% Macro file for Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. % Adopted from document-style for journals published by Elsevier Science. % To be used with LaTeX version 2.09 of 14 January 1992 (or later) % % Version: 1.10 % Date: 13 February 1998 % % Copyright (C) 1998. All rights reserved. % % IMPORTANT NOTICE: % % You are not allowed to change this file. You may however copy this file % to a file with a different name and then change the copy. % % You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute this file alone. 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The final version will be published in} \centerline{\eightit Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science} \centerline{\eightit URL: {\eighttt www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs}}}} \pagestyle{headings} % THE NEXT LINES GIVE DEFINITIONS FOR THE THEOREM ENVIRONMENTS. % EACH IS VIEWED AS A theorem environment IN THE SENSE OF LaTeX. % THEIR NAMES ARE: Theorem, Proposition, Lemma, Corollary, Proposition, % Criterion, Definition, Conjecture, Example, Problem, Remark, % Summary, and Acknowledgement. ALSO INCLUDED WITHIN encs.sty ARE THE % ENVIRONMENTS Note, Claim and Case UNDER THEIR OWN NAMES, AND THE % ENVIRONMENT Algorithm UNDER THE NAME alg; FOR THIS USE % \begin{alg} text \end{alg}. % TYPE \begin{name} text \end{name} AS USUAL FOR ENVIRONMENTS IN LaTeX. % THE ENVIRONMENT name IS NUMBERED WITHIN section. E.G. THE FIRST 'Name' % IN SECTION 1 IS NUMBERED 'Name 1.1' \newenvironment{theorem}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{thm}}{\end{thm}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{lemma}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par \addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{lem}} {\end{lem}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{corollary}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par \addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{cor}}{\end{cor}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{proposition}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par \addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{prop}}{\end{prop}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{criterion}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par \addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc} \begin{crit}}{\end{crit}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{definition}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par \addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{defn}\rm}{\end{defn}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{conjecture}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par \addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{conj}}{\end{conj}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{example}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par \addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{exmp}\rm}{\end{exmp}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{problem}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par \addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{prob}}{\end{prob}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{remark}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par \addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{rem}\rm} {\end{rem}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{summary}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par \addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{summ}}{\end{summ}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{acknowledgement}{\vspace{-\lastskip}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}\begin{ack}}{\end{ack}\par\addvspace{.6pc plus .2pc minus .1pc}} \newenvironment{exercise}{\begin{trivlist}\item[\hskip% \labelsep{\bf Exercise.}]}% {\end{trivlist}} %% THE ENVIRONMENT \begin{proof} ... \end{proof} PRODUCES AN %% END-OF-PROOF SIGN. \newenvironment{proof}{\begin{pf}}{\qed\end{pf}} %% THE ENVIRONMENT \begin{proof*} ... \end{proof*} SUPPORTS ADDING %% INFORMATION SUCH AS 'Proof (Sketch)' AS THE LABEL FOR THE PROOF. \newenvironment{proof*}{\begin{pf*}}{\qed\end{pf*}} %% END OF `entcsmacro.sty'%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%