{- no Lexing done by Proxima no parsing done by Proxima no imports not supported by Proxima's subset of Helium no ResolveOperators Proxima does not fully support operators yet no typing strategies not that important for the editor no desugaring compile only until type checking no code generation compile only until type checking -} -- Daan: lvm export Set problem with ghci -- in order to get lvm files ["Prelude", "PreludePrim", "HeliumLang", "LvmLang", "LvmIO", "LvmException"] -- use helium on HeliumNt/lib/Prelude.hs for Prelude.lvm and coreasm on .core sources for the rest module CompileHelium (compileHelium) where import PhaseImport (phaseImport) import PhaseStaticChecks (phaseStaticChecks) import PhaseTypingStrategies (phaseTypingStrategies) import TypeInferencing (proximaTypeInferencing) import TypeErrors (TypeError) import StaticErrors (Error) import UHA_Syntax (Range) import Top.Types (TpScheme) import Args (Option(..)) import CompileUtils compileHelium :: Module -> Phase (Either Error TypeError) (TypeEnvironment, [(Range, TpScheme)]) compileHelium resolvedModule = do mapM_ (checkExistence myLvmPath) ["Prelude", "PreludePrim", "HeliumLang", "LvmLang", "LvmIO", "LvmException"] compile "Main" [DisableLogging, Overloading] myLvmPath resolvedModule compile :: String -> [Option] -> [String] -> Module -> Phase (Either Error TypeError) (TypeEnvironment, [(Range, TpScheme)]) compile fullName options lvmPath resolvedModule = do putStrLn ("Compiling " ++ fullName) -- Phase 3: Importing (_, importEnvs) <- phaseImport fullName resolvedModule lvmPath options -- Phase 5: Static checking phaseStaticChecks fullName resolvedModule importEnvs options ===> \(localEnv, typeSignatures, staticWarnings) -> do -- Phase 7: Type Inference Directives let combinedEnv = foldr combineImportEnvironments localEnv importEnvs (beforeTypeInferEnv, _) <- phaseTypingStrategies fullName combinedEnv typeSignatures options -- Phase 8: Type inferencing phaseProximaTypeInferencer resolvedModule beforeTypeInferEnv options ----------------------------------- -- Type inference phase for Proxima phaseProximaTypeInferencer :: Module -> ImportEnvironment -> [Option] -> Phase TypeError (TypeEnvironment, [(Range, TpScheme)]) phaseProximaTypeInferencer module_ completeEnv options = do enterNewPhase "Type inferencing" options -- 'W' and 'M' are predefined type inference algorithms let newOptions = (if AlgorithmW `elem` options then filter (/= NoSpreading) . ([TreeWalkInorderTopLastPost, SolverGreedy]++) else id) . (if AlgorithmM `elem` options then filter (/= NoSpreading) . ([TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPre, SolverGreedy]++) else id) $ options (typeErrors, warnings, toplevelTypes, allTypes) = proximaTypeInferencing newOptions completeEnv module_ case typeErrors of _:_ -> return (Left typeErrors) [] -> return (Right (toplevelTypes, allTypes)) myLvmPath :: [String] myLvmPath = ["lvm"]