delete () ; } echo H3 ( 'update results' ) ; echo SPN ( $res, 'red' ) ; } elseif ( $ACT == 'DEL_RRS' ) { if ( ! ( $ID = GETVAR ( 'ID' ) ) ) { html_exit ( "stats : no ID" ) ; } $xuser = get_repo_xuser ( $ID ) ; # or die $res = $xuser -> delete_rrs_mems () ; echo H3 ( 'update results' ) ; if ( ! $res ) { $res = ULmk ( 'no change' ) ; } echo SPN ( $res, 'red' ) ; } elseif ( $ACT ) { html_exit ( "stats : unknow ACT ($ACT)" ) ; } $Repos = TBL ( 'repos' ) ; $Paths = TBL ( 'paths' ) ; $subrec = "SELECT id FROM $Repos ORDER BY creat DESC LIMIT 6" ; $repos = get_repos ( '', '', 'side,ownr,name' ) ; $recent = get_repos ( '', "$ IN ( $subrec )", 'creat DESC' ) ; $groups = get_repo_groups ( '', '', 'name' ) ; $mis_sub = "select pid from {$TBL(xusers)}" ; $mis_qwe = "ownr in ( $mis_sub )" ; $missing = get_repos ( '', $mis_qwe, 'side,ownr,name' ) ; $xusers = get_repo_xusers ( '', '', 'pid' ) ; $xrepos = get_repos_xusers ( 'side,ownr,name' ) ; $xgroups = get_groups_xusers ( 'name' ) ; $r0_sub = "SELECT distinct {$TBL(repos)}.id " . "FROM {$TBL(repos)} " . "LEFT JOIN {$TBL(stats)} ON {$TBL(repos)}.id = rid " . "GROUP BY {$TBL(repos)}.id HAVING max(rev) = 0 " ; $r0_qwe = "{$TBL(repos)}.id IN ( $r0_sub )" ; $rev0s = get_repos ( '', $r0_qwe, 'creat' ) ; # foreach ( get_repos ( '', $r0_qwe, 'creat' ) as $repo ) # { if ( $repo -> revision () == 0 ) # { $rev0s [] = $repo ; } # } $tab = array () ; $tab [ 'side' ] = array () ; foreach ( $repos as $repo ) { $side = $repo -> side ; $tab [ 'side' ] [ $side ] [] = $repo ; } function gen_tab_sides ( $tab ) { $res = TR ( TH ( 'side' ) . TH ( 'cnt' ) ) ; $tot = 0 ; $sides = $tab [ 'side' ] ; foreach ( $sides as $side => $reps ) { $cnt = count ( $reps ) ; $res .= TR ( TD ( $side ) . TDr ( $cnt ) ) ; $tot += $cnt ; } $res .= TR ( TH ( 'total' ) . THr ( $tot ) ) ; return TAB ( $res ) ; } function gen_tab_repos ( $repos ) { if ( ! count ( $repos ) ) { return 'none' ; } $res = repos_info_head () ; foreach ( $repos as $repo ) { $res .= $repo -> info_row () ; } return TAB ( $res ) ; } function gen_tab_unused_guests () { global $TBL ; $logins_with_rights = "SELECT distinct pid FROM {$TBL(rights)} " ; $used_groups = "SELECT distinct gid FROM {$TBL(groups)} " . "WHERE name IN ( $logins_with_rights )" ; $logins_in_used_group = "SELECT distinct pid FROM {$TBL(gr_mem)} " . "WHERE gid IN ( $used_groups )" ; $users_with_rights = "SELECT distinct pid FROM {$TBL(rights)}" ; $unused_guests = "login NOT IN ( $logins_in_used_group ) AND " . "login NOT IN ( $users_with_rights )" ; $guests = get_repo_guests ( '', $unused_guests, '' ) ; if ( ! count ( $guests ) ) { return 'none' ; } $res = repo_guests_info_head () ; foreach ( $guests as $guest ) { $res .= $guest -> info_row () ; } return TAB ( $res ) ; } function gen_tab_unused_groups () { global $TBL ; $groups_with_rights = "SELECT distinct pid FROM {$TBL(rights)} WHERE pid LIKE '@%'" ; $unused_groups = "name NOT IN ( $groups_with_rights )" ; $groups = get_repo_groups ( '', $unused_groups, '' ) ; if ( ! count ( $groups ) ) { return 'none' ; } $res = repo_groups_info_head () ; foreach ( $groups as $group ) { $res .= $group -> info_row () ; } return TAB ( $res ) ; } function gen_xuser ( $xuser, $xrepos, $xgroups, $missing, $all_groups ) { $pid = $xuser -> pid ; $res = H4 ( "ex-user $pid" ) ; $lis = '' ; $incl_txt = array () ; $repos = array () ; foreach ( $missing as $idx => $repo ) { if ( $repo -> ownr == $pid ) { $repos [] = $repo ; } } $repo_cnt = count ( $repos ) ; if ( $repo_cnt ) { $tab = repos_info_head () ; foreach ( $repos as $idx => $repo ) { $tab .= $repo -> info_row () ; } $repo_txt = $repo_cnt == 1 ? '1 repository' : "$repo_cnt repositories" ; $incl_txt [] = $repo_txt ; $lis .= LI ( "$pid owns $repo_txt :" . BQ ( TAB ( $tab ) ) ) ; } $repos = array () ; foreach ( $xrepos as $idx => $repo ) { foreach ( $repo -> subs as $sub ) { if ( $sub -> rights [ $pid ] ) { $repos [] = $repo ; } } } $cnt = count ( $repos ) ; $cnt_rrs = $cnt ; if ( $cnt ) { $tab = repos_info_head () ; foreach ( $repos as $idx => $repo ) { $tab .= $repo -> info_row () ; } $txt = $cnt == 1 ? '1 repository' : "$cnt repositories" ; $lis .= LI ( "$pid has access rights in $txt :" . BQ ( TAB ( $tab ) ) ) ; } $groups = array () ; foreach ( $xgroups as $idx => $group ) { if ( $group -> mems [ $pid ] ) { $groups [] = $group ; } } $cnt = count ( $groups ) ; $cnt_mems = $cnt ; if ( $cnt ) { $tab = repo_groups_info_head () ; foreach ( $groups as $idx => $group ) { $tab .= $group -> info_row () ; } $txt = $cnt == 1 ? '1 group' : "$cnt groups" ; $lis .= LI ( "$pid is a member of $txt : " . BQ ( TAB ( $tab ) ) ) ; } $groups = array () ; foreach ( $all_groups as $idx => $group ) { if ( $group -> ownr == $pid ) { $groups [] = $group ; } } $cnt = count ( $groups ) ; $cnt_grps = $cnt ; if ( $cnt ) { $tab = repo_groups_info_head () ; foreach ( $groups as $idx => $group ) { $tab .= $group -> info_row () ; } $grps_txt = $cnt == 1 ? '1 group' : "$cnt groups" ; $incl_txt [] = $grps_txt ; $lis .= LI ( "$pid is the owner of $grps_txt : " . BQ ( TAB ( $tab ) ) ) ; } if ( ! $lis ) { $lis = LI ( "no dangling repo rights or group memberships" ) ; } if ( is_adm () ) { $lis .= ( $cnt_rrs + $cnt_mems ? LI ( $xuser -> delete_rrs_mems_url () ) : '' ) ; } return $res . UL ( $lis ) ; } function gen_xusers ( $xusers, $xrepos, $xgroups, $missing, $groups ) { $res = '' ; foreach ( $xusers as $idx => $xuser ) { $res .= gen_xuser ( $xuser, $xrepos, $xgroups, $missing, $groups ) ; } return ( $res ? $res : BQ ( 'none' ) ) ; } function del_url ( $rids ) { $cnt = count ( $rids ) ; $txt = ( $cnt == 1 ? 'delete this repository (unforgiving ; are you sure?)' : "delete these $cnt repositories (unforgiving ; are you sure?)" ) ; $RIDS = implode ( ',', $rids ) ; return URL ( "stats.php?ACT=DEL&RIDS=$RIDS", SPN ( $txt, 'red' ) ) ; } function gen_no_rights () { $Repos = TBL ( 'repos' ) ; $Paths = TBL ( 'paths' ) ; $Rights = TBL ( 'rights' ) ; $sub = << info_row () ; $lis [] = del_url ( array ( $repo -> id ) ) . ' ← ' . $repo -> url () ; $dels [] = $repo -> id ; } if ( count ( $dels ) > 1 ) { $lis [] = del_url ( $dels ) ; } return TAB ( $res ) . ( is_adm () ? ULmk ( $lis ) : '' ) ; } function gen_with_paths () { $Repos = TBL ( 'repos' ) ; $Paths = TBL ( 'paths' ) ; $sub = << info_row () ; } return TAB ( $res ) ; } echo H3 ( 'repositories' ) ; echo BQ ( gen_tab_sides ( $tab ) ) ; echo H3 ( 'recent additions' ) ; echo BQ ( gen_tab_repos ( $recent ) ) ; echo H3 ( 'on revision zero ; ordered by date' ) ; echo BQ ( gen_tab_repos ( $rev0s ) ) ; echo H3 ( 'un-used guests' ) ; echo BQ ( gen_tab_unused_guests () ) ; echo H3 ( 'un-used groups' ) ; echo BQ ( gen_tab_unused_groups () ) ; echo H3 ( 'ex-users' ) ; echo gen_xusers ( $xusers, $xrepos, $xgroups, $missing, $groups ) ; echo H3 ( 'repos without rights' ) ; echo BQ ( gen_no_rights () ) ; echo H3 ( 'repos with paths' ) ; echo BQ ( gen_with_paths () ) ; html_end () ; # phpinfo() ; ?>