# Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant. # Copyright © 2014 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant project. # # Translators: # GunChleoc, 2014-2015 # GunChleoc, 2014 # GunChleoc, 2014-2015 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-24 00:03+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-10-01 07:27+0000\n" "Last-Translator: GunChleoc\n" "Language-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (http://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/gd/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: gd\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n" #: maps/random/aegean_sea.jsonsettings.Description msgid "Players start on two sides of a sea with scattered islands." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean air an dà thaobh aig muir sa bheil eileanan sgapte." #: maps/random/aegean_sea.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Aegean Sea" msgstr "Am Muir Àigeanach" #: maps/random/alpine_lakes.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "High Alpine mountains surrounding deep valleys strung with mountain streams " "and finger-like lakes." msgstr "Beanntan Alpach mòra timcheall air glinn dhomhain sa bheil uillt is lochan coltach ri meuran." #: maps/random/alpine_lakes.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Alpine Lakes" msgstr "Lochan Alpach" #: maps/random/alpine_valley.jsonsettings.Description msgid "High Alpine mountains bordering deep valleys." msgstr "Beanntan Alpach mòra ri taobh glinn dhomhain." #: maps/random/alpine_valley.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Alpine Valley" msgstr "Gleann Alpach" #: maps/random/anatolian_plateau.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "An indefensible open land with little wood and stone, representing the " "central basin of Asia Minor." msgstr "Tìr fosgailte a tha doirbh dìon le beagan fiodha ’s cloiche a riochdaicheas àrainn mheadhanach na h-Àisia Bige." #: maps/random/anatolian_plateau.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Anatolian Plateau" msgstr "Àrd-chlàr Anatolach" #: maps/random/archipelago.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "A maze of islands of different sizes and shapes. Players start with more " "wood than normal." msgstr "Cuartan de dh’eileanan air a bheil meud ’s cruth eadar-dhealaichte. Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean le barrachd fiodha nas àbhaist." #: maps/random/archipelago.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Archipelago" msgstr "Innis-mhuir" #: maps/random/ardennes_forest.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Each player starts deep in the forest.\n" "\n" "The Ardennes is a region of extensive forests, rolling hills and ridges formed within the Givetian Ardennes mountain range, primarily in modern day Belgium and Luxembourg. The region took its name from the ancient Silva, a vast forest in Roman times called Arduenna Silva." msgstr "Tòisichidh gach cluicheadair sa choille dhomhain.\n\n’S e sgìre le coilltean mòra, cnuic ’s druim sa mhonadh Givetian a tha sna h-Ardennes agus a’ mòrchuid dheth far a bheil a’ Bheilg ’s Lugsamburg san latha an-diugh. Fhuair an sgìre a h-ainm on Silva àrsaidh, seo mòr-choille ri linn nan Ròmanach ris an cante Arduenna Silva." #: maps/random/ardennes_forest.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Ardennes Forest" msgstr "Coille Ardennes" #: maps/random/atlas_mountains.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "A rugged land with small room for buildings with scarce wood. Represents the" " mountain range in the north-west africa." msgstr "Seo tìr sgurrach aig nach eil ach beagan rum airson togalaichean ’s fiodh gann. Tha e a’ riochdachadh am monadh taobh iar-thuath Afraga." #: maps/random/atlas_mountains.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Atlas Mountains" msgstr "Monadh Atlais" #: maps/random/belgian_uplands.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "An experimental map with its heightmap generated by erosion to look more " "natural. Not all seeds will be fair though! Tiny maps with 8 players may " "take a while to generate." msgstr "Seo mapa deuchainneach ’s chaidh a mhapa-àirde a ghintinn le bleith-thalmhainn gus dreach as nàdarra a chur air. Cha bhi a h-uile geama cothromach co-dhiù! Faodaidh gun doir e ùine mhath gus mapaichean beaga airson 8 cluicheadairean a ghintinn." #: maps/random/belgian_uplands.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Belgian Uplands" msgstr "Am Monadh Beilgeach" #: maps/random/cantabrian_highlands.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Each player starts on a hill surrounded by steep cliffs. Represents " "Cantabria, a mountainous region in the North of the Iberian peninsula." msgstr "Tòisichidh gach cluicheadair air cnoc le creagan casa timcheall orra. Riochdaichidh e Cantabria, seo sgìre beanntach tabh tuath an rubha Ibèirich." #: maps/random/cantabrian_highlands.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Cantabrian Highlands" msgstr "Tìr àrd Chantaibria" #: maps/random/canyon.jsonsettings.Description msgid "Players start around the map in deep canyons." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean ann an sgoltaidhean-aibhne domhain." #: maps/random/canyon.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Canyon" msgstr "Sgoltadh" #: maps/random/continent.jsonsettings.Description msgid "All players starts on a continent surrounded by water." msgstr "Tòisichidh na h-uile cluicheadair air mòr-thìr le uisge timcheall air." #: maps/random/continent.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Continent" msgstr "Mòr-thìr" #: maps/random/corinthian_isthmus.jsonsettings.Description #: maps/skirmishes/Corinthian Isthmus (2).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Two Mediterranean land masses connected by a narrow spit of land, called an " "'Isthmus'." msgstr "Dà thìr meadhan-thìreach a tha ceangailte ri chèile le tairbeart." #: maps/random/corinthian_isthmus.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Corinthian Isthmus" msgstr "An Tairbeart Choirinteach" #: maps/random/corsica.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "The players start on two opposing islands, both with a very jagged relief " "that will make landing difficult." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean air dà eilean nàimhdeil le oirthir eagach a nì gach laighe doirbh." #: maps/random/corsica.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Corsica vs Sardinia" msgstr "Corsaca an aghaidh Sàrdainea" #: maps/random/cycladic_archipelago.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Each player starts on an island surrounded by water.\n" "\n" "The Cyclades is an island group in the Aegean Sea, south-east of the mainland of Greece. They are one of the island groups which constitute the Aegean archipelago. The name refers to the islands around the sacred island of Delos. The Cyclades comprise about 220 islands. The islands are peaks of a submerged mountainous terrain, with the exception of two volcanic islands, Milos and Santorini. The climate is generally dry and mild, but with the exception of Naxos the soil is not very fertile." msgstr "Tòisichidh gach cluicheadair air eilean is uisge timcheall air.\n\n’S e bhuidhean de dh’eileanan sa Mhuir Àigeanach a th’anns na Siogladas gu ear-dheas air tìr-mòr na Grèige. Tha am buidheann eileanan seo ’na phàirt dhen innis-mhuir Àigeanach. Tha an t-ainm a’ riochdachadh na h-eileanan timcheall air eilean naomh Delos. ’S e mu 220 eilean a th’ anns na Siogladas. ’S e na mullaich aig monadh fon mhuir a tha sna h-eileanan seach dà dhiubh a tha nam beanntan-teine, seo Milos agus Santorini. Tha an t-sìde tioram is mìn san fharsaingeachd ach chan eil an talamh glè thorrach ach ann an Naxos." #: maps/random/cycladic_archipelago.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Cycladic Archipelago" msgstr "Innis-mhuir Siogladas" #: maps/random/deep_forest.jsonsettings.Description msgid "A deep dark forest in Germania." msgstr "Coille dhorcha mhòr sa Gearmailt." #: maps/random/deep_forest.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Deep Forest" msgstr "Coille mhòr" #: maps/random/english_channel.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Players start in either northern France or southern Britain while the " "English channel separates them." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean taobh tuath na Frainge no taobh deas na Breatainne le Caolas na Frainge ’gan sgaradh o chèile." #: maps/random/english_channel.jsonsettings.Name msgid "English Channel" msgstr "Caolas na Frainge" #: maps/random/fortress.jsonsettings.Description msgid "Players start in a ready-made fortress with piles of resources." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean ann an dùn sa bheil grunn stòrais." #: maps/random/fortress.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Fortress" msgstr "Dùn" #: maps/random/gear.jsonsettings.Description msgid "A land with waterways decorated in a manner similar to spider web." msgstr "Tìr le slighean uisge ann an dealbhadh eige damhain-allaidh." #: maps/random/gear.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Gear" msgstr "Gèar" #: maps/random/guadalquivir_river.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Players start in the shores of the Mediterranean Sea with a river flowing between them.\n" "\n" "The Guadalquivir is the fifth longest river in the Iberian peninsula and the second longest river with its entire length in Spain. The Guadalquivir river is the only great navigable river in Spain. Currently it is navigable to Seville, but in Roman times it was navigable to Cordoba. The ancient city of Tartessos was said to have been located at the mouth of the Guadalquivir, although its site has not yet been found." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean air cladaichean na Mara Meadhanaich le abhainn eatorra.\n\n’S e a’ chòigeamh abhainn as fhaide air an rubha Ibèireach a th’ ann an Guadalquivir agus ’s e an dàrna abhainn as fhaide a tha gu tur san Spàinn a th’ ann. ’S e an aon abhainn mhòr so-sheòlta san Spàin a th’ ann. Gabhaidh seòladh air gu ruige Sevilla an-dràsta ach b’ urrainnear seòladh air gu ruige Cordoba aig àm nan Ròmanach. Chaidh innse gun robh am baile àrsaidh Tartessos suidhiche aig beul a’ Guadalquivir ach cha deach a làrach a lorg fhathast." #: maps/random/guadalquivir_river.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Guadalquivir River" msgstr "Abhainn Guadalquivir" #: maps/random/gulf_of_bothnia.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Players start around a gulf dotted with small islands.\n" "\n" "The Gulf of Bothnia is the northernmost arm of the Baltic Sea." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean air oirthir camais sa bheil eileanan beaga.\n\n’S e am meur as fhaide tuath aig a’ Mhuir Bhaltach a tha sa Chamas Bhotnach." #: maps/random/gulf_of_bothnia.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Gulf of Bothnia" msgstr "An Camas Botnach" #: maps/random/hyrcanian_shores.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Each player starts in a coastal area between forested hills and the Caspian " "Sea." msgstr "Tòisichidh gach cluicheadair air oirthir eadar cnuic choillteach ’s am Muir Caspach." #: maps/random/hyrcanian_shores.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Hyrcanian Shores" msgstr "Cladaich Hiorcàinia" #: maps/random/islands.jsonsettings.Description msgid "Players start in small islands while there are many others around." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean ann an eileanan beaga fhad ’s a tha mòran a bharrachd dhiubh ann." #: maps/random/islands.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Islands" msgstr "Eileanan" #: maps/random/kerala.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Players start in the southwestern shores of India between a sea and " "mountains." msgstr "Tòsichidh na cluicheadairean air oirthir iar-dheas nan Innseachan eadar am muir ’s na beanntan." #: maps/random/kerala.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Kerala" msgstr "Cearala" #: maps/random/lake.jsonsettings.Description msgid "Players start around a lake in the center of the map." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean timcheall air loch a tha ann am meadhan a’ mhapa." #: maps/random/lake.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Lake" msgstr "Loch" #: maps/random/latium.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "The Italian peninsula \n" "\n" " Latium is the region of central western Italy in which the city of Rome was founded and grew to be the capital city of the Roman Empire. Latium was originally a small triangle of fertile, volcanic soil on which resided the tribe of the Latins. It was located on the left bank (east and south) of the Tiber river, extending northward to the Anio river (a left-bank tributary of the Tiber) and southeastward to the Pomptina Palus (Pontine Marshes, now the Pontine Fields) as far south as the Circeian promontory. The right bank of the Tiber was occupied by the Etruscan city of Veii, and the other borders were occupied by Italic tribes. Subsequently Rome defeated Veii and then its Italic neighbors, expanding Latium to the Apennine Mountains in the northeast and to the opposite end of the marsh in the southeast. The modern descendant, the Italian Regione of Lazio, also called Latium in Latin, and occasionally in modern English, is somewhat larger still, but not as much as double the original Latium." msgstr "An rubha Eadailteach\n\n’S e Latium an sgìre ann am meadhan na Eadailte iarach far an deach baile na Roimhe a stèidheachadh agus chaidh i ’na chathair-bhaile aig an Impireachd Ròmanach. ’S e triantan beag de thalamh bholcànach thorrach a bh’ ann an Latium bho thùs far an robh treubh nan Laideannaich a’ fuireach. Bha e suidhichte air bruach chlì (ear-dheas) an Tìobair le abhainn Anio air a cheann a tuath (seo leas-abhainn taobh clì an Tiobair) agus Pomptina Palus (am Boglach Pontach, na h-Achaidhean Pontach a-nis) gu ear-dheas agus gu ruige Mons Circeius air a cheann a deas. Bha am baile Etruscanach Veii air bruach dheas an Tìobair agus bha treubhan Eadailteach a’ fuireach aig na crìochan eile. Cheannsaich an Roimh Veii an uairsin agus a nàbaidhean Eadailteach ’na dhèidh sin, a’ leudachadh Latium gu ruige Monadh Appenninus ceann ear-thuath is gu ruige taobh thall a’ bhoglaich ceann ear-dheas. Tha sgìre san latha an-diugh, an sgìre Eadailteach Lazio air a bheil Latium san Laideann agus aig amannan sa Bheurla fhathast, caran nas motha a-nis ach tha e fhathast nas lugha na dà thuras am meud aig an sgìre Latium tùsail." #: maps/random/latium.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Latium" msgstr "Latium" #: maps/random/lorraine_plain.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Players start in a nearly flat Gallic plain divided by a river and its " "tributaries." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean air blàr rèidh sa Ghall a tha ’ga sgaradh le abhainn ’s a leas-aibhnean." #: maps/random/lorraine_plain.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Lorraine Plain" msgstr "Blàr Lorraine" #: maps/random/mainland.jsonsettings.Description msgid "A typical map without any water." msgstr "Mapa àbhaisteach gun uisge." #: maps/random/mainland.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Mainland" msgstr "An tìr mòr" #: maps/random/migration.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Players start in small islands in the eastern part of the map. There is a " "big continent in the west ready for expansion." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean ann an eileanan beaga taobh an ear air a’ mhapa. Tha mòr-thìr gu siar orra deiseil airson tuineachadh." #: maps/random/migration.jsonsettings.Name #: maps/scenarios/Migration.xml:Name:31 msgid "Migration" msgstr "Eilthireachd" #: maps/random/neareastern_badlands.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "A jumbled maze of cliffs, canyons, and rugged terrain with an oasis in the center\n" "\n" "Cappadocia is a historical region in Central Anatolia. In the time of Herodotus, the Cappadocians were reported as occupying the whole region from Mount Taurus to the vicinity of the the Black Sea. Cappadocia, in this sense, was bounded in the south by the chain of the Taurus Mountains that separate it from Cilicia, to the east by the upper Euphrates and the Armenian Highland, to the north by Pontus, and to the west by Lycaonia and eastern Galatia. Cappadocia lies in eastern Anatolia. The relief consists of a high plateau over 1000 m in altitude that is pierced by volcanic peaks. Due to its inland location and high altitude, Cappadocia has a markedly continental climate, with hot dry summers and cold snowy winters. Rainfall is sparse and the region is largely semi-arid." msgstr "Stacan, sgoltaidhean is tìr fillte robach le innis-fhàsaich sa mheadhan.\n\n’S e sgìre eachdraidheil ann am meadhan Anatolia a th’ ann an Capadòcia. Ri linn Herodotus, chaidh innse gun robh an sgìre gu lèir on Mhonadh Taurus cha mhòr gu ruige na Mara Duibhe aig na Capadòcaich. San t-seagh seo, bha Chapadòcia ga sgaradh air ceann a deas o Chilicia leis a’ Mhonadh Taurus agus bha na crìochan eile oirre taobh an ear aig an àrd-tìr Airmeineach ’s an Euphràtes, ceann a tuath aig Pontus agus taobh an iar aig Lycaonia is Galatia earach. A thaobh an tìr-chumaidh, tha Capadòcia air taobh an ear Anatolia. Tha a chlàr corr is 1000m a dh’àirde le sgurran bholcànach air. On a tha e ann am meadhan tìre is àrd, tha gnàth-shìde mòr-thìreach aig Capadòcia gu sònraichte le samhraidhean teotha tioram is geamhraidhean fuar sneachdach. ’S gann gum bi an t-uisge ann agus tha an sgìre leth-thioram san fharsaingeachd." #: maps/random/neareastern_badlands.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Neareastern Badlands" msgstr "Fàsach an ear faisg" #: maps/random/new_rms_test.jsonsettings.Description msgid "A basic test of the random map generator - not playable." msgstr "Deuchainn bhunasach air gineadair nam mapa – cha ghabh a chluich." #: maps/random/new_rms_test.jsonsettings.Name msgid "New RMS Test" msgstr "Deuchainn RMS ùr" #: maps/random/northern_lights.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Players start in a tough map to play with scarce wood and dangerous polar " "animals." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean air mapa doirbh sa bheil fiodh gann ’s beathaichean pòlarach cunnartach." #: maps/random/northern_lights.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Northern Lights" msgstr "Fir-chlis" #: maps/random/oasis.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Players start around a small oasis in the center of the map which holds much" " of the available wood on the map." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean timcheall air innis-fhàsaich bheag ann am meadhan a’ mhapa sa bheil a’ mhòrchuid dhen fhiodh a tha ri fhaighinn." #: maps/random/oasis.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Oasis" msgstr "Innis-fhàsaich" #: maps/random/persian_highlands.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "A dry central plateau rich in minerals surrounded by rocky hills\n" "\n" "The southern parts of Zagros Mountains were the heart of the Persian empires and population. Although the altitude is high, the southern parts are drier that the northern Zagros, leading to a semi-arid climate. Still there are some sparse oak forests in the higher grounds." msgstr "Àrd-chlàr tioram meadhanach le beartas chlachan-mèinnir le cnuic chreagach timcheall air. \n\nBhiodh ceann a deas a’ Mhonaidh Sagros aig cridhe impireachdan is muinntir nam Pearsach. Ged a tha e àrd, tha ceann a deas nas tiorma na ceann a tuath Sagros agus tha seo a’ toirt gnàth-shìde leth-thioram dha. Tha coilltean darach gann air an tìr as àirde co-dhiù." #: maps/random/persian_highlands.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Persian Highlands" msgstr "Àrd-tirean Pearsach" #: maps/random/pheonician_levant.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Players start in the eastern part of the map while a great sea is located to" " the west." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean aobh an ear air a’ mhapa fhad ’s a tha cuan mòr gu siar orra." #: maps/random/pheonician_levant.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Phoenician Levant" msgstr "An Levant Pheniceach" #: maps/random/pyrenean_sierra.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "High mountains separating the enemies.\n" "\n" "The Pyrenees is a great mountain range located between modern France and Spain." msgstr "Tha monadh àrd a’ sgaradh nan nàimhdean.\n\n’S e monadh mòr eadar far a bheil an Fhraing ’s an Spàinn san latha an-diugh a tha sna Beanntan Pirineach." #: maps/random/pyrenean_sierra.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Pyrenean Sierra" msgstr "Na Beanntan Pirineach" #: maps/random/rhine_marshlands.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Shallow, passable wetlands with little room for building. Represents the " "lowlands of the Rhine basin in Europe." msgstr "Talamh fliuch eu-domhain a ghabhas coiseachd air ach air a bheil an rum airson togalaichean gann. Riochdaichidh e machair na Rèine san Roinn-Eòrpa." #: maps/random/rhine_marshlands.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Rhine Marshlands" msgstr "Boglach na Rèine" #: maps/random/rivers.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Rivers flow between players and join each other in the center of the map." msgstr "Tha aibhnean eadar na cluicheadairean a thig còmhla ann am meadhan a’ mhapa." #: maps/random/rivers.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Rivers" msgstr "Aibhnean" #: maps/random/saharan_oases.jsonsettings.Description msgid "Each players starts near a lush oasis in a large, desolate desert." msgstr "Tòisichidh gach cluicheadair faisg air innis-fhàsaich bheartach agus fàsach mòr lom timcheall orra." #: maps/random/saharan_oases.jsonsettings.Name maps/scenarios/Saharan #: Oases.xml:Name:31 msgid "Saharan Oases" msgstr "Innseachan-fàsaich Shathara" #: maps/random/sahel.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "A somewhat open map with an abundance of food and mineral resources, while " "wood is somewhat scarce." msgstr "Seo mapa caran fosgailte le pailteas bìdh is mèinneir fhad ’s a tha fhiodh caran gann." #: maps/random/sahel.jsonsettings.Name maps/scenarios/Sahel.xml:Name:42 msgid "Sahel" msgstr "Sàithil" #: maps/random/sahel_watering_holes.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "Players start around the map with lines of water between them\n" "\n" "The African savanna is chocked full of animal life for hunting, while the nearby mineral deposits are plentiful. The dry season is approaching and the watering holes are drying up." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean sgapte air a’ mhapa le loidhnichean uisge eatorra\n\nTha sabhanna Afraga làn bheathaichean airson seilge fhad ’s a tha pailteas stòrasan mèinneir am fagas. Tha an ràith thioram ri tighinn agus an t-uisge a’ falbh o na tuill uisge." #: maps/random/sahel_watering_holes.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Sahel Watering Holes" msgstr "Tuill uisge sàithil" #: maps/random/schwarzwald.jsonsettings.Description msgid "A forest heavy map with a lake in the middle and plenty of resources." msgstr "Mapa le torr choilltean is pailteas a stòrasan ann agus tha loch sa mheadhan." #: maps/random/schwarzwald.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Schwarzwald" msgstr "A’ choille dhubh" #: maps/random/snowflake_searocks.jsonsettings.Description msgid "Many small islands connected to each other by narrow passages." msgstr "Iomadh eilean beag ceangailte ri chèile le slighean beaga." #: maps/random/snowflake_searocks.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Snowflake Searocks" msgstr "Creagan-mara bhleideagan-sneachda" #: maps/random/survivalofthefittest.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "[color=\"red\"]IMPORTANT NOTE: AI PLAYERS DO NOT WORK WITH THIS MAP[/color]\n" "\n" "Protect your base against endless waves of enemies. Use your woman citizen to collect the treasures at the center of the map before others do, and try to build your base up. The last player remaining will be the winner!" msgstr "[color=\"red\"]THOIR AN AIRE: CHAN OBRAICH CUILCHEADAIREAN IF LEIS A’ MHAPA SEO[/color]\n\nDìon do bhunait an aghaidh iomadh nàmhad a’ tighinn a-steach. Cleachd na saoranaich boireann agad gus na h-ulaidhean ann am meadhan a mhapa a chruinneachadh mus faigh càch iad agus feuch gun leasaich thu do bhunait. Buannaichidh an cluicheadair a sheasas nas fhaide!" #: maps/random/survivalofthefittest.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Survival of the Fittest" msgstr "Maireachdainn" #: maps/random/syria.jsonsettings.Description msgid "Players start in a plains with slightly rolling highlands." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean air machair le cnuic faisg orra." #: maps/random/syria.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Syria" msgstr "Siridhea" #: maps/random/the_nile.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "A calm wide river, representing the Nile River in Egypt, divides the map " "into western and eastern parts." msgstr "Abhainn mhòr chiùin a riochdaicheas an Nìl san Èipheit ’s a sgaraicheas am mapa sna sgìrean siarach ’s earach." #: maps/random/the_nile.jsonsettings.Name msgid "The Nile" msgstr "An Nìl" #: maps/random/unknown.jsonsettings.Description msgid "The unknown... Warning: May be a naval map." msgstr "An t-aineol… Rabhadh: Dh’fhaoidte gur e mapa-mara a bhios ann." #: maps/random/unknown.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Unknown" msgstr "An t-aineol" #: maps/random/unknown_land.jsonsettings.Description msgid "The unknown..." msgstr "An t-aineol..." #: maps/random/unknown_land.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Unknown Land" msgstr "Tìr an aineoil" #: maps/random/unknown_nomad.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "The unknown... Players start with only some citizen soldiers and females. " "[color=\"red\"]Warning: The starting resources should be set at least at " "Medium.[/color]" msgstr "An t-aineol… Cha tòisich na chluicheadairean ach le corra saighdear-dùthcha is saoranaich boireann. [color=\"red\"]Rabhadh: Bu chòir dhut na stòrasan tòiseachaidh a shuidheachadh air “Meadhanach” air a char as lugha.[/color]" #: maps/random/unknown_nomad.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Unknown Nomad" msgstr "Iniltear coimheach" #: maps/random/volcanic_lands.jsonsettings.Description msgid "A charred dead land where players start around a smoking volcano." msgstr "Tìr marbh loisgte far an tòisich na cluicheadairean timcheall air beinn-theine." #: maps/random/volcanic_lands.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Volcanic Lands" msgstr "Tìr na beinne-theine" #: maps/random/wall_demo.jsonsettings.Description msgid "" "A demonstration of wall placement methods/code in random maps. Very large " "map size is recommended." msgstr "Seo taisbeanadh air dòighean/còd gus ballachan a chur ann am mapaichean air thuaiream. Mholamaid mapa glè mhòr." #: maps/random/wall_demo.jsonsettings.Name msgid "Wall Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air ballachan" #: maps/random/survivalofthefittest_triggers.js:80 msgid "An enemy wave is attacking!" msgstr "Tha an nàmhaid a’ toirt ionnsaigh ort!" #: maps/random/survivalofthefittest_triggers.js:151 msgid "The first wave will start in 15 minutes!" msgstr "Tòisichidh a’ chiad ionnsaigh an ceann cairteal uarach!" #: maps/scenarios/Triggers_demo.js:73 msgid "Testing the yes-no dialog. Do you want to say sure or rather not?" msgstr "A’ cur an comhradh dearbhaidh/àichidh fo dheuchainn. A bheil thu airson \"Seadh\" no \"Chan eadh\" a ràdh?" #: maps/scenarios/Triggers_demo.js:79 msgid "Sure" msgstr "Seadh" #: maps/scenarios/Triggers_demo.js:83 msgid "Say sure" msgstr "Can \"Seadh\"" #: maps/scenarios/Triggers_demo.js:89 msgid "Rather not" msgstr "Chan eadh" #: maps/scenarios/Triggers_demo.js:93 msgid "Say rather not" msgstr "Can \"Chan eadh\"" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:10 msgid "Collect the treasures before your enemy does! May the better win!" msgstr "Tog na h-ulaidhean mus tog do nàmhaid iad! Gum buannaich am fear nas fhearr!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:37 msgid "Your enemy's treasury is filled to the brim, you lose!" msgstr "Tha taigh-ulaidh do nàmhad loma-làn, chaill thu!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:42 msgid "Your treasury is filled to the brim, you are victorious!" msgstr "Fhuair thu torr ulaidhean ’s bhuannaich thu!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:54 msgid "Hurry up! Your enemy is close to victory!" msgstr "Greas ort! Tha do nàmhaid gu bhith buannachd fhaighinn!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:65 #, javascript-format msgid "Treasures remaining to collect for victory: %(remainingTreasures)s!" msgstr "Na h-ulaidhean a dh’fheumas togail fhathast airson buannachd fhaighinn: %(remainingTreasures)s!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:73 msgid "You have collected a treasure!" msgstr "Thog thu ulaidh!" #: maps/scenarios/treasure_islands.js:85 msgid "Defeat your enemy to win!" msgstr "Cuir ruaig air an nàmhaid airson buannachd fhaighinn!" #: maps/scenarios/Arcadia.xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Springtime in Arcadia, Greece. Spring rains have gorged what would otherwise be dry creek beds throughout the rest of the year, dividing the lands between two warring tribes. \n" "\n" "Players start on either side of a mountainous region rich in resources. Extra starting buildings help players jumpstart building their new colonies." msgstr "Earrach ann an Arcàidea sa Ghreug. Tha tuiltean an earraich air creagan a dhèanamh de na bhiodh ’nan sruth-chlaisean tioram feadh corr a’ bhliadhna ’s a sgaradh an dùthaich eadar dà threubh nàimhdeil. \n\nTòisichidh na cluicheadairean air gach taobh sgìre beanntach sa bheil beartas de stòras. Bidh togalach a bharrachd aig gach cluicheadair aig an toiseach ach an tog iad an tuineachadh nas luaithe." #: maps/scenarios/Arcadia.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/Belgian_Bog_night.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Death Canyon - Invasion Force.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Demo_Trading.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 maps/scenarios/Eire #: and Albion.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 maps/scenarios/Fast #: Oasis.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Flight_demo_2.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Gold_Rush.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Introductory Tutorial.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Laconia 01.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Migration.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Necropolis.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Saharan #: Oases.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Britons.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Gauls.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Iberians.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Romans.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 maps/scenarios/Siwa #: Oasis.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 maps/scenarios/The Massacre of #: Delphi.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Treasure #: Islands.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Tropical #: Island.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/WallTest.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Walls.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/reservoir.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/starting_economy_walkthrough.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Acropolis Bay (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Alpine_Valleys_(2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Bactria (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Barcania (3).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 #: maps/skirmishes/Belgian Bog (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Caspian Sea (2v2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Corinthian Isthmus (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Corinthian Isthmus (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Corsica and Sardinia (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Cycladic Archipelago (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Death Canyon (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Deccan Plateau (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Gallic Fields (3).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Gambia River (3).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Golden Oasis (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis Night (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Libyan Oases (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Libyan Oasis (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Lorraine Plain (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:40 #: maps/skirmishes/Median Oasis (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Median Oasis (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Mediterranean Cove (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Neareastern Badlands (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Neareastern Badlands (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Nile River (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Persian Highlands (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Punbjab (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:40 #: maps/skirmishes/Saharan Oases (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Sahel (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Savanna #: River.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Sicilia #: (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Sicilia_Nomad.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:35 #: maps/skirmishes/Siwa Oasis (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:40 #: maps/skirmishes/Sporades Islands (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Syria (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Team #: Oasis - 2v2.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Thessalian Plains #: (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Tuscan Acropolis #: (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:40 maps/skirmishes/Watering Holes #: (4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Zagros Mountains #: (2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 msgid "Player 1" msgstr "Cluicheadair 1" #: maps/scenarios/Arcadia.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/Belgian_Bog_night.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Demo_Trading.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 maps/scenarios/Eire #: and Albion.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 maps/scenarios/Fast #: Oasis.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Flight_demo_2.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Gold_Rush.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Introductory Tutorial.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Laconia 01.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Migration.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Necropolis.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Saharan #: Oases.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Britons.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Gauls.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Iberians.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Romans.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 maps/scenarios/Siwa #: Oasis.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 maps/scenarios/The Massacre of #: Delphi.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Treasure #: Islands.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Tropical #: Island.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/WallTest.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Walls.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/starting_economy_walkthrough.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Acropolis Bay (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Alpine_Valleys_(2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Bactria (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Barcania (3).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 #: maps/skirmishes/Belgian Bog (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Caspian Sea (2v2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Corinthian Isthmus (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Corinthian Isthmus (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Corsica and Sardinia (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Cycladic Archipelago (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Death Canyon (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Deccan Plateau (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Gallic Fields (3).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Gambia River (3).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Golden Oasis (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis Night (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Libyan Oases (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Libyan Oasis (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Lorraine Plain (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:40 #: maps/skirmishes/Median Oasis (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Median Oasis (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Mediterranean Cove (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Neareastern Badlands (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Neareastern Badlands (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Nile River (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Persian Highlands (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Punbjab (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:40 #: maps/skirmishes/Saharan Oases (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Sahel (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Savanna #: River.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Sicilia #: (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Sicilia_Nomad.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:35 #: maps/skirmishes/Siwa Oasis (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:40 #: maps/skirmishes/Sporades Islands (2).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Syria (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Team #: Oasis - 2v2.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Thessalian Plains #: (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Tuscan Acropolis #: (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:40 maps/skirmishes/Watering Holes #: (4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Zagros Mountains #: (2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 msgid "Player 2" msgstr "Cluicheadair 2" #: maps/scenarios/Arcadia.xml:Name:41 msgid "Arcadia" msgstr "Arkadía" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast(2).xml:Description:31 maps/scenarios/Azure #: Coast(4).xml:Description:31 maps/scenarios/Azure Coast.xml:Description:41 msgid "Help the young Massilia to settle or expel the Greeks from Gaul." msgstr "Cuidich Massalía òg leis an tuineachadh no fuadaich na Greugaich on Ghall." #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast(2).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 msgid "Greeks" msgstr "Na Greugaich" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast(2).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 msgid "Celts" msgstr "Ceiltich" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast(2).xml:Name:31 msgid "Azure Coast 2" msgstr "An Costa Gorm 2" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast(4).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 msgid "East" msgstr "An Taobh an Ear" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast(4).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 msgid "West" msgstr "An Taobh Siar" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast(4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 msgid "South" msgstr "An Taobh a Deas" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast(4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:31 msgid "North" msgstr "An Taobh Tuath" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast(4).xml:Name:31 msgid "Azure Coast 3" msgstr "An Costa Gorm 3" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 msgid "Antipolis" msgstr "Antipolis" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 msgid "Nikaia" msgstr "Nikaia" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 msgid "Massalia" msgstr "Massilia" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 msgid "Olbia" msgstr "Olbia" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast.xml:PlayerData[4].Name:41 msgid "Deciates" msgstr "Deciates" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast.xml:PlayerData[5].Name:41 msgid "Salluvii" msgstr "Salluvii" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast.xml:PlayerData[6].Name:41 msgid "Cavares" msgstr "Cavares" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast.xml:PlayerData[7].Name:41 msgid "Verguni" msgstr "Verguni" #: maps/scenarios/Azure Coast.xml:Name:41 msgid "Azure Coast 1" msgstr "An Costa Gorm 1" #: maps/scenarios/Battle for the Tiber.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "Rome battles against the Etruscan city of Veii for control of the Tiber " "River basin." msgstr "Tha an Ròimh a’ strì an aghaidh baile Veii nan Eatruscach ach am faigh iad smachd air machair an Tìobair." #: maps/scenarios/Battle for the Tiber.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 msgid "Rome" msgstr "An Ròimh" #: maps/scenarios/Battle for the Tiber.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 msgid "Veii" msgstr "Veii" #: maps/scenarios/Battle for the Tiber.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Battle for the Tiber.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:31 msgid "Gallic Invaders" msgstr "Muinntir na Gaille a’ briseadh a-steach" #: maps/scenarios/Battle for the Tiber.xml:Name:31 msgid "Battle for the Tiber" msgstr "Strì an Tìobair" #: maps/scenarios/Belgian_Bog_night.xml:Description:42 msgid "Two Celtic tribes face off across a large bog at night." msgstr "Thèid dà chinneadh Ceilteach an aghaidh càch a chèile thar boglaich mhòir air an oidhche." #: maps/scenarios/Belgian_Bog_night.xml:Name:42 msgid "Belgian Bog Night" msgstr "Oidhche a’ bhoglaich Bheilgich" #: maps/scenarios/Bridge_demo.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 msgid "Bridge Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh dhrochaidean" #: maps/scenarios/Bridge_demo.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 msgid "Other" msgstr "Eile" #: maps/scenarios/Bridge_demo.xml:Description:31 msgid "Demo map showing how to simulate bridges in the Atlas map editor." msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh a sheallas mar a chruthaicheas tu drochaidean mas-fhìor san deasaiche Atlas." #: maps/scenarios/Bridge_demo.xml:Name:31 msgid "Bridge demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh dhrochaidean" #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map 2 - heightmap.xml:Name:42 msgid "Campaign Map - Test" msgstr "Mapa iomairte - Deuchainn" #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml:Description:42 msgid "A test map for potential Strategic Campaigns." msgstr "Mapa deuchainn airson iomairtean ro-innleachd a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ann." #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 msgid "Delian League" msgstr "Lìg Dhealos" #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Peloponnese.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 msgid "Thebes" msgstr "Tìba" #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Peloponnese.xml:PlayerData[5].Name:41 msgid "Thessaly" msgstr "Teasalaidh" #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 msgid "Megara" msgstr "Mégara" #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml:PlayerData[4].Name:42 msgid "Eretria" msgstr "Erétria" #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml:PlayerData[5].Name:42 msgid "Chalcis" msgstr "Chalcís" #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml:PlayerData[6].Name:42 msgid "Peloponnesian League" msgstr "An Lìg Pheoloponnasach" #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml:PlayerData[7].Name:42 msgid "Religious Institutions" msgstr "Buidhnean diadhach" #: maps/scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml:Name:42 msgid "Strategic Campaign Proof of Concept" msgstr "Beachd-fhanais air iomairtean ro-innleachd" #: maps/scenarios/Combat_demo.xml:Name:30 msgid "Combat Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh còmhraige" #: maps/scenarios/Combat_demo.xml:Description:30 msgid "" "A combat demonstration between a small number of ranged and melee infantry " "units." msgstr "Taisbeanadh còmhraige le àireamh bheag dhe choisridh astair is dhlùth." #: maps/scenarios/Combat_demo_(huge).xml:Name:77 msgid "Combat Demo (Huge)" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air còmhrag (uabhasach mòr)" #: maps/scenarios/Combat_demo_(huge).xml:Description:77 msgid "1296 units. Extremely slow (we need more optimisation)." msgstr "1296 aonadan. Cianail fhèin slaodach (tha feum air barrachd piseachaidh)." #: maps/scenarios/Death Canyon - Invasion Force.xml:Description:42 msgid "" "A deep rocky canyon slicing through the desert. Good for multiplayer.\n" "\n" "2 teams of 2 players. 1 player on each team starts with a base and resources. The other player starts with only a large army to assist their teammate." msgstr "Sgoltadh creagach domhainn a’ sgoradh an fhàsaich. Math airson geama ioma-chluicheadair.\n\n2 sgioba de 2 chluicheadair. Tòisichidh 1 chluicheadair anns gach sgioba le bunait is stòrasan. Cha bhi ach feachd mòr aig a’ chluicheadair eile ach an doir iad taic ri a chuideachd." #: maps/scenarios/Death Canyon - Invasion Force.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Death Canyon - Invasion Force.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 msgid "Invasion Force" msgstr "Feachd a’ briseadh a-steach" #: maps/scenarios/Death Canyon - Invasion Force.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Demo_Trading.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 maps/scenarios/Fast #: Oasis.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Gold_Rush.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Migration.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Necropolis.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Saharan #: Oases.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Britons.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Gauls.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Siwa #: Oasis.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 maps/skirmishes/Barcania #: (3).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 maps/skirmishes/Caspian Sea #: (2v2).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Corinthian Isthmus #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Corsica and Sardinia #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Gallic Fields #: (3).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Gambia River #: (3).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Libyan Oases #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Median Oasis #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Neareastern Badlands #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Nile River #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Persian Highlands #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Saharan Oases #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Sahel #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Team Oasis - #: 2v2.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Thessalian Plains #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Tuscan Acropolis #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:40 maps/skirmishes/Watering Holes #: (4).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 msgid "Player 3" msgstr "Cluicheadair 3" #: maps/scenarios/Death Canyon - Invasion Force.xml:Name:42 msgid "Death Canyon - Invasion Force" msgstr "Sgoltadh a’ bhàis - Feachd a’ briseadh a-steach" #: maps/scenarios/Demo_Trading.xml:Description:31 msgid "A demonstration of the new trading feature." msgstr "Taisbeanadh air an fheart mhalairt ùir." #: maps/scenarios/Demo_Trading.xml:Name:31 msgid "Trading Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh a’ mhalairt" #: maps/scenarios/Eire and Albion.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "A demo map of the British Isles, created with the assistance of a height " "map." msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh nan eileanan Breatannach air a chruthachadh le taic mapa-àirde." #: maps/scenarios/Eire and Albion.xml:Name:31 msgid "Eire and Albion (British Isles)" msgstr "Eire ’s Albion (Na h-Eileanan Breatannach)" #: maps/scenarios/Fast Oasis.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "A small desert map. Each player starts near an oasis spotted about an otherwise bleak and sandy desert that is wide open to assault and depredation.\n" "\n" "Gameplay is tight and fast, with no time to stop and smell the roses." msgstr "Mapa fàsaich beag. Tòisichidh gach cluicheadair faisg air aon dhe na h-innsean-fàsaich a tha sgapte air fàsach gainmhich lom a tha fosgailte dha dh’ionnsaighean is spùinneadh.\n\nThèid an geama air adhart glè luath gun chothrom gus anail a ghabhail." #: maps/scenarios/Fast Oasis.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Gold_Rush.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Necropolis.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 maps/scenarios/Saharan #: Oases.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:31 maps/scenarios/Siwa #: Oasis.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:31 maps/skirmishes/Caspian Sea #: (2v2).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Corinthian Isthmus #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Corsica and Sardinia #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Libyan Oases #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Median Oasis #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Neareastern Badlands #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Nile River #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Persian Highlands #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Saharan Oases #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Sahel #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Team Oasis - #: 2v2.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 maps/skirmishes/Thessalian Plains #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 maps/skirmishes/Tuscan Acropolis #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:40 maps/skirmishes/Watering Holes #: (4).xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 msgid "Player 4" msgstr "Cluicheadair 4" #: maps/scenarios/Fast Oasis.xml:Name:31 msgid "Fast Oasis" msgstr "Innis-fhàsaich luath" #: maps/scenarios/Fishing_demo.xml:Name:31 msgid "Fishing Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air iasgaich" #: maps/scenarios/Fishing_demo.xml:Description:31 msgid "Test out fishing with a fishing boat. Still in development." msgstr "Feuch ri iasgaich le bàta-iasgaich. ’Ga leasachadh fhathast." #: maps/scenarios/Flight_demo.xml:Description:31 msgid "Has some experimental fighter plane prototypes." msgstr "Proto-sheòrsaichean deuchainneach air plèanaichean." #: maps/scenarios/Flight_demo.xml:Name:31 msgid "Flight Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air itealadh" #: maps/scenarios/Flight_demo_2.xml:Description:31 msgid "Fly some Mustangs." msgstr "Stiùirich plèanaichean Mustang." #: maps/scenarios/Flight_demo_2.xml:Name:31 msgid "Flight Demo 2" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air itealadh 2" #: maps/scenarios/Gold_Rush.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "A wide-open map with a central rocky region rich in Minerals (Metal " "Resource). This map may be played if the other more detailed maps cause " "uncomfortable lag." msgstr "Mapa fosgailte le sgìre creagach sa mheadhan air a bheil pailteas mèinneir (stòras meatailt). Gabhaidh am mapa seo a chluich ma bhios cus dàil mhì-chofhurtail air mapaichean eile." #: maps/scenarios/Gold_Rush.xml:Name:31 msgid "Gold Rush" msgstr "Boile an Òir" #: maps/scenarios/Gorge.xml:Description:31 msgid "A riparian gorge meanders its way through the South lands of Gaul." msgstr "Mòr-ghil aibhne a’ lùbadh thar taobh a deas na Gaille." #: maps/scenarios/Gorge.xml:Name:31 msgid "Gorge" msgstr "Mòr-ghil" #: maps/scenarios/Height Map Import - Demo (Fractal).xml:Description:31 msgid "Importation of a height map created with fractals." msgstr "Ion-phortadh air mapa-àirde fractalach." #: maps/scenarios/Height Map Import - Demo (Fractal).xml:Name:31 msgid "Height Map Import Demo - Fractal" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air ion-phortadh mapaichean-àirde - Fractalach" #: maps/scenarios/Height Map Import - Demo (Greece).xml:Description:31 msgid "" "An example of height map importation. Image was 1000x1000 grayscale PNG. This image can be found in the scenarios folder.\n" " \n" "(Smaller images are recommended, as the importer scales the scenario size by the resolution of the imported image.)" msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir air ion-phortach mhapaichean-àirde. ’S e PNG liath-sgèile 1000x1000 a bha san dealbh. Gheibh thu an dealbh seo ann am pasgan nan cnàmh-sgeulan.\n \n(Mholamaid dealbhan nas lugha on a chuireas an t-inneal ion-phortaidh sgèile na cnàmh-sgeòil air dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh an deilbh a chaidh ion-phortadh.)" #: maps/scenarios/Height Map Import - Demo (Greece).xml:Name:31 msgid "Height Map Import Demo - Greece" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air ion-phortadh mapaichean-àirde - A’ Ghreug" #: maps/scenarios/Height Map Import - Demo (Greece-Small).xml:Description:31 msgid "" "An example of height map importation. Image was 512x512 grayscale PNG. This " "image can be found in the scenarios folder, but can be placed anywhere." msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir air ion-phortach mhapaichean-àirde. ’S e PNG liath-sgèile 512x512 a bha san dealbh. Gheibh thu an dealbh seo ann am pasgan nan cnàmh-sgeulan ach gabhaidh a chur àite sam bith." #: maps/scenarios/Height Map Import - Demo (Greece-Small).xml:Name:31 msgid "Height Map Import Demo - Greece (small)" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air ion-phortadh mapaichean-àirde - A’ Ghreug (beag)" #: maps/scenarios/Introductory Tutorial.xml:Description:42 msgid "This is a basic tutorial to get you started playing 0 A.D." msgstr "Seo oideachadh bunasach ach an tòisich thu air 0 A.D. a chluich." #: maps/scenarios/Introductory Tutorial.xml:Name:42 msgid "Introductory Tutorial" msgstr "Bun-oideachadh" #: maps/scenarios/Laconia 01.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "The Peloponnesian valley of Laconia, homeland of the Spartans.\n" "\n" "The Macedonians are encroaching into Spartan lands. After losing a pitched battle against the invaders, the Spartans must rebuild their army quickly before the Macedonians overrun the entire valley." msgstr "Is gleann Laconia air a’ Pheoloponnais dachaigh nam Spartach.\n\nTha na Masadonaich a’ briseadh a-steach air dùthaich nam Spartach. an dèidh blàr neo-chothromach a chall an aghaidh an luchd brisidh a-steach, feumaidh na Spartaich an arm aca a thogail às ùr gu luath mus gabh na Masadonaich an gleann gu lèir." #: maps/scenarios/Laconia 01.xml:Name:31 msgid "Laconia" msgstr "Laconia" #: maps/scenarios/Migration.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "Multiplayer map. Each player starts out on a small island with minimal resources situated off the coast of a large land mass.\n" "\n" "This is a WFG community-designed map by: SMST, NOXAS1, and Yodaspirine." msgstr "Mapa ioma-chluicheadair. Tòisichidh gach cluicheadair ann an eilean beag le stòras glè ghann faisg air tìr mòr.\n\nSeo mapa a chaidh a dhealbhach le buill na coimhearsnachd WFG: SMST, NOXAS1 agus Yodaspirine." #: maps/scenarios/Miletus.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 #: maps/scenarios/Miletus.xml:Name:31 msgid "Miletus" msgstr "Miletos" #: maps/scenarios/Miletus.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 maps/scenarios/Sandbox - #: Ptolemies 2.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 msgid "Romans" msgstr "Na Ròmanaich" #: maps/scenarios/Miletus.xml:Description:31 msgid "A sandbox scenario for one player." msgstr "Cnàmh-sgeul bogsa-gainmhich airson aon chluicheadair." #: maps/scenarios/Multiplayer_demo.xml:Name:31 msgid "Multiplayer Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh ioma-chluicheadair" #: maps/scenarios/Multiplayer_demo.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "Small map with lots of resources and some water, for testing gameplay in " "non-competitive multiplayer matches." msgstr "Mapa beag le mòran stòrasan is beagan uisge gus cluiche a’ gheama fheuchainn ann am maidichean ioma-chluicheadair neo-chòmhstritheil." #: maps/scenarios/Necropolis.xml:Description:41 msgid "" "4 players duke it out over the vast Nile Delta. Each city starts out nestled atop a large acropolis, but resources are scarce, forcing each player to expand their resource operations into the surrounding lands.\n" "\n" "Scouts say the nearby branches of the Nile River are shallow and fordable in multiple locations, so should only serve as a minor barrier between enemy factions." msgstr "Tha 4 cluicheadairean a’ dèanamh thar gobhlan mòr an Nìl. Tòisichidh gabh baile ’na acra-bhaile ach tha an stòras gann ’s feumaidh gach cluicheadair cruinneachadh stòrais a leudachadh dhan tìr timcheall air ri linn sin.\n\nTha rabhadairean ag innse dhuinn gu bheil meuran an Nìl a tha faisg oirnn eu-domhain is gu bheil àthannan ann, mar sin cha bhi iad ’nam bacadh mòr eadar na nàimhdean." #: maps/scenarios/Necropolis.xml:Name:41 msgid "Necropolis" msgstr "Baile nam marbh" #: maps/scenarios/Pathfinding_demo.xml:Description:41 msgid "A map for testing unit movement algorithms." msgstr "Mapa gus algairimean ghluasaid a chur fo dheuchainn." #: maps/scenarios/Pathfinding_demo.xml:Name:41 msgid "Pathfinding Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air lorg-slighean" #: maps/scenarios/Pathfinding_terrain_demo.xml:Name:31 msgid "Pathfinding Terrain Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air lorg-slighean le cruth-tìre" #: maps/scenarios/Pathfinding_terrain_demo.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "A map for testing movement costs and terrain properties in the A* " "pathfinder." msgstr "Mapa gus cosgaisean gluasaid a chur fo dheuchainn leis an lorg-shlighean A*." #: maps/scenarios/Peloponnese.xml:Description:41 msgid "A real-world map of the Greek homeland." msgstr "Mapa fìrinneach air dùthaich nan Greugach." #: maps/scenarios/Peloponnese.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 msgid "Athens" msgstr "Baile na h‑Àithne" #: maps/scenarios/Peloponnese.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 msgid "Sparta" msgstr "Sparta" #: maps/scenarios/Peloponnese.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 msgid "Elis" msgstr "Elis" #: maps/scenarios/Peloponnese.xml:PlayerData[4].Name:41 msgid "Corinth" msgstr "Corinth" #: maps/scenarios/Peloponnese.xml:Name:41 msgid "Peloponnesian Wars" msgstr "Cogaidhean a’ Pheoloponnais" #: maps/scenarios/Polynesia.xml:Description:42 msgid "Demo map for new fancy water effects." msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh airson èifeachdan uisge snasail ùra." #: maps/scenarios/Polynesia.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Samotha" #: maps/scenarios/Polynesia.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" #: maps/scenarios/Polynesia.xml:Name:42 msgid "Polynesia" msgstr "Poilinèis" #: maps/scenarios/Resource_demo.xml:Name:31 msgid "Resource demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air stòrasan" #: maps/scenarios/Resource_demo.xml:Description:31 msgid "Demo map for resource gathering." msgstr "Taisbeanadh air cruinneachadh stòrasan" #: maps/scenarios/Saharan Oases.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "A desert biome map where each player has founded their colony at their own " "lush oasis. The rest of the map is generally wide-open and barren." msgstr "Mapa fàsaich far an stèidhich gach cluicheadair an tuineachadh aige aig an innis-fhàsaich bheartach aige fhèin. Tha an corr dhen mhapa fosgailte ’s lom san fharsaingeachd." #: maps/scenarios/Sahel.xml:Description:42 msgid "" "Situated Southside of the Atlas mountain range in North Africa.\n" "\n" "A somewhat open map with an abundance of food and mineral resources, while wood is somewhat scarce." msgstr "Deas air a’ Mhonadh Atlais taobh tuath Afraga.\n\nMapa caran fosgailte le pailteas bìdh is mèinneir fhad ’s a tha fiodh caran gann." #: maps/scenarios/Sahel.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 msgid "Aulus Manlius Capitolinus" msgstr "Aulus Manlius Capitolinus" #: maps/scenarios/Sahel.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 msgid "Hasdrubal the Fair" msgstr "Hasdrubal Bòidheach" #: maps/scenarios/Sahel.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 msgid "Artaxshacha II" msgstr "Artaxshacha II" #: maps/scenarios/Sahel.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 msgid "Tautalus" msgstr "Tautalo" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Athenians.xml:Description:42 msgid "" "Play with the Athenians faction in a non-threatening sandbox environment." msgstr "Cluich mar Mhuinntir na h‑Àithne ann an àrainneachd bogsa-gainmhich neo-bhagarrach." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Athenians.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 msgid "The Athenians" msgstr "Muinntir na h‑Àithne" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Athenians.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Macedonians.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Spartans.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Spartans.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 msgid "The Spartans" msgstr "Na Spartaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Athenians.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Macedonians.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Spartans.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 msgid "The Persians" msgstr "Na Pearsaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Athenians.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:42 #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Macedonians.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Spartans.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 msgid "The Gauls" msgstr "Muinntir na Gaille" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Athenians.xml:Name:42 msgid "Sandbox - The Athenians" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Muinntir na h‑Àithne" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Britons.xml:Description:41 maps/scenarios/Sandbox #: - Gauls.xml:Description:41 msgid "Play around with the Gallic faction in an idyllic sandbox setting." msgstr "Cluich le Muinntir na Gaille ann an suidheachadh bogsa-gainmhich sàr-sheallach." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Britons.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Gauls.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 msgid "Roman Interlopers" msgstr "Sgimilearan Ròmanach" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Britons.xml:Name:41 msgid "Sandbox - The Britons" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Na Breatannaich." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Carthaginians.xml:Description:41 msgid "Explore the Carthaginian Buildings and Units." msgstr "Faigh eòlas air togalaichean is aonadan nan Cartagach." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Carthaginians.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/Serengeti.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 msgid "Carthage" msgstr "Cartago" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Carthaginians.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Persians.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 msgid "Creeps" msgstr "Na sgreamhaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Carthaginians.xml:Name:41 msgid "Sandbox - The Carthaginians" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Na Cartagaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Gauls.xml:Name:41 msgid "Sandbox - The Gauls" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Muinntir na Gaille" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Iberians.xml:Description:42 msgid "A demo map for the Iberians." msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh airson nan Ibèirich." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Iberians.xml:Name:42 msgid "Sandbox - The Iberians" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Na h‑Ibèirich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Macedonians.xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Play with the Macedonians faction in a non-threatening sandbox environment." msgstr "Cluich ’nad Mhasadonach ann an àrainneachd bogsa-gainmhich neo-bhagarrach." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Macedonians.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 msgid "The Macedonians" msgstr "Na Masadonaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Macedonians.xml:Name:41 msgid "Sandbox - The Macedonians" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Na Masadonaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Mauryans.xml:Description:42 msgid "Mauryan Indian faction showcase map." msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh airson nan Innsinich Mhauraidheach" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Mauryans.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:42 msgid "Mauryan Indians" msgstr "Innseanaich Mauraidheach" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Mauryans.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:42 msgid "Enemy" msgstr "An nàmhaid" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Mauryans.xml:Name:42 msgid "Sandbox - The Mauryans" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Na Mauraidhich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Persians.xml:Description:41 msgid "Demo Map. Play with the Persian civilisation in a sandbox setting." msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh. Cluich ’nad Phearsach ann an àrainneachd bogsa-gainmhich." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Persians.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 msgid "Achaemenids" msgstr "Achaimenich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Persians.xml:Name:41 msgid "Sandbox - The Persians" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Na Pearsaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Ptolemies 2.xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Play with the Ptolemaic Egyptians in a non-threatening sandbox setting." msgstr "Cluich leis na h-Èipheitich Ptolamach ann an suidheachadh bogsa-gainmhich gun bhagairt." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Ptolemies 2.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 msgid "Ptolemy \"Savior\"" msgstr "Ptolamaidh \"An t-Slànaighear\"" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Ptolemies 2.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 msgid "Seleucids" msgstr "Seleucaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Ptolemies 2.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:41 msgid "Libyans" msgstr "Libithich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Ptolemies 2.xml:Name:41 msgid "Sandbox - The Ptolemaic Egyptians 2" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Na h-Èipheitich Ptolamach 2" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Ptolemies.xml:Description:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Sporades Islands (2).xml:Description:42 msgid "An islands map good for intense naval combat." msgstr "Mapa dhe dh’eileanan a tha math airson còmhraige-mhara dèine." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Ptolemies.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 msgid "Ptolemaios A' Soter" msgstr "Ptolemaios A’ Soter" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Ptolemies.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 msgid "Kautilya" msgstr "Kautilya" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Ptolemies.xml:Name:41 msgid "Sandbox - The Ptolemaic Egyptians" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Na h-Èipheitich Ptolamach" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Romans.xml:Description:42 msgid "A sandbox scenario for players to try out the Roman civilisation." msgstr "Cnàmh-sgeul bogsa-gainmhich gus sìobhaltas nan Ròmanach fheuchainn." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Romans.xml:Name:42 msgid "Sandbox - The Republican Romans" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Poblachd na Ròimhe" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Seleucids.xml:Description:41 msgid "A sandbox scenario for players to try out the Seleucid civilisation." msgstr "Cnàmh-sgeul bogsa-gainmhich gus sìobhaltas nan Seleucach fheuchainn." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Seleucids.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 msgid "The Seleucids" msgstr "Na Seleucaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Seleucids.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 msgid "The Ptolemies" msgstr "Na Ptolamaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Seleucids.xml:Name:41 msgid "Sandbox - The Seleucids" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Na Seleucaich" #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Spartans.xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Play with the Spartans faction in a non-threatening sandbox environment." msgstr "Cluich ’nad Spartach ann an àrainneachd bogsa-gainmhich neo-bhagarrach." #: maps/scenarios/Sandbox - Spartans.xml:Name:41 msgid "Sandbox - The Spartans" msgstr "Bogsa-gainmhich - Na Spartaich" #: maps/scenarios/Savanna Ravine.xml:Name:42 msgid "Savanna Ravine" msgstr "Sgoltadh sabhanna" #: maps/scenarios/Savanna Ravine.xml:Description:42 msgid "" "A wide-open Savanna map with a small ravine running down the center, which " "is easily forded." msgstr "Mapa sabhanna fosgailte le sgoltadh beag thar a’ mheadhain a ghabhas grunndadh tarsaing gu furasta." #: maps/scenarios/Serengeti.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 msgid "Iberia" msgstr "An Ibèir" #: maps/scenarios/Serengeti.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 msgid "Greece" msgstr "A’ Ghreug" #: maps/scenarios/Serengeti.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:31 msgid "Persia" msgstr "A’ Phears" #: maps/scenarios/Serengeti.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "The African serengeti has herds of animals criss crossing the plain. Mineral" " wealth is bountiful and wood is in full supply." msgstr "Siubhlaidh treudan de bheathaichean thairis machair an Serengeti. Tha pailteas mèinneir ’s fiodha ann." #: maps/scenarios/Serengeti.xml:Name:31 msgid "Serengeti 1" msgstr "Serengeti 1" #: maps/scenarios/Ship Formations.xml:Description:31 msgid "Ship formations mockup." msgstr "Mockup air cumaidhean luinge." #: maps/scenarios/Ship Formations.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 msgid "Ships" msgstr "Longan" #: maps/scenarios/Ship Formations.xml:Name:31 msgid "Ship Formations" msgstr "Cumaidhean luinge" #: maps/scenarios/Siwa Oasis.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "Carthage vs. Macedon vs. Persia vs. Iberia! A large oasis acts as the hub of" " mountainous spokes that divide the home territories of each player." msgstr "Cartago an aghaidh na Masadoine an aghaidh na Peirse an aghaidh na h-Ibèir! Tha innis-fhàsaich mhòr ’na cho-ionad airson clàran-cuibhle beanntach a sgaraicheas ranntairean nan cluicheadairean." #: maps/scenarios/Siwa Oasis.xml:Name:31 msgid "Siwa Oasis" msgstr "Innis-fhàsaich Siobha" #: maps/scenarios/Territory Demo.xml:Description:31 msgid "A demo map showing the territory effects of each type of structure." msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh a sheallas na buaidhean ranntair aig gach seòrsa de thogalach." #: maps/scenarios/Territory Demo.xml:Name:31 msgid "Territory Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh ranntair" #: maps/scenarios/The Massacre of Delphi.xml:Description:41 msgid "" "The Celts invade Greece. Fight through the central valley or cut through the" " rich highlands in order to secure the lands around Delphi!" msgstr "Tha muinntir na Gaille a’ briseadh a-steach dhan Ghreug. Dèan blàr sa ghleann mheadhanach no rach tron tìr àrd gus an roinn timcheall air Delphi a ghabhail!" #: maps/scenarios/The Massacre of Delphi.xml:Name:41 msgid "Massacre of Delphi" msgstr "Sgrios Dhelphi" #: maps/scenarios/The Persian Gates.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "\"It has always been the Greek Dream to go East.\"\n" "\n" "\"Beware such pride. The East has a way of swallowing men and their dreams.\"\n" "\n" "Will Alexander push his way through The Persian Gates and fulfill his destiny, or will Ariobarzanes defend the rugged ancient land of Persis against a foreign invader?" msgstr "" #: maps/scenarios/The Persian Gates.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 msgid "Alexandros Megas" msgstr "Alexandros Megas" #: maps/scenarios/The Persian Gates.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 msgid "Krateros" msgstr "Krateros" #: maps/scenarios/The Persian Gates.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 msgid "Ariobarzanes" msgstr "Ariobarzanes" #: maps/scenarios/The Persian Gates.xml:PlayerData[3].Name:31 msgid "Persians" msgstr "Na Pearsaich" #: maps/scenarios/The Persian Gates.xml:Name:31 msgid "The Persian Gates" msgstr "Geataichean na Peirse" #: maps/scenarios/Third Macedonian War.xml:Description:31 msgid "" "The Romans encroach upon Macedonian lands for the third and final time. Can " "the once-proud Macedonians prevail against the Roman juggernaut?" msgstr "Tha na Ròmanaich a’ briseadh a-steach air dùthaich nam Masadonach airson an treas turas. An seas na Masadonaich a bhiodh moiteil uair an aghaidh feachd mòr nan Ròmanach?" #: maps/scenarios/Third Macedonian War.xml:PlayerData[0].Name:31 msgid "Lucius Aemilius Paullus" msgstr "Lucius Aemilius Paullus" #: maps/scenarios/Third Macedonian War.xml:PlayerData[1].Name:31 msgid "Perseus of Macedon" msgstr "Perseus na Masadoin" #: maps/scenarios/Third Macedonian War.xml:PlayerData[2].Name:31 msgid "Greek Allies" msgstr "Caidreabhaich Ghreugach" #: maps/scenarios/Third Macedonian War.xml:Name:31 msgid "Third Macedonian War" msgstr "An treas cogadh Masadonach" #: maps/scenarios/Treasure Islands.xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Search treasures on small islands and on the water. Collect more treasures " "than your opponent to win." msgstr "Lorg ulaidhean ann an eileanan beaga is air an uisge. Cruinnich barrachd ulaidhean na an co-fharpaiseach airson buaidh." #: maps/scenarios/Treasure Islands.xml:Name:41 msgid "Treasure Islands" msgstr "Eileanan nan ulaidh" #: maps/scenarios/Triggers_demo.xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Demo map listening to various triggers and printing warning messages about " "them" msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh a dh’èisteas ri caochladh de thrigearan ’s a nochdas teachdaireachdan rabhaidh mun dèidhinn." #: maps/scenarios/Triggers_demo.xml:Name:41 msgid "Triggers Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air trigearan" #: maps/scenarios/Tropical Island.xml:Description:41 msgid "Multiplayer map. A tropical paradise." msgstr "Mapa ioma-chluicheadair. Pàrras tropaigeach." #: maps/scenarios/Tropical Island.xml:Name:41 msgid "Tropical Island" msgstr "Eilean tropaigeach" #: maps/scenarios/Units_demo.xml:Name:92 msgid "Units Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh nan aonadan" #: maps/scenarios/Units_demo.xml:Description:92 msgid "Every unit in the game." msgstr "Gach aonad a tha sa gheama." #: maps/scenarios/WallTest.xml:Description:31 #: maps/scenarios/_default.xml:Description:32 maps/scenarios/temperate #: map.xml:Description:31 maps/skirmishes/Corinthian Isthmus #: (4).xml:Description:41 msgid "Give an interesting description of your map." msgstr "Thoir seachad tuairisgeul inntinneach airson a’ mhapa agad." #: maps/scenarios/WallTest.xml:Name:31 msgid "WallTest" msgstr "Deuchainn air ballachan" #: maps/scenarios/Walls.xml:Description:31 msgid "Walls." msgstr "Ballachan." #: maps/scenarios/Walls.xml:Name:31 msgid "Walls" msgstr "Ballachan" #: maps/scenarios/We are Legion.xml:Name:31 msgid "We Are Legion" msgstr "Lèigiunan" #: maps/scenarios/We are Legion.xml:Description:31 msgid "A quick battle demo map using Roman legionnaires." msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh luath air a’ chòmhraig le lèigiunan Ròmanach." #: maps/scenarios/_default.xml:Name:32 msgid "Unnamed map" msgstr "Mapa gun ainm" #: maps/scenarios/reservoir.xml:Description:31 msgid "A demo showing water planes." msgstr "Taisbeanadh air plèanaichean uisge." #: maps/scenarios/reservoir.xml:Name:31 msgid "Reservoir" msgstr "Loch-tasgaidh" #: maps/scenarios/road demo.xml:Description:31 msgid "Demo map showcasing Temperate Road decals." msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh a sheallas decals nan rathaidean measarra." #: maps/scenarios/road demo.xml:Name:31 msgid "Road Decals Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air decals nan rathaidean." #: maps/scenarios/shipattacks.xml:Description:31 msgid "Move ships around. Attack other ships." msgstr "Gluais longan mu thimcheall. Thoir ionnsaigh air longan eile." #: maps/scenarios/shipattacks.xml:Name:31 msgid "Ships Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh longan" #: maps/scenarios/starting_economy_walkthrough.xml:Description:42 msgid "" "This map will give a rough guide for starting the game effectively. Early in the game the most important thing is to gather resources as fast as possible so you are able to build enough troops later.\n" "\n" "Warning: This is very fast at the start, be prepared to run through the initial bit several times." msgstr "Bheir am mapa seo stiùireadh goirid dhut air mar a thòisicheas tu air geama gu h‑èifeachdach. Tha e fìor chudromach gun cruinnich thu stòrasan cho luath ’s a ghabhas ach an urrainn dhut feachd mòr a thogail an uairsin.\n\nRabhadh: Tha seo glè luath aig an toiseach is tha sinn an dùil gum feum thu dol troimhe turas no dhà." #: maps/scenarios/starting_economy_walkthrough.xml:Name:42 msgid "Starting Economy Walkthrough" msgstr "Treòir air an eaconamaidh tòiseachaidh" #: maps/scenarios/temperate map.xml:Name:31 msgid "Base Temperate Map" msgstr "Mapa measarra bunasach" #: maps/skirmishes/Acropolis Bay (2).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Each player starts the match atop a large flat plateau, otherwise known as an acropolis.\n" "\n" "To the East lies a large bay with fishing opportunities. To the West is a rugged hinterland with an unclaimed acropolis commanding the valley below." msgstr "Tòisichidh gach cluicheadair air mullach àrd-chlàir mhòir rèidh ris an canar acra-bhaile.\n\nTha camas gu ear le cothroman air iasgach. Tha talamh garbh gu siar le acra-bhaile gun sealbhadair aig a bheil smachd air an gleann gu h-ìosal." #: maps/skirmishes/Acropolis Bay (2).xml:Name:41 msgid "Acropolis Bay (2)" msgstr "Camas acra-bhaile (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Alpine_Mountains_(3).xml:Description:40 msgid "" "A map filled with impassable mountains and a great number of natural " "resources." msgstr "Seo mapa làn bheanntan do-shiubhal agus torr stòrasan nàdarra." #: maps/skirmishes/Alpine_Mountains_(3).xml:Name:40 msgid "Alpine Mountains (3)" msgstr "Beanntan Alpach (3)" #: maps/skirmishes/Alpine_Valleys_(2).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "The high peaks and valleys of the Alps.\n" "\n" "Each player starts the match nestled in a safe green valley. Between lies the treacherous Alps mountain range." msgstr "Sgurran àrda ’s glinn nan Alpannan.\n\nTòisichidh gach cluicheadair ann an gleann shàbhailte uaine. Tha monadh nan Alpannan cunnartach eatorra." #: maps/skirmishes/Alpine_Valleys_(2).xml:Name:41 msgid "Alpine Valleys (2)" msgstr "Glinn Alpach (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Bactria (2).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "The arid and mineral-rich lands of Bactria (modern-day Afghanistan) at the foot of the Hindu Kush mountains.\n" "\n" "The center of the map is a dried up mountain. On either side are mountains and foothills pierced by treacherous passes and old trade routes." msgstr "Na tìrean tiorama ’s le pailteas mèinneir aig Bactria (Afganastan san latha an-diugh) aig bonn monadh Hiondu Kuis.\n\nIs beinn thioram a th’ ann am meadhan a’ mhapa. Tha beanntan ’s cnuic ri gach taobh sa bheil bealaich cunnartach ’s seann shlighean-malairt." #: maps/skirmishes/Bactria (2).xml:Name:42 msgid "Bactria (2)" msgstr "Bactria (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Barcania (3).xml:Name:31 msgid "Barcania (3)" msgstr "Barcania (3)" #: maps/skirmishes/Barcania (3).xml:Description:31 msgid "" "A wild and wooded isle, full of forests, gold, and mystery... mountains, " "seas, and thick forests make for a very dynamic and fast-paced 3-player map " "with lots of potential for skirmishing and guerilla warfare as well as tough" " defensive fighting or aggressive maneuvers." msgstr "Seo eilean fiadhaich làn choilltean, òr is rùn... air sàilleabh nam beanntan is na mara ’s nan dlùth-choilltean, ’s e mapa glè fhiùghantach ’s luath airson 3 cluicheadairean a th’ ann le iomadh cothrom air còmhstri is strèipe is guerilla cho math ri dìon-shabaid mhòr no innleachdan ionnsaigheach." #: maps/skirmishes/Belgian Bog (2).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Two players face off across a large bog somewhere in the Rhine lowlands.\n" "\n" "Wood is abundant, but Metal and Stone are hard to find and extract. Hunting and foraging is plentiful." msgstr "Thèid dithis chluicheadair an aghaidh a chèile that boglach mòr àiteigin ann am machair na Rèine.\n\nTha fiodh pailt ach tha e doirbh meatailt no clach a lorg ’s a thogail. Tha pailteas lusan ’s sithinn ann." #: maps/skirmishes/Belgian Bog (2).xml:Name:41 msgid "Belgian Bog (2)" msgstr "Boglach Beilgeach (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Caspian Sea (2v2).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "Two teams face off across a long, very large saltwater lake.\n" "\n" "Fishing can be had in the central lake. The map is also well-endowed with Stone and Metal deposits." msgstr "Thèid dà sgioba an aghaidh a chèile thairis air loch glè fhada.\n\nTha èisg san loch mheadhanach. Tha pailteas cloiche is meatailt air a’ mhapa cuideachd." #: maps/skirmishes/Caspian Sea (2v2).xml:Name:42 msgid "Caspian Sea (2v2)" msgstr "Am Muir Caspach (2 an aghaidh 2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Corinthian Isthmus (2).xml:Name:41 msgid "Corinthian Isthmus (2)" msgstr "An Tairbeart Choirinteach (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Corinthian Isthmus (4).xml:Name:41 msgid "Corinthian Isthmus (4)" msgstr "An Tairbeart Choirinteach (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Corsica and Sardinia (4).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "The players start on two opposing islands, both with a very jagged relief that will make landing difficult.\n" "\n" "Originally occupied by the Torreans, then marginally settled by Etruscans, Phocaeans and Syracusans. Rome conquered these two islands from Carthage during the First Punic War and in 238 BC created the \"Corsica et Sardinia\" province. The Corsicans regularly revolted and over the course of a century, the island lost two thirds of its Corsican population." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/Corsica and Sardinia (4).xml:Name:42 msgid "Corsica and Sardinia (4)" msgstr "Corsaca an aghaidh Sàrdainea (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Cycladic Archipelago (2).xml:Description:42 msgid "A \"small island\"-style map set in the Aegean Sea." msgstr "Mapa le eileanan beaga sa Mhuir Àigeanach." #: maps/skirmishes/Cycladic Archipelago (2).xml:Name:42 msgid "Cycladic Archipelago (2)" msgstr "Innis-mhuir Siogladas (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Cycladic Archipelago (3).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "A \"small island\"-style map set in the Aegean Sea.\n" "\n" "Map size: Very Large" msgstr "Mapa le eileanan beaga sa Mhuir Àigeanach.\n\nMeud a’ mhapa: glè mhòr." #: maps/skirmishes/Cycladic Archipelago (3).xml:PlayerData[0].Name:41 msgid "Samos" msgstr "Sámos" #: maps/skirmishes/Cycladic Archipelago (3).xml:PlayerData[1].Name:41 msgid "Lesbos" msgstr "Leasbhos" #: maps/skirmishes/Cycladic Archipelago (3).xml:PlayerData[2].Name:41 msgid "Delos" msgstr "Dileos" #: maps/skirmishes/Cycladic Archipelago (3).xml:Name:41 msgid "Cycladic Archipelago (3)" msgstr "Innis-mhuir Siogladas (3)" #: maps/skirmishes/Death Canyon (2).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "A deep rocky canyon slicing through the desert.\n" "\n" "Each player starts their colony on a plateau on either side of the ravine." msgstr "Sgoltadh creagach domhainn a’ sgoradh an fhàsaich.\n\nStèidhichidh gach cluicheadair an tuineachadh aige air àrd-chlàr mu choinneamh an sgoltaidh." #: maps/skirmishes/Death Canyon (2).xml:Name:42 msgid "Death Canyon (2)" msgstr "Sgoltadh a’ bhàis (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Deccan Plateau (2).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Two players square off across the heavily forested Deccan Plateau of central India.\n" "\n" "Each player starts the match with a free farmstead and free storehouse.\n" "\n" "Virgin resources lie to the lowlands on either side of the plateau. The lowlands also offer opportunity for expansion and strategic maneuvering." msgstr "Thèid dithis chluicheadair an aghaidh a chèile air àrd-chlàr Dacain nan Innseachan meadhanach sa bhios pailteas choilltean.\n\nTòisichidh gach cluicheadair le tuathanas ’s taigh-stòrais an-asgaidh.\n\nTha stòrasan ùra air an dùthaich ìosal gach taobh an àrd-chlàir. Tha cothroman leudachaidh ’s ro-innealachd san dùthaich ìosal cuideachd." #: maps/skirmishes/Deccan Plateau (2).xml:Name:41 msgid "Deccan Plateau (2)" msgstr "Àrd-chlàr Dacain (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Gallic Fields (3).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Defend your Gallic outpost against attacks from your treacherous neighbors!\n" "\n" "Each player begins the match with a wooden palisade and some guard towers atop a low embankment.\n" "\n" "Watch out for Romans passing by!" msgstr "Dìon an gearastan Gallach agad an aghaidh ionnsaighean do nàbaidhean meallta!\n\nTòisichidh gach cluicheadair am maids le sonnach fiodha is tùir air bruach ìosal.\n\nThoir an aire air na Ròmanaich a thèid seachad!" #: maps/skirmishes/Gallic Fields (3).xml:Name:41 msgid "Gallic Fields (3)" msgstr "Blàran na Gaille (3)" #: maps/skirmishes/Gambia River (3).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "All players start on one bank of the river, with minimal harvestable metal. Across the Gambia River is a savanna with many deposits of metal to be claimed. \n" "\n" "(Warning: Large map. Good computer specs recommended)" msgstr "Tòisichidh gach cluicheadair air bot na h-aibhne le meatailt glè ghann. Tha sabhanna taobh eile Abhainn Ghaimbia le pailteas meatailt ri ghabhail.\n\n(Rabhadh: seo mapa mòr agus mholamaid coimpiutair luath)" #: maps/skirmishes/Gambia River (3).xml:Name:42 msgid "Gambia River (3)" msgstr "Abhainn Ghaimbia (3)" #: maps/skirmishes/Golden Oasis (2).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "Players start around a small oasis in the center of the map which holds much of the available wood on the map.\n" "\n" "Elsewhere, in the hinterlands, lies great riches, in the form of large deposits of gold and other metals." msgstr "Tòisichidh na cluicheadairean timcheall air innis-fhàsaich bheag ann am meadhan a’ mhapa sa bheil a’ mhòrchuid dhen fhiodh a tha ri fhaighinn air a’ mhapa.\n\nTha beartas òir is meatailt eile ri bhuannachd air an corr dhen tìr." #: maps/skirmishes/Golden Oasis (2).xml:Name:42 msgid "Gold Oasis (2)" msgstr "Innis-fhàsaich òir (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis (2).xml:Description:41 #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis Night (2).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "Two factions find themselves perched safely atop large rocky plateaus, or acropolises.\n" "\n" "Scout the lands to find free treasures and to secure new resources." msgstr "Fhuair dà bhuidheann àite shàbhailte air àrd-chlàran creagach mòra ris an canar acra-bhailtean cuideachd.\n\nrannsaich an tìr ach an lorg thu ulaidh saor ’s gum faigh thu stòras ùr." #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis (2).xml:Name:41 msgid "Greek Acropolis (2)" msgstr "Acra-bhaile Greugach (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis (4).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "Three factions find themselves perched safely atop large rocky plateaus, or acropolises, whereas the fourth one is separated from their foes by a river branch.\n" "\n" "Scout the lands to find free treasures and to secure new resources.." msgstr "Fhuair trì buidhnean còmhnaidh shàbhailte air àrd-chlàran mòra creagach no acra-bhailtean fhad ’s a tha an ceathramh fear sgaraichte o na nàimhdean aige le meur-aibhne.\n\nRùraich an tìr ach an lorg thu ulaidhean agus gus greim fhaighinn air stòrasan ùra." #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis (4).xml:Name:41 msgid "Greek Acropolis (4)" msgstr "Acra-bhaile Greugach (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Greek Acropolis Night (2).xml:Name:42 msgid "Greek Acropolis Night (2)" msgstr "Oidhche air acra-bhaile Greugach (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Libyan Oases (4).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "An otherwise wide-open, flat desert map is pierced in the center by two lush oases.\n" "\n" "This represents the Libyan Desert, part of the Saharan Desert, West of the Nile River in Egypt." msgstr "Tha dà innis-fhàsaich bheartach ann am meadhan fàsaich rèidh fhosgailte.\n\nTha am mapa seo a’ riochdachadh fàsach Libia a tha ’na phàirt dhen fhàsach Shathara gu siar air an abhainn Nìl san Èipheit." #: maps/skirmishes/Libyan Oases (4).xml:Name:42 msgid "Libyan Oases (4)" msgstr "Innseachan-fàsaich Libia (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Libyan Oasis (2).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "An old favorite. An otherwise wide-open, flat desert map is pierced in the center by a lush oasis.\n" "\n" "This represents the Libyan Desert, part of the Saharan Desert, West of the Nile River in Egypt.\n" "\n" "Iberians do not receive their circuit walls here. Instead, all factions receive 4 free Defense Towers." msgstr "Seo seann-mhapa mòr-chòrdte. Tha dà innis-fhàsaich bheartach ann am meadhan fàsaich rèidh fhosgailte.\n\nTha am mapa seo a’ riochdachadh fàsach Libia a tha ’na phàirt dhen fhàsach Shathara gu siar air an abhainn Nìl san Èipheit.\n\nChan fhaigh na h-Ibèirich na ballachan tòiseachaidh aca, Gheibh gach buidheann 4 tùir dìona an-asgaidh an àite seo." #: maps/skirmishes/Libyan Oasis (2).xml:Name:42 msgid "Libyan Oasis (2)" msgstr "Innseachan-fàsaich Libia (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Lorraine Plain (2).xml:Description:40 msgid "" "The map is cut through the center by a river traversing east-west with some shallows.\n" "\n" "Fairly open-wooded and basically flat. Plenty of building room. Well balanced resources.\n" "\n" "Civ Territories are divided by main river and tributaries (with necessary shallows for crossings)." msgstr "Tha abhainn a’ sgaradh a’ mhapa seo on ear gu siar le tanalaich ann.\n\nCaran rèidh ’s fosgailte le coilltean. Mòran rum airson togalaichean. Meidh mhath air na stòrasan.\n\nTha ranntairean nan sìobhaltasan ’gan sgaradh leis a’ phrìomh abhainn ’s a leth-aibhnean (le àthannan ann ach am faigh sibh thairis orra)." #: maps/skirmishes/Lorraine Plain (2).xml:Name:40 msgid "Lorraine Plain (2)" msgstr "Blàr Lorraine (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Median Oasis (2).xml:Description:41 maps/skirmishes/Median #: Oasis (4).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "A large oasis acts as the hub of mountainous spokes that divide the home " "territories of each player." msgstr "Tha innis-fhàsaich mhòr ’na cho-ionad airson clàran-cuibhle beanntach a sgaraicheas ranntairean nan cluicheadairean." #: maps/skirmishes/Median Oasis (2).xml:Name:41 msgid "Median Oasis (2)" msgstr "Innis-fhàsaich Mheadach (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Median Oasis (4).xml:Name:42 msgid "Median Oasis (4)" msgstr "Innis-fhàsaich Mheadach (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Mediterranean Cove (2).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "A sheltered natural harbour on the Mediterranean coast provides the " "resources for battle." msgstr "Bheir òb nàdarra air oirthir na Mara Meadhanaiche na stòrasan airson a’ chogaidh dhut." #: maps/skirmishes/Mediterranean Cove (2).xml:Name:41 msgid "Mediterranean Coves (2)" msgstr "Òban na Mara Meadhanaiche (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Neareastern Badlands (2).xml:Description:42 #: maps/skirmishes/Neareastern Badlands (4).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "The 'Cappadocia' region of Central-Eastern Anatolia.\n" "\n" "All players start on the Western end of the map, with a vast unclaimed wilderness lying open before them ripe for conquest and depredation.\n" "\n" "Stone and Metal resources are in abundance, especially Stone, but Wood is somewhat scarce." msgstr "Sgìre Chapadòcia san ear-mheadhanach Anatolach.\n\nTòisichidh gach cluicheadair air taobh siar a’ mhapa le fàsach mhòr gun sealbhadair romhpa a ghabhas ceannsachadh ’s creachadh.\n\nTha clachan ’s meatailt pailt, gu h-àraidh na clachan, ach tha fiodh caran gann." #: maps/skirmishes/Neareastern Badlands (2).xml:Name:42 msgid "Neareastern Badlands (2)" msgstr "Fàsach an ear faisg (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Neareastern Badlands (4).xml:Name:41 msgid "Neareastern Badlands (4)" msgstr "Fàsach an ear faisg (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Nile River (4).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "An Egyptian desert map bisected by the broad Nile River. Organic resources " "cluster near the river, while mineral resources can be found in the desert " "hinterlands." msgstr "Mapa fàsach na h-Èipheite leis an abhainn Nìl leathann a’ dol troimhpe. Tha stòras bìdh ’s fiodha ri taobh na h-aibhne fhad ’s a tha stòras mèinneir ri fhaighinn san fhàsach." #: maps/skirmishes/Nile River (4).xml:Name:41 msgid "Nile River (4)" msgstr "An Abhainn Nìl (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Northern Island (2).xml:Description:40 msgid "" "Stranded in the cold North, 2 players fight for supremacy over the Island. " "One player starts in the Mountains to the West, the other player starts near" " the Bay in the East." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/Northern Island (2).xml:Name:40 msgid "Northern Island (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/Persian Highlands (4).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "A dry central basin rich in minerals surrounded by rocky hills and " "highlands." msgstr "Àrainn mheadhanach thioram le pailteas meatailt ’s cnuic creagach ’s beanntan timcheall orra." #: maps/skirmishes/Persian Highlands (4).xml:Name:42 msgid "Persian Highlands (4)" msgstr "Àrd-tirean Pearsach (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Punbjab (2).xml:Description:40 msgid "" "Northwest India. Nearby rivers swell with monsoon rains, allowing for only a few treacherous crossings.\n" "\n" "The rivers are heavily forested, while grasslands carpet the surrounding countryside. Watch out for Tigers in the tall grass! Asian elephants are also a common sight." msgstr "Taobh siar-thuath nan Innseachan. Tha na h-aibhnean a’ lìonadh le uisgeachan monsùn a nì na h-àthannan cunnartach.\n\nTha coille mòr ri taobh nan aibhnichean fhad ’s a tha feur air an tìr timcheall orra. Thoir an aire air na tìgeirean san fheur àrd! Chithear ailbheanan Àisianach gu tric cuideachd." #: maps/skirmishes/Punbjab (2).xml:Name:40 msgid "Punjab (2)" msgstr "Panjab (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Saharan Oases (4).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "A desert biome map where each player has founded their colony at their own lush oasis.\n" "\n" "The rest of the map is generally wide-open and barren." msgstr "Mapa fàsaich far an stèidhich gach cluicheadair an tuineachadh aige aig an innis-fhàsaich bheartach aige fhèin.\n\nTha an corr dhen mhapa fosgailte ’s lom san fharsaingeachd." #: maps/skirmishes/Saharan Oases (4).xml:Name:41 msgid "Saharan Oases (4)" msgstr "Innseachan-fàsaich Shathara (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Sahel (4).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "Situated Southside of the Atlas mountain range in North Africa.\n" "\n" "A somewhat open map with an abundance of animals and mineral resources, while wood is scarce." msgstr "Deas air a’ Mhonadh Atlais taobh tuath Afraga.\n\nMapa caran fosgailte le pailteas bheathaichean is mèinneir fhad ’s a tha fiodh gann." #: maps/skirmishes/Sahel (4).xml:Name:42 msgid "Sahel (4)" msgstr "Sàithil (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Savanna River.xml:Description:42 msgid "A large savanna is bisected by a narrow jungle stream." msgstr "Tha sruth dlùth-choillteach a’ dol tro sabhanna mhòr." #: maps/skirmishes/Savanna River.xml:Name:42 msgid "Savanna River (2)" msgstr "Abhainn sabhanna (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Sicilia (2).xml:Description:41 msgid "The large Mediterranean island of Sicily is open for conquest." msgstr "Tha eilean mòr Sisilidh sa Mhuir Mheadhanach fosgailte airson ceannsachadh." #: maps/skirmishes/Sicilia (2).xml:Name:41 msgid "Sicilia (2)" msgstr "Sisilidh (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Sicilia_Nomad.xml:Description:35 msgid "" "The large Mediterranean island of Sicily is open for conquest.\n" "[color=\"orange\"]Tip: docks are useful dropsite when you have no territory yet.[/color]" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/Sicilia_Nomad.xml:Name:35 msgid "Sicilia Nomad (2)" msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/Siwa Oasis (2).xml:Description:40 msgid "" "A dual oasis map with nearly all of the wood and animal resources concentrated in the middle of the map. Farmlands ring the oases sucking up what little moisture can be had.\n" "\n" "Stone and Metal can only be found in the rocky hinterlands. Treasures, if enabled, can be found scattered in the nearby deserts." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/Siwa Oasis (2).xml:Name:40 msgid "Siwa Oasis (2)" msgstr "Innis-fhàsaich Siobha (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Skirmish Demo.xml:Description:42 msgid "A demo Skirmish map." msgstr "Mapa taisbeanaidh air streup." #: maps/skirmishes/Skirmish Demo.xml:Name:42 msgid "Skirmish Demo" msgstr "Taisbeanadh air streupairean" #: maps/skirmishes/Sporades Islands (2).xml:Name:42 msgid "Sporades Islands (2)" msgstr "Eileanan Sporadas (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Syria (2).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "A barren land with little wood and few animals. Treasures dot the landscape and will be essential to early growth.\n" "\n" "The player who sets up a profitable trade caravan earliest may gain a decisive advantage." msgstr "Tìr fàsach le coilltean ’s beathaichean ganna. Tha ulaidhean sgapte air an tìr is bidh iad cudromach dhan fhàs thràth agad.\n\nDh’fhaoidte gum faigh an cluicheadair a stèidhicheas a’ chiad carabhan malairt bhuannachail làmh an uachdair." #: maps/skirmishes/Syria (2).xml:Name:41 msgid "Syria (2)" msgstr "Siridhea (2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Team Oasis - 2v2.xml:Description:42 msgid "" "An oasis surrounded by mountains and desert. Farmlands near the water's edge" " provide much-needed boost in farming, but foraging and hunting are in short" " supply." msgstr "Innis-fhàsaich le beanntan ’s fàsach timcheall oirre. Cuiridh achaidhean ri taobh an uisge ris an stòras bìdh agad ach tha sitheann is biadh eile gann." #: maps/skirmishes/Team Oasis - 2v2.xml:Name:42 msgid "Team Oasis (2v2)" msgstr "Innish-fhasaich ann an sgioba (2 an aghaidh 2)" #: maps/skirmishes/Thessalian Plains (4).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "The rolling Thessalian plain is traversed with narrow streams, easily " "forded. Wide-open spaces allow for massive expansion, while each player " "starts the match safe atop a large acropolis." msgstr "Tha aibhnean caola a’ sruthadh tron mhachair Teasalaidheach le àthannan furasta annta. Tha rum fosgailte ann airson leudachadh mòr fhad ’s a thòisicheas gach cluicheadair air acra-bhaile shàbhailte." #: maps/skirmishes/Thessalian Plains (4).xml:Name:41 msgid "Thessalian Plains (4)" msgstr "Machair Teasalaidheach (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Tuscan Acropolis (4).xml:Description:40 msgid "" "Four factions find themselves perched safely atop large rocky plateaus, or acropolises.\n" "\n" "Scout the lands to find free treasures and to secure new resources." msgstr "Fhuair ceithir buidhnean àite shàbhailte air àrd-chlàran creagach mòra ris an canar acra-bhailtean cuideachd.\n\nrannsaich an tìr ach an lorg thu ulaidh saor ’s gum faigh thu stòras ùr." #: maps/skirmishes/Tuscan Acropolis (4).xml:Name:40 msgid "Tuscan Acropolis (4)" msgstr "Acra-bhaile Toscànach (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Two Seas (6).xml:Description:41 msgid "" "A large tropic map with two seas to the East and to the West. Good for two " "teams of three players or three teams of two players." msgstr "" #: maps/skirmishes/Two Seas (6).xml:Name:41 msgid "Two Seas (6)" msgstr "Dà mhuir (6)" #: maps/skirmishes/Watering Holes (4).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "The African savanna is chocked full of animal life for hunting, while the nearby mineral deposits are plentiful. The dry season is approaching and the watering holes are drying up.\n" "\n" "Note: This is a very small \"fast and furious\" map. Iberians do not start with their custom circuit walls." msgstr "Tha sabhanna Afraga làn bheathaichean airson seilge fhad ’s a tha pailteas stòrasan mèinneir am fagas. Tha an ràith thioram ri tighinn agus an t-uisge a’ falbh o na tuill uisge.\n\nAn aire: ’S e mapa glè bheag ’s luath a th’ ann. Chan fhaigh na h-Ibèirich na ballachan tòiseachaidh àbhaisteach aca." #: maps/skirmishes/Watering Holes (4).xml:Name:42 msgid "Watering Holes (4)" msgstr "Tuill uisge (4)" #: maps/skirmishes/Zagros Mountains (2).xml:Description:42 msgid "" "The mountains buffering the Persian homeland, straddling Persis, Susiana, and Media.\n" "\n" "Players start the match near the Persian Gulf in their own province with 1 free Temple. \n" "\n" "Access to untapped resources and territories can be found through the rugged hinterlands." msgstr "Tha beanntan a’ sgaradh dùthaich nam Pearsach thar Persas, Susaidheana ’s dùthaich nam Meadach.\n\nTòisichidh na cluicheadairean faisg air a’ Chamas Phearsach san sgìre aca fhèin le teampall an-asgaidh.\n\nLorgar stòras saor tron tìr gharbh." #: maps/skirmishes/Zagros Mountains (2).xml:Name:42 msgid "Zagros Mountains (2)" msgstr "Monadh Sagros (2)"