_dumped ; my %_nodump ; my $_verbos ; sub _dmpval { my $self = shift ; my $val = shift ; my $depth = shift ; my $sep = ' ' x ( 2 * $depth ) ; my $dmp ; if ( ! defined $val ) { $dmp = '' ; } elsif ( ref $val and eval { $val -> can ( 'dmp' ) } ) { if ( exists $_dumped { $val } ) { $dmp = "recursed ($val)" ; } else { $_dumped { $val } ++ ; $dmp = $val -> _dmp ( $depth + 1 ) ; } ; } elsif ( ref $val eq 'ARRAY' ) { my $can = ( @$val and eval { $val -> [ 0 ] -> can ( 'dmp' ) } ) ; $dmp = ( scalar @$val ? sprintf "\n${sep} [ %s\n$sep ]" , join "\n$sep , " , ( $can ? map { $_ -> _dmp ( $depth + 1 ) } @$val : @$val ) : '[]' ) ; } elsif ( ref $val eq 'HASH' ) { $dmp = ( scalar keys %$val ? sprintf "\n${sep} { %s\n$sep }" , join "\n$sep , " , map { sprintf "%s => %s", $_, $val -> { $_ } } sort keys %$val : '{}' ) ; } elsif ( ! ref $val and $val eq '' ) { $dmp = '' ; } else { $val =~ s/(ARRAY|HASH)\(\w+\)/$1/ ; $dmp = $val ; } $dmp ; } sub _dmp { my $self = shift ; my $depth = shift ; my $ref = ref $self ; %_dumped = () if $depth == 0 ; my $sep = ' ' x ( 2 * $depth ) ; my $slf = $depth ? '' : 'self ' ; my $res = sprintf "%sis a '%s'\n", $slf, $ref ; $res .= sprintf "${sep}ISA (%s)\n", eval '@' . "${ref}::ISA" ; my $w = 0 ; if ( ref $self and $self =~ /HASH/ ) { for my $key ( keys %$self ) { $w = length $key if length $key > $w ; } for my $key ( sort keys %$self ) { my $val = $self -> { $key } ; my $dmp ; if ( $_nodump { $key } ) { next unless $_verbos ; $dmp = " $val" ; } else { $dmp = $self -> _dmpval ( $val, $depth ) ; } my $nl = ( "\n" eq substr ( $dmp, -1, 1 ) ? '' : "\n" ) ; $res .= sprintf "%s%-${w}s : %s%s" , $sep , $key , $dmp, $nl ; } } elsif ( ref $self and $self =~ /ARRAY/ ) { my $can = ( @$self and eval { $self -> [ 0 ] -> can ( 'dmp' ) } ) ; $res .= ( scalar @$self ? sprintf "${sep} [ %s\n$sep ]" , join "\n$sep , " , ( $can ? map { $_ -> _dmp ( $depth + 1 ) } @$self : @$self ) : '[]' ) ; } $res ; } sub dmp { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -excl => [ qw(_cafe _tabl _base) ] , -incl => [] , -verb => 1 , @_ ) ; %_dumped = () ; %_nodump = () ; $_verbos = $opts { -verb } ; for my $key ( @{ $opts { -excl } } ) { $_nodump { $key } ++ ; } for my $key ( @{ $opts { -incl } } ) { delete $_nodump { $key } ; } Blib::_pf ( "excluding [%s]\n", join ',', sort keys %_nodump ) if $_verbos ; Blib::_pr ( $self -> _dmp ( 0 ) ) ; } sub _getset { my $self = shift ; my $attr = shift ; Carp::confess "self not ref ($self)" unless ref $self ; if ( @_ ) { $self -> { $attr } = shift ; } Carp::confess "no attr '$attr' ($self)" unless exists $self -> { $attr } ; my $res = $self -> { $attr } ; ( wantarray and ref $res eq 'ARRAY' ) ? @{ $res } : $res ; } sub mk_typ { my $self = shift ; my $d = shift ; my $type = ref $self || $self ; die "mk_typ : bad type ($type)" unless $type =~ /Blib::(Dbs|Tab|Col|Rec)(::|$)?/ ; my $s = ( split /::/, $type ) [ 1 ] ; $type =~ s/$s/$d/ ; $type ; } sub mk_method { my $self = shift ; my $attr = shift ; sprintf 'sub %s { my $self = shift ; $self -> _getset ( "%s", @_ ) ; }' , $attr, $attr ; } sub mk_methods { my $self = shift ; join "\n", map { Blib -> mk_method ( $_ ) ; } @_ ; } sub new_pack { my $type = shift ; my $name = shift ; my @isa = split /::/, $type ; my $isa = shift @isa ; $isa .= '::' . shift @isa if @isa ; my $new_typ = $type ; my $new_isa = $isa ; if ( defined $name ) { $new_typ = "${type}::${name}" ; $new_isa = $type ; } my $fmt = <<'PACK' ; { package %s ; } { @%s::ISA = qw(%s) ; } PACK my $pack = sprintf $fmt, $new_typ, $new_typ, $new_isa ; Blib::_pr $pack if Blib -> debug ; my $res = eval "$pack ; 1 ;" ; Carp::confess "new_pack : $@" unless defined $res ; $pack ; } sub new_method { my $pack = shift ; my $attr = shift ; my $fmt = "{ package %s ; eval Blib -> mk_method ( '%s' ) ; }\n" ; my $mth = sprintf $fmt, $pack, $attr, $attr ; Blib::_pr ( $mth ) if Blib -> debug ; my $res = eval "$mth ; 1 ;" ; Carp::confess "new_method : $@" unless defined $res ; } ### Dbs ##################################################################### package Blib::Dbs ; use DBI ; @Blib::Dbs::ISA = qw(Blib) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(_tabs _dbh _que_cnt _rec_cnt) ) ; sub make { my $self = shift ; $self -> new ( shift ) -> init ; } sub init { my $self = shift ; $self -> _tabs ( [] ) ; $self -> _dbh ( undef ) ; $self -> _que_cnt ( 0 ) ; $self -> _rec_cnt ( 0 ) ; $self ; } sub _incr_cnt { my $self = shift ; my $cntr = shift ; my $incr = shift ; $self -> $cntr ( $self -> $cntr + $incr ) ; } sub connect { my $self = shift ; my @args = @_ ; my $dbh = DBI -> connect ( @args , { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 } ) or die $DBI::errstr ; $self -> _dbh ( $dbh ) ; } sub disconnect { my $self = shift ; $self -> _dbh -> disconnect if $self -> _dbh ; } sub add_tab { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -list => [] , -tags => [] , @_ ) ; my $name = $opts { -name } ; my $pkey = $opts { -pkey } ; my $list = $opts { -list } ; my $tags = $opts { -tags } ; my $tabl = $opts { -tabl } || $opts { -name } ; die "add_tab : name ($name) can't start with '_'" if $name =~ /^_/ ; my $typ_dbs = $self -> unref ; my $typ_tab = $self -> mk_typ ( 'Tab' ) ; my $typ_rec = $self -> mk_typ ( 'Rec' ) ; Blib::new_method ( $typ_dbs, $tabl ) ; Blib::new_pack ( $typ_tab ) unless @{ $self -> _tabs } ; Blib::new_pack ( $typ_rec ) unless @{ $self -> _tabs } ; Blib::new_pack ( $typ_tab, $tabl ) ; Blib::new_pack ( $typ_rec, $tabl ) ; my $res = "${typ_tab}::$tabl" -> make ( %opts, _base => $self ) ; push @{ $self -> _tabs }, $res ; $self -> $tabl ( $res ) ; } sub query { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -sql => '' , -args => [] , @_ ) ; my $sql = $opts { -sql } ; my $args = $opts { -args } ; my @res = () ; Carp::confess "query : sql 'empty' ($self)\n" unless defined $sql and length $sql ; if ( $opts { -debug } or $self -> debug ) { Blib::_pf ( "%s ;\n[%s]\n" , $sql , join ',', map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' ; } @$args ) ; } my $sth = $self -> _dbh -> prepare ( $sql ) ; $sth -> execute ( @$args ) ; $self -> _incr_cnt ( '_que_cnt', 1 ) ; if ( wantarray ) { while ( my $rec = $sth -> fetchrow_hashref ) { $self -> _incr_cnt ( '_rec_cnt', 1 ) ; push @res, $rec ; } @res ; } else { $sth -> finish ; } } ### Tab #################################################################### package Blib::Tab ; @Blib::Tab::ISA = qw(Blib) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(_base _name _pkey _cols _list _tags) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; $self -> { _base } = $opts { _base } ; $self -> { _name } = $opts { -name } ; $self -> { _pkey } = $opts { -pkey } ; $self -> { _list } = $opts { -list } ; $self -> { _tags } = $opts { -tags } ; $self -> { _cols } = [] ; $self ; } sub dbh { my $self = shift ; $self -> _base -> _dbh ; } sub _col_names { my $self = shift ; map { $_ -> _name ; } $self -> _cols ; } sub _clist { my $self = shift ; my $list = $self -> _list ; my %seen = () ; my @res = () ; for my $name ( @{ $list } ) { die "no col $name" unless $self -> $name ; push @res, $self -> $name ; $seen { $name } ++ ; } for my $col ( $self -> _cols ) { push @res, $col unless $seen { $col -> _name } ; } @res ; } sub add_col { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( @_ ) ; my $name = $opts { -name } ; my $type = $opts { -type } ; my $head = $opts { -head } || $opts { -name } ; my $hide = $opts { -hide } ; my $fkey = $opts { -fkey } ; my $tnam = $self -> _name ; die "add_col : name ($name) can't start with '_'" if $name =~ /^_/ ; my $typ_tab = $self -> mk_typ ( 'Tab' ) ; my $typ_col = $self -> mk_typ ( 'Col' ) ; my $typ_rec = $self -> mk_typ ( 'Rec' ) ; Blib::new_pack ( $typ_col ) unless @{ $self -> _cols } ; Blib::new_pack ( $typ_col, $name ) ; Blib::new_method ( $typ_tab, $name ) ; Blib::new_method ( $typ_rec, $name ) ; my $col = "${typ_col}::${name}" -> make ( -tabl => $self , -name => $name , -type => $type , -head => $head , -hide => $hide , -fkey => $fkey ) ; push @{ $self -> { _cols } }, $col ; # $self -> { _col } { $name } = $col ; $self -> { $name } = $col ; } sub new_rec { my $self = shift ; my $hash = shift || {} ; my $tnam = $self -> _name ; $hash -> { _tabl } = $self ; my $typ_rec = $self -> mk_typ ( 'Rec' ) ; $typ_rec -> new -> init ( $hash ) ; } sub _make_sql { my $self = shift ; my $name = $self -> _name ; my %opts = ( -fields => "$name.*" , -from => $name , -where => '' , -group => '' , -having => '' , -order => '' , -limit => '' , -sql => '' , @_ ) ; my $where = '' ; my $group = '' ; my $having = '' ; my $order = '' ; my $limit = '' ; $where = 'WHERE ' . $opts { -where } if $opts { -where } ; $group = 'GROUP BY ' . $opts { -group } if $opts { -group } ; $having = 'HAVING ' . $opts { -having } if $opts { -having } ; $order = 'ORDER BY ' . $opts { -order } if $opts { -order } ; $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $opts { -limit } if $opts { -limit } ; sprintf "SELECT %s FROM %s %s %s %s %s %s" , $opts { -fields }, $opts { -from } , $where, $group, $having, $order, $limit ; } sub select { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -args => [] , @_ ) ; my $sql = $opts { -sql } || $self -> _make_sql ( %opts ) ; my @res = () ; for my $tup ( $self -> _base -> query ( %opts, -sql => $sql ) ) { push @res, $self -> new_rec ( $tup ) ; } @res ; } sub select1 { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -args => [] , @_ ) ; my @res = $self -> select ( %opts, -limit => 1 ) ; $res [ 0 ] ; } sub try { my $self = shift ; my $pval = shift ; my $pkey = $self -> _pkey ; $self -> select1 ( -where => "$pkey = '$pval'", -limit => 1 ) ; } sub get { my $self = shift ; my $pval = shift ; my $pkey = $self -> _pkey ; $self -> try ( $pval ) || Carp::confess ( sprintf "can't get '%s = %s' from %s\n" , $pkey, $pval, $self -> _name ) ; } sub select_hash { my $self = shift ; my $key = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; my $res = {} ; for my $rec ( $self -> select ( %opts ) ) { my $val = $rec -> $key ; die sprintf "(%s=%s) not uniq in selection of tab (%s)" , $key, $val, $self -> _name if exists $rec -> { $val } ; $res -> { $val } = $rec ; } $res ; } sub _make_sql_delete { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -where => undef , -sql => '' , @_ ) ; my $where = 'WHERE ' . $opts { -where } if defined $opts { -where } and length $opts { -where } ; sprintf ( "DELETE FROM %s %s" , $self -> _name , ( $where || '' ) ) ; } sub _delete { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; unless ( ( defined $opts { -sql } and length $opts { -sql } ) or ( defined $opts { -where } and length $opts { -where } ) ) { Carp::confess "-sql/-where is empty ; use 'tab -> _delete_all'\n" ; } my $sql = $opts { -sql } || $self -> _make_sql_delete ( %opts ) ; scalar $self -> _base -> query ( %opts, -sql => $sql ) ; } sub _delete_all { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; my $sql = $self -> _make_sql_delete ( -where => '' ) ; scalar $self -> _base -> query ( %opts, -sql => $sql ) ; } sub info_head { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -incl => [] , -excl => [] , -pref => [] , @_ ) ; my @incl = @{ $opts { -incl } } ; my @excl = @{ $opts { -excl } } ; my %excl ; for ( @excl ) { $excl { $_ } ++ ; } my $ths = join '', map { TH ( $_ ) } @{ $opts { -pref } } ; my @cols ; if ( @incl ) { @cols = map { $self -> $_ ; } @incl ; } else { @cols = $self -> _clist ; } for my $col ( @cols ) { next if $col -> _hide or exists $excl { $col -> _name } ; $ths .= TH ( $col -> _head || $col -> _name ) ; } TRx $ths ; } ### Col ##################################################################### package Blib::Col ; @Blib::Col::ISA = qw(Blib) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(_tabl _name _type _pkey _null _def _uniq _fkey _head _hide) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -null => 1 , -uniq => 0 , -fkey => {} , -def => undef , -head => '' , -hide => 0 , @_ ) ; $self -> _tabl ( $opts { -tabl } ) ; $self -> _name ( $opts { -name } ) ; $self -> _type ( $opts { -type } ) ; $self -> _null ( $opts { -null } ) ; $self -> _def ( $opts { -def } ) ; $self -> _uniq ( $opts { -uniq } ) ; $self -> _fkey ( $opts { -fkey } ) ; $self -> _head ( $opts { -head } ) ; $self -> _hide ( $opts { -hide } ) ; $self -> _pkey ( $self -> _name eq $self -> _tabl -> _pkey ) ; if ( $self -> _notnull and ! defined $self -> _def ) { if ( $self -> _type eq 'text' ) { $self -> _def ( '' ) ; } elsif ( $self -> _type eq 'bool' ) { $self -> _def ( 0 ) ; } } $self ; } sub _notnull { my $self = shift ; not $self -> _null ; } ### Rec ##################################################################### package Blib::Rec ; @Blib::Rec::ISA = qw(Blib) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(_tabl) ) ; sub init { my $self = shift ; my $hash = shift ; my $tabl = $self -> _tabl ( $hash -> { _tabl } ) ; for my $col ( $tabl -> _cols ) { my $fld = $col -> _name ; $self -> $fld ( exists $hash -> { $fld } ? $hash -> { $fld } : $col -> _def ) ; } $self ; } sub _base { my $self = shift ; $self -> _tabl -> _base ; } sub _cols { my $self = shift ; $self -> _tabl -> _cols ; } sub _pkey { my $self = shift ; $self -> _tabl -> _pkey ; } sub _tag { my $self = shift ; my $tabl = $self -> _tabl ; my $tags = @{ $tabl -> _tags } ? $tabl -> _tags : [ $tabl -> _pkey ] ; my @res = () ; for my $name ( @$tags ) { push @res, $self -> $name ; } join ( ' ', grep $_, @res ) || 'no_tag' ; } sub _repr { my $self = shift ; my $name = shift ; my $val = $self -> $name ; my $type = $self -> _tabl -> $name -> _type ; if ( $type eq 'bool' ) { $val ? '+' : '-' ; } elsif ( $type eq 'text' ) { length ( $val ) ? $val : ' ' ; } else { $val ; } } sub _check { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -excl => [] , @_ ) ; my %excl = () ; for ( @{ $opts { -excl } } ) { $excl { $_ } ++ ; } my $tabl = $self -> _tabl ; my $res = '' ; for my $col ( $tabl -> _cols ) { my $name = $col -> _name ; next if $excl { $name } ; next if $col -> _type eq 'serial' ; my $val = $self -> $name ; if ( $col -> _notnull and ! defined $val ) { $res .= sprintf "field $name violates 'notnull' constraint\n" ; } else { my $fkeys = $col -> _fkey ; for my $tab ( sort keys %$fkeys ) { my $fld = $fkeys -> { $tab } ; my $qwe = "$fld = ?" ; my $rec = $tabl -> _base -> $tab -> select1 ( -where => $qwe , -args => [ $val ] ) ; unless ( $rec ) { $res .= sprintf "%s (%s) not in %s.%s" , $name , ( defined $val ? $val : '' ) , $tab , $fld ; } } } } $res ; } sub _insert { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -excl => [] , @_ ) ; my %excl = () ; for ( @{ $opts { -excl } } ) { $excl { $_ } ++ ; } my $tabl = $self -> _tabl ; my $nams = [] ; my $vals = [] ; for my $col ( $tabl -> _cols ) { my $name = $col -> _name ; next if exists $excl { $name } ; next if $col -> _type eq 'serial' ; push @$nams, $name ; push @$vals, $self -> $name ; } my $sql = sprintf "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" , $tabl -> _name , ( join ',', @$nams ) , ( join ',', ( '?' ) x scalar @$nams ) ; if ( @$nams ) { scalar $tabl -> _base -> query ( %opts, -sql => $sql , -args => $vals ) ; sprintf "inserted : %s", $self -> _tag ; } else { sprintf "nothing to insert" ; } } sub _update { my $self = shift ; my %opts = ( -excl => [] , @_ ) ; my %excl = () ; for ( @{ $opts { -excl } } ) { $excl { $_ } ++ ; } my $tabl = $self -> _tabl ; my $nams = [] ; my $vals = [] ; my $res = '' ; my $pkey = $tabl -> _pkey ; my $pval = $self -> $pkey ; my $prev = $tabl -> get ( $pval ) ; for my $col ( $tabl -> _cols ) { my $name = $col -> _name ; next if exists $excl { $name } ; next if $col -> _type eq 'serial' ; my $curr_val = $self -> $name ; my $prev_val = $prev -> $name ; if ( $curr_val ne $prev_val ) { my $name = $col -> _name ; my $head = $col -> _head ; push @$nams, "$name = ?" ; push @$vals, $self -> $name ; $res .= sprintf "%s [%s] -> [%s]\n" , ( $head || $name ) , $prev -> _repr ( $name ) , $self -> _repr ( $name ) ; } } if ( @$nams ) { my $sql = sprintf "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s = '%s'" , $tabl -> _name , ( join ',', @$nams ) , $pkey , $pval ; scalar $tabl -> _base -> query ( %opts, -sql => $sql , -args => $vals ) ; } $res ? $res : 'no change' ; } sub _save { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; my $tabl = $self -> _tabl ; my $pkey = $tabl -> _pkey ; my $pval = $self -> $pkey ; if ( defined $pval ) { $self -> _update ( %opts ) ; } else { $self -> _insert ( %opts ) ; } } sub _delete { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; my $tabl = $self -> _tabl ; my $pkey = $tabl -> _pkey ; my $pval = $self -> $pkey ; $tabl -> delete ( -where => '? = ?', -args => [ $pkey, $pval ] ) ; sprintf "deleted : %s", $self -> _tag ; } ### JSON #################################################################### package Blib::JSON ; @Blib::JSON::ISA = qw(Blib) ; eval Blib -> mk_methods ( qw(__) ) ; my %name4key ; sub add_name4key { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; for my $key ( keys %opts ) { $name4key { $key } = $opts { $key } ; } } sub name4key { my $self = shift ; my $x = shift ; $name4key { $x } || $x ; } my %name4row ; sub add_name4row { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; for my $key ( keys %opts ) { $name4row { $key } = $opts { $key } ; } } sub name4row { my $self = shift ; my $x = shift ; my $n = $x ; $n =~ s/=.*// ; $name4row { $n } ; } sub make { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; my $name = $opts { -name } ; $self -> new ( $name ) -> init ( %opts ) ; } sub init { my $self = shift ; my %opts = @_ ; $self -> __ ( undef ) ; $self ; } sub add { my $self = shift ; my $type = unref $self ; my %opts = @_ ; my $name = $opts { -name } ; my $kind = $opts { -kind } ; my $tsub = "${type}::$name" ; Blib::new_method ( $type, $name ) ; Blib::new_pack ( $tsub ) if $kind ; my $res = bless {}, $tsub ; if ( ref $self ) { $self -> { $name } = ( $kind ? $res : 'scalar' ) ; } $res ; } sub mk_sub_model ; sub mk_sub_model { my $self = shift ; my $base = shift ; my $name = shift ; my $json = shift ; my $kind = ref $json ; my $type = $base -> add ( -name => $name , -kind => $kind ) ; if ( $kind eq 'HASH' ) { for my $key ( sort keys %$json ) { my $name = Blib::JSON -> name4key ( $key ) ; $self -> mk_sub_model ( $type, $name, $json -> { $key } ) ; } } elsif ( $kind eq 'ARRAY' and @$json ) { my $elem = $json -> [ 0 ] ; my $name = Blib::JSON -> name4row ( $type ) ; die "no name for $type" unless $name ; $self -> mk_sub_model ( $type, $name, $elem ) ; } $type ; } sub mk_model { my $self = shift ; my $name = shift ; my $json = shift ; $self -> mk_sub_model ( 'Blib::JSON', $name, $json ) ; } sub bless { my $type = shift ; my $json = shift ; my $kind = ref $json ; bless $json, unref $type ; if ( $kind eq 'HASH' ) { for my $key ( sort keys %$json ) { my $name = Blib::JSON -> name4key ( $key ) ; if ( $name ne $key ) { $json -> { $name } = $json -> { $key } ; delete $json -> { $key } ; } if ( ref $type -> $name ) { $type -> $name -> bless ( $json -> { $name } ) ; } } } elsif ( $kind eq 'ARRAY' and @$json and ref ( $json -> [ 0 ] ) ) { my $name = Blib::JSON -> name4row ( $type ) || 'elem' ; for my $elem ( @$json ) { $type -> $name -> bless ( $elem ) ; } } $json ; } 1 ; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME =head1 SYNOPSIS use Blib ; $base = Blib::Dbs -> make ( 'Foo' ) ; # symbolic name for your database $tabl = $base -> add_tab ( -tabl => 'zoo' # table name , -pkey => 'key' # primary key ) ; $col = $tabl -> add_col ( -name => 'bar' , -type => 'int' # or text, bool, serial , -uniq => 1 # values are uniq , -null => 1 # values may be NULL ) ; $rec = $tabl -> select1 ( -where => "bar = 'some value'" ) ; $zoo = $base -> zoo ; # yields table 'zoo' $bar = $zoo -> bar ; # yields column 'bar' $val = $rec > bar ; # yields value in column 'bar' ; =head1 EXAMPLE Let's start with an example and leave the details for later. Suppose we want to model a school where there are teachers, pupils and courses. We have a database I with tables I, I and I and many-to-many tables I (which teacher teaches what courses) and I (which pupil follows what courses). Suppose the Blib::Dbs::School object is set up with all the tables and columns added. Now we want to add some functions to the models # create Blib::Dbs::School etc ; define_tables is done elsewhere my $school = Blib::Dbs -> make ( 'School' ) -> define_tables ; # add to the model for 'a teacher' Package Blib::Rec::School::teacher ; # the teacher's name # uses the field-names as methods sub name { my $self = shift ; $self -> last_name . ', ' . $self -> initials ; } # the courses a teacher gives # a Blib::Rec::School::teacher knows the database it belongs to, # It finds table 'teaches' as $self -> _base -> teaches sub courses { my $self = shift ; my $id = $self -> id ; my $course_ids = $self -> _tabl -> _base -> teaches -> make_sql ( -fields => 'course_id', -where => "teacher_id = '$id' ) ; $self -> _base -> courses -> select ( -where => "id in ( $course_ids )" ) ; } # add to the model for 'a course' Package Blib::Rec::School::course ; # the pupils following a course sub pupils { my $self = shift ; my $id = $self -> id ; my $pupil_ids = $self -> _base -> follows -> make_sql ( -fields => 'pupil_id', -where => "course_id = '$id' ) ; $self -> _base -> courses -> select ( -where => "id in ( $pupil_ids )" , -order => 'name' ) ; } # back to the teacher's model Package Blib::Rec::School::teacher ; # a teacher's pupils # uses Blib::Tab -> make_sql to formulate a query for a specific table sub pupils { my $self = shift ; my $id = $self -> id ; # the query that yields her course_id's my $course_ids = $self -> _base -> teaches -> make_sql ( fields => 'course_id', -where => "teacher_id = '$id' ) ; # the query that yields the unique pupil_id's my $pupil_ids = $self -> _base -> follows -> make _sql ( fields => 'distinct ( pupil_id )' , -where => "course_id in ( $course_ids ) ) ; # select the pupils my $pupils = $self -> _base -> pupils -> select ( -where => "id in ( $pupil_ids )" , -order => 'name' ) ; } # or a teacher's pupils, with a join sub pupils { my $self = shift ; $self -> _base -> pupils -> select ( -fields => 'distinct pupils.*' , -from => "gives, follows, pupils" , -where => "gives.teacher_id = '$id' " . "and gives.course_id = follows.course_id " . "and follows.pupil_id = pupil.pupil_id" , order => 'name' ) ; } # or a teacher's pupils, with plain perl # for each teacher's course, find the pupils ; hash for uniqueness. sub pupils { my $self = shift ; my %pupils = () ; for my $course ( $self -> courses ) { my @pupils = $course -> pupils ; @pupils { @pupils } = @pupils ; } sort { $a -> name cmp $b -> name } keys %pupils ; } The point here is that we can select the required objects without writing too much, and build up the model in small steps. =head1 Blib::Dbs class methods =over 4 =item $base = new ( I ) Function I creates class Blib::Dbs::I and yields an object of that class. Blib::Dbs::I is a subclass of Blib::Dbs. It is the basis of the model of your database. =head1 Blib::Dbs object methods =item $base = add_tab ( I ) =over 4 =item * option -name => table-name =item * option -pkey => column-name =item * option -tags => list of column-names The I are used to create a sensible tag for a table record ; The I of the record is a space-separated list of the field-values as specified by the list, as in C as opposed to C. Default C<[]>. =item * option -tabl => real table name Set the real table names when they are user-configurable, for instance prefixed with some fixed string. Default C<-name>. =back If the table is the first table added to the Blib::Dbs object, function C also creates classes Blib::Tab::I (a subclass of Blib::Tab) and Blib::Rec::I (a subclass of Blib::Rec). These classes can be used later to implement functionality common to all tables and all records of the database. =back =cut