Compilation of the OBLIMAP 2.0 fortran source code: Check which fortran compiler you are using. The default Makefile.include in the Makefile is Makefile.gfortran However others can be included instead: Makefile.gfortran-mp-4.9-mac Makefile.gfortran-lisa Makefile.ifort-lisa Makefile.ftn-cca-ecmwf Makefile.ifort-stampede In the Makefile.* one should check the NETCDF path, in our default this is: NETCDF_DIR = /usr/local After these checks / adjustments you can compile the OBLIMAP source by cd src/ make all Default running should be done from the oblimap-package/ directory, for instance with: ./src/oblimap_gcm_to_im_program config-files/oblimap/ccsm-to-im/config_oblimap_ccsm_to_im_greenland And for the reverse direction with: ./src/oblimap_im_to_gcm_program config-files/oblimap/im-to-ccsm/config_oblimap_im_to_ccsm_greenland Or with the tiny script (which includes cpu profiling): ./oblimap-to-and-fro-mapping.csh The OBLIMAP User Guide provides a more extended description: Thomas Reerink October 2016