! File name: oblimap_read_and_write_module.f90 ! ! Copyright (C) 2016 Thomas Reerink. ! ! This file is distributed under the terms of the ! GNU General Public License. ! ! This file is part of OBLIMAP 2.0 ! ! See Reerink et al. (2010,2016) for OBLIMAP's scientific documentation: ! http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/3/13/2010/ ! http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/9/4111/2016/ ! ! The OBLIMAP User Guide (Reerink, 2016) can be found at: ! https://github.com/oblimap/oblimap-2.0/tree/master/documentation ! ! The OBLIMAP code can be downloaded by: ! svn checkout https://svn.science.uu.nl/repos/project.oblimap ! or from OBLIMAP's Github by: ! git clone https://github.com/oblimap/oblimap-2.0 ! ! OBLIMAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! OBLIMAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with OBLIMAP. If not, see . ! ! ! OBLIMAP is maintained by: ! ! Thomas Reerink ! Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht (IMAU) ! Utrecht University ! Princetonplein 5 ! 3584 CC Utrecht ! The Netherlands ! ! email: tjreerink@gmail.com ! MODULE oblimap_read_and_write_module USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp IMPLICIT NONE TYPE oblimap_netcdf_file_type ! This TYPE contains the meta data and the data of the dimensions and the variables: INTEGER :: ncid ! The id of the netcdf file: file_id INTEGER :: number_of_fields ! The number of fields CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: file_name ! The name of the netcdf file LOGICAL :: include_time_dimension ! If .TRUE. the netcdf file contains time records LOGICAL :: enable_ignore_option ! If .TRUE. the ignore option (concerning the reading of the pre-mapped variables) will be enabled LOGICAL , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields ! The choice whether the pre-mapped variable should be ignored while reading INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: spatial_dimension_of_field ! The spatial dimension of the variable CHARACTER(LEN=128), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: field_name ! The name of the variable CHARACTER(LEN=128), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: field_unit ! The units of the variable CHARACTER(LEN=256), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: field_longname ! The long name of the variable (with units) INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: id ! The ID number of the variable !INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: type ! An integer determing the variable type: nf90_int, nf90_float or nf90_double !INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: case ! A number for each situation, for case selection INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: LEN_DIM ! Contains the dimensional size of each dimension !INTEGER :: NDIM ! The number of dimensions !INTEGER :: NVAR ! The number of different variables !INTEGER :: N_loop ! The number of loops in which the dimensions + variables are written to the netcdf file !REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: grid_size ! The grid size for each dimension (Only if it is equidistant) REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vertical_axis ! This array contains the vertical coordinate values END TYPE oblimap_netcdf_file_type CONTAINS SUBROUTINE oblimap_open_netcdf_file(file_name, number_of_fields, field_name, LEN_DIM_1, LEN_DIM_2, coordinates_dimension_1, coordinates_dimension_2, enable_ignore_option, nc) ! This routine opens a netcdf file. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp, C USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_open, nf90_nowrite, nf90_inquire, nf90_inq_varid, nf90_inquire_variable, nf90_get_var IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN) :: file_name ! The netcdf file name INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: number_of_fields ! Number of Fields CHARACTER(LEN=128), DIMENSION(C%MND:number_of_fields), INTENT(IN) :: field_name ! The netcdf field names in the netcdf file INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: LEN_DIM_1 ! Number of grid points in longitude direction INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: LEN_DIM_2 ! Number of grid points in latitude direction LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) , OPTIONAL :: enable_ignore_option ! If .TRUE. the ignore option (concerning the reading of the pre-mapped variables) will be enabled ! Output variables: REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(LEN_DIM_1,LEN_DIM_2) , INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: coordinates_dimension_1 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(LEN_DIM_1,LEN_DIM_2) , INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: coordinates_dimension_2 TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type) , INTENT(OUT) :: nc ! The struct which contains the meta data of the netcdf file ! Local variables: INTEGER :: unlimited_dimension_id ! The ID of the unlimited variable, if there is no unlimited variable this ID is -1 INTEGER , DIMENSION(4) :: dimension_ids ! The dimension ID's (time, NLAT, NLON, NVL) of a variable are gathered INTEGER :: field_counter ! The counter in the loop over the field numbers INTEGER :: number_of_dimensions ! The number of dimensions of a variable INTEGER :: k ! The counter over the vertical axis INTEGER :: i, j REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(LEN_DIM_1 ) :: coordinates_dimension_1_1D ! 1D coordinates for the first spatial dimension REAL(dp) , DIMENSION( LEN_DIM_2) :: coordinates_dimension_2_1D ! 1D coordinates for the second spatial dimension ! Setting the number of fields: nc%number_of_fields = number_of_fields ALLOCATE(nc%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields(C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field (C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%field_name (C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%field_unit (C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%field_longname (C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%id (C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%LEN_DIM(3)) ALLOCATE(nc%vertical_axis(C%number_of_vertical_layers)) ! The enable_ignore_option is stored in the struct: IF(PRESENT(enable_ignore_option)) THEN nc%enable_ignore_option = enable_ignore_option ELSE nc%enable_ignore_option = .FALSE. END IF ! For each variable the choice whether the pre-mapped variable should be ignored while reading is stored in the struct: nc%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields = C%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields ! Default initialization to 2D spatial fields: nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(:) = 2 ! The file name is stored in the struct: nc%file_name = file_name ! The field names are stored in the struct: nc%field_name = field_name nc%LEN_DIM(1) = LEN_DIM_1 nc%LEN_DIM(2) = LEN_DIM_2 nc%LEN_DIM(3) = C%number_of_vertical_layers ! Number of vertical layers, i.e. number of grid points of the vertical coordinate ! Open the netcdf file: CALL handle_error(nf90_open(nc%file_name, nf90_nowrite, nc%ncid), '. [ 1] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): The file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//' is not found') CALL handle_error(nf90_inquire(ncid = nc%ncid, unlimitedDimID = unlimited_dimension_id), '. [ 2] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) IF(unlimited_dimension_id == -1) THEN nc%include_time_dimension = .FALSE. !WRITE(UNIT=*, FMT='(/A/)') ' The netcdf file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//' has no time dimension.' ELSE nc%include_time_dimension = .TRUE. !WRITE(UNIT=*, FMT='(/A/)') ' The netcdf file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//' has a time dimension.' IF(nc%enable_ignore_option .AND. C%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields(0)) THEN ! Ignore reading the time axis name ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_inq_varid(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(0), nc%id(0)), '. [ 3] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(0))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF END IF ! Read the other field variables: DO field_counter = 1, nc%number_of_fields IF(nc%enable_ignore_option .AND. nc%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields(field_counter)) THEN ! Ignore reading this pre mapped field. ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_inq_varid(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(field_counter), nc%id(field_counter)), '. [ 4] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', with field number ', field_counter) ! Initialize all dimension_ids to a negative value which will be unequal to the time dimension ID: dimension_ids = -19062014 CALL handle_error(nf90_inquire_variable(ncid = nc%ncid, varid = nc%id(field_counter), ndims = number_of_dimensions, & dimids = dimension_ids), '. [ 5] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) IF(nc%include_time_dimension) THEN ! Check whether the considered field is realy time dependent: IF(ANY(dimension_ids(:) == unlimited_dimension_id)) THEN nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) = number_of_dimensions - 1 ELSE nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) = number_of_dimensions END IF ELSE nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) = number_of_dimensions END IF END IF !WRITE(UNIT=*, FMT='(A, A30, A, I2)') ' The netcdf field ', TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter)), ' has a spatial dimension of ', nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) END DO IF(nc%enable_ignore_option .AND. C%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields(-6)) THEN ! Ignore reading the vertical axis nc%vertical_axis = (/ (k, k=1, nc%LEN_DIM(3)) /) ! Avoiding the case that nc%vertical_axis is uninitialized but is used by copying the entire nc struct. ELSE IF(ANY(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(:) == 3)) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_inq_varid(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-6), nc%id(-6) ), '. [ 6] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-6))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(-6), nc%vertical_axis(:), start=(/1/)), '. [ 7] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-6))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', -6) ELSE nc%vertical_axis = (/ (k, k=1, nc%LEN_DIM(3)) /) ! Avoiding the case that nc%vertical_axis is uninitialized but is used by copying the entire nc struct. END IF IF(PRESENT(coordinates_dimension_1)) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_inq_varid(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-2), nc%id(-2)), '. [ 8] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-2))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error(nf90_inquire_variable(ncid = nc%ncid, varid = nc%id(-2), ndims = nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(-2)), '. [ 9] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-2))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) ! Read the first spatial dimension variable: IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(-2) == 1) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(-2), coordinates_dimension_1_1D), '. [10] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-2))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) ! Creating from the one dimensional variable, the two dimensional one: DO i = 1, nc%LEN_DIM(1) coordinates_dimension_1(i,:) = coordinates_dimension_1_1D(i) END DO ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(-2), coordinates_dimension_1), '. [11] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF ! Unit conversion, e.g. from kilometers to meters: coordinates_dimension_1 = coordinates_dimension_1 * C%unit_conversion_x_ax END IF IF(PRESENT(coordinates_dimension_2)) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_inq_varid(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-4), nc%id(-4)), '. [12] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error(nf90_inquire_variable(ncid = nc%ncid, varid = nc%id(-4), ndims = nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(-4)), '. [13] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) ! Read the second spatial dimension variable: IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(-4) == 1) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(-4), coordinates_dimension_2_1D), '. [14] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) ! Creating from the one dimensional variable, the two dimensional one: DO j = 1, nc%LEN_DIM(2) coordinates_dimension_2(:,j) = coordinates_dimension_2_1D(j) END DO ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(-4), coordinates_dimension_2), '. [15] From oblimap_open_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF ! Unit conversion, e.g. from kilometers to meters: coordinates_dimension_2 = coordinates_dimension_2 * C%unit_conversion_y_ax END IF END SUBROUTINE oblimap_open_netcdf_file SUBROUTINE oblimap_create_netcdf_file(file_name, number_of_fields, include_time_dimension, spatial_dimension_of_field, & field_name, field_unit, field_longname, & LEN_DIM_1, LEN_DIM_2, coordinates_dimension_1, coordinates_dimension_2, vertical_axis, nc) ! This routine creates a netcdf file, the netcdf format is specified. In case the horizontal spatial coordinates are not specified by the optional ! arguments, a default 2D horizontal spatial C%NX by C%NY grid is assumed with grid sizes C%dx and C%dy. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp, C USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_create, nf90_clobber, nf90_def_dim, nf90_def_var, nf90_unlimited, nf90_double, nf90_float, nf90_put_att, nf90_global, nf90_enddef, nf90_put_var IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN) :: file_name INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: number_of_fields LOGICAL , INTENT(IN) :: include_time_dimension INTEGER , DIMENSION(C%MND:number_of_fields) , INTENT(IN) :: spatial_dimension_of_field CHARACTER(LEN=128), DIMENSION(C%MND:number_of_fields) , INTENT(IN) :: field_name CHARACTER(LEN=128), DIMENSION(C%MND:number_of_fields) , INTENT(IN) :: field_unit CHARACTER(LEN=256), DIMENSION(C%MND:number_of_fields) , INTENT(IN) :: field_longname INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: LEN_DIM_1 INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: LEN_DIM_2 REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(LEN_DIM_1,LEN_DIM_2) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: coordinates_dimension_1 ! The optional input 2D coordinates for the first spatial dimension REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(LEN_DIM_1,LEN_DIM_2) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: coordinates_dimension_2 ! The optional input 2D coordinates for the second spatial dimension REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(C%number_of_vertical_layers) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: vertical_axis ! Currently the vertical layers are only numbered, here the real ones could be parsed ! Output variables: TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type) , INTENT(OUT) :: nc ! Local variables: INTEGER :: field_counter ! The counter in the loop over the field numbers INTEGER :: xtype_in_netcdf ! Writing the netcdf data in nf90_double or nf90_float precision INTEGER :: k ! The counter over the vertical axis INTEGER :: m, n ! The counter over the 'other' horrizontal spatial coordinate, to check for symmetry LOGICAL :: include_two_spatial_dimensions LOGICAL :: include_vertical_dimension LOGICAL :: coordinates_dimension_1_are_1D LOGICAL :: coordinates_dimension_2_are_1D REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(LEN_DIM_1,LEN_DIM_2) :: coordinates_dimension_1_2D ! 2D coordinates for the first spatial dimension REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(LEN_DIM_1,LEN_DIM_2) :: coordinates_dimension_2_2D ! 2D coordinates for the second spatial dimension REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(LEN_DIM_1 ) :: coordinates_dimension_1_1D ! 1D coordinates for the first spatial dimension REAL(dp) , DIMENSION( LEN_DIM_2) :: coordinates_dimension_2_1D ! 1D coordinates for the second spatial dimension IF(C%use_double_instead_of_float_in_netcdf) THEN xtype_in_netcdf = nf90_double ELSE xtype_in_netcdf = nf90_float END IF ! Setting the number of fields: nc%number_of_fields = number_of_fields ALLOCATE(nc%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields(C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field (C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%field_name (C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%field_unit (C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%field_longname (C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%id (C%MND:nc%number_of_fields)) ALLOCATE(nc%LEN_DIM(3)) ALLOCATE(nc%vertical_axis(C%number_of_vertical_layers)) ! The file name is stored in the struct: nc%file_name = file_name ! Whether the fields contain a time dimension is stored in the struct: nc%include_time_dimension = include_time_dimension ! The spatial dimension of the variables are stored in the struct: nc%spatial_dimension_of_field = spatial_dimension_of_field ! The field names are stored in the struct: nc%field_name = field_name nc%field_unit = field_unit nc%field_longname = field_longname nc%LEN_DIM(1) = LEN_DIM_1 nc%LEN_DIM(2) = LEN_DIM_2 ! If both optional arguments coordinates_dimension_1 and coordinates_dimension_2 are specified, then this inititialization can be omitted: IF(.NOT.(PRESENT(coordinates_dimension_1) .AND. PRESENT(coordinates_dimension_2))) & CALL initialize_im_coordinates(C%NX, C%NY, C%dx, C%dy, coordinates_dimension_1_2D, coordinates_dimension_2_2D) IF(PRESENT(coordinates_dimension_1)) coordinates_dimension_1_2D = coordinates_dimension_1 IF(PRESENT(coordinates_dimension_2)) coordinates_dimension_2_2D = coordinates_dimension_2 coordinates_dimension_1_are_1D = .TRUE. DO n = 1, nc%LEN_DIM(2) IF(ALL(coordinates_dimension_1_2D(:,1) == coordinates_dimension_1_2D(:,n))) THEN ! Keep coordinates_dimension_1_are_1D = .TRUE. ELSE coordinates_dimension_1_are_1D = .FALSE. EXIT END IF END DO coordinates_dimension_2_are_1D = .TRUE. DO m = 1, nc%LEN_DIM(1) IF(ALL(coordinates_dimension_2_2D(1,:) == coordinates_dimension_2_2D(m,:))) THEN ! Keep coordinates_dimension_2_are_1D = .TRUE. ELSE coordinates_dimension_2_are_1D = .FALSE. EXIT END IF END DO ! Reduce the 2D coordinates_dimension_1_2D to 1D in case they are symmetric in coordinates_dimension_2 direction. IF(coordinates_dimension_1_are_1D) coordinates_dimension_1_1D = coordinates_dimension_1_2D(:,1) ! Reduce the 2D coordinates_dimension_2_2D to 1D in case they are symmetric in coordinates_dimension_1 direction. IF(coordinates_dimension_2_are_1D) coordinates_dimension_2_1D = coordinates_dimension_2_2D(1,:) IF(ANY(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(:) == 2 .OR. nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(:) == 3)) THEN include_two_spatial_dimensions = .TRUE. ELSE include_two_spatial_dimensions = .FALSE. END IF IF(ANY(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field == 3)) THEN include_vertical_dimension = .TRUE. nc%LEN_DIM(3) = C%number_of_vertical_layers ! Number of vertical layers, i.e. number of grid points of the vertical coordinate ELSE include_vertical_dimension = .FALSE. nc%LEN_DIM(3) = 1 ! To save a waste of allocation and computational time in case C%number_of_vertical_layers is initiated to a higher number END IF CALL check_file_existence(nc%file_name) ! Create the netcdf file: CALL handle_error(nf90_create(nc%file_name, nf90_clobber, nc%ncid)) ! Define the dimension dimensions: IF(nc%include_time_dimension) & CALL handle_error( nf90_def_dim(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-1), nf90_unlimited, nc%id(-1)), '. [ 1] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-1))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) IF(include_vertical_dimension) & CALL handle_error( nf90_def_dim(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-7), nc%LEN_DIM(3) , nc%id(-7)), '. [ 2] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-7))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) IF(include_two_spatial_dimensions) & CALL handle_error( nf90_def_dim(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-5), nc%LEN_DIM(2) , nc%id(-5)), '. [ 3] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-5))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_def_dim(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-3), nc%LEN_DIM(1) , nc%id(-3)), '. [ 4] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-3))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) ! Define the dimension variables: IF(coordinates_dimension_1_are_1D) THEN CALL handle_error( nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-2), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-3) /) , nc%id(-2)), '. [ 5] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension variable "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-2))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) ELSE CALL handle_error( nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-2), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-3), nc%id(-5)/) , nc%id(-2)), '. [ 6] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-2))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id(-2), 'long_name', nc%field_longname(-2)) , '. [ 7] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the long_name definition of the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-2))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id(-2), 'units' , nc%field_unit(-2)) , '. [ 8] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the units definition of the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-2))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) IF(include_two_spatial_dimensions) THEN IF(coordinates_dimension_2_are_1D) THEN CALL handle_error( nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-4), xtype_in_netcdf, (/ nc%id(-5)/) , nc%id(-4)), '. [ 9] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension variable "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) ELSE CALL handle_error( nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-4), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-3), nc%id(-5)/) , nc%id(-4)), '. [10] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id(-4), 'long_name', nc%field_longname(-4)) , '. [11] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the long_name definition of the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id(-4), 'units' , nc%field_unit(-4)) , '. [12] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the units definition of the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF IF(include_vertical_dimension) THEN CALL handle_error( nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(-6), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-7) /) , nc%id(-6)), '. [13] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-6))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id(-6), 'long_name', nc%field_longname(-6)) , '. [14] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the long_name definition of the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-6))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id(-6), 'units' , nc%field_unit(-6)) , '. [15] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the units definition of the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(-6))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF IF(nc%include_time_dimension) THEN CALL handle_error( nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name( 0), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-1) /) , nc%id( 0)), '. [16] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the dimension variable "' //TRIM(nc%field_name( 0))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id( 0), 'long_name', nc%field_longname( 0)) , '. [17] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the long_name definition of the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name( 0))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id( 0), 'units' , nc%field_unit( 0)) , '. [18] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the units definition of the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name( 0))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF ! Define the field variables: DO field_counter = 1, nc%number_of_fields IF(nc%include_time_dimension) THEN IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 3) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(field_counter), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-3), nc%id(-5), nc%id(-7), nc%id(-1)/), nc%id(field_counter)), & '. [19] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field variable "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 1) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(field_counter), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-3) , nc%id(-1)/), nc%id(field_counter)), & '. [20] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field variable "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(field_counter), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-3), nc%id(-5) , nc%id(-1)/), nc%id(field_counter)), & '. [21] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field variable "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END IF ELSE IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 3) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(field_counter), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-3), nc%id(-5), nc%id(-7) /), nc%id(field_counter)), & '. [22] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field variable "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 1) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(field_counter), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-3) /), nc%id(field_counter)), & '. [23] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field variable "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_def_var(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(field_counter), xtype_in_netcdf, (/nc%id(-3), nc%id(-5) /), nc%id(field_counter)), & '. [24] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field variable "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END IF END IF ! In case the description equals still the initial dummy default, a neater one is generated: IF(nc%field_longname(field_counter) == 'longname: ?') nc%field_longname(field_counter) = & TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//' ('//TRIM(nc%field_unit(field_counter))//')' CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), 'units' , nc%field_unit (field_counter)), '. [25] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the units definition, of the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), 'long_name' , nc%field_longname (field_counter)), '. [26] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the long_name definition, of the field "' //TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), 'missing_value', C%invalid_output_value(field_counter)), '. [27] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the missing_value definition, of the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END DO CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nf90_global , 'acknowledgment', 'Created with OBLIMAP 2.0, copyright (C) 2016 Thomas Reerink under the GNU General Public License Copyright.'), '. [28] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the global attribute definition, in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nf90_global , 'web-reference-1', 'OBLIMAP github: https://github.com/oblimap/oblimap-2.0' ), '. [29] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the global attribute definition, in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nf90_global , 'web-reference-2', 'Reerink et al. (2010): http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/3/13/2010/' ), '. [30] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the global attribute definition, in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_put_att(nc%ncid, nf90_global , 'web-reference-3', 'Reerink et al. (2016): http://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/gmd-2016-124/'), '. [31] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the global attribute definition, in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error( nf90_enddef(nc%ncid)) ! Put the coordinates of dimension 1: IF(coordinates_dimension_1_are_1D) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var( nc%ncid, nc%id(-2), coordinates_dimension_1_1D ), '. [32] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-2))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var( nc%ncid, nc%id(-2), coordinates_dimension_1_2D ), '. [33] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-2))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF IF(include_two_spatial_dimensions) THEN ! Put the coordinates of dimension 2: IF(coordinates_dimension_2_are_1D) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(-4), coordinates_dimension_2_1D ), '. [34] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(-4), coordinates_dimension_2_2D ), '. [35] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-4))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF END IF ! Put the vertical coordinate variable: IF(include_vertical_dimension) THEN IF(PRESENT(vertical_axis)) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(-6), vertical_axis ), '. [36] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-6))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(-6), (/ (k, k=1, nc%LEN_DIM(3)) /) ), '. [37] From oblimap_create_netcdf_file(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(-6))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE oblimap_create_netcdf_file SUBROUTINE create_netcdf_for_gcm_grid(longitude_coordinates_of_gcm_grid_points, latitude_coordinates_of_gcm_grid_points, nc_for_dimensional_shape, nc) ! This routine creates a gcm netcdf file, the netcdf format is specified, the dimensions are written. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp, C, check_directory_existence IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(C%NLON,C%NLAT), INTENT(IN) :: longitude_coordinates_of_gcm_grid_points REAL(dp) , DIMENSION(C%NLON,C%NLAT), INTENT(IN) :: latitude_coordinates_of_gcm_grid_points TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type) , INTENT(IN) :: nc_for_dimensional_shape ! Output variables: TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type) , INTENT(OUT) :: nc ! Check whether the directory in the path of C%im_created_filename exists: CALL check_directory_existence(C%im_created_filename) ! Output: nc CALL oblimap_create_netcdf_file(C%gcm_created_filename, C%number_of_mapped_fields, & nc_for_dimensional_shape%include_time_dimension, & nc_for_dimensional_shape%spatial_dimension_of_field, & C%gcm_field_name, C%gcm_field_unit, C%gcm_field_longname, & C%NLON, C%NLAT, longitude_coordinates_of_gcm_grid_points, latitude_coordinates_of_gcm_grid_points, & vertical_axis = nc_for_dimensional_shape%vertical_axis, nc = nc) END SUBROUTINE create_netcdf_for_gcm_grid SUBROUTINE create_netcdf_for_im_grid(x_coordinates_of_im_grid_points, y_coordinates_of_im_grid_points, nc_for_dimensional_shape, nc) ! This routine creates an im netcdf file, the netcdf format is specified, the dimensions are written. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp, C, check_directory_existence IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: REAL(dp), DIMENSION(C%NX,C%NY), INTENT(IN) :: x_coordinates_of_im_grid_points REAL(dp), DIMENSION(C%NX,C%NY), INTENT(IN) :: y_coordinates_of_im_grid_points TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type), INTENT(IN) :: nc_for_dimensional_shape ! Output variables: TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type), INTENT(OUT) :: nc ! Check whether the directory in the path of C%im_created_filename exists: CALL check_directory_existence(C%im_created_filename) ! Output: nc CALL oblimap_create_netcdf_file(C%im_created_filename, C%number_of_mapped_fields, & nc_for_dimensional_shape%include_time_dimension, & nc_for_dimensional_shape%spatial_dimension_of_field, & C%im_field_name, C%im_field_unit, C%im_field_longname, & C%NX, C%NY, x_coordinates_of_im_grid_points, y_coordinates_of_im_grid_points, & vertical_axis = nc_for_dimensional_shape%vertical_axis, nc = nc) END SUBROUTINE create_netcdf_for_im_grid SUBROUTINE oblimap_read_im_coordinates_from_netcdf_file(coordinates_dimension_1, coordinates_dimension_2) ! This routine reads the horizontal spatial coordinates from a netcdf file. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp, C IMPLICIT NONE ! Output variables: REAL(dp), DIMENSION(C%NX,C%NY), INTENT(OUT) :: coordinates_dimension_1 REAL(dp), DIMENSION(C%NX,C%NY), INTENT(OUT) :: coordinates_dimension_2 ! Local variables: TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type) :: nc ! The spatial horizontal coordinates of the IM grid are read from a netcdf file: ! Output: nc CALL oblimap_open_netcdf_file(C%prefabricated_im_grid_filename, 0, C%prefabricated_im_grid_field_name, C%NX, C%NY, coordinates_dimension_1, coordinates_dimension_2, nc = nc) ! Output: - CALL oblimap_close_netcdf_file(nc) END SUBROUTINE oblimap_read_im_coordinates_from_netcdf_file SUBROUTINE initialize_im_coordinates(NX, NY, dx, dy, x_coordinates_of_im_grid_points, y_coordinates_of_im_grid_points) ! Initialize the x, y coordinate values of the IM grid points in plane S'. In total there are ! NX * NY grid points and default the grid cell distances are dx and dy (in meters). The central ! grid point is (0,0) and coincide with the longitude-latitude coordinates (lamda_M, phi_M), if not ! shifted by the routine shifting_center_im_grid (see oblimap_scan_contributions_module). Mind that ! the center (0,0) coincides with the middle point for an odd grid number, and with the lower one ! of the two middle points for an even grid number. ! Instead of using the default dx and dy, it is possible to read a prefabricated_im_grid (which might ! contain the coordinates in a 1D or 2D format). This generates the option to use 2D irregular IM grid ! coordinates. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp, C IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: NX INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: NY REAL(dp) , INTENT(IN) :: dx REAL(dp) , INTENT(IN) :: dy ! Output variables: REAL(dp), DIMENSION(NX,NY), INTENT(OUT) :: x_coordinates_of_im_grid_points REAL(dp), DIMENSION(NX,NY), INTENT(OUT) :: y_coordinates_of_im_grid_points ! Local variables: INTEGER :: m, n IF(C%use_prefabricated_im_grid_coordinates) THEN ! The x, y coordinates of the IM grid are read from a separate netcdf file: ! Output: x_coordinates_of_im_grid_points, y_coordinates_of_im_grid_points CALL oblimap_read_im_coordinates_from_netcdf_file(x_coordinates_of_im_grid_points, y_coordinates_of_im_grid_points) ELSE DO m = 1, NX DO n = 1, NY x_coordinates_of_im_grid_points(m,n) = dx * (m - ((NX+1) / 2.0)) y_coordinates_of_im_grid_points(m,n) = dy * (n - ((NY+1) / 2.0)) END DO END DO END IF END SUBROUTINE initialize_im_coordinates SUBROUTINE oblimap_read_netcdf_fields(nc, record_number, fields, time) ! This routine reads for a given record all the fields, it is used for reading both gcm and im netcdf files. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp, C USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_get_var IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type) , INTENT(IN) :: nc INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: record_number ! time record number ! Output variables: REAL(dp), DIMENSION(nc%number_of_fields,nc%LEN_DIM(1),nc%LEN_DIM(2),nc%LEN_DIM(3)), INTENT(OUT) :: fields REAL(dp) , INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: time ! Local variables: INTEGER :: field_counter ! The counter in the loop over the field numbers ! In case time is in argument list, initialize in any case: IF(PRESENT(time)) time = 0.0_dp IF(PRESENT(time) .AND. nc%include_time_dimension) THEN IF(nc%enable_ignore_option .AND. C%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields(0)) THEN ! Ignore reading the time axis ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(0), time, start=(/record_number/)), '. [1] From oblimap_read_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(0))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF END IF ! Read the field variables: DO field_counter = 1, nc%number_of_fields IF(nc%enable_ignore_option .AND. C%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields(field_counter)) THEN ! Ignore reading this pre mapped field. fields(field_counter,:,:,:) = C%invalid_input_value(field_counter) ELSE IF(nc%include_time_dimension) THEN IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 3) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,:,:), start=(/1, 1, 1, record_number/)), & '. [2] From oblimap_read_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 1) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,1,1), start=(/1 , record_number/)), & '. [3] From oblimap_read_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,:,1), start=(/1, 1 , record_number/)), & '. [4] From oblimap_read_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END IF ELSE IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 3) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,:,:), start=(/1, 1, 1/)), & '. [5] From oblimap_read_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 1) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,1,1), start=(/1 /)), & '. [6] From oblimap_read_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,:,1), start=(/1, 1 /)), & '. [7] From oblimap_read_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END IF END IF END IF END DO END SUBROUTINE oblimap_read_netcdf_fields SUBROUTINE oblimap_read_netcdf_1D_fields(nc, record_number, fields, time) ! This routine reads for a given record all the 1D fields. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp, C USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_get_var IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type) , INTENT(IN) :: nc INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: record_number ! time record number ! Output variables: REAL(dp), DIMENSION(nc%number_of_fields,nc%LEN_DIM(1)), INTENT(OUT) :: fields REAL(dp) , INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: time ! Local variables: INTEGER :: field_counter ! The counter in the loop over the field numbers ! In case time is in argument list, initialize in any case: IF(PRESENT(time)) time = 0.0_dp IF(PRESENT(time) .AND. nc%include_time_dimension) THEN IF(nc%enable_ignore_option .AND. C%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields(0)) THEN ! Ignore reading the time axis ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(0), time, start=(/record_number/)), '. [1] From oblimap_read_netcdf_1D_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(0))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END IF END IF ! Read the field variables: DO field_counter = 1, nc%number_of_fields IF(nc%enable_ignore_option .AND. C%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields(field_counter)) THEN ! Ignore reading this pre mapped field. fields(field_counter,:) = C%invalid_input_value(field_counter) ELSE IF(nc%include_time_dimension) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:), start=(/1, record_number/)), & '. [2] From oblimap_read_netcdf_1D_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_get_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:), start=(/1 /)), & '. [3] From oblimap_read_netcdf_1D_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END IF END IF END DO END SUBROUTINE oblimap_read_netcdf_1D_fields SUBROUTINE oblimap_write_netcdf_fields(nc, record_number, fields, time) ! This routine writes for a given record all the fields, it is used for writing both gcm and im netcdf files. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp, C USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_put_var, nf90_sync IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type) , INTENT(IN) :: nc INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: record_number ! time record number REAL(dp), DIMENSION(nc%number_of_fields,nc%LEN_DIM(1),nc%LEN_DIM(2),nc%LEN_DIM(3)), INTENT(IN) :: fields REAL(dp) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: time ! Local variables: INTEGER :: field_counter ! The counter in the loop over the field numbers REAL(dp) :: written_time IF(PRESENT(time)) THEN written_time = time ELSE written_time = record_number END IF ! Put the time variables: IF(nc%include_time_dimension) THEN field_counter = 0 CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var( nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), written_time , start=(/ record_number/)), & '. [1] From oblimap_write_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END IF ! Put the other field variables: DO field_counter = 1, nc%number_of_fields IF(nc%include_time_dimension) THEN IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 3) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,:,:), start=(/1, 1, 1, record_number/)), & '. [2] From oblimap_write_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 1) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,1,1), start=(/1, record_number/)), & '. [3] From oblimap_write_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,:,1), start=(/1, 1, record_number/)), & '. [4] From oblimap_write_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END IF ELSE IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 3) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,:,:), start=(/1, 1, 1/)), & '. [5] From oblimap_write_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE IF(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(field_counter) == 1) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,1,1), start=(/1 /)), & '. [6] From oblimap_write_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:,:,1), start=(/1, 1 /)), & '. [7] From oblimap_write_netcdf_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END IF END IF END DO ! Synchronize the disk copy of a netcdf dataset: to minimize data loss in case of an abnormal termination: IF(C%synchronize_netcdf_writing) CALL handle_error(nf90_sync(nc%ncid), '. [8] From oblimap_write_netcdf_fields(): while synchronizing the file: '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END SUBROUTINE oblimap_write_netcdf_fields SUBROUTINE oblimap_write_netcdf_1D_fields(nc, record_number, fields, time) ! This routine writes for a given record all the 1D fields. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: dp, C USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_put_var, nf90_sync IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type) , INTENT(IN) :: nc INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: record_number ! time record number REAL(dp), DIMENSION(nc%number_of_fields,nc%LEN_DIM(1)), INTENT(IN) :: fields REAL(dp) , INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: time ! Local variables: INTEGER :: field_counter ! The counter in the loop over the field numbers REAL(dp) :: written_time IF(PRESENT(time)) THEN written_time = time ELSE written_time = record_number END IF ! Put the time variables: IF(nc%include_time_dimension) THEN field_counter = 0 CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var( nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), written_time, start=(/ record_number/)), & '. [1] From oblimap_write_netcdf_1D_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END IF ! Put the other field variables: DO field_counter = 1, nc%number_of_fields IF(nc%include_time_dimension) THEN CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:), start=(/1, record_number/)), & '. [2] From oblimap_write_netcdf_1D_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) ELSE CALL handle_error(nf90_put_var(nc%ncid, nc%id(field_counter), fields(field_counter,:), start=(/1 /)), & '. [3] From oblimap_write_netcdf_1D_fields(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END IF END DO ! Synchronize the disk copy of a netcdf dataset: to minimize data loss in case of an abnormal termination: IF(C%synchronize_netcdf_writing) CALL handle_error(nf90_sync(nc%ncid), '. [4] From oblimap_write_netcdf_1D_fields(): while synchronizing the file: '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) END SUBROUTINE oblimap_write_netcdf_1D_fields SUBROUTINE handle_error(stat, message, message_counter) USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: C USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_noerr, nf90_strerror IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: stat CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: message INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: message_counter IF(stat /= nf90_noerr) THEN IF(PRESENT(message) .AND. PRESENT(message_counter)) THEN WRITE(UNIT=*,FMT='(4A, I3/, A/)') C%ERROR, ' netcdf failed because: ', TRIM(nf90_strerror(stat)), message, message_counter, ' The used config file is: '//TRIM(C%config_filename) ELSE IF(PRESENT(message)) THEN WRITE(UNIT=*,FMT='(4A/ , A/)') C%ERROR, ' netcdf failed because: ', TRIM(nf90_strerror(stat)), message , ' The used config file is: '//TRIM(C%config_filename) ELSE WRITE(UNIT=*,FMT='(3A/ , A/)') C%ERROR, ' netcdf failed because: ', TRIM(nf90_strerror(stat)) , ' The used config file is: '//TRIM(C%config_filename) END IF STOP END IF END SUBROUTINE handle_error SUBROUTINE check_file_existence(file_name) USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: C IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name ! Local variables: LOGICAL :: file_exists ! Continue or not if file exists: INQUIRE(EXIST = file_exists, FILE = file_name) IF(C%protect_file_overwriting .AND. file_exists) THEN WRITE(UNIT=*,FMT='(4A)') C%ERROR, ' The file "', TRIM(file_name), '" already exists! Remove it and run again!' STOP END IF END SUBROUTINE check_file_existence SUBROUTINE oblimap_close_netcdf_file(nc) USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_close IMPLICIT NONE ! In/Output variables: TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: nc ! Close netcdf file: CALL handle_error(nf90_close(nc%ncid), '. From oblimap_close_netcdf_file(): it concerns the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) DEALLOCATE(nc%ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields) DEALLOCATE(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field ) DEALLOCATE(nc%field_name ) DEALLOCATE(nc%field_unit ) DEALLOCATE(nc%field_longname ) DEALLOCATE(nc%id ) !DEALLOCATE(nc%type ) !DEALLOCATE(nc%case ) DEALLOCATE(nc%LEN_DIM ) !DEALLOCATE(nc%grid_size ) DEALLOCATE(nc%vertical_axis ) END SUBROUTINE oblimap_close_netcdf_file SUBROUTINE reduce_dummy_dimensions(file_name, number_of_fields, field_name, LEN_DIM_1, LEN_DIM_2) ! With this routine dummy dimensions which have size 1 are omitted by a call to nco command ncwa which ! does an dimension average over this dummy dimension. The ncwa omits a dimension with size 1. USE oblimap_configuration_module, ONLY: MND USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_inq_dimid, nf90_inquire_dimension IMPLICIT NONE ! Input variables: CHARACTER(LEN=*) , INTENT(IN) :: file_name ! The netcdf file name INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: number_of_fields ! Number of Fields CHARACTER(LEN=128), DIMENSION(MND:number_of_fields), INTENT(IN) :: field_name ! The netcdf field names in the netcdf file INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: LEN_DIM_1 ! Number of grid points in longitude direction INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: LEN_DIM_2 ! Number of grid points in latitude direction ! Local variables: INTEGER, PARAMETER :: first_dimension = MND INTEGER, PARAMETER :: last_dimension = -1 TYPE(oblimap_netcdf_file_type) :: nc INTEGER :: field_counter INTEGER , DIMENSION(first_dimension:last_dimension) :: size_of_dimensions ! The size of the dimensions LOGICAL :: ncwa_does_exist CHARACTER(LEN=256), DIMENSION(first_dimension:last_dimension) :: dimension_name ! The netcdf dimension name INTEGER :: first_dimension_to_loop INTEGER :: last_dimension_to_loop ncwa_does_exist = .FALSE. INQUIRE( file='/usr/bin/ncwa', EXIST=ncwa_does_exist) IF(.NOT. ncwa_does_exist) INQUIRE(file='/opt/local/bin/ncwa', EXIST=ncwa_does_exist) IF(ncwa_does_exist) THEN CALL oblimap_open_netcdf_file(file_name, number_of_fields, field_name, LEN_DIM_1, LEN_DIM_2, nc = nc) IF(ANY(nc%spatial_dimension_of_field(:) == 3)) THEN first_dimension_to_loop = first_dimension ELSE first_dimension_to_loop = first_dimension + 2 END IF IF(nc%include_time_dimension) THEN last_dimension_to_loop = last_dimension ELSE last_dimension_to_loop = last_dimension - 2 END IF DO field_counter = first_dimension_to_loop, last_dimension_to_loop, 2 CALL handle_error(nf90_inq_dimid(nc%ncid, nc%field_name(field_counter), nc%id(field_counter)), & '. [ 1] From reduce_dummy_dimensions(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)) CALL handle_error(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid = nc%ncid, dimid = nc%id(field_counter), name = dimension_name(field_counter), len = size_of_dimensions(field_counter)), & '. [ 2] From reduce_dummy_dimensions(): it concerns the field "'//TRIM(nc%field_name(field_counter))//'" in the file '//TRIM(nc%file_name)//', field number ', field_counter) END DO CALL oblimap_close_netcdf_file(nc) DO field_counter = first_dimension_to_loop, last_dimension_to_loop, 2 IF(size_of_dimensions(field_counter) == 1) THEN ! Omit the time dimension if it is only one record long: WRITE(UNIT=*, FMT='(/A)') ' Dimension reduction: The dimension '//TRIM(dimension_name(field_counter))//' is omitted by an external call to ncwa:' CALL SYSTEM('echo \ \ ncwa -Oh --average '//TRIM(dimension_name(field_counter))//' '//TRIM(file_name)//' '//TRIM(file_name)) CALL SYSTEM(' ncwa -Oh --average '//TRIM(dimension_name(field_counter))//' '//TRIM(file_name)//' '//TRIM(file_name)) END IF END DO END IF END SUBROUTINE reduce_dummy_dimensions END MODULE oblimap_read_and_write_module