package Entities { import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; import serialize.*; public class GameSprite implements Serializable { //var prev_value:GameSprite = null; public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public var width:int; public var height:int; public var angle:Number; public var rotate_offset:Point; public var visible:Boolean; protected var image:BitmapData; public var image_sprite:Sprite; public var collis_points:Array; //public var serializer:Serializer = new GameSpriteSerializer(); public function GameSprite(x:Number, y:Number, width:int, height:int, angle:int=0) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.angle = angle; visible = true; collis_points = new Array( new Point(0, 0), new Point(width, 0), new Point(width, height), new Point(0, height) ); rotate_offset = new Point(0, 0); } public function Render():void { } public function Update():void { if (angle == 0) { collis_points = [ new Point(x, y), new Point(x+width, y), new Point(x+width, y+height), new Point(x, y+height) ]; } /* if (angle != 0) { //have to find the 4 corners of the collision box, and we'll subtract the rotate point so that the points will rotate around that instead of the top left/ origin var points:Array = [ new Point(0-rotate_offset.x, 0-rotate_offset.y), new Point(width-rotate_offset.x, 0-rotate_offset.y), new Point(width-rotate_offset.x, height-rotate_offset.y), new Point(0-rotate_offset.x, height-rotate_offset.y) ]; var points_trans:Array = new Array(); //using the formula: x' = x*cos(angle)-y*sin(angle); y' = x*sin(angle)+y*cos(angle) from: for (var i:int = 0; i < points.length;i++ ) { var x_trans:Number = points[i].x * Math.cos(angle) - points[i].y * Math.sin(angle); var y_trans:Number = points[i].x * Math.sin(angle) + points[i].y * Math.cos(angle); //have to add back in the location of the ship, and add back in the rotational offset from having to take it away earlier points_trans.push(new Point(x_trans+x+rotate_offset.x, y_trans+y+rotate_offset.y)); } collis_points = points_trans; } else { collis_points = [ new Point(x, y), new Point(x+width, y), new Point(x+width, y+height), new Point(x, y+height), ]; }*/ } public function CheckIfInNonRotatedRect(obj2:GameSprite):Boolean { //we'll make sure that this object is a rentangle with no angle var intersecting:Boolean = false; if (obj2.angle == 0) { //first we check the top left point if (x >= obj2.x && x <= obj2.x + obj2.width) if (y >= obj2.y && y <= obj2.y + obj2.height) return true; //now we'll check the top right point if (x+width >= obj2.x && x+width <= obj2.x + obj2.width) if (y >= obj2.y && y <= obj2.y + obj2.height) return true; //now we check the bottom right point if (x+width >= obj2.x && x+width <= obj2.x + obj2.width) if (y+height >= obj2.y && y+height <= obj2.y + obj2.height) return true; //And check the bottom left point if (x >= obj2.x && x <= obj2.x + obj2.width) if (y+height >= obj2.y && y+height <= obj2.y + obj2.height) return true; } return intersecting; } /*public function CheckRectIntersect(obj2:GameSprite):Boolean { var answer:Boolean = false; // //we'll check if the object is intersecting the current object using the seperating axis theorem //first we need to get the vectors of the points making up the object- and performing rotations to find where the points are //first step is we get all the edges by using the formula: edge = v(n) - v(n-1) var edges1:Array = new Array(); for (var i:int = 0; i < collis_points.length; i++) { if(i!=collis_points.length-1) edges1.push(new Point(collis_points[i + 1].x - collis_points[i].x, collis_points[i + 1].y - collis_points[i].y)); else edges1.push(new Point(collis_points[0].x - collis_points[i].x, collis_points[0].y - collis_points[i].y)); } var edges2:Array = new Array(); for (var j:int = 0; j < obj2.collis_points.length; j++) { if(j!=obj2.collis_points.length-1) edges1.push(new Point(obj2.collis_points[j + 1].x - obj2.collis_points[j].x, obj2.collis_points[j + 1].y - obj2.collis_points[j].y)); else edges1.push(new Point(obj2.collis_points[0].x - obj2.collis_points[j].x, obj2.collis_points[0].y - obj2.collis_points[j].y)); } //now we find the perpendicular of these edges using: //rotated.x = -unrotated.y; rotated.y = unrotated.x var rotated1:Array = new Array(); for (var k:int; k < edges1.length; k++) rotated1.push( -edges1[k].y, edges1[k].x); var rotated2:Array = new Array(); for (var m:int; m < edges2.length; m++) rotated2.push( -edges2[m].y, edges2[m].x); //need to finish- now we need to do dot product to see what sign is on object return answer; }*/ public function serializeSelf(serializer:Serializer) : void { serializer.beginObject(this, "GameSprite"); serializer.storeField(new QName("x"), x); serializer.storeField(new QName("y"), y); serializer.storeField(new QName("angle"), angle); serializer.endObject(); } } }