#ifndef I_GAME_H #define I_GAME_H namespace Tmpl8 { #define MAXP1 80 // increase to test your optimized code #define MAXP2 (4 * MAXP1) // because the player is smarter than the AI #define MAXBULLET 200 class Smoke { public: struct Puff { int x, y, vy, life; }; Smoke() : active( false ), frame( 0 ) {}; void Tick(); Puff puff[8]; bool active; int frame, xpos, ypos; }; class Tank { public: enum { ACTIVE = 1, P1 = 2, P2 = 4 }; Tank() : pos( vec2( 0, 0 ) ), speed( vec2( 0, 0 ) ), target( vec2( 0, 0 ) ), reloading( 0 ) {}; ~Tank(); void Fire( unsigned int party, vec2& pos, vec2& dir ); void Tick(); vec2 pos, speed, target; float maxspeed; int flags, reloading; Smoke smoke; }; class Bullet { public: enum { ACTIVE = 1, P1 = 2, P2 = 4 }; Bullet() : flags( 0 ) {}; void Tick(); vec2 pos, speed; int flags; }; class Surface; class Surface8; class Sprite; class Game { public: void SetTarget( Surface* a_Surface ) { m_Surface = a_Surface; } void MouseMove( int x, int y ) { m_MouseX = x; m_MouseY = y; } void MouseButton( bool b ) { m_LButton = b; } void Init(); void UpdateTanks(); void UpdateBullets(); void DrawTanks(); void PlayerInput(); void Tick( float a_DT ); Surface* m_Surface, *m_Backdrop, *m_Heights, *m_Grid; Sprite* m_P1Sprite, *m_P2Sprite, *m_PXSprite, *m_Smoke; int m_ActiveP1, m_ActiveP2; int m_MouseX, m_MouseY, m_DStartX, m_DStartY, m_DFrames; bool m_LButton, m_PrevButton; Tank** m_Tank; }; }; // namespace Templ8 #endif