/* Copyright (C) 2015 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see .
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "simulation2/system/Component.h"
#include "ICmpUnitMotion.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpObstruction.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpObstructionManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpOwnership.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpPosition.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpPathfinder.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpRangeManager.h"
#include "simulation2/components/ICmpValueModificationManager.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Geometry.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Render.h"
#include "simulation2/MessageTypes.h"
#include "simulation2/serialization/SerializeTemplates.h"
#include "graphics/Overlay.h"
#include "graphics/Terrain.h"
#include "maths/FixedVector2D.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "renderer/Scene.h"
// For debugging; units will start going straight to the target
// instead of calling the pathfinder
* When advancing along the long path, and picking a new waypoint to move
* towards, we'll pick one that's up to this far from the unit's current
* position (to minimise the effects of grid-constrained movement)
static const entity_pos_t WAYPOINT_ADVANCE_MAX = entity_pos_t::FromInt(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE*8);
* Maximum range to restrict short path queries to. (Larger ranges are slower,
* smaller ranges might miss some legitimate routes around large obstacles.)
static const entity_pos_t SHORT_PATH_SEARCH_RANGE = entity_pos_t::FromInt(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE*6);
* When short-pathing to an intermediate waypoint, we aim for a circle of this radius
* around the waypoint rather than expecting to reach precisely the waypoint itself
* (since it might be inside an obstacle).
static const entity_pos_t SHORT_PATH_GOAL_RADIUS = entity_pos_t::FromInt(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE*3/2);
* If we are this close to our target entity/point, then think about heading
* for it in a straight line instead of pathfinding.
static const entity_pos_t DIRECT_PATH_RANGE = entity_pos_t::FromInt(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE*4);
* If we're following a target entity,
* we will recompute our path if the target has moved
* more than this distance from where we last pathed to.
static const entity_pos_t CHECK_TARGET_MOVEMENT_MIN_DELTA = entity_pos_t::FromInt(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE*4);
* If we're following as part of a formation,
* but can't move to our assigned target point in a straight line,
* we will recompute our path if the target has moved
* more than this distance from where we last pathed to.
static const entity_pos_t CHECK_TARGET_MOVEMENT_MIN_DELTA_FORMATION = entity_pos_t::FromInt(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE*1);
* If we're following something but it's more than this distance away along
* our path, then don't bother trying to repath regardless of how much it has
* moved, until we get this close to the end of our old path.
static const entity_pos_t CHECK_TARGET_MOVEMENT_AT_MAX_DIST = entity_pos_t::FromInt(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE*16);
* If we're following something and the angle between the (straight-line) directions to its previous target
* position and its present target position is greater than a given angle, recompute the path even far away
* (i.e. even if CHECK_TARGET_MOVEMENT_AT_MAX_DIST condition is not fulfilled). The actual check is done
* on the cosine of this angle, with a PI/6 angle.
static const fixed CHECK_TARGET_MOVEMENT_MIN_COS = fixed::FromInt(866)/1000;
static const CColor OVERLAY_COLOR_LONG_PATH(1, 1, 1, 1);
static const CColor OVERLAY_COLOR_SHORT_PATH(1, 0, 0, 1);
struct SUnitMotionPlanning
WaypointPath nextStepShortPath; // if !nextStepClean, store a short path for the next step here
u32 expectedPathTicket;
bool nextStepClean; // is there any obstruction between the next two long waypoints?
SUnitMotionPlanning() : expectedPathTicket(0), nextStepClean(true) {}
* Serialization helper template for SUnitMotionPlanning
struct SerializeUnitMotionPlanning
void operator()(S& serialize, const char* UNUSED(name), SUnitMotionPlanning& value)
SerializeVector()(serialize, "next step short path", value.nextStepShortPath.m_Waypoints);
serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("expected path ticket", value.expectedPathTicket);
serialize.Bool("next step clean", value.nextStepClean);
class CCmpUnitMotion : public ICmpUnitMotion
static void ClassInit(CComponentManager& componentManager)
bool m_DebugOverlayEnabled;
std::vector m_DebugOverlayLongPathLines;
std::vector m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines;
// Template state:
bool m_FormationController;
fixed m_WalkSpeed, m_OriginalWalkSpeed; // in metres per second
fixed m_RunSpeed, m_OriginalRunSpeed;
pass_class_t m_PassClass;
std::string m_PassClassName;
// Dynamic state:
entity_pos_t m_Clearance;
bool m_Moving;
bool m_FacePointAfterMove;
enum State
* Not moving at all.
* Not moving at all. Will go to IDLE next turn.
* (This one-turn delay is a hack to fix animation timings.)
* Member of a formation.
* Pathing to the target (depending on m_PathState).
* Target is m_TargetEntity plus m_TargetOffset.
* Individual unit or formation controller.
* Pathing to the target (depending on m_PathState).
* Target is m_TargetPos, m_TargetMinRange, m_TargetMaxRange;
* if m_TargetEntity is not INVALID_ENTITY then m_TargetPos is tracking it.
u8 m_State;
enum PathState
* There is no path.
* (This should only happen in IDLE and STOPPING.)
* We have an outstanding long path request.
* No paths are usable yet, so we can't move anywhere.
* We have an outstanding short path request.
* m_LongPath is valid.
* m_ShortPath is not yet valid, so we can't move anywhere.
* We are following our path, and have no path requests.
* m_LongPath and m_ShortPath are valid.
* We are following our path, and have an outstanding long path request.
* (This is because our target moved a long way and we need to recompute
* the whole path).
* m_LongPath and m_ShortPath are valid.
* We are following our path, and have an outstanding short path request.
* (This is because our target moved and we've got a new long path
* which we need to follow).
* m_LongPath is valid; m_ShortPath is valid but obsolete.
u8 m_PathState;
u32 m_ExpectedPathTicket; // asynchronous request ID we're waiting for, or 0 if none
entity_id_t m_TargetEntity;
CFixedVector2D m_TargetPos;
CFixedVector2D m_TargetOffset;
entity_pos_t m_TargetMinRange;
entity_pos_t m_TargetMaxRange;
fixed m_Speed;
// Current mean speed (over the last turn).
fixed m_CurSpeed;
// Currently active paths (storing waypoints in reverse order).
// The last item in each path is the point we're currently heading towards.
WaypointPath m_LongPath;
WaypointPath m_ShortPath;
// When the passability map has changed, we cannot fully trust the path computed by the
// pathfinder before that change.
bool m_PassabilityMapChangedRecently;
// Motion planning
SUnitMotionPlanning m_Planning;
PathGoal m_FinalGoal;
static std::string GetSchema()
"Provides the unit with the ability to move around the world by itself."
* TODO: the running/charging thing needs to be designed and implemented
virtual void Init(const CParamNode& paramNode)
m_FormationController = paramNode.GetChild("FormationController").ToBool();
m_Moving = false;
m_FacePointAfterMove = true;
m_WalkSpeed = m_OriginalWalkSpeed = paramNode.GetChild("WalkSpeed").ToFixed();
m_Speed = m_WalkSpeed;
m_CurSpeed = fixed::Zero();
if (paramNode.GetChild("Run").IsOk())
m_RunSpeed = m_OriginalRunSpeed = paramNode.GetChild("Run").GetChild("Speed").ToFixed();
m_RunSpeed = m_OriginalRunSpeed = m_WalkSpeed;
CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity());
if (cmpPathfinder)
m_PassClassName = paramNode.GetChild("PassabilityClass").ToUTF8();
m_PassClass = cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityClass(m_PassClassName);
m_Clearance = cmpPathfinder->GetClearance(m_PassClass);
CmpPtr cmpObstruction(GetEntityHandle());
if (cmpObstruction)
m_State = STATE_IDLE;
m_ExpectedPathTicket = 0;
m_PassabilityMapChangedRecently = false;
m_TargetEntity = INVALID_ENTITY;
m_FinalGoal.type = PathGoal::POINT;
m_DebugOverlayEnabled = false;
virtual void Deinit()
void SerializeCommon(S& serialize)
serialize.NumberU8("state", m_State, 0, STATE_MAX-1);
serialize.NumberU8("path state", m_PathState, 0, PATHSTATE_MAX-1);
serialize.StringASCII("pass class", m_PassClassName, 0, 64);
serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("ticket", m_ExpectedPathTicket);
serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("target entity", m_TargetEntity);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("target pos x", m_TargetPos.X);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("target pos y", m_TargetPos.Y);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("target offset x", m_TargetOffset.X);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("target offset y", m_TargetOffset.Y);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("target min range", m_TargetMinRange);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("target max range", m_TargetMaxRange);
serialize.NumberFixed_Unbounded("speed", m_Speed);
serialize.Bool("moving", m_Moving);
serialize.Bool("facePointAfterMove", m_FacePointAfterMove);
SerializeVector()(serialize, "long path", m_LongPath.m_Waypoints);
SerializeVector()(serialize, "short path", m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints);
serialize.Bool("passability map changed recently", m_PassabilityMapChangedRecently);
SerializeUnitMotionPlanning()(serialize, "planning", m_Planning);
SerializeGoal()(serialize, "goal", m_FinalGoal);
virtual void Serialize(ISerializer& serialize)
virtual void Deserialize(const CParamNode& paramNode, IDeserializer& deserialize)
CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity());
if (cmpPathfinder)
m_PassClass = cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityClass(m_PassClassName);
virtual void HandleMessage(const CMessage& msg, bool UNUSED(global))
switch (msg.GetType())
case MT_Update_MotionFormation:
if (m_FormationController)
fixed dt = static_cast (msg).turnLength;
case MT_Update_MotionUnit:
if (!m_FormationController)
fixed dt = static_cast (msg).turnLength;
case MT_RenderSubmit:
const CMessageRenderSubmit& msgData = static_cast (msg);
case MT_PathResult:
const CMessagePathResult& msgData = static_cast (msg);
PathResult(msgData.ticket, msgData.path);
case MT_ValueModification:
const CMessageValueModification& msgData = static_cast (msg);
if (msgData.component != L"UnitMotion")
// fall-through
case MT_Deserialized:
CmpPtr cmpValueModificationManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpValueModificationManager)
fixed newWalkSpeed = cmpValueModificationManager->ApplyModifications(L"UnitMotion/WalkSpeed", m_OriginalWalkSpeed, GetEntityId());
fixed newRunSpeed = cmpValueModificationManager->ApplyModifications(L"UnitMotion/Run/Speed", m_OriginalRunSpeed, GetEntityId());
// update m_Speed (the actual speed) if set to one of the variables
if (m_Speed == m_WalkSpeed)
m_Speed = newWalkSpeed;
else if (m_Speed == m_RunSpeed)
m_Speed = newRunSpeed;
m_WalkSpeed = newWalkSpeed;
m_RunSpeed = newRunSpeed;
case MT_PassabilityMapChanged:
m_PassabilityMapChangedRecently = true;
void UpdateMessageSubscriptions()
bool needRender = m_DebugOverlayEnabled;
GetSimContext().GetComponentManager().DynamicSubscriptionNonsync(MT_RenderSubmit, this, needRender);
virtual bool IsMoving()
return m_Moving;
virtual fixed GetWalkSpeed()
return m_WalkSpeed;
virtual fixed GetRunSpeed()
return m_RunSpeed;
virtual pass_class_t GetPassabilityClass()
return m_PassClass;
virtual std::string GetPassabilityClassName()
return m_PassClassName;
virtual void SetPassabilityClassName(std::string passClassName)
m_PassClassName = passClassName;
CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity());
if (cmpPathfinder)
m_PassClass = cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityClass(passClassName);
virtual fixed GetCurrentSpeed()
return m_CurSpeed;
virtual void SetSpeed(fixed speed)
m_Speed = speed;
virtual void SetFacePointAfterMove(bool facePointAfterMove)
m_FacePointAfterMove = facePointAfterMove;
virtual void SetDebugOverlay(bool enabled)
m_DebugOverlayEnabled = enabled;
virtual bool MoveToPointRange(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange);
virtual bool IsInPointRange(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange);
virtual bool MoveToTargetRange(entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange);
virtual bool IsInTargetRange(entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange);
virtual void MoveToFormationOffset(entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z);
virtual void FaceTowardsPoint(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z);
virtual void StopMoving()
m_Moving = false;
m_ExpectedPathTicket = 0;
virtual entity_pos_t GetUnitClearance()
return m_Clearance;
bool ShouldAvoidMovingUnits() const
return !m_FormationController;
bool IsFormationMember() const
bool HasValidPath() const
return m_PathState == PATHSTATE_FOLLOWING
void StartFailed()
m_State = STATE_IDLE; // don't go through the STOPPING state since we never even started
CmpPtr cmpObstruction(GetEntityHandle());
if (cmpObstruction)
CMessageMotionChanged msg(true, true);
GetSimContext().GetComponentManager().PostMessage(GetEntityId(), msg);
void MoveFailed()
CmpPtr cmpObstruction(GetEntityHandle());
if (cmpObstruction)
CMessageMotionChanged msg(false, true);
GetSimContext().GetComponentManager().PostMessage(GetEntityId(), msg);
void StartSucceeded()
CMessageMotionChanged msg(true, false);
GetSimContext().GetComponentManager().PostMessage(GetEntityId(), msg);
void MoveSucceeded()
m_Moving = false;
CmpPtr cmpObstruction(GetEntityHandle());
if (cmpObstruction)
// No longer moving, so speed is 0.
m_CurSpeed = fixed::Zero();
CMessageMotionChanged msg(false, false);
GetSimContext().GetComponentManager().PostMessage(GetEntityId(), msg);
bool MoveToPointRange(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, entity_id_t target);
* Handle the result of an asynchronous path query.
void PathResult(u32 ticket, const WaypointPath& path);
* Do the per-turn movement and other updates.
void Move(fixed dt);
* Analyse the next long path step (if any) and precompute a short path if needed.
* Then use the previous computed short path, if present, for the current step.
void PlanNextStep(const CFixedVector2D& pos);
* Decide whether to approximate the given range from a square target as a circle,
* rather than as a square.
bool ShouldTreatTargetAsCircle(entity_pos_t range, entity_pos_t hw, entity_pos_t hh, entity_pos_t circleRadius) const;
* Computes the current location of our target entity (plus offset).
* Returns false if no target entity or no valid position.
bool ComputeTargetPosition(CFixedVector2D& out);
* Attempts to replace the current path with a straight line to the goal,
* if this goal is a point, is close enough and the route is not obstructed.
bool TryGoingStraightToGoalPoint(const CFixedVector2D& from);
* Attempts to replace the current path with a straight line to the target
* entity, if it's close enough and the route is not obstructed.
bool TryGoingStraightToTargetEntity(const CFixedVector2D& from);
* Returns whether the target entity has moved more than minDelta since our
* last path computations, and we're close enough to it to care.
bool CheckTargetMovement(const CFixedVector2D& from, entity_pos_t minDelta);
* Returns whether the length of the given path, plus the distance from
* 'from' to the first waypoints, it shorter than minDistance.
bool PathIsShort(const WaypointPath& path, const CFixedVector2D& from, entity_pos_t minDistance) const;
* Rotate to face towards the target point, given the current pos
void FaceTowardsPointFromPos(const CFixedVector2D& pos, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z);
* Returns an appropriate obstruction filter for use with path requests.
ControlGroupMovementObstructionFilter GetObstructionFilter(bool avoidPathfindingShapes) const;
* Checks our movement towards the next path waypoint.
* Pathfinding-blocking shapes are assumed to be taken into account during the path computation
* and this will only be used to avoid moving units.
bool CheckMovement(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1) const;
* Start moving to the given goal, from our current position 'from'.
* Might go in a straight line immediately, or might start an asynchronous
* path request.
void BeginPathing(const CFixedVector2D& from, const PathGoal& goal);
* Start an asynchronous long path query.
void RequestLongPath(const CFixedVector2D& from, const PathGoal& goal);
* Start an asynchronous short path query.
void RequestShortPath(const CFixedVector2D& from, const PathGoal& goal, bool avoidMovingUnits);
* Convert a path into a renderable list of lines
void RenderPath(const WaypointPath& path, std::vector& lines, CColor color);
void RenderSubmit(SceneCollector& collector);
void CCmpUnitMotion::PathResult(u32 ticket, const WaypointPath& path)
if (ticket == m_Planning.expectedPathTicket)
// If no path was found, better cancel the planning
if (path.m_Waypoints.empty())
m_Planning = SUnitMotionPlanning();
m_Planning.nextStepShortPath = path;
// Ignore obsolete path requests
if (ticket != m_ExpectedPathTicket)
m_ExpectedPathTicket = 0; // we don't expect to get this result again
// Check that we are still able to do something with that path
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
m_PassabilityMapChangedRecently = false;
m_LongPath = path;
// If we are following a path, leave the old m_ShortPath so we can carry on following it
// until a new short path has been computed
// If there's no waypoints then we couldn't get near the target.
// Sort of hack: Just try going directly to the goal point instead
// (via the short pathfinder), so if we're stuck and the user clicks
// close enough to the unit then we can probably get unstuck
if (m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.empty())
m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.emplace_back(Waypoint{ m_FinalGoal.x, m_FinalGoal.z });
if (!HasValidPath())
m_ShortPath = path;
// If there's no waypoints then we couldn't get near the target
if (m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.empty())
// If we're globally following a long path, try to remove the next waypoint, it might be obstructed
if (m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.size() > 1)
else if (!IsFormationMember())
m_Moving = false;
CMessageMotionChanged msg(true, true);
GetSimContext().GetComponentManager().PostMessage(GetEntityId(), msg);
// Now we've got a short path that we can follow
// Replace the current path with the new one
m_ShortPath = path;
// If there's no waypoints then we couldn't get near the target
if (m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.empty())
// We should stop moving (unless we're in a formation, in which
// case we should continue following it)
if (!IsFormationMember())
m_Moving = false;
CMessageMotionChanged msg(false, true);
GetSimContext().GetComponentManager().PostMessage(GetEntityId(), msg);
LOGWARNING("unexpected PathResult (%u %d %d)", GetEntityId(), m_State, m_PathState);
void CCmpUnitMotion::Move(fixed dt)
if (m_State == STATE_STOPPING)
m_State = STATE_IDLE;
if (m_State == STATE_IDLE)
switch (m_PathState)
// If we're not pathing, do nothing
// If we're waiting for a path and don't have one yet, do nothing
// TODO: there's some asymmetry here when units look at other
// units' positions - the result will depend on the order of execution.
// Maybe we should split the updates into multiple phases to minimise
// that problem.
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
CFixedVector2D initialPos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
// If we're chasing a potentially-moving unit and are currently close
// enough to its current position, and we can head in a straight line
// to it, then throw away our current path and go straight to it
// Keep track of the current unit's position during the update
CFixedVector2D pos = initialPos;
// If in formation, run to keep up; otherwise just walk
// (TODO: support stamina, charging, etc)
fixed basicSpeed;
if (IsFormationMember())
basicSpeed = GetRunSpeed();
basicSpeed = m_Speed; // (typically but not always WalkSpeed)
// Find the speed factor of the underlying terrain
// (We only care about the tile we start on - it doesn't matter if we're moving
// partially onto a much slower/faster tile)
// TODO: Terrain-dependent speeds are not currently supported
fixed terrainSpeed = fixed::FromInt(1);
fixed maxSpeed = basicSpeed.Multiply(terrainSpeed);
bool wasObstructed = false;
// We want to move (at most) maxSpeed*dt units from pos towards the next waypoint
fixed timeLeft = dt;
fixed zero = fixed::Zero();
while (timeLeft > zero)
// If we ran out of path, we have to stop
if (m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.empty() && m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.empty())
CFixedVector2D target;
if (m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.empty())
target = CFixedVector2D(m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.back().x, m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.back().z);
target = CFixedVector2D(m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.back().x, m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.back().z);
CFixedVector2D offset = target - pos;
// Work out how far we can travel in timeLeft
fixed maxdist = maxSpeed.Multiply(timeLeft);
// If the target is close, we can move there directly
fixed offsetLength = offset.Length();
if (offsetLength <= maxdist)
if (CheckMovement(pos.X, pos.Y, target.X, target.Y))
pos = target;
// Spend the rest of the time heading towards the next waypoint
timeLeft = timeLeft - (offsetLength / maxSpeed);
if (m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.empty())
// Error - path was obstructed
wasObstructed = true;
// Not close enough, so just move in the right direction
target = pos + offset;
if (CheckMovement(pos.X, pos.Y, target.X, target.Y))
pos = target;
// Error - path was obstructed
wasObstructed = true;
// Update the Position component after our movement (if we actually moved anywhere)
if (pos != initialPos)
CFixedVector2D offset = pos - initialPos;
// Face towards the target
entity_angle_t angle = atan2_approx(offset.X, offset.Y);
cmpPosition->MoveAndTurnTo(pos.X,pos.Y, angle);
// Calculate the mean speed over this past turn.
m_CurSpeed = cmpPosition->GetDistanceTravelled() / dt;
if (wasObstructed)
// Oops, we hit something (very likely another unit, or a new obstruction).
// Stop, and recompute the whole path.
// TODO: if the target has UnitMotion and is higher priority,
// we should wait a little bit.
// Recompute our path
// If we are following a long path and it is still valid
if (!m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.empty() && !m_PassabilityMapChangedRecently)
PathGoal goal = { PathGoal::POINT, m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.back().x, m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.back().z };
RequestShortPath(pos, goal, true);
// Else, just entirely recompute
BeginPathing(pos, m_FinalGoal);
// TODO: check where the collision was and move slightly.
// We successfully moved along our path, until running out of
// waypoints or time.
// If we're not currently computing any new paths:
if (m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.empty() && m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.empty())
if (IsFormationMember())
// We've reached our assigned position. If the controller
// is idle, send a notification in case it should disband,
// otherwise continue following the formation next turn.
CmpPtr cmpUnitMotion(GetSimContext(), m_TargetEntity);
if (cmpUnitMotion && !cmpUnitMotion->IsMoving())
m_Moving = false;
CMessageMotionChanged msg(false, false);
GetSimContext().GetComponentManager().PostMessage(GetEntityId(), msg);
// check if target was reached in case of a moving target
CmpPtr cmpUnitMotion(GetSimContext(), m_TargetEntity);
if (cmpUnitMotion && cmpUnitMotion->IsMoving() &&
MoveToTargetRange(m_TargetEntity, m_TargetMinRange, m_TargetMaxRange))
// Not in formation, so just finish moving
m_State = STATE_IDLE;
if (m_FacePointAfterMove)
FaceTowardsPointFromPos(pos, m_FinalGoal.x, m_FinalGoal.z);
// TODO: if the goal was a square building, we ought to point towards the
// nearest point on the square, not towards its center
// If we have a target entity, and we're not miles away from the end of
// our current path, and the target moved enough, then recompute our
// whole path
if (IsFormationMember())
void CCmpUnitMotion::PlanNextStep(const CFixedVector2D& pos)
if (m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.empty())
const Waypoint& nextPoint = m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.back();
// The next step was obstructed the last time we checked; also check that
// the step is still obstructed (maybe the units in our way moved in the meantime)
if (!m_Planning.nextStepClean && CheckMovement(pos.X, pos.Y, nextPoint.x, nextPoint.z))
// If the short path computation is over, use it, else just forget about it
if (!m_Planning.nextStepShortPath.m_Waypoints.empty())
m_ShortPath = m_Planning.nextStepShortPath;
m_Planning = SUnitMotionPlanning();
if (m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.size() == 1)
const Waypoint& followingPoint = m_LongPath.m_Waypoints.rbegin()[1]; // penultimate element
m_Planning.nextStepClean = CheckMovement(nextPoint.x, nextPoint.z, followingPoint.x, followingPoint.z);
if (!m_Planning.nextStepClean)
CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpPathfinder)
PathGoal goal = { PathGoal::POINT, followingPoint.x, followingPoint.z };
m_Planning.expectedPathTicket = cmpPathfinder->ComputeShortPathAsync(
nextPoint.x, nextPoint.z, m_Clearance, SHORT_PATH_SEARCH_RANGE, goal, m_PassClass, false, m_TargetEntity, GetEntityId());
bool CCmpUnitMotion::ComputeTargetPosition(CFixedVector2D& out)
if (m_TargetEntity == INVALID_ENTITY)
return false;
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetSimContext(), m_TargetEntity);
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return false;
if (m_TargetOffset.IsZero())
// No offset, just return the position directly
out = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
// There is an offset, so compute it relative to orientation
entity_angle_t angle = cmpPosition->GetRotation().Y;
CFixedVector2D offset = m_TargetOffset.Rotate(angle);
out = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D() + offset;
return true;
bool CCmpUnitMotion::TryGoingStraightToGoalPoint(const CFixedVector2D& from)
// Make sure the goal is a point (and not a point-like target like a formation controller)
if (m_FinalGoal.type != PathGoal::POINT || m_TargetEntity != INVALID_ENTITY)
return false;
// Fail if the goal is too far away
CFixedVector2D goalPos(m_FinalGoal.x, m_FinalGoal.z);
if ((goalPos - from).CompareLength(DIRECT_PATH_RANGE) > 0)
return false;
CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpPathfinder)
return false;
// Check if there's any collisions on that route
if (!cmpPathfinder->CheckMovement(GetObstructionFilter(true), from.X, from.Y, goalPos.X, goalPos.Y, m_Clearance, m_PassClass))
return false;
// That route is okay, so update our path
m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.emplace_back(Waypoint{ goalPos.X, goalPos.Y });
return true;
bool CCmpUnitMotion::TryGoingStraightToTargetEntity(const CFixedVector2D& from)
CFixedVector2D targetPos;
if (!ComputeTargetPosition(targetPos))
return false;
// Fail if the target is too far away
if ((targetPos - from).CompareLength(DIRECT_PATH_RANGE) > 0)
return false;
CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpPathfinder)
return false;
// Move the goal to match the target entity's new position
PathGoal goal = m_FinalGoal;
goal.x = targetPos.X;
goal.z = targetPos.Y;
// (we ignore changes to the target's rotation, since only buildings are
// square and buildings don't move)
// Find the point on the goal shape that we should head towards
CFixedVector2D goalPos = goal.NearestPointOnGoal(from);
// Check if there's any collisions on that route
if (!cmpPathfinder->CheckMovement(GetObstructionFilter(true), from.X, from.Y, goalPos.X, goalPos.Y, m_Clearance, m_PassClass))
return false;
// That route is okay, so update our path
m_FinalGoal = goal;
m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.emplace_back(Waypoint{ goalPos.X, goalPos.Y });
return true;
bool CCmpUnitMotion::CheckTargetMovement(const CFixedVector2D& from, entity_pos_t minDelta)
CFixedVector2D targetPos;
if (!ComputeTargetPosition(targetPos))
return false;
// Fail unless the target has moved enough
CFixedVector2D oldTargetPos(m_FinalGoal.x, m_FinalGoal.z);
if ((targetPos - oldTargetPos).CompareLength(minDelta) < 0)
return false;
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return false;
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
CFixedVector2D oldDir = (oldTargetPos - pos);
CFixedVector2D newDir = (targetPos - pos);
// Fail unless we're close enough to the target to care about its movement
// and the angle between the (straight-line) directions of the previous and new target positions is small
if (oldDir.Dot(newDir) > CHECK_TARGET_MOVEMENT_MIN_COS && !PathIsShort(m_LongPath, from, CHECK_TARGET_MOVEMENT_AT_MAX_DIST))
return false;
// Fail if the target is no longer visible to this entity's owner
// (in which case we'll continue moving to its last known location,
// unless it comes back into view before we reach that location)
CmpPtr cmpOwnership(GetEntityHandle());
if (cmpOwnership)
CmpPtr cmpRangeManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (cmpRangeManager)
if (cmpRangeManager->GetLosVisibility(m_TargetEntity, cmpOwnership->GetOwner()) == ICmpRangeManager::VIS_HIDDEN)
return false;
// The target moved and we need to update our current path;
// change the goal here and expect our caller to start the path request
m_FinalGoal.x = targetPos.X;
m_FinalGoal.z = targetPos.Y;
RequestLongPath(from, m_FinalGoal);
return true;
bool CCmpUnitMotion::PathIsShort(const WaypointPath& path, const CFixedVector2D& from, entity_pos_t minDistance) const
CFixedVector2D prev = from;
entity_pos_t distLeft = minDistance;
for (ssize_t i = (ssize_t)path.m_Waypoints.size()-1; i >= 0; --i)
// Check if the next path segment is longer than the requested minimum
CFixedVector2D waypoint(path.m_Waypoints[i].x, path.m_Waypoints[i].z);
CFixedVector2D delta = waypoint - prev;
if (delta.CompareLength(distLeft) > 0)
return false;
// Still short enough - prepare to check the next segment
distLeft -= delta.Length();
prev = waypoint;
// Reached the end of the path before exceeding minDistance
return true;
void CCmpUnitMotion::FaceTowardsPoint(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z)
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
FaceTowardsPointFromPos(pos, x, z);
void CCmpUnitMotion::FaceTowardsPointFromPos(const CFixedVector2D& pos, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z)
CFixedVector2D target(x, z);
CFixedVector2D offset = target - pos;
if (!offset.IsZero())
entity_angle_t angle = atan2_approx(offset.X, offset.Y);
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition)
ControlGroupMovementObstructionFilter CCmpUnitMotion::GetObstructionFilter(bool avoidPathfindingShapes) const
entity_id_t group;
if (IsFormationMember())
group = m_TargetEntity;
group = GetEntityId();
return ControlGroupMovementObstructionFilter(avoidPathfindingShapes, ShouldAvoidMovingUnits(), group);
bool CCmpUnitMotion::CheckMovement(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1) const
// If the passability map has changed, we have to check everything in our way until we compute a new path.
if (m_PassabilityMapChangedRecently)
CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity());
return cmpPathfinder && cmpPathfinder->CheckMovement(GetObstructionFilter(true), x0, z0, x1, z1, m_Clearance, m_PassClass);
// If an obstruction blocks tile-based pathfinding, it will be handled during the path computation
// and doesn't need to be matched by this filter for the movement.
ControlGroupMovementObstructionFilter filter = GetObstructionFilter(false);
CmpPtr cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
return cmpObstructionManager && !cmpObstructionManager->TestLine(filter, x0, z0, x1, z1, m_Clearance);
void CCmpUnitMotion::BeginPathing(const CFixedVector2D& from, const PathGoal& goal)
// Cancel any pending path requests
m_ExpectedPathTicket = 0;
// Update the unit's movement status.
m_Moving = true;
// Set our 'moving' flag, so other units pathfinding now will ignore us
CmpPtr cmpObstruction(GetEntityHandle());
if (cmpObstruction)
// We are going to recompute our path, so we will use the most recent passability grid
m_PassabilityMapChangedRecently = false;
CmpPtr cmpPathfinder (GetSimContext(), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
CFixedVector2D goalPos = m_FinalGoal.NearestPointOnGoal(from);
m_ShortPath.m_Waypoints.emplace_back(Waypoint{ goalPos.X, goalPos.Y });
// If we're aiming at a target entity and it's close and we can reach
// it in a straight line, then we'll just go along the straight line
// instead of computing a path.
if (TryGoingStraightToTargetEntity(from))
if (!HasValidPath())
// Same thing applies to non-entity points
if (TryGoingStraightToGoalPoint(from))
if (!HasValidPath())
// Otherwise we need to compute a path.
// If it's close then just do a short path, not a long path
// TODO: If it's close on the opposite side of a river then we really
// need a long path, so we shouldn't simply check linear distance
if (goal.DistanceToPoint(from) < SHORT_PATH_SEARCH_RANGE)
RequestShortPath(from, goal, true);
RequestLongPath(from, goal);
void CCmpUnitMotion::RequestLongPath(const CFixedVector2D& from, const PathGoal& goal)
CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpPathfinder)
PathGoal improvedGoal = goal;
improvedGoal.maxdist = SHORT_PATH_SEARCH_RANGE / 2;
cmpPathfinder->SetDebugPath(from.X, from.Y, improvedGoal, m_PassClass);
m_ExpectedPathTicket = cmpPathfinder->ComputePathAsync(from.X, from.Y, improvedGoal, m_PassClass, GetEntityId());
void CCmpUnitMotion::RequestShortPath(const CFixedVector2D &from, const PathGoal& goal, bool avoidMovingUnits)
CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpPathfinder)
m_ExpectedPathTicket = cmpPathfinder->ComputeShortPathAsync(from.X, from.Y, m_Clearance, SHORT_PATH_SEARCH_RANGE, goal, m_PassClass, avoidMovingUnits, m_TargetEntity, GetEntityId());
bool CCmpUnitMotion::MoveToPointRange(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange)
return MoveToPointRange(x, z, minRange, maxRange, INVALID_ENTITY);
bool CCmpUnitMotion::MoveToPointRange(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, entity_id_t target)
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return false;
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
PathGoal goal;
goal.x = x;
goal.z = z;
if (minRange.IsZero() && maxRange.IsZero())
// Non-ranged movement:
// Head directly for the goal
goal.type = PathGoal::POINT;
// Ranged movement:
entity_pos_t distance = (pos - CFixedVector2D(x, z)).Length();
if (distance < minRange)
// Too close to target - move outwards to a circle
// that's slightly larger than the min range
goal.type = PathGoal::INVERTED_CIRCLE;
goal.hw = minRange + Pathfinding::GOAL_DELTA;
else if (maxRange >= entity_pos_t::Zero() && distance > maxRange)
// Too far from target - move inwards to a circle
// that's slightly smaller than the max range
goal.type = PathGoal::CIRCLE;
goal.hw = maxRange - Pathfinding::GOAL_DELTA;
// If maxRange was abnormally small,
// collapse the circle into a point
if (goal.hw <= entity_pos_t::Zero())
goal.type = PathGoal::POINT;
// We're already in range - no need to move anywhere
if (m_FacePointAfterMove)
FaceTowardsPointFromPos(pos, x, z);
return false;
m_TargetEntity = target;
m_TargetOffset = CFixedVector2D();
m_TargetMinRange = minRange;
m_TargetMaxRange = maxRange;
m_FinalGoal = goal;
BeginPathing(pos, goal);
return true;
bool CCmpUnitMotion::IsInPointRange(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange)
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return false;
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
bool hasObstruction = false;
CmpPtr cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare obstruction;
//TODO if (cmpObstructionManager)
// hasObstruction = cmpObstructionManager->FindMostImportantObstruction(GetObstructionFilter(true), x, z, m_Radius, obstruction);
if (minRange.IsZero() && maxRange.IsZero() && hasObstruction)
// Handle the non-ranged mode:
CFixedVector2D halfSize(obstruction.hw, obstruction.hh);
entity_pos_t distance = Geometry::DistanceToSquare(pos - CFixedVector2D(obstruction.x, obstruction.z), obstruction.u, obstruction.v, halfSize);
// See if we're too close to the target square
if (distance < minRange)
return false;
// See if we're close enough to the target square
if (maxRange < entity_pos_t::Zero() || distance <= maxRange)
return true;
return false;
entity_pos_t distance = (pos - CFixedVector2D(x, z)).Length();
if (distance < minRange)
return false;
else if (maxRange >= entity_pos_t::Zero() && distance > maxRange)
return false;
return true;
bool CCmpUnitMotion::ShouldTreatTargetAsCircle(entity_pos_t range, entity_pos_t hw, entity_pos_t hh, entity_pos_t circleRadius) const
// Given a square, plus a target range we should reach, the shape at that distance
// is a round-cornered square which we can approximate as either a circle or as a square.
// Choose the shape that will minimise the worst-case error:
// For a square, error is (sqrt(2)-1) * range at the corners
entity_pos_t errSquare = (entity_pos_t::FromInt(4142)/10000).Multiply(range);
// For a circle, error is radius-hw at the sides and radius-hh at the top/bottom
entity_pos_t errCircle = circleRadius - std::min(hw, hh);
return (errCircle < errSquare);
bool CCmpUnitMotion::MoveToTargetRange(entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange)
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return false;
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
CmpPtr cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
return false;
bool hasObstruction = false;
ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare obstruction;
CmpPtr cmpObstruction(GetSimContext(), target);
if (cmpObstruction)
hasObstruction = cmpObstruction->GetObstructionSquare(obstruction);
if (!hasObstruction)
// The target didn't have an obstruction or obstruction shape, so treat it as a point instead
CmpPtr cmpTargetPosition(GetSimContext(), target);
if (!cmpTargetPosition || !cmpTargetPosition->IsInWorld())
return false;
CFixedVector2D targetPos = cmpTargetPosition->GetPosition2D();
return MoveToPointRange(targetPos.X, targetPos.Y, minRange, maxRange);
* If we're starting outside the maxRange, we need to move closer in.
* If we're starting inside the minRange, we need to move further out.
* These ranges are measured from the center of this entity to the edge of the target;
* we add the goal range onto the size of the target shape to get the goal shape.
* (Then we extend it outwards/inwards by a little bit to be sure we'll end up
* within the right range, in case of minor numerical inaccuracies.)
* There's a bit of a problem with large square targets:
* the pathfinder only lets us move to goals that are squares, but the points an equal
* distance from the target make a rounded square shape instead.
* When moving closer, we could shrink the goal radius to 1/sqrt(2) so the goal shape fits entirely
* within the desired rounded square, but that gives an unfair advantage to attackers who approach
* the target diagonally.
* If the target is small relative to the range (e.g. archers attacking anything),
* then we cheat and pretend the target is actually a circle.
* (TODO: that probably looks rubbish for things like walls?)
* If the target is large relative to the range (e.g. melee units attacking buildings),
* then we multiply maxRange by approx 1/sqrt(2) to guarantee they'll always aim close enough.
* (Those units should set minRange to 0 so they'll never be considered *too* close.)
CFixedVector2D halfSize(obstruction.hw, obstruction.hh);
PathGoal goal;
goal.x = obstruction.x;
goal.z = obstruction.z;
entity_pos_t distance = Geometry::DistanceToSquare(pos - CFixedVector2D(obstruction.x, obstruction.z), obstruction.u, obstruction.v, halfSize);
// Compare with previous obstruction
ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare previousObstruction;
entity_pos_t previousDistance = Geometry::DistanceToSquare(pos - CFixedVector2D(previousObstruction.x, previousObstruction.z), obstruction.u, obstruction.v, halfSize);
if (distance < minRange && previousDistance < minRange)
// Too close to the square - need to move away
// Circumscribe the square
entity_pos_t circleRadius = halfSize.Length();
entity_pos_t goalDistance = minRange + Pathfinding::GOAL_DELTA;
// ensure it's far enough to not intersect the building itself (TODO is it really needed for inverted move ?)
goalDistance = std::max(goalDistance, m_Clearance + entity_pos_t::FromInt(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE)/16);
if (ShouldTreatTargetAsCircle(minRange, obstruction.hw, obstruction.hh, circleRadius))
// The target is small relative to our range, so pretend it's a circle
goal.type = PathGoal::INVERTED_CIRCLE;
goal.hw = goalDistance;
goal.type = PathGoal::INVERTED_SQUARE;
goal.u = obstruction.u;
goal.v = obstruction.v;
goal.hw = obstruction.hw + goalDistance;
goal.hh = obstruction.hh + goalDistance;
else if (maxRange < entity_pos_t::Zero() || distance < maxRange || previousDistance < maxRange)
// We're already in range - no need to move anywhere
FaceTowardsPointFromPos(pos, goal.x, goal.z);
return false;
// We might need to move closer:
// Circumscribe the square
entity_pos_t circleRadius = halfSize.Length();
if (ShouldTreatTargetAsCircle(maxRange, obstruction.hw, obstruction.hh, circleRadius))
// The target is small relative to our range, so pretend it's a circle
// Note that the distance to the circle will always be less than
// the distance to the square, so the previous "distance < maxRange"
// check is still valid (though not sufficient)
entity_pos_t circleDistance = (pos - CFixedVector2D(obstruction.x, obstruction.z)).Length() - circleRadius;
entity_pos_t previousCircleDistance = (pos - CFixedVector2D(previousObstruction.x, previousObstruction.z)).Length() - circleRadius;
if (circleDistance < maxRange || previousCircleDistance < maxRange)
// We're already in range - no need to move anywhere
if (m_FacePointAfterMove)
FaceTowardsPointFromPos(pos, goal.x, goal.z);
return false;
entity_pos_t goalDistance = maxRange - Pathfinding::GOAL_DELTA;
goal.type = PathGoal::CIRCLE;
goal.hw = circleRadius + goalDistance;
// The target is large relative to our range, so treat it as a square and
// get close enough that the diagonals come within range
entity_pos_t goalDistance = (maxRange - Pathfinding::GOAL_DELTA)*2 / 3; // multiply by slightly less than 1/sqrt(2)
goal.type = PathGoal::SQUARE;
goal.u = obstruction.u;
goal.v = obstruction.v;
entity_pos_t delta = std::max(goalDistance, m_Clearance + entity_pos_t::FromInt(TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE)/16); // ensure it's far enough to not intersect the building itself
goal.hw = obstruction.hw + delta;
goal.hh = obstruction.hh + delta;
m_TargetEntity = target;
m_TargetOffset = CFixedVector2D();
m_TargetMinRange = minRange;
m_TargetMaxRange = maxRange;
m_FinalGoal = goal;
BeginPathing(pos, goal);
return true;
bool CCmpUnitMotion::IsInTargetRange(entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange)
// This function closely mirrors MoveToTargetRange - it needs to return true
// after that Move has completed
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
return false;
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
CmpPtr cmpObstructionManager(GetSystemEntity());
if (!cmpObstructionManager)
return false;
bool hasObstruction = false;
ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare obstruction;
CmpPtr cmpObstruction(GetSimContext(), target);
if (cmpObstruction)
hasObstruction = cmpObstruction->GetObstructionSquare(obstruction);
if (hasObstruction)
CFixedVector2D halfSize(obstruction.hw, obstruction.hh);
entity_pos_t distance = Geometry::DistanceToSquare(pos - CFixedVector2D(obstruction.x, obstruction.z), obstruction.u, obstruction.v, halfSize);
// Compare with previous obstruction
ICmpObstructionManager::ObstructionSquare previousObstruction;
entity_pos_t previousDistance = Geometry::DistanceToSquare(pos - CFixedVector2D(previousObstruction.x, previousObstruction.z), obstruction.u, obstruction.v, halfSize);
// See if we're too close to the target square
if (distance < minRange && previousDistance < minRange)
return false;
// See if we're close enough to the target square
if (maxRange < entity_pos_t::Zero() || distance <= maxRange || previousDistance <= maxRange)
return true;
entity_pos_t circleRadius = halfSize.Length();
if (ShouldTreatTargetAsCircle(maxRange, obstruction.hw, obstruction.hh, circleRadius))
// The target is small relative to our range, so pretend it's a circle
// and see if we're close enough to that.
// Also check circle around previous position.
entity_pos_t circleDistance = (pos - CFixedVector2D(obstruction.x, obstruction.z)).Length() - circleRadius;
entity_pos_t previousCircleDistance = (pos - CFixedVector2D(previousObstruction.x, previousObstruction.z)).Length() - circleRadius;
if (circleDistance <= maxRange || previousCircleDistance <= maxRange)
return true;
return false;
CmpPtr cmpTargetPosition(GetSimContext(), target);
if (!cmpTargetPosition || !cmpTargetPosition->IsInWorld())
return false;
CFixedVector2D targetPos = cmpTargetPosition->GetPreviousPosition2D();
entity_pos_t distance = (pos - targetPos).Length();
return minRange <= distance && (maxRange < entity_pos_t::Zero() || distance <= maxRange);
void CCmpUnitMotion::MoveToFormationOffset(entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z)
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetSimContext(), target);
if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition->IsInWorld())
CFixedVector2D pos = cmpPosition->GetPosition2D();
PathGoal goal;
goal.type = PathGoal::POINT;
goal.x = pos.X;
goal.z = pos.Y;
m_TargetEntity = target;
m_TargetOffset = CFixedVector2D(x, z);
m_TargetMinRange = entity_pos_t::Zero();
m_TargetMaxRange = entity_pos_t::Zero();
m_FinalGoal = goal;
BeginPathing(pos, goal);
void CCmpUnitMotion::RenderPath(const WaypointPath& path, std::vector& lines, CColor color)
bool floating = false;
CmpPtr cmpPosition(GetEntityHandle());
if (cmpPosition)
floating = cmpPosition->IsFloating();
std::vector waypointCoords;
for (size_t i = 0; i < path.m_Waypoints.size(); ++i)
float x = path.m_Waypoints[i].x.ToFloat();
float z = path.m_Waypoints[i].z.ToFloat();
lines.back().m_Color = color;
SimRender::ConstructSquareOnGround(GetSimContext(), x, z, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, lines.back(), floating);
lines.back().m_Color = color;
SimRender::ConstructLineOnGround(GetSimContext(), waypointCoords, lines.back(), floating);
void CCmpUnitMotion::RenderSubmit(SceneCollector& collector)
if (!m_DebugOverlayEnabled)
RenderPath(m_LongPath, m_DebugOverlayLongPathLines, OVERLAY_COLOR_LONG_PATH);
RenderPath(m_ShortPath, m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines, OVERLAY_COLOR_SHORT_PATH);
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DebugOverlayLongPathLines.size(); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DebugOverlayShortPathLines.size(); ++i)