/* Copyright (C) 2014 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "lib/self_test.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include class TestScriptInterface : public CxxTest::TestSuite { public: void test_loadscript_basic() { ScriptInterface script("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); TestLogger logger; TS_ASSERT(script.LoadScript(L"test.js", "var x = 1+1;")); TS_ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(logger.GetOutput(), "JavaScript error"); TS_ASSERT_STR_NOT_CONTAINS(logger.GetOutput(), "JavaScript warning"); } void test_loadscript_error() { ScriptInterface script("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); TestLogger logger; TS_ASSERT(!script.LoadScript(L"test.js", "1+")); TS_ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(logger.GetOutput(), "JavaScript error: test.js line 1\nSyntaxError: syntax error"); } void test_loadscript_strict_warning() { ScriptInterface script("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); TestLogger logger; // in strict mode, this inside a function doesn't point to the global object TS_ASSERT(script.LoadScript(L"test.js", "var isStrict = (function() { return !this; })();warn('isStrict is '+isStrict);")); TS_ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(logger.GetOutput(), "WARNING: isStrict is true"); } void test_loadscript_strict_error() { ScriptInterface script("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); TestLogger logger; TS_ASSERT(!script.LoadScript(L"test.js", "with(1){}")); TS_ASSERT_STR_CONTAINS(logger.GetOutput(), "JavaScript error: test.js line 1\nSyntaxError: strict mode code may not contain \'with\' statements"); } void test_clone_basic() { ScriptInterface script1("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); ScriptInterface script2("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); JSContext* cx1 = script1.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq1(cx1); JS::RootedValue obj1(cx1); TS_ASSERT(script1.Eval("({'x': 123, 'y': [1, 1.5, '2', 'test', undefined, null, true, false]})", &obj1)); { JSContext* cx2 = script2.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq2(cx2); JS::RootedValue obj2(cx2, script2.CloneValueFromOtherContext(script1, obj1)); std::string source; TS_ASSERT(script2.CallFunction(obj2, "toSource", source)); TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(source, "({x:123, y:[1, 1.5, \"2\", \"test\", (void 0), null, true, false]})"); } } void test_clone_getters() { // The tests should be run with JS_SetGCZeal so this can try to find GC bugs ScriptInterface script1("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); ScriptInterface script2("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); JSContext* cx1 = script1.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq1(cx1); JS::RootedValue obj1(cx1); TS_ASSERT(script1.Eval("var s = '?'; var v = ({get x() { return 123 }, 'y': {'w':{get z() { delete v.y; delete v.n; v = null; s += s; return 4 }}}, 'n': 100}); v", &obj1)); { JSContext* cx2 = script2.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq2(cx2); JS::RootedValue obj2(cx2, script2.CloneValueFromOtherContext(script1, obj1)); std::string source; TS_ASSERT(script2.CallFunction(obj2, "toSource", source)); TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(source, "({x:123, y:{w:{z:4}}})"); } } void test_clone_cyclic() { ScriptInterface script1("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); ScriptInterface script2("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); JSContext* cx1 = script1.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq1(cx1); JS::RootedValue obj1(cx1); TS_ASSERT(script1.Eval("var x = []; x[0] = x; ({'a': x, 'b': x})", &obj1)); { JSContext* cx2 = script2.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx2); JS::RootedValue obj2(cx2, script2.CloneValueFromOtherContext(script1, obj1)); // Use JSAPI function to check if the values of the properties "a", "b" are equals a.x[0] JS::RootedValue prop_a(cx2); JS::RootedValue prop_b(cx2); JS::RootedValue prop_x1(cx2); TS_ASSERT(script2.GetProperty(obj2, "a", &prop_a)); TS_ASSERT(script2.GetProperty(obj2, "b", &prop_b)); TS_ASSERT(prop_a.isObject()); TS_ASSERT(prop_b.isObject()); TS_ASSERT(script2.GetProperty(prop_a, "0", &prop_x1)); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(prop_x1.get(), prop_a.get()); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(prop_x1.get(), prop_b.get()); } } /** * This test is mainly to make sure that all required template overloads get instantiated at least once so that compiler errors * in these functions are revealed instantly (but it also tests the basic functionality of these functions). */ void test_rooted_templates() { ScriptInterface script("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); JSContext* cx = script.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue val(cx); JS::RootedValue out(cx); TS_ASSERT(script.Eval("({ " "'0':0," "inc:function() { this[0]++; return this[0]; }, " "setTo:function(nbr) { this[0] = nbr; }, " "add:function(nbr) { this[0] += nbr; return this[0]; } " "})" , &val)); JS::RootedValue nbrVal(cx, JS::NumberValue(3)); int nbr = 0; // CallFunctionVoid JS::RootedValue& parameter overload script.CallFunctionVoid(val, "setTo", nbrVal); // CallFunction JS::RootedValue* out parameter overload script.CallFunction(val, "inc", &out); ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, out, nbr); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(4, nbr); // CallFunction const JS::RootedValue& parameter overload script.CallFunction(val, "add", nbrVal, nbr); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(7, nbr); // GetProperty JS::RootedValue* overload nbr = 0; script.GetProperty(val, "0", &out); ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, out, nbr); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(nbr, 7); // GetPropertyInt JS::RootedValue* overload nbr = 0; script.GetPropertyInt(val, 0, &out); ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(cx, out, nbr); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(nbr, 7); handle_templates_test(script, val, &out, nbrVal); } void handle_templates_test(ScriptInterface& script, JS::HandleValue val, JS::MutableHandleValue out, JS::HandleValue nbrVal) { int nbr = 0; // CallFunctionVoid JS::HandleValue parameter overload script.CallFunctionVoid(val, "setTo", nbrVal); // CallFunction JS::MutableHandleValue out parameter overload script.CallFunction(val, "inc", out); ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(script.GetContext(), out, nbr); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(4, nbr); // CallFunction const JS::HandleValue& parameter overload script.CallFunction(val, "add", nbrVal, nbr); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(7, nbr); // GetProperty JS::MutableHandleValue overload nbr = 0; script.GetProperty(val, "0", out); ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(script.GetContext(), out, nbr); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(nbr, 7); // GetPropertyInt JS::MutableHandleValue overload nbr = 0; script.GetPropertyInt(val, 0, out); ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(script.GetContext(), out, nbr); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(nbr, 7); } void test_random() { ScriptInterface script("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); double d1, d2; TS_ASSERT(script.Eval("Math.random()", d1)); TS_ASSERT(script.Eval("Math.random()", d2)); TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(d1, d2); boost::rand48 rng; script.ReplaceNondeterministicRNG(rng); rng.seed((u64)0); TS_ASSERT(script.Eval("Math.random()", d1)); TS_ASSERT(script.Eval("Math.random()", d2)); TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(d1, d2); rng.seed((u64)0); TS_ASSERT(script.Eval("Math.random()", d2)); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(d1, d2); } void test_json() { ScriptInterface script("Test", "Test", g_ScriptRuntime); JSContext* cx = script.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); std::string input = "({'x':1,'z':[2,'3\\u263A\\ud800'],\"y\":true})"; JS::RootedValue val(cx); TS_ASSERT(script.Eval(input.c_str(), &val)); std::string stringified = script.StringifyJSON(&val); TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(stringified, "{\n \"x\": 1,\n \"z\": [\n 2,\n \"3\xE2\x98\xBA\xEF\xBF\xBD\"\n ],\n \"y\": true\n}"); TS_ASSERT(script.ParseJSON(stringified, &val)); TS_ASSERT_STR_EQUALS(script.ToString(&val), "({x:1, z:[2, \"3\\u263A\\uFFFD\"], y:true})"); } };