CxxTest Releases ---------------- * Version 4.4 (2014-06-03) - Fixed compilation error on Windows (MSVC) in XmlFormatter.h (#86) - Fix to ensure that tearDown() is called (#89) - Add option run test with a user defined command in scons (#91) - Use a Python path relative to the cxxtestgen script (#88) - Add defensive guard in ErrorFormatter.h (#96) - Fixed bug with "None" appearing in CXXTEST_CPPATH (#99) - Added CXXTEST_LIBPATH to properly use shared libraries (#100) - Added guards when XmlFormatter.h data is not initialize (#87) * Version 4.3 (2013-07-05) - Changes to assess code coverage of the cxxtestgen command - Standardizing C++ file formats (using astyle) - Bug fixes that led to the test runner hanging - Adding special assertions for floating point values - Added date to XML output - Added support for comparison of C strings * Version 4.2.1 (2013-03-22) - Fixing documentation of LGPL version * Version 4.2 (2013-03-16) - Changes to support test fixtures in namespaces - Adding logic to support test skipping - Change to create self-contained HTML documentation - Fixed inheritance issue in GlobalFixture (#69) - Update LGPL version - Changes to try/catch to avoid ambiguities withn catching std::exception (#53) - Fixed TS_ASSERT_DELTA to work on integer types (#65) - Changed output format to print world-name (#70) * Version 4.1 (2012-11-30) - Added absolute paths to resolve bug when relative path links are provided. - Bug fix when files contain unicode characters - Fix for --no-static-init: Changed how non-static tests are created - Updated user guide to include SCons build system - Closing out Tigris and SourceForge tickets - Added valgrind tests. * Version 4.0.3 (2012-01-07) - Adding support for Python 2.4 - 3.2 - Various cleanup of CxxTest root directory - Adding patch that allows the cxxtestgen script to be used when symlinked. * Version 4.0.2 (2012-01-02) - Bug fix to enable installation of cxxtestgen without the 'setuptools' package * Version 4.0.1 (2012-01-01) - Documentation updates - Bug fix for installation of cxxtestgen script * Version 4.0 (2011-12-28) - Perl is no longer used to support CxxTest scripts. Python is now the only scripting language used by CxxTest. - The testing scripts have been rewritten using the PyUnit framework. - The installation process for CxxTest now leverages and integrates with the system Python installation. - A more comprehensive C++ parser is now available, which supports testing of templates. - The CxxTest GUI is no longer supported. - The <> and <> macros have the same behavior now. - CxxTest runners now have a command-line interface that facilitates interactive use of the test runner. - A new user guide is now available in PDF, HTML and Ebook formats. * Version 3.10.1 (2004-12-01) - Improved support for VC7 - Fixed clash with some versions of STL * Version 3.10.0 (2004-11-20) - Added mock framework for global functions - Added TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ASSERT and TS_ASSERT_THROWS_EQUALS - Added CXXTEST_ENUM_TRAITS - Improved support for STL classes (vector, map etc.) - Added support for Digital Mars compiler - Reduced root/part compilation time and binary size - Support C++-style commenting of tests * Version 3.9.1 (2004-01-19) - Fixed small bug with runner exit code - Embedded test suites are now deprecated * Version 3.9.0 (2004-01-17) - Added TS_TRACE - Added --no-static-init - CxxTest::setAbortTestOnFail() works even without --abort-on-fail * Version 3.8.5 (2004-01-08) - Added --no-eh - Added CxxTest::setAbortTestOnFail() and CXXTEST_DEFAULT_ABORT - Added CxxTest::setMaxDumpSize() - Added StdioFilePrinter * Version 3.8.4 (2003-12-31) - Split distribution into cxxtest and cxxtest-selftest - Added `sample/msvc/FixFiles.bat' * Version 3.8.3 (2003-12-24) - Added TS_ASSERT_PREDICATE - Template files can now specify where to insert the preamble - Added a sample Visual Studio workspace in `sample/msvc' - Can compile in MSVC with warning level 4 - Changed output format slightly * Version 3.8.1 (2003-12-21) - Fixed small bug when using multiple --part files. - Fixed X11 GUI crash when there's no X server. - Added GlobalFixture::setUpWorld()/tearDownWorld() - Added leaveOnly(), activateAllTests() and `sample/only.tpl' - Should now run without warnings on Sun compiler. * Version 3.8.0 (2003-12-13) - Fixed bug where `Root.cpp' needed exception handling - Added TS_ASSERT_RELATION - TSM_ macros now also tell you what went wrong - Renamed Win32Gui::free() to avoid clashes - Now compatible with more versions of Borland compiler - Improved the documentation * Version 3.7.1 (2003-09-29) - Added --version - Compiles with even more exotic g++ warnings - Win32 Gui compiles with UNICODE - Should compile on some more platforms (Sun Forte, HP aCC) * Version 3.7.0 (2003-09-20) - Added TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN_EQUALS - Minor cleanups * Version 3.6.1 (2003-09-15) - Improved QT GUI - Improved portability some more * Version 3.6.0 (2003-09-04) - Added --longlong - Some portability improvements * Version 3.5.1 (2003-09-03) - Major internal rewrite of macros - Added TS_ASSERT_SAME_DATA - Added --include option - Added --part and --root to enable splitting the test runner - Added global fixtures - Enhanced Win32 GUI with timers, -keep and -title - Now compiles with strict warnings * Version 3.1.1 (2003-08-27) - Fixed small bug in TS_ASSERT_THROWS_*() * Version 3.1.0 (2003-08-23) - Default ValueTraits now dumps value as hex bytes - Fixed double invocation bug (e.g. TS_FAIL(functionWithSideEffects())) - TS_ASSERT_THROWS*() are now "abort on fail"-friendly - Win32 GUI now supports Windows 98 and doesn't need comctl32.lib * Version 3.0.1 (2003-08-07) - Added simple GUI for X11, Win32 and Qt - Added TS_WARN() macro - Removed --exit-code - Improved samples - Improved support for older (pre-std::) compilers - Made a PDF version of the User's Guide * Version 2.8.4 (2003-07-21) - Now supports g++-3.3 - Added --have-eh - Fixed bug in numberToString() * Version 2.8.3 (2003-06-30) - Fixed bugs in - Fixed warning for some compilers in ErrorPrinter/StdioPrinter - Thanks Martin Jost for pointing out these problems! * Version 2.8.2 (2003-06-10) - Fixed bug when using CXXTEST_ABORT_TEST_ON_FAIL without standard library - Added CXXTEST_USER_TRAITS - Added --abort-on-fail * Version 2.8.1 (2003-01-16) - Fixed charToString() for negative chars * Version 2.8.0 (2003-01-13) - Added CXXTEST_ABORT_TEST_ON_FAIL for xUnit-like behaviour - Added `sample/winddk' - Improved ValueTraits - Improved output formatter - Started version history * Version 2.7.0 (2002-09-29) - Added embedded test suites - Major internal improvements