In the configuration files (config files) several fortran NAMELIST-options can be specified. It is strongly recommended to use a config file and to specify all the config variables for your experiment. However, all config variables are initialised by a default value in the src/oblimap_configuration_module.f90 in case no config file is used or in case a config variable is omitted in the config file. Examples of config files can be found in the directory: config-files/oblimap/ Each config variable and its useful range is listed below. The Maximum Number of Fields (MNF) which can be mapped simultaneously is 100 by default, but can be raised to any positive integer in src/oblimap_configuration_module.f90 whereupon the OBLIMAP code has to be (re)compiled. The Maximum Number of Dimensions (MND) is a negative number to allocate space in these arrays for the names of the dimensions and the dimesion variables, it is currently set to -7. gcm_input_filename_config = any CHARACTER string (maximum of 256 characters) im_input_filename_config = any CHARACTER string (maximum of 256 characters) NLON_config = any positive INTEGER NLAT_config = any positive INTEGER NX_config = any positive INTEGER NY_config = any positive INTEGER dx_config = any positive REAL dy_config = any positive REAL choice_projection_method_config = 'oblique_stereographic_projection' 'oblique_stereographic_projection_snyder' 'oblique_stereographic_projection_ellipsoid_snyder' 'oblique_lambert_equal-area_projection_snyder' 'oblique_lambert_equal-area_projection_ellipsoid_snyder' 'rotation_projection' earth_radius_config = any positive REAL (meter) ellipsoid_semi_major_axis_config = any positive REAL (meter) ellipsoid_eccentricity_config = any REAL between 0 and 1 lambda_M_config = any REAL between 0 and 360 degrees phi_M_config = any REAL between -90 and 90 degrees alpha_stereographic_config = any REAL between 0 and 90 degrees theta_rotation_projection_config = any REAL between 0 and 360 degrees shift_x_coordinate_rotation_projection_config = any REAL (meter) shift_y_coordinate_rotation_projection_config = any REAL (meter) enable_shift_im_grid_config = TRUE or FALSE shift_x_coordinate_im_grid_config = any REAL (meter) shift_y_coordinate_im_grid_config = any REAL (meter) alternative_lambda_for_center_im_grid_config = any REAL (degrees) alternative_phi_for_center_im_grid_config = any REAL (degrees) unit_conversion_x_ax_config = any REAL unit_conversion_y_ax_config = any REAL use_prefabricated_im_grid_coordinates_config = TRUE or FALSE prefabricated_im_grid_filename_config = any CHARACTER string (maximum of 256 characters) scanning_mode_config = TRUE or FALSE level_of_automatic_oblimap_scanning_config = INTEGER in the range 0 to 5 data_set_is_cyclic_in_longitude_config = TRUE or FALSE choice_quadrant_method_config = TRUE or FALSE R_search_interpolation_config = any positive REAL (meter) scan_search_block_size_config = any INTEGER starting from -3 (where -3, -2 and -1 are special cases, -3 is default) scan_search_block_size_step_config = any positive INTEGER starting from 2 (with 2 the recommended default) vincenty_method_for_ellipsoid_config = TRUE or FALSE sid_filename_config = any CHARACTER string (maximum of 256 characters) backward_sid_filename_config = any CHARACTER string (maximum of 256 characters) oblimap_allocate_factor_config = any positive REAL oblimap_message_level_config = INTEGER in the range 1 to 3 suppress_check_on_scan_parameters_config = TRUE or FALSE nearest_point_assignment_config = TRUE or FALSE shepard_exponent_config = any positive REAL, usually 2 invalid_input_value_config = DIMENSION( 1:MNF): array with: any REAL invalid_output_value_config = DIMENSION( 1:MNF): array with: any REAL field_which_determines_invalid_value_mask_config = DIMENSION( 1:MNF): array with: any INTEGER (if > 1, the field is masked mapped) invalid_value_mask_criterion_config = DIMENSION( 1:MNF): array with: INTEGER in the range 1 to 2 gcm_record_range_config = DIMENSION(2): positive INTEGER's: format: starting desired record number, ending desired record number im_record_range_config = DIMENSION(2): positive INTEGER's: format: starting desired record number, ending desired record number number_of_vertical_layers_config = any positive INTEGER (default 1) number_of_mapped_fields_config = any positive INTEGER, i.e. up to MNF = 100, but MNF can be increased in oblimap_configuration_module.f90 ignore_reading_pre_mapped_fields_config = DIMENSION(MND:MNF): array with: TRUE or FALSE gcm_field_name_config = DIMENSION(MND:MNF): array with: any CHARACTER string (maximum of 128 characters) gcm_field_unit_config = DIMENSION(MND:MNF): array with: any CHARACTER string (maximum of 128 characters) gcm_field_longname_config = DIMENSION(MND:MNF): array with: any CHARACTER string (maximum of 256 characters) im_field_name_config = DIMENSION(MND:MNF): array with: any CHARACTER string (maximum of 128 characters) im_field_unit_config = DIMENSION(MND:MNF): array with: any CHARACTER string (maximum of 128 characters) im_field_longname_config = DIMENSION(MND:MNF): array with: any CHARACTER string (maximum of 256 characters) prefabricated_im_grid_field_name_config = DIMENSION(MND:MNF): array with: any CHARACTER string (maximum of 128 characters) field_factor_config = DIMENSION( 0:MNF): array with: any REAL field_shift_config = DIMENSION( 0:MNF): array with: any REAL gcm_created_filename_config = any CHARACTER string (maximum of 256 characters) im_created_filename_config = any CHARACTER string (maximum of 256 characters) reduce_dummy_dimensions_config = TRUE or FALSE use_double_instead_of_float_in_netcdf = TRUE or FALSE synchronize_netcdf_writing = TRUE or FALSE protect_file_overwriting_config = TRUE or FALSE enable_color_messaging_in_terminal = TRUE or FALSE The OBLIMAP User Guide provides a more extended description: Thomas Reerink October 2016