MODULE {TestTrans2} {demoSwf} {} INCLUDE "" WRAPPER SwfFile { import Data.Maybe import Text.Regex.TDFA } { demoSwf :: Options -> [SymbolTables] -> SwfFile -> SwfFile demoSwf opts tbls m = out where inh = Inh_SwfFile { opts_Inh_SwfFile = opts, tbls_Inh_SwfFile = tbls } sem = sem_SwfFile m syn = wrap_SwfFile sem inh out = output_Syn_SwfFile syn } SEM Instruction | Virtual -- | search mechanism in this implementation based on explicit name's lookup, it doesn't use QName datatype -- inst.inj1 : InjRoot -- inst.inj1 = @loc.runInject $ do -- let methodRef = Ref $ ctxMethodId $ ctxMethod @loc.ctxInfo -- let tbls = ctxTbls @loc.ctxInfo -- let sig = sigName $ lookupMethod methodRef tbls -- let methodName = case sig of -- Just a -> lookupString a tbls -- Nothing -> "###" -- when (@kind.self == VirtKind_BeginBody) $ do -- debug (ctxParents @loc.ctxInfo) -- when ((methodName =~ "(do)*(Trace)" :: Bool) && (@kind.self == VirtKind_BeginBody)) $ do -- str <- declString ("test!!!") -- l <- freshLabel -- callTrace str -- label l -- | alternative implementation the same idea as in previous code, that are commented -- inst.inj1 : InjRoot -- inst.inj1 = @loc.runInject $ do -- let nref = Ref $ ctxMethodId $ ctxMethod @loc.ctxInfo -- let tbls = ctxTbls @loc.ctxInfo -- let qname = showByteStr $ qName $ toQName tbls nref -- when (@kind.self == VirtKind_BeginBody) $ do -- debug nref -- when ((qname =~ "(do)*(Trace)" :: Bool) && (@kind.self == VirtKind_BeginBody)) $ do -- str <- declString ("test!!!") -- l <- freshLabel -- callTrace str -- label l inst.inj1 : InjRoot inst.inj1 = @loc.runInject $ do let (classRef, methodRef) = case ctxParents @loc.ctxInfo of CtxParentsCons (CtxTrait (CtxObjClass cls) (CtxObjMethod meth) _) CtxParentsNil -> (cls, meth) CtxParentsNil -> (Ref (-1), Ref (-1)) let (pack, cls) = case classRef of Ref (-1) -> (Nothing, Nothing) _ -> let qname = show $ toQName @lhs.tbls $ clName $ lookupClass classRef @lhs.tbls (pname', cname') = break (':'==) qname (pname, cname) = if null cname' then ("", pname') -- swap package and class names else (pname', tail cname') in (Just pname, Just cname) let meth = case methodRef of Ref (-1) -> Nothing _ -> case sigName $ lookupMethod methodRef @lhs.tbls of Just strRef -> Just $ lookupString strRef @lhs.tbls Nothing -> Nothing let ctxInstr = CtxInstr pack cls meth when (matchInstrPat ctxInstr defMethodInstrPat) $ do debug (pack, cls, meth) -- Using this instrumentation we can istert log function call at the beging body of all constructors. -- Also we can make given instrumentation more selective using patterns or explicitly passing list of classes (packages) -- we are interested in. -- inst.inj2: InjRoot -- inj.inj2 = @loc.runInject $ do { type Pattern = String -- type Pattern = RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption -- We can also use as the possible criterions for MethodInstrCons: contructor, trait qualifiers such as public, private, protected an so on data MethodInstrPat = MethodInstrPat { instrPackages :: Maybe [Pattern] , instrClasses :: Maybe [Pattern] , instrMethods :: Maybe [Pattern] } defMethodInstrPat :: MethodInstrPat defMethodInstrPat = MethodInstrPat { instrPackages = Nothing , instrClasses = Nothing , instrMethods = Nothing } data CtxInstr = CtxInstr { packName :: Maybe String , clsName :: Maybe String , methName :: Maybe String } matchInstrPat :: CtxInstr -> MethodInstrPat -> Bool matchInstrPat (CtxInstr pn cn mn) (MethodInstrPat ppn pcn pmn) = and $ map (\(t, ps) -> matchP t ps) matchingList where matchingList :: [(Maybe String, Maybe [Pattern])] matchingList = [ (pn, ppn) , (cn, pcn) , (mn, pmn) ] matchP :: Maybe String -> Maybe [Pattern] -> Bool matchP v ps = case v of Just v' -> case ps of Just ps' -> and $ map (\pat -> v' =~ pat :: Bool) ps' Nothing -> True Nothing -> case ps of Just ps' -> False Nothing -> False }