package { import eu.fittest.Logging.*; import eu.fittest.Logging.ISerialization.*; import eu.fittest.Logging.Serialization.*; import eu.fittest.actionscript.automation.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import mx.controls.*; import mx.core.*; import*; /** * This is an example of a Setup class used to setup the logger for * a given target App. The setting up is split in two phases: * *
  1. In the init function. This has to be done BEFORE the target * app is fully built. So, it has to be inserted as a Mixin.
  2. * *
  3. In the function setup. This has to be done AFTER the target * app is fully built. This function can be called by the App itself, * by setting it as a handler of App-complete event. *
  4. * */ /* The mixin tag ensures that the static init() method is called at application load time. */ [Mixin] public class LoggerSetup { /** * A helper function to leave out debug trace for this class. */ private static function xtrace(s:String) : void { trace(s) ; } /** * This function registers a number of automation delegates. * These delegates must monitor relevant events on certain * GUI elements, and report them to the logger. However, * it is necessary to register these delegates BEFORE the * application is deployed/built. Therefore, it has to be * inserted as a mixin. */ public static function init(top : DisplayObject):void { xtrace("** Entering init of LoggingSetup...") ; registerAutomationDelegates(top) ; // the following will kick in the setting up of the logger, // once the completely build (it will fire on the event // APPLICATION_COMPLETE, to which we will reach on. //top.addEventListener(FlexEvent.APPLICATION_COMPLETE,setup) ; } /** * Holding the logger. */ private static var logger : ByteArrayLogger ; /** * Access to the logger hold in this class. */ public static function getLogger() : ByteArrayLogger { if (logger==null) { var minLoggingLevel : int = 3 ; logger = new ByteArrayLogger(minLoggingLevel) ; } return logger ; } /** * The second setup phase. There are two ways to kick in this * function: * *
    1. Make it so that the static init function of this class add this * function as the listener of the FlexEvent.APPLICATION_COMPLETE event.
    2. * *
    3. The application can do it, by setting its applicationComplete * attribute.
    4. * *
    * * The event parameter is here not used. * */ public static function setup(evt:Event) : void { xtrace("** APP COMPLETE..") ; registerSerializationDelegates() ; // create a logger, and enable it: getLogger().resume() ; // set the logger in GCDLogged to be equal to the above logger: GCDLogged.logger = getLogger() ; xtrace("** Hooking the logger to flash event system..") ; Automation.instance.addEventListener( RecordEvent.RECORD, function (evt:Event):void { xtrace("** Recording event...") ; logger.logLEvent(5,getAppAbstractState(),evt) ; var app:* = mx.core.FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication; app.output.text = "" + logger.getResult() ; } ); // Turn on automation to start monitoring events: Automation.instance.startRecording() ; } /** * To register relevant automation-delegates. */ public static function registerAutomationDelegates(top : DisplayObject) : void { var delegates : Array = [ ButtonDelegate, ButtonBarDelegate, ComboBoxDelegate, LabelDelegate, UITextFieldDelegate ] ; xtrace("** #automation delegates = " + delegates.length) ; for (var i:uint=0; i