name: HeliumEditor version: 0.1 cabal-version: >= 1.2 build-type: Custom license: AllRightsReserved copyright: (c) 2007 Martijn Schrage author: Martijn Schrage maintainer: stability: experimental homepage: package-url: synopsis: Proxima is a generic presentation-oriented structure editor. description: category: tested-with: GHC -any data-files: extra-source-files: src/proxima/src/Arrangement/ src/proxima/src/Layout/AlexTemplate-ghc src/proxima/src/Layout/ src/DocumentType.prx src/ src/ extra-tmp-files: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiation specific fields, do not edit above this line -- (except for the name, author, etc. fields) Executable HeliumEditor build-depends: directory -any hs-source-dirs: src -- needs to be here, because otherwise the Main from the helium source dirs is used. hs-source-dirs: src/helium/src/utils src/helium/src/parser src/helium/src/staticanalysis/miscellaneous src/helium/src/staticanalysis/inferencers src/helium/src/staticanalysis/directives src/helium/src/staticanalysis/staticchecks src/helium/src/staticanalysis/heuristics src/helium/src/staticanalysis/messages src/helium/src/syntax src/helium/src/codegeneration src/helium/src/main src/helium/src/modulesystem hs-source-dirs: src/lvm/src/lib/common src/lvm/src/lib/common/ghc src/lvm/src/lib/lvm src/lvm/src/lib/asm src/lvm/src/lib/core hs-source-dirs: src/Top/src -- do not edit below this line ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- build-depends: base >=4.0, haskell98 -any, syb -any, directory >=1.0, network >=2.0, parsec ==, time >=1.0, containers >=0.1, array >=0.1, xhtml >=2.0, mtl >=1.1, old-time -any, uulib, ghc-prim, old-locale, bytestring if flag(Gtk) build-depends: gtk >=0.9.11, cairo >= 0.9 else build-depends: HAppS-State >= 0.9.3, HAppS-Server >= 0.9.3 -- build-depends: salvia == 0.0.5, stm -any, fclabels -any cpp-options: -DSERVER main-is: Main.hs buildable: True cc-options: ld-options: frameworks: c-sources: extensions: extra-libraries: extra-lib-dirs: . includes: install-includes: include-dirs: hs-source-dirs: src/proxima/src src ghc-prof-options: ghc-options: -w -fglasgow-exts extensions: UndecidableInstances NoMonomorphismRestriction hugs-options: jhc-options: Flag Gtk Description: Compile Proxima as a server application with Gtk2Hs Default: False -- NOTE: After changing this flag, use clean to make sure that dependent modules are recompiled. -- Oddly enough, the -cpp option scans all sources but does not trigger this recompilation. -- (maybe a ghc bug?)