@echo off REM ensure header is up to date (simpler than setting include path) copy ..\..\..\..\..\include\lib\sysdep\os\win\aken\aken.h cmd /c build_single.bat chk x64 cmd /c build_single.bat fre x64 cmd /c build_single.bat chk x86 REM must come last because each build_single.bat deletes aken.sys, REM and that is the final output name of this step cmd /c build_single.bat fre x86 cd amd64 copy /y aken64*.pdb ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\bin\x64 copy /y aken64*.sys ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\bin\x64 cd .. cd i386 copy /y aken*.pdb ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\bin\Win32 copy /y aken*.sys ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\bin\Win32 cd .. echo outputs copied to bin directory; will delete ALL output files after pressing a key pause if exist amd64 (rmdir /S /Q amd64) if exist i386 (rmdir /S /Q i386) if exist objchk_wnet_amd64 (rmdir /S /Q objchk_wnet_amd64) if exist objfre_wnet_amd64 (rmdir /S /Q objfre_wnet_amd64) if exist objchk_wnet_x86 (rmdir /S /Q objchk_wnet_x86) if exist objfre_wnet_x86 (rmdir /S /Q objfre_wnet_x86) if exist *.log (del /Q *.log) if exist *.err (del /Q *.err) if exist *.wrn (del /Q *.wrn)