/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// OpenGL Mathematics (glm.g-truc.net) /// /// Copyright (c) 2005 - 2014 G-Truc Creation (www.g-truc.net) /// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy /// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal /// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights /// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell /// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is /// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: /// /// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in /// all copies or substantial portions of the Software. /// /// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR /// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, /// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE /// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER /// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, /// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN /// THE SOFTWARE. /// /// @ref gtc_matrix_transform /// @file glm/gtc/matrix_transform.inl /// @date 2009-04-29 / 2011-06-15 /// @author Christophe Riccio /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "../geometric.hpp" #include "../trigonometric.hpp" #include "../matrix.hpp" namespace glm { template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 translate ( detail::tmat4x4 const & m, detail::tvec3 const & v ) { detail::tmat4x4 Result(m); Result[3] = m[0] * v[0] + m[1] * v[1] + m[2] * v[2] + m[3]; return Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 rotate ( detail::tmat4x4 const & m, T const & angle, detail::tvec3 const & v ) { #ifdef GLM_FORCE_RADIANS T a = angle; #else # pragma message("GLM: rotate function taking degrees as a parameter is deprecated. #define GLM_FORCE_RADIANS before including GLM headers to remove this message.") T a = radians(angle); #endif T c = cos(a); T s = sin(a); detail::tvec3 axis(normalize(v)); detail::tvec3 temp((T(1) - c) * axis); detail::tmat4x4 Rotate(detail::tmat4x4::_null); Rotate[0][0] = c + temp[0] * axis[0]; Rotate[0][1] = 0 + temp[0] * axis[1] + s * axis[2]; Rotate[0][2] = 0 + temp[0] * axis[2] - s * axis[1]; Rotate[1][0] = 0 + temp[1] * axis[0] - s * axis[2]; Rotate[1][1] = c + temp[1] * axis[1]; Rotate[1][2] = 0 + temp[1] * axis[2] + s * axis[0]; Rotate[2][0] = 0 + temp[2] * axis[0] + s * axis[1]; Rotate[2][1] = 0 + temp[2] * axis[1] - s * axis[0]; Rotate[2][2] = c + temp[2] * axis[2]; detail::tmat4x4 Result(detail::tmat4x4::_null); Result[0] = m[0] * Rotate[0][0] + m[1] * Rotate[0][1] + m[2] * Rotate[0][2]; Result[1] = m[0] * Rotate[1][0] + m[1] * Rotate[1][1] + m[2] * Rotate[1][2]; Result[2] = m[0] * Rotate[2][0] + m[1] * Rotate[2][1] + m[2] * Rotate[2][2]; Result[3] = m[3]; return Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 rotate_slow ( detail::tmat4x4 const & m, T const & angle, detail::tvec3 const & v ) { #ifdef GLM_FORCE_RADIANS T const a = angle; #else # pragma message("GLM: rotate_slow function taking degrees as a parameter is deprecated. #define GLM_FORCE_RADIANS before including GLM headers to remove this message.") T const a = radians(angle); #endif T c = cos(a); T s = sin(a); detail::tmat4x4 Result; detail::tvec3 axis = normalize(v); Result[0][0] = c + (1 - c) * axis.x * axis.x; Result[0][1] = (1 - c) * axis.x * axis.y + s * axis.z; Result[0][2] = (1 - c) * axis.x * axis.z - s * axis.y; Result[0][3] = 0; Result[1][0] = (1 - c) * axis.y * axis.x - s * axis.z; Result[1][1] = c + (1 - c) * axis.y * axis.y; Result[1][2] = (1 - c) * axis.y * axis.z + s * axis.x; Result[1][3] = 0; Result[2][0] = (1 - c) * axis.z * axis.x + s * axis.y; Result[2][1] = (1 - c) * axis.z * axis.y - s * axis.x; Result[2][2] = c + (1 - c) * axis.z * axis.z; Result[2][3] = 0; Result[3] = detail::tvec4(0, 0, 0, 1); return m * Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 scale ( detail::tmat4x4 const & m, detail::tvec3 const & v ) { detail::tmat4x4 Result(detail::tmat4x4::_null); Result[0] = m[0] * v[0]; Result[1] = m[1] * v[1]; Result[2] = m[2] * v[2]; Result[3] = m[3]; return Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 scale_slow ( detail::tmat4x4 const & m, detail::tvec3 const & v ) { detail::tmat4x4 Result(T(1)); Result[0][0] = v.x; Result[1][1] = v.y; Result[2][2] = v.z; return m * Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 ortho ( T const & left, T const & right, T const & bottom, T const & top, T const & zNear, T const & zFar ) { detail::tmat4x4 Result(1); Result[0][0] = static_cast(2) / (right - left); Result[1][1] = static_cast(2) / (top - bottom); Result[2][2] = - T(2) / (zFar - zNear); Result[3][0] = - (right + left) / (right - left); Result[3][1] = - (top + bottom) / (top - bottom); Result[3][2] = - (zFar + zNear) / (zFar - zNear); return Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 ortho ( T const & left, T const & right, T const & bottom, T const & top ) { detail::tmat4x4 Result(1); Result[0][0] = static_cast(2) / (right - left); Result[1][1] = static_cast(2) / (top - bottom); Result[2][2] = - T(1); Result[3][0] = - (right + left) / (right - left); Result[3][1] = - (top + bottom) / (top - bottom); return Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 frustum ( T const & left, T const & right, T const & bottom, T const & top, T const & nearVal, T const & farVal ) { detail::tmat4x4 Result(0); Result[0][0] = (static_cast(2) * nearVal) / (right - left); Result[1][1] = (static_cast(2) * nearVal) / (top - bottom); Result[2][0] = (right + left) / (right - left); Result[2][1] = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom); Result[2][2] = -(farVal + nearVal) / (farVal - nearVal); Result[2][3] = static_cast(-1); Result[3][2] = -(static_cast(2) * farVal * nearVal) / (farVal - nearVal); return Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 perspective ( T const & fovy, T const & aspect, T const & zNear, T const & zFar ) { assert(aspect != static_cast(0)); assert(zFar != zNear); #ifdef GLM_FORCE_RADIANS T const rad = fovy; #else # pragma message("GLM: perspective function taking degrees as a parameter is deprecated. #define GLM_FORCE_RADIANS before including GLM headers to remove this message.") T const rad = glm::radians(fovy); #endif T tanHalfFovy = tan(rad / static_cast(2)); detail::tmat4x4 Result(static_cast(0)); Result[0][0] = static_cast(1) / (aspect * tanHalfFovy); Result[1][1] = static_cast(1) / (tanHalfFovy); Result[2][2] = - (zFar + zNear) / (zFar - zNear); Result[2][3] = - static_cast(1); Result[3][2] = - (static_cast(2) * zFar * zNear) / (zFar - zNear); return Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 perspectiveFov ( T const & fov, T const & width, T const & height, T const & zNear, T const & zFar ) { assert(width > static_cast(0)); assert(height > static_cast(0)); assert(fov > static_cast(0)); #ifdef GLM_FORCE_RADIANS T rad = fov; #else # pragma message("GLM: perspectiveFov function taking degrees as a parameter is deprecated. #define GLM_FORCE_RADIANS before including GLM headers to remove this message.") T rad = glm::radians(fov); #endif T h = glm::cos(static_cast(0.5) * rad) / glm::sin(static_cast(0.5) * rad); T w = h * height / width; ///todo max(width , Height) / min(width , Height)? detail::tmat4x4 Result(static_cast(0)); Result[0][0] = w; Result[1][1] = h; Result[2][2] = - (zFar + zNear) / (zFar - zNear); Result[2][3] = - static_cast(1); Result[3][2] = - (static_cast(2) * zFar * zNear) / (zFar - zNear); return Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 infinitePerspective ( T fovy, T aspect, T zNear ) { #ifdef GLM_FORCE_RADIANS T const range = tan(fovy / T(2)) * zNear; #else # pragma message("GLM: infinitePerspective function taking degrees as a parameter is deprecated. #define GLM_FORCE_RADIANS before including GLM headers to remove this message.") T const range = tan(radians(fovy / T(2))) * zNear; #endif T left = -range * aspect; T right = range * aspect; T bottom = -range; T top = range; detail::tmat4x4 Result(T(0)); Result[0][0] = (T(2) * zNear) / (right - left); Result[1][1] = (T(2) * zNear) / (top - bottom); Result[2][2] = - T(1); Result[2][3] = - T(1); Result[3][2] = - T(2) * zNear; return Result; } // Infinite projection matrix: http://www.terathon.com/gdc07_lengyel.pdf template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 tweakedInfinitePerspective ( T fovy, T aspect, T zNear, T ep ) { #ifdef GLM_FORCE_RADIANS T range = tan(fovy / T(2)) * zNear; #else # pragma message("GLM: tweakedInfinitePerspective function taking degrees as a parameter is deprecated. #define GLM_FORCE_RADIANS before including GLM headers to remove this message.") T range = tan(radians(fovy / T(2))) * zNear; #endif T left = -range * aspect; T right = range * aspect; T bottom = -range; T top = range; detail::tmat4x4 Result(T(0)); Result[0][0] = (static_cast(2) * zNear) / (right - left); Result[1][1] = (static_cast(2) * zNear) / (top - bottom); Result[2][2] = ep - static_cast(1); Result[2][3] = static_cast(-1); Result[3][2] = (ep - static_cast(2)) * zNear; return Result; } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 tweakedInfinitePerspective ( T fovy, T aspect, T zNear ) { return tweakedInfinitePerspective(fovy, aspect, zNear, epsilon()); } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tvec3 project ( detail::tvec3 const & obj, detail::tmat4x4 const & model, detail::tmat4x4 const & proj, detail::tvec4 const & viewport ) { detail::tvec4 tmp = detail::tvec4(obj, T(1)); tmp = model * tmp; tmp = proj * tmp; tmp /= tmp.w; tmp = tmp * T(0.5) + T(0.5); tmp[0] = tmp[0] * T(viewport[2]) + T(viewport[0]); tmp[1] = tmp[1] * T(viewport[3]) + T(viewport[1]); return detail::tvec3(tmp); } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tvec3 unProject ( detail::tvec3 const & win, detail::tmat4x4 const & model, detail::tmat4x4 const & proj, detail::tvec4 const & viewport ) { detail::tmat4x4 Inverse = inverse(proj * model); detail::tvec4 tmp = detail::tvec4(win, T(1)); tmp.x = (tmp.x - T(viewport[0])) / T(viewport[2]); tmp.y = (tmp.y - T(viewport[1])) / T(viewport[3]); tmp = tmp * T(2) - T(1); detail::tvec4 obj = Inverse * tmp; obj /= obj.w; return detail::tvec3(obj); } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 pickMatrix ( detail::tvec2 const & center, detail::tvec2 const & delta, detail::tvec4 const & viewport ) { assert(delta.x > T(0) && delta.y > T(0)); detail::tmat4x4 Result(1.0f); if(!(delta.x > T(0) && delta.y > T(0))) return Result; // Error detail::tvec3 Temp( (T(viewport[2]) - T(2) * (center.x - T(viewport[0]))) / delta.x, (T(viewport[3]) - T(2) * (center.y - T(viewport[1]))) / delta.y, T(0)); // Translate and scale the picked region to the entire window Result = translate(Result, Temp); return scale(Result, detail::tvec3(T(viewport[2]) / delta.x, T(viewport[3]) / delta.y, T(1))); } template GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER detail::tmat4x4 lookAt ( detail::tvec3 const & eye, detail::tvec3 const & center, detail::tvec3 const & up ) { detail::tvec3 f(normalize(center - eye)); detail::tvec3 s(normalize(cross(f, up))); detail::tvec3 u(cross(s, f)); detail::tmat4x4 Result(1); Result[0][0] = s.x; Result[1][0] = s.y; Result[2][0] = s.z; Result[0][1] = u.x; Result[1][1] = u.y; Result[2][1] = u.z; Result[0][2] =-f.x; Result[1][2] =-f.y; Result[2][2] =-f.z; Result[3][0] =-dot(s, eye); Result[3][1] =-dot(u, eye); Result[3][2] = dot(f, eye); return Result; } }//namespace glm