# Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant. # Copyright © 2014 Wildfire Games # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant project. # # Translators: # attilla1996 , 2014 # David Exner , 2014 # Devinate , 2014 # fri, 2014 # ike20 , 2014 # Lukas Koutsky , 2015 # OndraK , 2014 # fri, 2014-2015 # Petr Hála , 2014 # Rodeo65 , 2014 # Nostur , 2014 # Vit Pelcak, 2014 # Vít Pelčák, 2014 # Vojtěch Valigura , 2015 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-24 00:02+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-10-02 19:23+0000\n" "Last-Translator: fri\n" "Language-Team: Czech (http://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/cs/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: cs\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonName #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Name msgid "Athenians" msgstr "Atéňané" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "Metal mining gathering rates increased by +10% for each passing age." msgstr "Rychlost těžení kovu zvýšena o 10% za každý věk." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Silver Owls" msgstr "Stříbrné sovy" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonCivBonuses[0].History msgid "" "The mines at Laureion in Attica provided Athens with a wealth of silver from" " which to mint her famous and highly prized coin, The Athenian Owl." msgstr "Doly v Laureionu v Atice poskytovaly Athénám hojnost stříbra, ze kterého razily své slavné a vysoce ceněné mince, athénskou sovu." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonCivBonuses[2].Description #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonCivBonuses[2].Description msgid "" "Constructing a Theatron increases the territory expanse of all buildings by " "+20%." msgstr "Stavba Theatronu zvýší územní rozšíření všech staveb o +20%." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonCivBonuses[2].Name #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonCivBonuses[2].Name msgid "Hellenization" msgstr "Helenizace" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonCivBonuses[1].History #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonCivBonuses[2].History msgid "" "The Greeks were highly successful in Hellenising various foreigners. During " "the Hellenistic Age, Greek was the lingua franca of the Ancient World, " "spoken widely from Spain to India." msgstr "Řekové byli vysoce úspěšní v pořečťování různých cizinců (helenizace). Během helénské doby byla řečtina zavedeným jazykem (lingua franca) starověkého světa, kterým se obecně mluvilo od Španělska po Indii." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "Ships construct 25% faster." msgstr "Stavba lodí rychlejší o 25%." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Delian League" msgstr "Délský spolek (Athénský námořní spolek)" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "Shortly after the great naval victories at Salamis and Mykale, the Greek " "city-states instituted the so-called Delian League in 478 B.C., whose " "purpose was to push the Persians out of the Aegean region. The allied states" " contributed ships and money, while the Athenians offered their entire navy." msgstr "Krátce po skvělých námořních vítězstvích u Salaminy a Mykalé zřídily řecké městské státy v roce 478 př. n. l. takzvaný Délský spolek (Athénský námořní spolek), jehož účelem bylo vytlačení Peršanů z egejské oblasti. Spojenecké státy přispívaly loděmi a penězi, zatímco Atéňané nabídli celé své loďstvo." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[0] #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Themistocles" msgstr "Themistoklés" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[1] #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Pericles" msgstr "Periklés" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[2] msgid "Cimon" msgstr "Kimón" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Aristides" msgstr "Aristeidés" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[4] msgid "Xenophon" msgstr "Xenofón" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Hippias" msgstr "Hippiás" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Cleisthenes" msgstr "Kleisthenés" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Thucydides" msgstr "Thúkydidés" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Alcibiades" msgstr "Alkibiadés" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[9] msgid "Miltiades" msgstr "Miltiadés" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[10] msgid "Cleon" msgstr "Kleón" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[11] msgid "Cleophon" msgstr "Kleofón" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[12] msgid "Thrasybulus" msgstr "Thrasybulus" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[13] #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Iphicrates" msgstr "Ifikratés" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonAINames[14] msgid "Demosthenes" msgstr "Démosténés" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "Athenian triremes can train Marines (Epibastes Athenaikos)." msgstr "Athénské trojveslice mohou cvičit námořníky (Epibastes Athenaikos)." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name msgid "Iphicratean Reforms" msgstr "Ifikratovy reformy" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "" "Stone walls can be built in neutral territory. Construction time for walls " "is reduced by 50%." msgstr "Kamenné hradby lze stavět na neutrálním území. Doba stavby hradeb je zmenšena o 50 %." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Long Walls" msgstr "Dlouhé hradby" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "The Long Walls of Athens were constructed under the auspices of the wily " "Themistocles and extended 6 km from the city to the port of Piraeus. This " "secured the city's sea supply routes and prevented an enemy from starving " "out the city during a siege." msgstr "Athénské dlouhé hradby byly postaveny pod záštitou Themistokla a rozšířeny 6 km od města k přístavu Pireus. Tímto byly zabezpečeny námořní zásobovací cesty pro město a nepříteli zabráněno město během obléhání vyhladovět." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Description msgid "" "The player gains the ability to order spear-armed troops into Phalanx " "formation, providing greater attack and armor." msgstr "Hráč získá možnost zavelet jednotkám vyzbrojeným oštěpy utvořit formaci Falanga, čímž posílí jejich útok a zbroj." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Name #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Othismos" msgstr "Othismos" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].History msgid "" "The classical phalanx formation was developed about VIII century BC. It was " "eight men deep and up to eight hundred men wide. The men within overlapped " "their shields, presenting a formidable shield wall brimming with 8 foot " "spears." msgstr "Klasická formace falangy byla vyvinuta kolem 8. století př. n. l. Šlo o útvar o hloubce 8 mužů a šířce až osm set mužů. Muži v ní se vzájemně kryli štíty, čímž vytvořili štítovou zeď nahánějící hrůzu a ježící se kopími o délce až 2,5 metru." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "" "The general whom persuaded the Athenians to invest their income from silver " "mines in a war navy of 200 Triremes. A key figure during the Persian Wars, " "he commanded the victorious Athenian navy at the decisive battle of Salamis " "in 479 B.C. Later, he pursued an active policy against the Persians in the " "Aegean, thereby laying the foundations of future Athenian power. Ostracised " "by the Athenians, he was forced to flee to the protection of the Persians." msgstr "Generál, který Athéňany přesvědčil, aby vložili výnos ze stříbrných dolů do válečného loďstva 200 trojveslic. Byl klíčovou postavou během perských válek. Velel vítěznému athénskému loďstvu v rozhodující bitvě u Salamini v roce 479 př. n. l. Později následoval aktivní politiku proti Peršanům v egejské oblasti, čímž položil základy budoucí athénské moci. Ostrakizován Athéňany byl přinucen k útěku pod ochranu Peršanů." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "Pericles was the foremost Athenian politician of the 5th Century B.C." msgstr "Periklés byl hlavním athénským politikem 5. století př. n. l." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonStructures[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonStructures[1].History #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].History #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonCivBonuses[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonStructures[1].History msgid "." msgstr "." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonFactions[0].Description msgid "A Hellenic people of the Ionian tribe." msgstr "Helénští lidé z ionského kmene." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonStructures[0].Name #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonStructures[0].Name #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonStructures[0].Name msgid "Theatron" msgstr "Theatron" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonStructures[0].Special #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonStructures[0].Special msgid "" "The Hellenization civ bonus. Building a Theatron increases the territory " "effect of all buildings by 25%." msgstr "Helénistický civilizační zvýhodnění. Stavba Theatronu zvýší územní rozšíření všech staveb o +25%." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonStructures[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonStructures[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonStructures[0].History msgid "" "Greek theatres were places where the immortal tragedies of Aeschylus, " "Sophocles and many other talented dramatists were staged to the delight of " "the populace. They were instrumental in enriching Hellenic culture." msgstr "Řecká divadla (theatron) byla místy, kde se konaly nesmrtelné trágédie Aischylovy, Sofoklovy a mnoha jiných nadaných dramatiků k potěše a požitku lidu. Byly důležité při obohacování helénské kultury." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonStructures[1].Name msgid "Gymnasion" msgstr "Gymnasion" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonStructures[1].Special msgid "" "Train champion units and research technologies pertaining to champion units." msgstr "Cvičte elitní jednotky a zkoumejte technologie s těmito jednotkami související." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonStructures[1].History msgid "" "The Gymnasion was a vital place in Hellenic cities, where physical exercises" " were performed and social contacts established." msgstr "Gymnasion byl v helénských městech důležitým místem, kde se konala tělesná cvičení a navazovaly společenské vztahy." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonStructures[2].Name msgid "Prytaneion" msgstr "Prytaneion" #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonStructures[2].Special msgid "Train heroes and research technology pertaining to heroes." msgstr "Cvičte hrdiny a zkoumejte technologie náležící k hrdinům." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonStructures[2].History msgid "" "The Prytaneion is the meeting place for the city elders to dine and to make " "swift decisions." msgstr "Prytaneion (prytaneum) je místo, kde se setkávali městští starší (prytanové) ke stolování a ke konání rychlých rozhodnutí." #: simulation/data/civs/athen.jsonHistory msgid "" "As the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, " "Athens was famed as a center for the arts, learning and philosophy. The " "Athenians were also powerful warriors, particularly at sea. At its peak, " "Athens dominated a large part of the Hellenic world for several decades." msgstr "Jako kolébka západní civilizace a rodiště demokracie se Athény proslavily jako středisko umění, výuky a filosofie. Athéňané byli rovněž schopnými válečníky, obzvláště na moři. Na svém vrcholu panovaly Athény po několik desetiletí nad velkou částí helénského světa." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonName #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Name msgid "Britons" msgstr "Britové" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "Enhanced food gained from ranching and farming. " msgstr "Lepší jídlo získané z farmaření a rolnictví" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Ardiosmanae" msgstr "Ardiosmanae" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonCivBonuses[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonCivBonuses[0].History msgid "Represents Celtic farming methods. " msgstr "Představuje keltské zemědělské postupy." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description msgid "Druids increase attack rates of soldiers near them slightly." msgstr "Druidé mírně zvyšují rychlost útoku vojákům ve svém okolí." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name msgid "Deas Celtica" msgstr "Deas Celtica" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonCivBonuses[1].History #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonCivBonuses[1].History msgid "Celtic religion and druidry inspired their warlike mindset. " msgstr "Keltské náboženství a druidství inspirovalo jejich bojovného ducha." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "Bonus to tech speed." msgstr "Bonus k rychlosti výzkumu" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Druides" msgstr "Druidé" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "The Druids of the Celts maintained an organized religion that advanced the " "technology of their people even during wartime." msgstr "Druidé Keltů udržovali organizované náboženství, které vedlo k technologickému pokroku dokonce i ve válečných časech." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[0] #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Karatakos" msgstr "Karatakos" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[1] #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Kunobelinos" msgstr "Kunobelinos" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[2] #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Boudicca" msgstr "Boadicea" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Prasutagus" msgstr "Prasutagus" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[4] msgid "Venutius" msgstr "Venutius" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Cogidubnus" msgstr "Cogidubnus" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Commius" msgstr "Commius" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Comux" msgstr "Comux" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Adminius" msgstr "Adminius" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[9] msgid "Dubnovellaunus" msgstr "Dubnovellaunus" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonAINames[10] msgid "Vosenius" msgstr "Vosenius" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "Increased attack and movement rate for melee soldiers." msgstr "Zvýšená rychlost útoku a pohybu pro vojáky bojující chladnou zbraní." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name msgid "Sevili Dusios" msgstr "Sevili Dusios" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History msgid "" "The Britons took up the practice of either making permanent marks on their " "body in the form of tattoos or temporarily painted their bodies with woad " "paint. The effect was very frightening." msgstr "Britové přijali za svůj zvyk označovat svá těla znaky v podobě tetování nebo maleb kreslenými indigovým barvivem. Účelem kreseb bylo děsit nepřátele." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "Increases the height bonus of units garrisoned in a tower." msgstr "Posílí výškové zvýhodnění jednotek usazených ve věži." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Turos Maros" msgstr "Turos Maros" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "'Great Tower'; Celtic legends abound with stories of massive tall towers " "built by the most powerful kings, and the remains of some very large towers " "have been found." msgstr "Velká věž; Keltské legendy oplývají příběhy o obrovských věžích postavených nejmocnějšími králi. Zbytky nějakých velmi velkých věží byly nalezeny." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "" "Caractacus, the Roman form, is a simple change from Karatakos, his actual " "name, which was printed on his many, many coins. Under this name he is " "remembered as a fierce defender of Britain against the Romans after their " "invasion in 43 A.D. Son of King Cunobelin of the Catuvellauni tribal " "confederation, Karatakos fought for nine years against the Romans with " "little success, eventually fleeing to the tribes in Wales, where he was " "defeated decisively. Finally he entered Northern Britain, where was handed " "over to the Romans. Taken to Rome, Karatakos was allowed to live by the " "Emperor Claudius and died in Italy. Tradition states he converted to " "Christianity when his wife did, but there is nothing known of this as " "definite. Probably more notable is the matter that he was allowed to live " "once captured. Roman policy was typically to have such men killed in public " "displays to celebrate. Karatakos was brought before the Emperor and Senate " "at his request to explain himself. What he said is not known for certainty, " "but Tacitus applies to him a famous speech..." msgstr "Římské jméno Caractacus je jednoduše pouze obměnou ze skutečného Karatakos, přičemž však byla vyražena na jeho mnohých, mnohých mincích. Pod tímto jménem vešel do dějin jako divoký obránce Británie proti Římanům po jejich vpádu v roce 43 po Kristu. jako syn krále Kunobelinose z Catuvellauniské kmenové konfederace bojoval proti Římanům devět roků jen s malým úspěchem, potom se rozhodl uchýlit ke kmenům vo Walesu, kde však byl už definitivně poražen. Nakonec vstoupil do Severní Británie, kde byl odevzdán do rukou Římanům. Vzali jej do Říma, císař Claudius mu udělil milost, a tak nakonec zemřel v Itálii. Ústní podání hovoří o tom, že stejně jako jeho žena přestoupil na křesťanskou víru, ale tato skutečnost nebyla dosud ničím potvrzena. Pravděpodobně je zajímavější to, že mu po jeho zajetí nevzali život. Bežným postupem Římanů v takových záležitostech totiž byla poprava pro výstrahu. Tehdy byl na vlastní žádost předveden před císaře a senát za účelem svojí obhajoby. Co jim pověděl se přesně neví, ale pode Tacita to byl slavný projev..." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "" "Kunobelinos (perhaps better known by the latinized form of Cunobelin) was a " "powerful ruler of the Catuvellauni. He was referred to by Romans as the King" " of the Britons. His domains extended around the city of Kamulodunon (known " "as Camulodunum), modern day Colchester. The Roman defeat in the battle of " "Teutoburg Forest (Germania) allowed Kunobelinos to conquer a neighboring " "tribe, the Trinovantes, who were Roman allies and couldn't receive Roman " "aide. Kunobelinos seems to have been indifferent to the Romans. He traded " "with them freely, but had few qualms subjugating known Roman allies, and " "even sent his youngest son Adminius as a fosterling to be educated in Roman " "Gaul. This accounted for Adminius's friendships among the Romans. Adminius " "was given lordship over the Cantaci, who inhabited Kent, by his father. This" " area was the prime area of Roman influence and trade in Britain, and " "Kunobelinos shrewdly observed his youngest son's friendship with powerful " "Roman and Gallo-Roman politicians and traders would be of use administrating" " the region. His other sons though had no love for the Romans. When " "Kunobelinos died of disease, he was replaced by his son Togdumnos, who " "arrested, executed, or expelled numerous Roman sympathizers. These included " "his own brother Adminius, and the deposed Atrebates king, Verica, who " "appealed to their connections in the Roman Empire for aide in recovering " "their lands. Togdumnos died in battle with the Romans, and was subsequently " "replaced by his brother, Karatakos. It is an irony that it was his third son" " that initially invited this Roman reprisal. Kunobelinos in his own time " "though was possibly one of the greatest of all British kings. He conquered " "the great majority of the southern half of Britain (his coins were being " "minted as far as the borders of what would become Wales). He started ruling " "over only four minor tribes in a confederation, the Catuvellauni, and ended " "up achieving recognition as king of Britain. This recognition was so great " "that tribes in Cambria even came to assist his sons against the Romans and " "their British allies, and Kunobelinos was held up by the post-Roman Britons " "as one of their great heroes; a conqueror and uniter of petty kingdoms, " "something the post-Roman Britons or Romano-British sorely needed." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History msgid "" "Ammianus Marcellinus described how difficult it would be for a band of " "foreigners to deal with a Celt if he called in the help of his wife. For she" " was stronger than he was and could rain blows and kicks upon the assailants" " equal in force to the shots of a catapult. Boudicca, queen of the Iceni, " "was said to be 'very tall and terrifying in appearance; her voice was very " "harsh and a great mass of red hair fell over her shoulders. She wore a tunic" " of many colors over which a thick cloak was fastened by a brooch. Boudicca " "had actually at first been a Roman ally, along with her husband, Prasutagus," " king of the Iceni. Prasutagus had been a close Roman ally after a brief " "uprising, respected as being forethinking even by his former enemies, now " "allied Romans, and free to rule his kingdom as their native tradition " "dictated, except in one case. Prasutagus, realizing he was going to die, " "agreed upon a will with his wife and subordinates; his daughters would " "inherit the physical running of the territory, under Boudicca's stewardship " "until they were adults, and the Emperor of Rome would have overlordship, " "collecting taxes and being allowed to request military aide. Much the same " "situation as he already held. The problem lay in that the Romans did not " "recognize female heirs, and thus asserted, upon Prasutagus's death, that " "only the Emperor's claim to the kingdom of Icenia was valid. They further " "noted it was regular Roman practice to only allow a client kingdom to be " "independent for the lifetime of the initial king, such as had occurred in " "Galatia. The Empire formally annexed the kingdom, and began extracting harsh" " taxes immediately, citing that Prasutagus was indebted to the Romans, " "having taken several loans during his lifetime that he had failed to repay. " "Boudicca's complaint about this treatment and the defiance of her deceased " "husband's will was met with brutality; Roman soldiers flogged her, and her " "daughters, only children, were raped. Boudicca and her subjects were " "infuriated at the disgrace done to their queen and the children. With the " "Roman governor of Britain engaged with the druids in Cambria, now Wales, " "Boudicca was able to attract more followers from outside the Iceni, as they " "were hardly the only British tribe growing rapidly disillusioned with the " "Romans. Boudicca and her army laid waste to three cities, routed a Roman " "legion, and called on the memory of Arminius, a German who had routed the " "Romans from his lands, and their own ancestors who had driven off Caesar " "near a century earlier. Boudicca was defeated by a major tactical blunder in" " the Battle of Watling Street, leading to much of her force being " "slaughtered as they could not withdraw to safety. Boudicca herself escaped, " "and then slew her daughters, and then herself, to avoid further shame at " "Roman hands." msgstr "Ammianus Marcellinus popsal, jak náročné by pro skupinu cizinců bylo vypořádat se s Keltem v případě, že by si zavolal na pomoc svoji manželku. Ta totiž byla silnejšií než on a mohla je zasypat údery a kopanci silově se rovnajícími střelám z katapultu. Boudica, královna Icenů, prý byla \"velmi vysoká a na pohled děsivá; její hlas byl velmi drsný a přes prsa jí padala velká hromada červených vlasů\". Měla na sobě tuniku mnoha barev, o kterou byl broží připevněn hrubý plášť. Boudica ve skutečnosti nejprve byla spolu se svým manželem, Prasutagusem, králem Icenů, spojenkyní Říma. Prasutagus byl po krátkém povstání blízkým římským spojencem, uznávali ho jako velmi předvídavého člověka a umožnili mu svobodně vládnout jeho království podle tamnějších zvyklostí, s jedinou výjimkou. Před svojí smrtí se dohodl se svojí manželkou a podřízenými, že jeho dcery budou mít na starosti pod Boudiciným dohledem až do své dospělosti fyzický chod území, zatímco římský cisař bude jeho skutečným vládcem, bude vybírat daně a bude mít možnost požádat o vojenskou pomoc. Z velké části tedy to, co mohl dělat do té doby. Problém spočíval v tom, že Řimané neuznávali ženské dědice a tedy prohlásili císařův nárok na Icenské království za jediný oficiálně platný. Dále uvedli, že prý bylo normální římskou tradicí zachovat nezávislost klientského království jen po dobu života jeho počátečního krále, jak se to například stalo v Gálii. Říše tedy formálně království zabrala a začala hned vybírat kruté daně odvolávajíc se na to, že Prasutagus měl vůči ní dluh, protože si během života vzal několik úvěrů, které potom odmítal splatit. Na Boudicinu stížnost souvisící s takovým zacházením a odporem vůči poslední vůli jejího manžela se odpovědělo brutalitou; římští vojáci ji zbičovali a její dcery, tehdy ješte jen děti, byly znásilněny. Boudica a její poddaní byli z takového zahanbení královny a dětí rozzuření. Protože římský guvernér Británie byl právě zaujat druidy v Kambrii, dnešním Walesu, Boudica byla schopná přilákat na svoji stranu víc následovníků i mimo řady Icenů spolu s rostoucím rozčarováním z Římanů u ostatních kmenů. Ona a její armáda vyplenili tři města a porazili římskou legii, čímž připomenuli skutky Arminia, Germána, který vyčistil svoje území od Římanů a i skutky svých vlastních předků, kteří o století dříve odehnali Caesara. Poražená díky velkému taktickému omylu v bitvě u Watling Street, kvůli kterému bylo mnoho z jejích sil povražděno, protože nemohly ustoupit do bezpečí. Samotná Boudica utekla, potom zabila svoje dcery a nakonec sebe samu, aby zabránila další potupě v rukou Římanů." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonFactions[0].Description msgid "The Celts of the British Isles." msgstr "Keltové z Britských ostrovů." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonStructures[0].Name msgid "Kennel" msgstr "Bouda" #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonStructures[0].History msgid "The Britons were known for breeding war dogs." msgstr "Britové byli známi tím, že chovali bojové psy." #: simulation/data/civs/brit.jsonHistory msgid "" "The Britons were the Celtic tribes of the British Isles. Using chariots, " "longswordsmen and powerful melee soldiers, they staged fearesome revolts " "against Rome to protect their customs and interests. Also, they built " "thousands of unique structures such as hill forts, crannogs and brochs." msgstr "Britové byli keltskými kmeny z Britských ostrovů. Za pomoci válečných vozů, bojovníků s dlouhými meči a silných bojovníků na blízko organizovali strašlivá povstání vůči Římanům, aby ochránili své zvyky a zájmy. Také vybudovali tisíce jedinečných staveb, jakými jsou například hradiska, opevněná sídliště v jezeru nebo močálu (crannog) a kamenné kruhové věže z doby železné (brochy)." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonName msgid "Carthaginians" msgstr "Kartágiňané" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "" "Carthaginian walls, gates, and towers have 3x health of a standard wall, but" " also 2x build time." msgstr "Kartaginské hradby, brány a věže mají 3 x životní body běžné hradební zdi, ale také 2 x času na stavbu." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Triple Walls" msgstr "Trojité hradby" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonCivBonuses[0].History msgid "Carthaginians built triple city walls." msgstr "Kartaginci stavěli trojité městské hradby." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description msgid "" "The resource cost of training elephant-mounted (war elephant) or horse-" "mounted units (cavalry) is reduced by 5% per animal corralled (as " "appropriate)." msgstr "Náklady na zdroje za výcvik jízdních jednotek (jízda a váleční sloni) jsou o 5% nižší za každé odpovídající zvíře v ohradě." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonCivBonuses[2].Name msgid "Roundup" msgstr "Souhrn" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonCivBonuses[1].History msgid "" "Not unlike the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa was known as horse country, " "capable of producing up to 100,000 new mounts each year. It was also the " "home of the North African Forest Elephant." msgstr "Narozdíl od Pyrenejského poloostrova byla severní Afrika známa jako země koní, schopná vychovat až 100 000 koní ročně. Taky byla domovem severoafrického lesního slona." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "+33% trade profit international routes." msgstr "+33% obchodní výnosy na mezinárodních trasách." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Trademasters" msgstr "Mistři obchodu" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "The Phoenicians and Carthaginians were broadly known as the greatest trading" " civilization of the ancient and classical world." msgstr "Féničané a Kartaginci byli velmi známí jako největší obchodní civilizace starého a klasického světa." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[0] #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Hannibal Barca" msgstr "Hannibal Barkas" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[1] #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Hamilcar Barca" msgstr "Hamilkar Barkas" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[2] msgid "Hasdrubal Barca" msgstr "Hasdrubal Barkas" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Hasdrubal Gisco" msgstr "Hasdrubal Gisko" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[4] msgid "Hanno the Elder" msgstr "Hannón starší" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[5] #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Maharbal" msgstr "Maharbal" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Mago Barca" msgstr "Mago Barkas" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Hasdrubal the Fair" msgstr "Hasdrubal Sličný" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Hanno the Great" msgstr "Hannón Veliký" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[9] msgid "Himilco" msgstr "Himilco" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[10] msgid "Hampsicora" msgstr "Hampsicora" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[11] msgid "Hannibal Gisco" msgstr "Hannibal Gisko" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[12] msgid "Dido" msgstr "Dido" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[13] msgid "Xanthippus" msgstr "Xanthippus" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[14] msgid "Himilco Phameas" msgstr "Himilco Phameas" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonAINames[15] msgid "Hasdrubal the Boetharch" msgstr "Hasdrubal Boiotarch" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "All Traders and Ships +25% vision range." msgstr "Všichni obchodníci a lodě vidí o 25 % dále." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name msgid "Exploration" msgstr "Objevování" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History msgid "" "Nobody knew better than the Carthaginians where in the ancient world they " "were going and going to go; their merchant traders had missions to " "everywhere." msgstr "Nikdo nevěděl lépe než Kartaginci, kam ve starověkém světě šli a kam se chystali jít; jejich obchodní kupci cestovali všude." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "Civic Centers, Temples, and Houses -25% build time." msgstr "Správní střediska, chrámy a domy -25 % času na stavbu." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Colonization" msgstr "Kolonizace" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "Carthaginians established many trading centers as colonies and ultimately " "held dominion over 300 cities and towns in North Africa alone." msgstr "Kartáginci zřídili mnoho obchodních koloníí a nakonec udrželi nadvládu nad více než 300 městy a vesnicemi jen v Severní Africe." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "" "Carthage's most famous son. Hannibal Barca was the eldest son of Hamilcar " "Barca and proved an even greater commander than his father. Lived 247-182 " "B.C. While he ultimately lost the Second Punic War his victories at Trebia, " "Lake Trasimene, and Cannae, and the feat of crossing the Alps have secured " "his position as among the best tacticians and strategists in history." msgstr "Nejslavnější syn Kartága. Hannibal Barkas byl prvorozeným synem Hamilkara Barkase a ukázal se být ještě schopnějším vojevůdcem než jeho otec. Žil v letech 247-182 př. n. l. Ačkoliv nakonec prohrál druhou punskou válku, jeho vítězství na řece Trebii, u Trasimenského jezera, u vesnice Kanny a jeho přechod přes Alpy mu zajistili místo mezi nejlepšími taktiky a stratégy v historii." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "" "Father of Hannibal and virtual military dictator. Hamilcar Barca was a " "soldier and politician who excelled along his entire career. Lived 275-228 " "B.C. While overshadowed by his sons, Hamilcar was great general in his own " "right, earning the nickname Baraq or Barca for the lightning speed of his " "advance." msgstr "Otec Hannibala a schopný vojenský diktátor. Hamilkar Barkas byl vojákem a politikem, který vynikal během celé své kariéry. Žil v létech 275-228 před. n. l. Ačkoliv ho jeho synové předčili, Hamilkar sám byl velkým vojevůdcem, získal přídomek Barak nebo Barkas pro svůj bleskový vzestup." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History msgid "" "Maharbal was Hannibal Barca's 'brash young cavalry commander' during the 2nd" " Punic War. He is credited with turning the wing of the legions at Cannae " "resulting in defeat in which 30,000 of 50,000 Romans were lost, as well as " "significant contributions to the winning of many other battles during the " "2nd Punic War. He is known for having said, after the battle of Cannae, " "'Hannibal, you know how to win the victory; just not what to do with it.'" msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[0].Name msgid "Naval Shipyard" msgstr "Námořní loděnice" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[0].Special msgid "Construct the powerful warships of the Carthaginian navy." msgstr "Stavte mocné válečné lodě kartaginského námořnictva." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[0].History msgid "" "The structure is based upon the center island of the inner harbour " "constructed to house the war fleet of the Carthaginian navy at Carthage." msgstr "Struktura je založena na středním ostrově vnitřního přístavu postaveného tak, aby pojmul válečnou flotilu Kartaginského námořnictva v Kartágu." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[1].Name msgid "Celtic Embassy" msgstr "Keltské vyslanectví" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[1].Special msgid "Hire Celtic mercenaries." msgstr "Najměte keltské žoldnéře." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[1].History msgid "The Celts supplied fierce warrior mercenaries for Carthaginian armies." msgstr "Keltové poskytovali kartágské armádě divoké žoldnéřské vojáky." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[2].Name msgid "Italiote Embassy" msgstr "Italické vyslanectví" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[2].Special msgid "Hire Italian mercenaries." msgstr "Najměte italické žoldnéře." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[2].History msgid "" "When Hannibal invaded Italy and defeated the Romans in a series of battles, " "many of the Italian peoples subject to Rome, including the Italian Greeks " "and powerful Samnites, revolted and joined the Carthaginian cause." msgstr "Když Hannibal pronikl do Itálie a porazil Římany v řadě bitev, mnoho obyvatel Itálie poddaných Římu, včetně italských Řeků a vlivných Samnitů, se vzbouřilo a připojilo se na kartáginskou stranu." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[3].Name msgid "Iberian Embassy" msgstr "Iberské vyslanectví" #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[3].Special msgid "Hire Iberian mercenaries." msgstr "Najměte iberské žoldnéře." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonStructures[3].History msgid "" "The Iberians were known as fierce mercenaries, loyal to their paymasters." msgstr "Iberové byli známí jako nelítostní žoldnéři věrní svým pokladníkům." #: simulation/data/civs/cart.jsonHistory msgid "" "Carthage, a city-state in modern-day Tunisia, was a formidable force in the " "western Mediterranean, eventually taking over much of North Africa and " "modern-day Spain in the third century B.C. The sailors of Carthage were " "among the fiercest contenders on the high seas, and masters of naval trade. " "They deployed towered War Elephants on the battlefield to fearsome effect, " "and had defensive walls so strong, they were never breached." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonName #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Name msgid "Gauls" msgstr "Galové" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonAINames[0] #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Britomartos" msgstr "Britomartos" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonAINames[1] #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Brennos" msgstr "Brennos" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonAINames[2] #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Uerkingetorix" msgstr "Uerkingetorix" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Divico" msgstr "Divico" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonAINames[4] msgid "Ambiorix" msgstr "Ambiorix" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Ariovistus" msgstr "Ariovistus" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Cassivellaunus" msgstr "Cassivellaunus" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Liscus" msgstr "Liscus" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Valetiacos" msgstr "Valetiacos" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "" "A set amount of metal and food from every structure destroyed or captured." msgstr "Určité množství kovu a jídla, jež bylo převzato z každé zničené nebo obsazené stavby. " #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name msgid "Uae Uictos" msgstr "Uae Uictos" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History msgid "" "Means Woe to the Defeated. It was the words that the Gallic Leader, Brennos," " spoke at the Capitol at Rome after they took their plunder." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "Gallic druids gain a small melee attack." msgstr "Galští druidé budou moci na krátkou vzdálenost útočit slabou chladnou zbraní." #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Carnutes" msgstr "Carnutes" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "The Carnutes were druids from Aulercia. They fought when needed, and were " "largely responsible for turning back the Belgae incursions into Armorica and" " Aulercia." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "" "When celt armies met the enemy, before the battle would start, the celt " "leader would go to the first line and challenge the bravest of the enemy " "warriors to a single combat. The story of how Marcus Claudius Marcellus " "killed a Gallic leader at Clastidium (222 B.C.) is typical of such " "encounters. Advancing with a smallish army, Marcellus met a combined force " "of Insubrian Gauls and Gaesatae at Clastidium. The Gallic army advanced with" " the usual rush and terrifying cries, and their king, Britomartos, picking " "out Marcellus by means of his badges of rank, made for him, shouting a " "challenge and brandishing his spear. Britomartos was an outstanding figure " "not only for his size but also for his adornments; for he was resplendent in" " bright colors and his armor shone with gold and silver. This armor, thought" " Marcellus, would be a fitting offering to the gods. He charged the Gaul, " "pierced his bright breastplate and cast him to the ground. It was an easy " "task to kill Britomartos and strip him of his armor." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "" "Brennus is the name which the Roman historians give to the famous leader of " "the Gauls who took Rome in the time of Camillus. According to Geoffrey of " "Monmouth, the cleric who wrote “History of the Kings of Britain”, Brennus " "and his brother Belinus invaded Gaul and sacked Rome in 390 B.C., 'proving' " "that Britons had conquered Rome, the greatest civilization in the world, " "long before Rome conquered the Britons. We know from many ancient sources " "which predate Geoffrey that Rome was indeed sacked, but in 387 not 390, and " "that the raid was led by a man named Brennos (which was latinized to " "Brennus), but he and his invading horde were Gallic Senones, not British. In" " this episode several features of Geoffrey's editing method can be seen: he " "modified the historical Brennus/Brennos, created the brother Belinus, " "borrowed the Gallic invasion, but omitted the parts where the Celts seemed " "weak or foolish. His technique is both additive and subtractive. Like the " "tale of Trojan origin, the story of the sack of Rome is not pure " "fabrication; it is a creative rearrangement of the available facts, with " "details added as necessary. By virtue of their historical association, Beli " "and Bran are often muddled with the earlier brothers Belinus and Brennus " "(the sons of Dunvallo Molmutius) who contended for power in northern Britain" " in around 390 B.C., and were regarded as gods in old Celtic tradition." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History msgid "" "Vercingetorix (Gaulish: Ver-Rix Cingetos) was the chieftain of the Arverni " "tribe in Gaul (modern France). Starting in 52 B.C. he led a revolt against " "the invading Romans under Julius Caesar, his actions during the revolt are " "remembered to this day. Vercingetorix was probably born near his tribes " "capital (Gergovia). From what little info we have Vercingetorix was probably" " born in 72 B.C., his father was Celtius and we don't know who his mother " "was. Because we only know of him from Roman sources we don't know much about" " Vercingetorix as a child or young man, except that perhaps he was probably " "very high spirited and probably gained some renown in deeds." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonFactions[0].Description msgid "The Celts of mainland Europe." msgstr "Keltové na kontinentální Evropě." #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonStructures[0].Name msgid "Melonas" msgstr "Melonas" #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonStructures[0].History msgid "The Celts developed the first rotary flour mill." msgstr "Keltové vynalezli první otočný mlýn na mouku." #: simulation/data/civs/gaul.jsonHistory msgid "" "The Gauls were the Celtic tribes of continental Europe. Dominated by a " "priestly class of Druids, they featured a sophisticated culture of advanced " "metalworking, agriculture, trade and even road engineering. With heavy " "infantry and cavalry, Gallic warriors valiantly resisted Caesar's campaign " "of conquest and Rome's authoritarian rule." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonName msgid "Iberians" msgstr "Iberové" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "Iberians start with a powerful prefabricated circuit of stone walls." msgstr "Iberové začínají s již postaveným okruhem mohutných kamenných hradeb." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Harritsu Leku" msgstr "Harritsu Leku" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonCivBonuses[0].History msgid "" "With exception to alluvial plains and river valleys, stone is abundant in " "the Iberian Peninsula and was greatly used in construction of structures of " "all types." msgstr "S výjimkou náplavových rovin a říčních údolí oplývá Iberský poloostrov dostatkem kamene, a ten byl hojně využíván při budování staveb všech druhů." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description msgid "" "The resource cost of training horse-mounted units (cavalry) is reduced by 5%" " per animal corralled." msgstr "Náklady na vycvičení jízdních jednotek jsou zmenšeny o 5% na každé zvíře zavřené do ohrady." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name msgid "Zaldi Saldoa" msgstr "Zaldi Saldoa" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonCivBonuses[1].History msgid "" "Not unlike Numidia in North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula was known as " "'horse country', capable of producing up to 100,000 new mounts each year." msgstr "Narozdíl od Numidie v severní Africe, Pyrenejský poloostrov byl znám jako 'země koní'. Ročně odtud odtud přišlo 100 000 nových koní." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "" "Citizen-soldier infantry skirmishers and cavalry skirmishers -20% cost for " "allies." msgstr "-20% náklady na občanské vojáky harcovníky pro spojence." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Saripeko" msgstr "Saripeko" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "The Iberians were long known to provide mercenary soldiers to other nations " "to serve as auxiliaries to their armies in foreign wars. Carthage is the " "most well known example, and we have evidence of them serving in such a " "capacity in Aquitania." msgstr "Ibeřané byli po dlouhou dobu známí tím, že poskytovali žoldnéře jiným národům, u nichž sloužili v jejich vojscích v cizích válkách jako pomocné sbory. Kartágo je toho nejznámějším příkladem, a byly nalezeny důkazy toho, že v tomto objemu sloužili v Akvitánii." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonAINames[0] #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonAINames[1] #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Viriato" msgstr "Viriato" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonAINames[2] #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Karos" msgstr "Karos" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonAINames[3] #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Indibil" msgstr "Indibil" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonAINames[4] msgid "Audax" msgstr "Audax" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Ditalcus" msgstr "Ditalcus" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Minurus" msgstr "Minurus" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Tautalus" msgstr "Tautalus" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "" "Causes targets struck to become inflamed and lose hitpoints at a constant " "rate until and if either healed or repaired, as appropriate." msgstr "Způsobí, že zasažený cíl začne hořet a bude pravidelně ztrácet životní body dokud nebude vyléčen nebo opraven." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name msgid "Suzko Txabalina" msgstr "Suzko Txabalina" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History msgid "" "Iberian tribesmen were noted for wrapping bundles of grass about the shafts " "of their throwing spears, soaking that in some sort of flammable pitch, then" " setting it afire just before throwing." msgstr "Příslušníci kmene Iberů byli známí tím, že si obmotávali ratiště svých oštěpů otýpkami trávy, které byly namočeny v nějakém druhu hořlavé smůly, a poté je těsně před vrhem zapalovali." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "Metal costs for units and technologies reduced by 50%." msgstr "Spotřeba kovu na výcvik jednotek a výzkum technologií snížena o 50%." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Maisu Burdina Langileak" msgstr "Maisu Burdina Langileak" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "The Iberians were known to produce the finest iron and steel implements and " "weapons of the age. The famous 'Toledo Steel.'" msgstr "Iberové byli známí především pro výrobu špičkových železných a ocelových nářadí a zbraní, známé jako 'Toledská ocel'." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "" "Viriato, like Vercingetorix amongst the Gauls, was the most famous of the " "Iberian tribal war leaders, having conducted at least 7 campaigns against " "the Romans in the southern half of the peninsula during the 'Lusitani Wars' " "from 147-139 B.C. He surfaced as a survivor of the treacherous massacre of " "9,000 men and the selling into slavery of 21,000 elderly, women, and " "children of the Lusitani. They had signed a treaty of peace with the Romans," " conducted by Servius Sulpicius Galba, governor of Hispania Ulterior, as the" " 'final solution' to the Lusitani problem. He emerged from humble beginnings" " in 151 B.C. to become war chief of the Lusitani. He was intelligent and a " "superior tactician, never really defeated in any encounter (though suffered " "losses in some requiring retreat). He succumbed instead to another treachery" " arranged by a later Roman commander, Q. Servilius Caepio, to have him " "assassinated by three comrades that were close to him." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "" "Karos was a chief of the Belli tribe located just east of the Celtiberi " "(Numantines at the center). Leading the confederated tribes of the meseta " "central (central upland plain) he concealed 20,000 foot and 5,000 mounted " "troops along a densely wooded track. Q. Fulvius Nobilior neglected proper " "reconnaissance and lead his army into the trap strung out in a long column. " "Some 10,000 of 15,000 Roman legionaries fell in the massive ambush that was " "sprung upon them. The date was 23 August of 153 B.C., the day when Rome " "celebrated the feast of Vulcan. By later Senatorial Decree it was ever " "thereafter known as dies ater, a 'sinister day', and Rome never again fought" " a battle on the 23rd of August. Karos was wounded in an after battle small " "cavalry action the same evening and soon died thereafter, but he had carried" " off one of the most humiliating defeats that Rome ever suffered." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History msgid "" "Indibil was king of the Ilegetes, a large federation ranged principally " "along the Ebro River in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. During the " "Barcid expansion, from 212 B.C. he had initially been talked into allying " "himself with the Carthaginians who had taken control of a lot of territory " "to the south and west, however after loss and his capture in a major battle " "he was convinced, some say tricked, to switch to the Roman side by Scipio " "Africanus. But that alliance didn't last long, as Roman promises were hollow" " and the Romans acted more like conquerors than allies. So, while the Romans" " and their allies had ended Carthaginian presence in 'Hispania' in 206 B.C.," " Indibil and another tribal prince by the name of Mandonio, who may have " "been his brother, rose up in rebellion against the Romans. They were " "defeated in battle, but rose up in a 2nd even larger rebellion that had " "unified all the Ilergetes again in 205 B.C. Outnumbered and outarmed they " "were again defeated, Indibil losing his life in the final battle and " "Mandonio being captured then later put to death. From that date onward the " "Ilergetes remained a pacified tribe under Roman rule." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonStructures[0].Name msgid "Gur Oroigarri" msgstr "Gur Oroigarri" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonStructures[0].Special msgid "" "Defensive Aura - Gives all Iberian units and buildings within vision range " "of the monument a 10-15% attack boost. Build Limit: Only 5 may be built per " "map." msgstr "Obranná aura - Poskytuje bonus všem Iberijským jednotkám a budovám v dohledné vzdálenosti od monumentu 10-15% bonus k útoku. Stavební omezení: Na celé mapě jich může být pouze 5." #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonStructures[0].History msgid "" "'Revered Monument' The Iberians were a religious people who built small " "monuments to their various gods. These monuments could also serve as family " "tombs." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/iber.jsonHistory msgid "" "The Iberians were a people of mysterious origins and language, with a strong" " tradition of horsemanship and metalworking. A relatively peaceful culture, " "they usually fought in other's battles only as mercenaries. However, they " "proved tenacious when Rome sought to take their land and freedom from them, " "and employed pioneering guerrilla tactics and flaming javelins as they " "fought back." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonName #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Name msgid "Macedonians" msgstr "Makedoňané" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "" "Macedonian units have +10% attack bonus vs. Persian and Hellenic factions, " "but -5% attack debonus vs. Romans." msgstr "Makedonské jednotky mají výhodu +10% při útoku proti perským a helénským protivníkům, ale ztrácí -5% při útoku proti Římanům." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Hellenic League" msgstr "Helénská liga" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonCivBonuses[0].History msgid "" "After the unification of Greece, Philip II gathered all the city-states " "together to form the Hellenic League, with Macedon as the its leader. With " "this Pan-Hellenic federation he planned to launch an expedition to punish " "Persia for past wrongs. Although assassinated before he could carry out the " "invasion, his son Alexander the Great took up the mantle and completed his " "fathers plans." msgstr "Po sjednocení Řecka shromáždil Filip II všechny městské státy, aby vytvořily helénskou ligu (Korintský spolek), který byl veden Makedonií. S tímto všehelénským svazem plánoval začít výpravu, která měla potrestat Persii za minulé křivdy. I když byl zavražděn, předtím než mohl vpád uskutečnit, jeho syn Alexandr Veliký na něj navázal a dokončil otcovy plány." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description msgid "Infantry pike units can use the slow and powerful Syntagma formation." msgstr "Jednotky kopiníků pěšího vojska mohou použít pomalou a mocnou formaci Syntagma." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name msgid "Syntagma" msgstr "Syntagma" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonCivBonuses[1].History msgid "" "Based upon the Theban Oblique Order phalanx, the Syntagma was the formation " "that proved invincible against the armies of Hellas and the East." msgstr "Založena na thébské formaci kosého šiku, Syntagma byla formací, která se v bojích proti armádám Řecka a východu ukázala být neporazitelnou." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonCivBonuses[2].History msgid "" "The Greeks were highly successful in Hellenizing various foreigners. During " "the Hellenistic Age, Greek was the lingua franca of the Ancient World, " "spoken widely from Spain to India." msgstr "Řekové byli velice úspěšní v helenizaci různých cizinců. Během období helénismu byla řečtina lingua franca starověkého světa a byla široce používána od Španělska po Indii." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "+15% tribute and trade bonus on metal." msgstr "+15 % daň a výhoda z obchodování s kovem." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Standardized Currency" msgstr "Standardizované měna" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "The Macedonians and the Diadochi minted coins of very high quality. On their" " currency the Diadochi in particular frequently depicted themselves as the " "rightful successor to Alexander the Great, attempting to legitimize their " "rule." msgstr "Makedoňané a diadochové razili mince o velmi vysoké jakosti. Diadochové se obzvláště často nechali zpodobňovat na svých mincích jako právoplatní nástupci Alexandra Velikého, aby legitimizovali svoji vládu." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[0] #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Alexander the Great" msgstr "Alexandr Veliký" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[1] msgid "Philip II" msgstr "Filip II" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[2] msgid "Antipater" msgstr "Antipater" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Philip IV" msgstr "Filip IV." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[4] #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Lysander" msgstr "Lýsandros" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Lysimachus" msgstr "Lýsimachos" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Pyrrhus of Epirus" msgstr "Pyrrhos I. Épeirský" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Antigonus II Gonatas" msgstr "Antigonos II. Gonatás" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Demetrius II Aetolicus" msgstr "Démétrios II. Aitolikos" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[9] msgid "Philip V" msgstr "Filip V" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[10] msgid "Perseus" msgstr "Perseus" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[11] msgid "Craterus" msgstr "Krateros" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonAINames[12] msgid "Meleager" msgstr "Meleagros" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "" "Each subsequent Barracks constructed comes with 5 free (random) Macedonian " "military units. This also applies to the Barracks of allied players (they " "receive 5 free units of their own culture for each new Barracks " "constructed)." msgstr "Každá další postavená kasárna přicházejí zdarma s 5 (náhodnými) makedonskými jednotkami. Toto platí i pro kasárna spojenců (dostanou zdarma 5 jednotek jejich vlastní kultury za každá nově postavená kasárna)" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name msgid "Military Reforms" msgstr "Vojenské reformy" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History msgid "" "When Philip II came to the Macedonian throne he began a total reorganization" " of the Macedonian army. His reforms created a powerful cavalry arm to his " "army that would prove useful to both himself and his son Alexander's " "conquests." msgstr "Když Filip II. přišel na makedonský trůn, začal celkovou reorganizaci makedonské armády. Jeho reformy vytvořily v jeho vojsku silné jezdectvo, které se ukázalo být užitečným jak pro něj samotného tak i pro výboje jeho syna Alexandra." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "" "Upgrade Hypaspist Champion Infantry to Silver Shields, with greater attack " "and armor, but also greater cost." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Royal Gift" msgstr "Královský dar" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "In India near the end of his long anabasis, Alexander gifted to the Royal " "Hypaspist corps shields of silver for their long and valiant service in his " "army." msgstr "V Indii, na konci jeho dlouhé anabáze, daroval Alexandr jednotce královských hypaspistů stříbrné štíty za jejich dlouhou a udatnou službu v jeho armádě." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Description #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "Civic Centers have double Health and double default arrows." msgstr "Správní střediska mají dvojnásobnou odolnost a střílí dvojnásob šípů." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Name #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name msgid "Hellenistic Metropolises" msgstr "Helénská hlavní města" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].History #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History msgid "" "Beginning with Alexander, the Hellenistic monarchs founded many cities " "throughout their empires, where Greek culture and art blended with local " "customs to create the motley Hellenistic civilization." msgstr "Počínaje Alexandrem, helénští monarchové zakládali ve svých říších mnoho nových měst, kde se řecká kultura a umění prolínali s tamními zvyky a utvářely tak pestrou helénskou civilizaci." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "" "The king of Macedonia (359-336 B.C.), he carried out vast monetary and " "military reforms in order to make his kingdom the most powerful force in the" " Greek world. Greatly enlarged the size of Macedonia by conquering much of " "Thrace and subduing the Greeks. Murdered in Aegae while planning a campaign " "against Persia." msgstr "Král Makedonie (359-336 př. n. l.), který provedl rozsáhlé peněžní a vojenské reformy ve snaze učinit ze svého království nejsilnější mocnost starořeckého světa. Značně zvětšil území Makedonie dobytím většiny Thrákie a podmaněním Řecka. Byl zavražděn v Aigách během přípravy tažení do Persie." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Philip II of Macedon" msgstr "Filip II Makedonský" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "" "The most powerful hero of them all - son of Philip II, king of Macedonia " "(336-323 B.C.). After conquering the rest of the Thracians and quelling the " "unrest of the Greeks, Alexander embarked on a world-conquest march. " "Defeating the Persian forces at Granicus (334 B.C.), Issus (333 B.C.) and " "Gaugamela (331 B.C.), he became master of the Persian Empire. Entering " "India, he defeated king Porus at Hydaspes (326 B.C.), but his weary troops " "made him halt. Died in Babylon at the age of 33 while planning a campaign " "against Arabia." msgstr "Nejmocnější hrdina ze všech - syn Filipa II, král Makedonie (336-323 př. n. l.). Po dobytí zbytku Thrákie a potlačení nepokojů v Řecku se Alexandr vydal na tažení za dobytím světa. Po porážkách perských vojsk v bitvách na řece Gráníku (334 př. n. l.), u Issu (333 př. n. l.) a u Gaugamél (331 př. n. l.) se stal vládcem Perské říše. Po vniknutí do Indie porazil krále Póra u řeky Hydaspés (326 př. n. l.), ale jeho unavené vojsko jej v dalším postupu zabrzdilo. Zemřel v Babylónu ve věku 33 let, když plánoval tažení proti Arábii." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History msgid "" "One of the Diadochi, king of Macedonia (294-288 B.C.), Demetrios was " "renowned as one of the bravest and most able successors of Alexander. As the" " son of Antigonus I Monophthalmus, he fought and won many important battles " "early on and was proclaimed king, along with his father, in 306 B.C. Losing " "his Asian possessions after the battle of Ipsos, he later won the Macedonian" " throne. Fearing lest they should be overpowered by Demetrios, the other " "Diadochi united against him and defeated him." msgstr "Jeden z diadochů, makedonský král Démétrios (Démétrios I. Poliorkétés, 294-288 př. n. l.), byl známý jako jeden z nejstatečnějších a nejschopnějších Alexandrových nástupců. Jako syn Antigona I. Jednookého hned zpočátku bojoval a zvítězil v mnoha důležitých bitvách a byl v roce 306 př. n. l. prohlášen za krále společně se svým otcem. Po bitvě u Ipsu ztratil své asijské državy. Pozdějí získal makedonský trůn. Ze strachu, že by mohli být Démétriem přemoženi, se proti němu ostatní diadochové spojili a porazili jej." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Demetrios the Besieger" msgstr "Démétrios Obléhatel" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonFactions[0].Description msgid "A Hellenistic kingdom bordering the Greek city-states." msgstr "Helénské království hraničící s řeckými městskými státy." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonStructures[0].Special msgid "" "The Hellenization civ bonus. Building a Theatron increases the territory " "effect of all buildings by 25%. Build limit: 1." msgstr "Helénistický civilizační zvýhodnění. Stavba Theatronu zvýší územní rozšíření všech staveb o +25%. Hranice pro stavění: 1." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonStructures[1].Name #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonStructures[0].Name #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonStructures[0].Name msgid "Library" msgstr "Knihovna" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonStructures[1].Special msgid "" "All Special Technologies are researched here. Building one reduces the cost " "of all other remaining technologies by 10%. Build limit: 1." msgstr "Všechny speciální technologie jsou zkoumány zde. Pokud jednu postavíte, snížíte náklady na všechny zbývající technologie o 10%. Stavební omezení: 1." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonStructures[1].History #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonStructures[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonStructures[0].History msgid "" "Alexander the Great founded libraries all over his new empire. These became " "a center of learning for an entirely new synthesized culture: the " "Hellenistic culture." msgstr "Alexandr Veliký zakládal knihovny po celém území své nové říše. Tyto se staly středisky vzdělanosti pro celou novou kulturu, která se nazývá helénská." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonStructures[2].Name msgid "Siege Workshop" msgstr "Obléhací dílna" #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonStructures[2].Special msgid "Constructs and upgrades all Macedonian siege engines." msgstr "Sestrojuje a vylepšuje všechny makedonské obléhací stroje." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonStructures[2].History msgid "The Macedonians were innovators in area of siegecraft." msgstr "Makedonci byli zlepšovateli oblehacích strojů." #: simulation/data/civs/mace.jsonHistory msgid "" "Macedonia was an ancient Greek kingdom, centered in the northeastern part of" " the Greek peninsula. Under the leadership of Alexander the Great, " "Macedonian forces and allies took over most of the world they knew, " "including Egypt, Persia and parts of the Indian subcontinent, allowing a " "diffusion of Hellenic and eastern cultures for years to come." msgstr "Makedonie byla starověkým řeckým královstvím soustředěným v sverovýchodní části řeckého poloostrova. Pod vedením Alexandra Velikého dobyly makedonské síly a jejich spojenci většinu jim známého světa, včetně Egypta, Persie a částí indického subkontinentu, čímž umožnily prolínání helénské a východních kultur v následujících letech." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonName msgid "Mauryans" msgstr "Maurijci" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "" "Mauryans have a +10% population cap bonus (i.e., 330 pop cap instead of the " "usual 300)." msgstr "Maurjové mají +10% k výši populačního limitu (např. limit 330 jednotek namísto běžných 300)." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Emperor of Emperors." msgstr "Císař císařů." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonCivBonuses[0].History msgid "" "The Mauryan Empire encompassed dozens of formerly independent kingdoms over " "an area of 5 million square kilometers, with a population of close to 60 " "million people. The Mauryan regents held the title Emperor of Emperors and " "commanded a standing army of 600,000 infantry, 9000 elephants, 8000 " "chariots, and 30,000 cavalry, making it arguably the largest army of its " "time." msgstr "Maurijská říše zahrnovala tucty dříve nezávislých království rozkládajících se na ploše 5 milionů km², s obyvatelstvem v počtu 60 milionů lidí. Maurijští vládci drželi titul císař císařů a veleli stálé armádě 600000 pěšáků, 9000 slonů, 8000 válečných vozů 30000 jezdců, nejspíše největšího vojska své doby." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description msgid "The Mauryans enjoy access to 4 champions." msgstr "Maurjové si užívají přístupu ke čtyřem elitním jednotkám. " #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name msgid "Kṣhatriya Warrior Caste." msgstr "Kšatrijská válečnická kasta." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonCivBonuses[1].History msgid "" "Kshatriya or Kashtriya, meaning warrior, is one of the four varnas (social " "orders) in Hinduism. Traditionally Kshatriya constitute the military and " "ruling elite of the Vedic-Hindu social system outlined by the Vedas and the " "Laws of Manu." msgstr "Kšátriové, neboli válečníci, jsou jednou ze čtyřech varen (společenských skupin) v Hinduismu. Kšátriové obvykle tvořili vojenskou a vládnoucí elitu védsko-hindského společenského systému načrtnutého Védami a Manuovým zákoníkem." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "Allied Temple techs -50% cost and research time." msgstr "Spojená chrámová technika -50% na nákladech a na výzkumném času." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Evangelism." msgstr "Evangelismus." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "Ashoka the Great sent embassies West to spread knowledge of the Buddha." msgstr "Ašóka Veliký poslal vyslance na západ, aby šířili Budhovo vědění." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[0] #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Chandragupta Maurya" msgstr "Čandragupta Maurja" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[1] #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Ashoka the Great" msgstr "Ašóka Veliký" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[2] msgid "Ashokavardhan Maurya" msgstr "Ašóka Maurja" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Acharya Bhadrabahu" msgstr "Acharya Bhadrabahu" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[4] msgid "Bindusara Maurya" msgstr "Bindusára Maurja" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Dasaratha Maurya" msgstr "Dašaratha Maurja" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Samprati Maurya" msgstr "Samprati Maurja" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Salisuka Maurya" msgstr "Salisuka Maurja" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Devavarman Maurya" msgstr "Devavarman Maurja" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[9] msgid "Satadhanvan Maurya" msgstr "Satadhanvan Maurja" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonAINames[10] msgid "Brihadratha Maurya" msgstr "Brhadratha Maurja" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "" "Capture up to 5 Gaia elephants and garrison them in the Elephant Stables to " "gain up to a 25% bonus in cost and train time of elephant units." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name msgid "Elephant Roundup" msgstr "Sehnání slonů" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "Greater range and faster train time for Mauryan infantry archers." msgstr "Větší dosah a rychlejší výcvik pro maurjovské pěší lučištníky." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Archery Tradition" msgstr "Lučištnická tradice" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "India was a land of archery. The bulk of any Indian army was made up of " "highly skilled archers, armed with bamboo longbows." msgstr "Indie byla zemí lukostřelby. Hlavní část jakékoliv indické armády je tvořena vysoce zkušenými lukostřelci ozbrojenými dlouhými luky z bambusu." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "Founder of the Mauryan Empire." msgstr "Zakladatel Maurjovské říše." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "Last great emperor of the Mauryan dynasty." msgstr "Poslední velký císař z Maurjovské dynastie." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History msgid "Great teacher and advisor to Chandragupta Maurya." msgstr "Velký učitel a rádce Čandragupty Maurji." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Acharya Chāṇakya" msgstr "Acharya Chāṇakya" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonFactions[0].Name msgid "Mauryan Indians" msgstr "Maurjovští Indové" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonStructures[0].Name msgid "Elephant Stables" msgstr "Stáje pro slony" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonStructures[0].Special msgid "" "Trains Elephant Archer and Worker Elephant at Town Phase, then adds the " "champion War Elephant at the City phase." msgstr "V městské fázi cvičí lučištníky na slonech a pracovní slony. K tomu přijdou v městské fázi ještě elitní váleční sloni." #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonStructures[1].Name msgid "Edict Pillar of Ashoka" msgstr "Sloup s Ašókovým výnosem" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonStructures[1].Special msgid "" "Contentment: +10% Health and +10% resource gathering rates for all citizens " "and allied citizens within its range. Can be built anywhere except in enemy " "territory. Max Built: 10." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/maur.jsonHistory msgid "" "Founded in 322 B.C. by Chandragupta Maurya, the Mauryan Empire was the first" " to rule most of the Indian subcontinent, and was one of the largest and " "most populous empires of antiquity. Its military featured bowmen who used " "the long-range bamboo longbow, fierce female warriors, chariots, and " "thousands of armored war elephants. Its philosophers, especially the famous " "Acharya Chanakya, contributed to such varied fields such as economics, " "religion, diplomacy, warfare, and good governance. Under the rule of Ashoka " "the Great, the empire saw 40 years of peace, harmony, and prosperity." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonName msgid "Persians" msgstr "Peršané" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "" "The resource cost of training camel-mounted (trader) or horse-mounted units " "(cavalry) is reduced by 5% per animal (as appropriate) corralled." msgstr "Náklady na zdroje za výcvik jednotek na velbloudu (obchodník) nebo koni (jízda) jsou o 5% nižší za každé odpovídající zvíře v ohradě." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Corral Camels and Horses" msgstr "Velbloudi a koně v ohradě" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonCivBonuses[0].History msgid "" "While the Persians employed camelry only in a few cases, its use was always " "accompanied by great success (most notably during the battle of Sardis in " "546 B.C.) The satrapy of Bactria was a rich source of 'two-hump' camels, " "while Northern Arabia supplied 'one-hump' camels." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description msgid "" "Persians have a +10% population cap bonus (e.g. 330 pop cap instead of the " "usual 300)." msgstr "Peršané mají výhodu +10% k výši populačního limitu (např. limit 330 jednotek namísto běžných 300)." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name msgid "Great King's Levy" msgstr "Povolávací rozkaz Velkokrále" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonCivBonuses[1].History msgid "" "The Persians could and did levy a large number of infantry during wartime " "due to the sheer size of the Achaemenid Empire and the way in which it was " "set-up. In general the Persian infantry was well trained and fought with " "great tenacity. However while this was true the infantry were poor hand-to-" "hand, close combat fighters. Also, with the exception of the elite " "regiments, the Persian infantry was not a standing professional force." msgstr "Peršané mohli na základě prosté velikosti Achjmenovské říše a způsobu, jakým byla vybudována, v době války povolat početnou pěchotu. Obecně byla perská pěchota dobře vycvičena a bojovala s velkou neústupností, byla však navzdory výše řečenému špatná v boji muže proti muži. Obzvláště nebyla perská pěchota - s výjimkou elitních pluků - žádným stálým profesionálním vojskem." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "+25% trade profit land routes." msgstr "+25% obchodní výnosy na pozemních trasách." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Royal Road" msgstr "Královská cesta" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "Coinage was invented by the Lydians in 7th Century B.C., but it was not very" " common until the Persian period. Darius the Great standardized coined money" " and his golden coins (known as 'darics') became commonplace not only " "throughout his empire, but as far to the west as Central Europe." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[0] msgid "Kurush II the Great" msgstr "Kýros II. Veliký" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[1] #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Darayavahush I" msgstr "Dárajavauš I." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[2] msgid "Cambyses II" msgstr "Kambýsés II" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Bardiya" msgstr "Bardija" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[4] #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Xsayarsa I" msgstr "Xerxés I. (Chšajáršá)" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Artaxshacha I" msgstr "Artaxerxés I." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Darayavahush II" msgstr "Dárajavauš II." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Darayavahush III" msgstr "Dárajavauš III." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Artaxshacha II" msgstr "Artaxerxés II. Mnémon" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[9] msgid "Artaxshacha III" msgstr "Artaxerxés III. Óchos" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[10] msgid "Haxamanish" msgstr "Haxamanish" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonAINames[11] msgid "Xsayarsa II" msgstr "Hšayāŗšā II." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "Phoenician triremes gain the unique ability to train cavalry units." msgstr "Fénické trojveslice získají jedinečnou schopnost cvičit jednotky jízdy." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name msgid "Naval Craftsmanship" msgstr "Dovednost stavby námořnictva" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History msgid "" "Early Achaemenid rulers acted towards making Persia the first great Asian " "empire to rule the seas. The Great King behaved favourably towards the " "various sea peoples in order to secure their services, but also carried out " "various marine initiatives. During the reign of Darius the Great, for " "example, a canal was built in Egypt and a Persian navy was sent exploring " "the Indus river. According to Herodotus, some 300 ships in the Persian navy " "were retrofitted to carry horses and their riders." msgstr "Raní Achaimenovští vládci udělali z Persie první asijskou velkou říši, která ovládala moře. Velkokrál napomáhal mnohým mořským národům, aby si zajistil jejich služby, sám ale také začal různé námořní činnosti. Během vlády Dareia I. byl například v Egyptě postaven kanál a perské loďstvo byla vyslána k prozkoumávání řeky Indus. Podle Herodota bylo dovybaveno asi 300 lodí perského loďstva, aby mohly přepravovat koně a jejich jezdce." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "" "Increases hitpoints of all structures, but build time increased " "appropriately." msgstr "Zvýší životní body všech staveb, ale podle toho se také náležitě zvýší čas nutný k jejich postavení." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Persian Architecture" msgstr "Perská architektura" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "The Persians built the wonderful 1677 mile-long Royal Highway from Sardis to" " Susa; Darius the Great and Xerxes also built the magnificent Persepolis; " "Cyrus the Great greatly improved Ecbatana and virtually 'rebuilt' the old " "Elamite capital of Susa." msgstr "Peršané postavili báječnou 1677 km dlouhou královskou silnici ze Sard do Sus; Darius Veliký a Xerxes rovněž postavili okouzlující Persepolis; Kýros II. Veliký zkrášlil Ekbatana a víceméně znovu postavil staré elamitské hlavní město Susy." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Description msgid "Reduces train time for Anusiya champion infantry by half." msgstr "Zkracuje čas nezbytný k výcviku anusijské elitní pěchoty o polovinu." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Name msgid "Immortals" msgstr "Nesmrtelní" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[3].Description #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[3].Description msgid "+25% health for cavalry, but +10% train time." msgstr "+25% zdraví pro jezdectvo, ale také +10% k délce výcviku." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[3].Name #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[3].Name msgid "Nisean War Horses" msgstr "Nisští váleční koně" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[3].History msgid "" "The beautiful and powerful breed of Nisean horses increases health for " "Persian cavalry." msgstr "Nádherné a silné plemeno nisských koní zvyšuje úroveň zdraví perské jízdy." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "" "Cyrus (ruled 559-530 B.C.) The son of a Median princess and the ruler of " "Anshan; justly called the 'Father of the Empire', Cyrus the Great conquered " "Media, Lydia, Babylonia and Bactria, thereby establishing the Persian " "Empire. He was also renown as a benevolent conqueror. (OP - Kurush). " "Technically the second ruler of the Persians by that name, and so appears as" " Kurush II on his documents and coins. Kurush I was his grandfather." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Kurush II" msgstr "Kýros II. (Kúrúš)" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "" "Darius (ruled 522-486 B.C.) The son of Vishtaspa (Hystaspes), the satrap of " "Parthia and Hyrcania; a great administrator as well as a decent general, " "Darius introduced the division of the empire into satrapies and conquered NW" " India, Thrace and Macedonia. He was called the 'Merchant of the Empire'." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History msgid "" "Xerxes (ruled 485-465 B.C.) The son of Darius the Great and Atoosa, a " "daughter of Cyrus the Great, Xerxes was an able administrator, who also " "extended Imperial rule into Chorasmia. Apart from his failed invasion of " "Greece, he was famous for his extensive building programme, especially at " "Persepolis." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonStructures[0].Name #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonStructures[1].Name msgid "Cavalry Stables" msgstr "Stáje jezdectva" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonStructures[0].Special msgid "Train Cavalry citizen-soldiers." msgstr "Cvičit jízdní občany ve zbrani." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonStructures[0].History msgid "The Persian Empire's best soldiers were Eastern horsemen." msgstr "Nejlepšími vojáky Perské říše byli jezdci na koních z východu." #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonStructures[1].Name msgid "Apadana" msgstr "Apadana" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonStructures[1].Special msgid "" "Train heroes and Persian Immortals. Gives a slow trickle of all resources as" " 'Satrapy Tribute.'" msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonStructures[1].History msgid "" "The term Apadana designates a large hypostyle palace found in Persia. The " "best known example, and by far the largest, was the great Apadana at " "Persepolis. Functioning as the empire's central audience hall, the palace is" " famous for the reliefs of the tribute-bearers and of the army, including " "the Immortals." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/pers.jsonHistory msgid "" "The Persian Empire, when ruled by the Achaemenid dynasty, was one of the " "greatest empires of antiquity, stretching at its zenith from the Indus " "Valley in the east to Greece in the west. The Persians were the pioneers of " "empire-building of the ancient world, successfully imposing a centralized " "rule over various peoples with different customs, laws, religions and " "languages, and building a cosmopolitan army made up of contingents from each" " of these nations." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonName msgid "Ptolemies" msgstr "Ptolemaiovci" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "" "The Ptolemies receive the Mercenary Camp, a barracks that is constructed in " "neutral territory and trains mercenary soldiers." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Mercenary Army" msgstr "Žoldnéřské vojsko" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonCivBonuses[0].History #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonStructures[1].History msgid "" "The Greco-Macedonian Ptolemy Dynasty relied on large numbers of Greek and " "foreign mercenaries for the bulk of its military force, mainly because the " "loyalty of native Egyptian units was often suspect. Indeed, during one " "native uprising, Upper Egypt was lost to the Ptolemies for decades. " "Mercenaries were often battle-hardened and their loyalty can be bought, " "sometimes cheaply, sometimes not cheaply. This was of no matter, since Egypt" " under the Ptolemies was so prosperous as to be the richest of Alexander's " "successor states." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description msgid "The Ptolemaic Egyptians receive 3 additional farming technologies." msgstr "Ptolemaiovští Egypťané dostanou 3 dodatečné zemědělské technologie." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Name msgid "Nile Delta" msgstr "Delta Nilu" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonCivBonuses[1].History #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonCivBonuses[2].History msgid "Unknown." msgstr "Neznámý." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonCivBonuses[2].Description msgid "Can capture gaia elephants and camels to reduce their training cost." msgstr "Dovoluje chycení slonů a velbloudů pro zmenšení nákladů na jejich výcvik." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "All allies automatically gain a slow trickle of food income." msgstr "Všichni spojenci automaticky získají dodatečný stálý proud potravy do svých zdrojů." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Breadbasket of the Mediterranean" msgstr "Obilnice Středomoří" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "Egypt was a net exporter of grain, so much so that large cities such as " "Athens, Antioch, and Rome came to rely upon Egyptian grain in order to feed " "their masses." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[0] msgid "Ptolemy Soter" msgstr "Ptolemaios I. Sótér" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[1] msgid "Ptolemy Philadelphus" msgstr "Ptolemaios II. Filadelfos" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[2] msgid "Ptolemy Epigone" msgstr "Ptolemaios I. Epigon" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Ptolemy Eurgetes" msgstr "Ptolemaios III. Euergetés" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[4] msgid "Ptolemy Philopater" msgstr "Ptolemaios IV. Filopatór" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Ptolemy Epiphanes" msgstr "Ptolemaios V. Epifanés" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Ptolemy Philometor" msgstr "Ptolemaios VI. Filométor" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Ptolemy Eupator" msgstr "Ptolemaios Eupatór" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Ptolemy Alexander" msgstr "Ptolemaios X. Alexandros I." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[9] msgid "Ptolemy Neos Dionysos" msgstr "Ptolemaios XII. Neos Dionýsos" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[10] msgid "Ptolemy Neos Philopater" msgstr "Ptolemaios VII. Neos Filopatór" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[11] msgid "Berenice Philopater" msgstr "Berenika III. Filopatór" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[12] msgid "Cleopatra Tryphaena" msgstr "Kleopatra Tryfanea" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[13] msgid "Berenice Epiphaneia" msgstr "Berenika IV. Epifaneia" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[14] msgid "Cleopatra Philopater" msgstr "Kleopatra VII. Filopatór" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[15] msgid "Cleopatra Selene" msgstr "Kleopatra Seléné" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[16] msgid "Cleopatra II Philometora Soteira" msgstr "Kleopatra II. Filométora Soteira" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[17] msgid "Arsinoe IV" msgstr "Arsinoé IV." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonAINames[18] msgid "Arsinoe II" msgstr "Arsinoé II." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "Hero aura range boosted by 50%." msgstr "Dosah hrdinovy aury zvýšen o 50%." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Pharaonic Cult." msgstr "Uctívání faraonů" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "The Macedonian-Greek rulers of the Ptolemaic dynasty observed many ancient " "Egyptian traditions in order to satiate the local populace and ingratiate " "themselves to the powerful priestly class in the country." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Description msgid "" "The Ptolemaic Egyptians receive 3 additional farming technologies above and " "beyond the maximum number of farming technologies usually available to a " "faction." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].History msgid "" "The Nile Delta had rich soil for farming, due to centuries of seasonal " "floods from the Nile depositing rich silt across the landscape." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Ptolemaios A' Soter" msgstr "Ptolemaios I. Sótér" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Ptolemaios D' Philopater" msgstr "Ptolemaios IV. Filopatór" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Kleopatra H' Philopater" msgstr "Kleopatra VII. Filopátor" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Name msgid "Ptolemaic Egyptians" msgstr "Ptolemajovský Egypt" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonFactions[0].Description msgid "The great Greek-Macedonian dynastic rule over Ancient Egypt." msgstr "Mocná řecko-makedonská dynastická vláda nad starým Egyptem." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonStructures[0].Special #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonStructures[0].Special msgid "" "Maximum of 1 built. All Special Technologies and some regular city-phase " "technologies are researched here. Building one reduces the cost of all other" " remaining technologies by 10%." msgstr "Lze postavit max. 1. Všechny zvláštní technologie a některé technologie ve fázi stálého města se zkoumají zde. Postavením jedné snížíte náklady na všechny ostatní zbývající technologie o 10%." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonStructures[1].Name msgid "Stratópedo Misthophóron" msgstr "Stratópedo Misthophóron" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonStructures[1].Special msgid "" "Must be constructed in neutral territory. Has no territory radius effect. " "Trains all 'mercenary' units." msgstr "Musí se postavit na neutrální půdě. Nemá žádný územní účinek daný poloměrem. Cvičí všechny žoldnéřské jednotky." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonStructures[2].Name msgid "Lighthouse" msgstr "Maják" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonStructures[2].Special msgid "" "When built along the shoreline, removes shroud of darkness over all the " "water, revealing all the coast lines on the map. Limit: 1." msgstr "Když postaven podél pobřeží, odstraní zakrytí tmou nad veškerou vodní plochou, čímž odhalí celou pobřežní čáru na mapě. Omezení: 1." #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonStructures[2].History msgid "" "The Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt built the magnificent Lighthouse of " "Alexandria near the harbor mouth of that Nile Delta city. This structure " "could be seen for many kilometers out to sea and was one of the Seven " "Wonders of the World." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/ptol.jsonHistory msgid "" "The Ptolemaic dynasty was a Macedonian Greek royal family which ruled the " "Ptolemaic Empire in Egypt during the Hellenistic period. Their rule lasted " "for 275 years, from 305 BC to 30 BC. They were the last dynasty of ancient " "Egypt." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonName msgid "Romans" msgstr "Římané" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "Roman Legionaries can form a Testudo." msgstr "Římští legionáři mohou utvořit želvu (Testudo)." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Testudo Formation" msgstr "Útvar želva" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonCivBonuses[0].History msgid "" "The Romans commonly used the Testudo or 'turtle' formation for defense: " "Legionaries were formed into hollow squares with twelve men on each side, " "standing so close together that their shields overlapped like fish scales." msgstr "Římané běžně používali při obraně testudo, neboli formaci 'želva': legionáři se seskupili do prázdného čtverce od dvanácti mužích na každé straně, semknutí tak, že se jejich štíty vzájemně překrývaly jako rybí šupiny." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description msgid "" "Any Roman citizen-soldier fighting within Roman territory gains a non-" "permanent +10% bonus in armor." msgstr "Každý římský občanský voják bojující na římském území získává dočasně výhodu +10% ke zbroji." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name msgid "Citizenship" msgstr "Občanství" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonCivBonuses[1].History msgid "" "Roman Citizenship was highly prized in the ancient world. Basic rights and " "privileges were afforded Roman citizens that were denied other conquered " "peoples. It is said that harming a Roman citizen was akin to harming Rome " "herself, and would cause the entire might of Rome to fall upon the " "perpetrator." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "Allied citizen-soldiers gain a +15% attack when in Roman territory." msgstr "Spojenečtí občanští vojáci získávají výhodu +15% k útoku, pokud jsou na římském území." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Socii" msgstr "Spojenci" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "Being allied with Rome came with great benefits (as well as great peril)." msgstr "Být spojencem Říma s sebou přináší velké benefity (stejně jako velké nebezpečí)." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[0] msgid "Lucius Junius Brutus" msgstr "Lucius Junius Brutus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[1] msgid "Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus" msgstr "Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[2] msgid "Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus" msgstr "Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa" msgstr "Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[4] msgid "Gaius Iulius Iullus" msgstr "Gaius Iulius Iullus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Gaius Servilius Structus Ahala" msgstr "Gaius Servilius Structus Ahala" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Publius Cornelius Rufinus" msgstr "Publius Cornelius Rufinus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Lucius Papirius Cursor" msgstr "Lucius Papirius Cursor" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Aulus Manlius Capitolinus" msgstr "Aulus Manlius Capitolinus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[9] msgid "Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus" msgstr "Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[10] msgid "Publius Sempronius Tuditanus" msgstr "Publius Sempronius Tuditanus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[11] msgid "Marcus Cornelius Cethegus" msgstr "Marcus Cornelius Cethegus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[12] msgid "Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius" msgstr "Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonAINames[13] msgid "Marcus Licinius Crassus" msgstr "Marcus Licinius Crassus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "Roman heroes can convert enemy units with great cost." msgstr "Římští hrdinové mohou za vysokou cenu konvertovat jednotky." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name msgid "Divide et Impera" msgstr "Rozděl a panuj" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History msgid "" "'Divide and conquer' was the main principle in Rome's foreign politics " "throughout its long history. The Romans lured enemies or neutral factions to" " their side by offering them certain privileges. In due period of time, " "friends as well as foes were subjugated." msgstr "Heslo 'Rozděl a dobuď' bylo základním principem zahraniční politiky Říma v průběhu jeho dlouhé historie. Římané nalákali nepřátele nebo neutrální frakce na svou stranu pod slibem jistých privilegií. V průběhu dějin si podrobili jak spojence, tak nepřátele." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "" "Dictator for six months during the Second Punic War. Instead of attacking " "the most powerful Hannibal, he started a very effective war of attrition " "against him." msgstr "Po šest měsíců během Druhé punské války zastával místo diktátora. Místo toho, aby útočil na Hannibala, jenž byl v plné síle, začal proti němu provádět velice účinnou vyčerpávací válku." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Quintus Fabius Maximus" msgstr "Quintus Fabius Maximus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "" "A soldier of the first war with Carthage, a hero of the Second Punic War, " "and victor over the Gauls at Clastidium. Plutarch describes him as a man of " "war, strong in body and constitution, with an iron will to fight on. As a " "general he was immensely capable, standing alongside Scipio Africanus and " "Claudius Nero as the most effective Roman generals of the entire Second " "Punic War. In addition to his military achievements Marcellus was a fan of " "Greek culture and arts, which he enthusiastically promoted in Rome. He met " "his demise when his men were ambushed near Venusia. In honor of the respect " "the people held for him, Marcellus was granted the title of 'Sword of Rome.'" msgstr "Voják v době první války s Kartágem, hrdina druhé punské války, vítěz nad Galy u Clastidia. Plútarchos ho popisuje jako muže války, silného tělem i postavou, se železnou vůli bojovat. Jako generál byl nesmírně schopný, vedle Scipia Africana a Claudia Nera patří mezi nejúspěšnější římské generály celé druhé punské války. Kromě jeho vojenských úspěchů byl Marcellus velkým obdivovatelem řecké kultury a umění, které v Římě nadšeně podporoval. Svůj konec potkal u Venusie, kde byl se svými oddíly přepadem. Na počest obdivu, který k němu lid choval, byl Marcellovi udělen titul 'Meč Říma'." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Marcus Claudius Marcellus" msgstr "Marcus Claudius Marcellus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History msgid "" "He was the first really successful Roman general against the Carthaginians. " "His campaigns in Spain and Africa helped to bring Carthage to its knees " "during the Second Punic War. He defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama in " "202 B.C." msgstr "Byl prvním římským vojevůdcem, kterému se opravdu dařilo úspěšně bojovat s Kartáginci. Jeho tažení ve Španělsku a v Africe pomohla Kartágo během druhé punské války srazit na kolena. V bitvě u Zamy v r. 202 př. n. l. porazil Hannibala." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Scipio Africanus" msgstr "Scipio Africanus" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonStructures[0].Name msgid "Entrenched Camp" msgstr "Vojenský tábor obehnaný příkopem" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonStructures[0].Special msgid "Trains citizen-soldiers from neutral or enemy territory." msgstr "Cvičí občanské vojáky z neutrálního nebo nepřátelského území." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonStructures[0].History msgid "" "Sometimes it was a temporary camp built facing the route by which the army " "is to march, other times a defensive or offensive (for sieges) structure. " "Within the Praetorian gate, which should either front the east or the enemy," " the tents of the first centuries or cohorts are pitched, and the dracos " "(ensigns of cohorts) and other ensigns planted. The Decumane gate is " "directly opposite to the Praetorian in the rear of the camp, and through " "this the soldiers are conducted to the place appointed for punishment or " "execution. It has a turf wall, and it's surrounded by a canal filled with " "water whenever possible for extra defense. Many towns started up as bigger " "military camps to evolve to more complicated cities." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonStructures[1].Name msgid "Murus Latericius" msgstr "Murus Latericius" #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonStructures[1].Special msgid "Can be built in neutral and enemy territory to strangle enemy towns." msgstr "Může být postaveno na neutrálním a nepřátelském území k obkličování nepřátelských měst." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonStructures[1].History msgid "Turf walls built by legionaries during sieges." msgstr "Hliněné valy stavěné legionáři během obléhání." #: simulation/data/civs/rome.jsonHistory msgid "" "The Romans controlled one of the largest empires of the ancient world, " "stretching at its peak from southern Scotland to the Sahara Desert, and " "containing between 60 million and 80 million inhabitants, one quarter of the" " Earth's population at that time. Rome also remained one of the strongest " "nations on earth for almost 800 years. The Romans were the supreme builders " "of the ancient world, excelled at siege warfare and had an exquisite " "infantry and navy." msgstr "Římané ovládali jednu z největších říší antického světa, která se v době svého největšího rozmachu rozkládala od jižního Skotska až k saharské poušti, a ve které žilo mezi 60 a 80 miliony lidí, což představovalo celou čtvrtinu tehdejší populace na Zemi. Římané také zůstávali jedním z nejsilnějších národů po téměř 800 let. Byli vrcholnými staviteli antické doby, vynikali v obléhání a měli výtečnou pěchotu a loďstvo." #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonName #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Name msgid "Seleucids" msgstr "Seleukovci" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "" "This unlocks the Seleucid expansion building, the Klēroukhia or Military " "Colony, similar to Civic Centers for other factions. It is weaker and " "carries a smaller territory influence, but is cheaper and built faster." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonCivBonuses[0].Name msgid "Cleruchy" msgstr "Klérúchie" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description msgid "" "Choose between Traditional Army and Reform Army technologies that unlock " "different Champions." msgstr "Vyberte si mezi technologiemi tradiční armády a reformované armády, které odemknou odlišné elitní vojáky." #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonCivBonuses[1].History #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "Seleucid and indeed Successor warfare evolved over the course of the 3rd and" " 2nd centuries. Contact with Eastern upstarts such as the Parthians and " "constant revolts of peripheral satrapies such as Bactria caused the " "Seleucids to reform their military and change their tactics, specifically in" " the cavalry arm. War with the Romans from the West and invasions from the " "Galatians also forced the Seleucids to reform their infantry regiments to be" " more flexible." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "Allied Civic Centers are 20% cheaper." msgstr "Spojenecká správní střediska jsou o 20 % levnější." #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Syrian Tetrapolis" msgstr "Syrské čtyřměstí" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "The political core of the Seleucid Empire consisted of four 'sister' cities:" " Antioch (the capital), Seleucia Pieria, Apamea, and Laodicea." msgstr "Politické jádro Seleukovské říše se skládalo ze čtyř sesterských měst: Antioch (hlavní město), Seleucia Pieria, Apamea a Laodicea." #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[0] msgid "Seleucus I Nicator" msgstr "Seleukos I. Níkátór" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[1] msgid "Antiochus I Soter" msgstr "Antiochos I. Sótér" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[2] msgid "Antiochus II Theos" msgstr "Antiochos II Theos" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Seleucus II Callinicus" msgstr "Seleukos II. Kalliníkos (Slavně vítězící)" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[4] msgid "Seleucus III Ceraunus" msgstr "Seleukos III. Keraunos" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[5] msgid "Antiochus III Megas" msgstr "Antiochos III. Veliký" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Seleucus IV Philopator" msgstr "Seleukos IV. Filopatór" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Antiochus IV Epiphanes" msgstr "Antiochos IV. Epifanés (Zjevený bůh)" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Antiochus V Eupator" msgstr "Antiochos V. Eupatór (Z urozeného otce)" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[9] msgid "Demetrius I Soter" msgstr "Démétrios I. Sótér" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[10] msgid "Alexander I Balas" msgstr "Alexandr I. Balas" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[11] #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[15] msgid "Demetrius II Nicator" msgstr "Démétrios II. Níkátór" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[12] msgid "Antiochus VI Dionysus" msgstr "Antiochos VI. Epifanés Dionýsos" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[13] msgid "Diodotus Tryphon" msgstr "Diodotos Tryfón" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[14] msgid "Antiochus VII Sidetes" msgstr "Antiochos VII. Sidetés" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[16] msgid "Alexander II Zabinas" msgstr "Alexandr II. Zabinás" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[17] msgid "Cleopatra Thea" msgstr "Kleopatra Thea" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[18] msgid "Seleucus V Philometor" msgstr "Seleukos V. Filométór" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[19] msgid "Antiochus VIII Grypus" msgstr "Antiochos VIII. Grypos" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[20] msgid "Antiochus IX Cyzicenus" msgstr "Antiochos IX. Cyzicenos" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[21] msgid "Seleucus VI Epiphanes" msgstr "Seleukos VI. Epifanés" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[22] msgid "Antiochus X Eusebes" msgstr "Antiochos X. Eusebés Filométór" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[23] msgid "Demetrius III Eucaerus" msgstr "Démétrios III. Theós Filopatór" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[24] msgid "Antiochus XI Epiphanes" msgstr "Antiochos XI. Epifanés" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[25] msgid "Philip I Philadelphus" msgstr "Filip I. Epifanés Filadelfos" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[26] msgid "Antiochus XII Dionysus" msgstr "Antiochos XII. Dionýsos Epifanés" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[27] msgid "Seleucus VII Kybiosaktes" msgstr "Seleukos VII. Kybiosaktes" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[28] msgid "Antiochus XIII Asiaticus" msgstr "Antiochos XIII. Filadelfos" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonAINames[29] msgid "Philip II Philoromaeus" msgstr "Filip II. Filorhómaios" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "" "Traditional Army unlocks Silver Shields and Scythed Chariots, Reform Army " "unlocks Romanized Heavy Swordsmen and Cataphracts." msgstr "Tradiční armáda odemkne stříbrné štíty a válečné vozy vybavené kosami. Reformovaná armáda odemkne pořímštěného těžkého bojovníka s mečem a katafrakty." #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Traditional Army vs. Reform Army" msgstr "Tradiční armáda proti reformované armádě" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Description msgid "" "A one-time purchase of 20 Indian War Elephants from the Mauryan Empire." msgstr "Jednorázový nákup 20 indických válečných slonů od Maurjovské říše." #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Name msgid "Marriage Alliance" msgstr "Spojenectví skrze manželství" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].History msgid "" "Seleucus I Nicator invaded the Punjab region of India in 305 BC, confronting" " Chandragupta Maurya (Sandrokottos), founder of the Mauryan empire. It is " "said that Chandragupta fielded an army of 600,000 men and 9,000 war " "elephants (Pliny, Natural History VI, 22.4). Seleucus met with no success " "and to establish peace between the two great powers and to formalize their " "alliance, he married his daughter to Chandragupta. In return, Chandragupta " "gifted Seleucus a corps of 500 war elephants, which would prove a decisive " "military asset for Seleucus as he fought the rest of Alexander's successors." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[3].History msgid "" "The beautiful and powerful breed of Nisean horses increases health for " "Seleucid cavalry." msgstr "Nádherné a silné plemeno nisských koní zvyšuje úroveň zdraví seleukovské jízdy." #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "" "Always lying in wait for the neighboring nations, strong in arms and " "persuasive in council, he (Seleucus) acquired Mesopotamia, Armenia, " "'Seleucid' Cappadocia, Persis, Parthia, Bactria, Arabia, Tapouria, Sogdia, " "Arachosia, Hyrcania, and other adjacent peoples that had been subdued by " "Alexander, as far as the river Indus, so that the boundaries of his empire " "were the most extensive in Asia after that of Alexander. The whole region " "from Phrygia to the Indus was subject to Seleucus. — Appian, 'The Syrian " "Wars'." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Seleukos A' Nikator" msgstr "Seleukos I. Níkátór" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "" "Antiochus inherited a troubled kingdom upon the beginning of his reign. From" " the verge of collapse he managed to weld back together the empire Seleukus " "I so hard to found. The rebellious eastern satraps of Bactria and Parthia " "were brought to heel , temporarily securing his eastern borders. He then " "turned his attention to mother Greece, attempting to fulfill the dreams of " "his fathers by invading Greece under the pretext of liberation. The Achaean " "League and the Kingdom of Pergamon banded together with the Romans to defeat" " him at the Battle of Magnesia, forever burying the dream of reuniting " "Alexander's empire." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Antiokhos G' Megas" msgstr "Antiochos III. Megás " #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History msgid "" "Antiochus IV Epiphanes was a son of Antiochus III the Great and brother of " "Seleucus IV Philopator. Originally named Mithridates, he assumed the name " "Antiochus either upon his accession to the throne or after the death of his " "elder brother Antiochus. Notable events during his reign include the near-" "conquest of Egypt (twice), which was halted by the threat of Roman " "intervention, and the beginning of the Jewish revolt of the Maccabees. He " "died of sudden illness while fighting off a Parthian invasion from the East." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Antiokhos D' Epiphanes" msgstr "Antiochos IV. Epifanés" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonFactions[0].Description msgid "" "The Macedonian-Greek dynasty that ruled the Eastern part of Alexander's " "former empire." msgstr "Makedonsko-řecká dynastie, která vládnula ve východní části Alexandrovy bývalé říše." #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonStructures[1].Special msgid "Trains all cavalry units except Citizen-Militia Cavalry." msgstr "Cvičí všechny jezdecké jednotky s výjimkou jízdy občanské domobrany." #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonStructures[2].Name msgid "Military Colony" msgstr "Vojenská kolonie" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonStructures[2].Special msgid "" "This is the Seleucid expansion building, similar to Civic Centers for other " "factions. It is weaker and carries a smaller territory influence, but is " "cheaper and built faster." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonStructures[2].History msgid "" "The Seleucid kings invited Greeks, Macedonians, Galatians (Gauls), Cretans, " "and Thracians alike to settle in within the vast territories of the empire. " "They settled in military colonies called cleruchies (klēroukhia). Under this" " arrangement, the settlers were given a plot of land, or a kleros, and in " "return were required to serve in the great king's army when called to duty. " "This created a upper-middle class of military settlers who owed their " "livelihoods and fortunes to the Syrian kings and helped grow the available " "manpower for the imperial Seleucid army. A side effect of this system was " "that it drained the Greek homeland of military-aged men, a contributing " "factor to Greece's eventual conquest by Rome." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/sele.jsonHistory msgid "" "The Macedonian-Greek dynasty that ruled most of Alexander's former empire." msgstr "Makedonsko-řecká dynastie, která vládnula nad většinou Alexandrovy bývalé říše." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonName #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Name msgid "Spartans" msgstr "Sparťané" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonCivBonuses[0].Description msgid "Spartans can use the powerful Phalanx formation." msgstr "Sparťané mohou využívat silnou formaci zvanou Falanga." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonCivBonuses[0].History msgid "" "The Spartans were undisputed masters of phalanx warfare. The Spartans were " "so feared for their discipline that the enemy army would sometimes break up " "and run away before a single shield clashed. 'Othismos' refers to the point " "in a phalanx battle where both sides try to shove each other out of " "formation, attempting to breaking up the enemy lines and routing them." msgstr "Sparťané byli bez debat mistry používání falangy. Pro svou disciplínu byli tak obávanými soupeři, že se nepřátelské oddíly občas rozpadly a prchly z boje ještě než došlo ke střetu. 'Othismos' označuje ten moment ve střetu falang, kdy se obě strany snažily rozrazit nepřátelskou formaci v pokusu o její rozbití a zahnání nepřítele." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonCivBonuses[1].Description msgid "" "The Spartan rank upgrades at the Barracks cost no resources, except time." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonCivBonuses[1].Name msgid "Laws of Lycurgus" msgstr "Lykúrgovy zákony" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonCivBonuses[1].History msgid "" "Under the Constitution written by the mythical law-giver Lycurgus, the " "institution of The Agoge was established, where Spartans were trained from " "the age of 6 to be superior warriors in defense of the Spartan state." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Description msgid "Allies can train Spartiates." msgstr "Spojenci mohou cvičit Sparťany." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonTeamBonuses[0].Name msgid "Peloponnesian League" msgstr "Peloponéská liga" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonTeamBonuses[0].History msgid "" "Much of the Peloponnese was subject to Sparta in one way or another. This " "loose confederation, with Sparta as its leader, was later dubbed the " "Peloponnesian League by historians, but in ancient times was called 'The " "Lacedaemonians and their allies.'" msgstr "Velká část Peloponésu byla nějakým způsobem podřízena Spartě. Tato volná konfederace, se Spartou ve svém čele, byla později dějepisci označována jako peloponéský spolek, ale v čase starověku se nazývala 'Lakedaimoňané a jejich spojenci'." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[0] msgid "Leonidas" msgstr "Leónidás" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[1] msgid "Dienekes" msgstr "Diénekés" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[2] #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].Name msgid "Brasidas" msgstr "Brásidás" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[3] msgid "Agis" msgstr "Ágis" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[4] msgid "Archidamus" msgstr "Archidámos" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[6] msgid "Pausanias" msgstr "Pausaniás" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[7] msgid "Agesilaus" msgstr "Agésiláos" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[8] msgid "Echestratus" msgstr "Echestratos" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[9] msgid "Eurycrates" msgstr "Eurykrates" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[10] msgid "Eucleidas" msgstr "Eukleidás" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonAINames[11] msgid "Agesipolis" msgstr "Agésipolis I." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Description msgid "" "Spartan female citizens cannot be captured and will doggedly fight back " "against any attackers. They are also capable of constructing defense towers " "and palisades." msgstr "Spartské ženy nemohou být zajaty a tvrdošíjně napadnou jakéhokoliv útočníka. Dokáží stavět obranné věže a palisády." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].Name msgid "Feminine Mystique" msgstr "Ženská mystika" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[0].History msgid "" "Spartan women were some of the freest in the ancient world. They could own " "land and slaves and even exercise naked like Spartan men. It is said that " "only Spartan women gave birth to real men. Such tough-as-nails women more " "than once helped save their city from disaster, for example when after a " "lost battle against Pyrrhus of Epirus they overnight built an earthen " "rampart to protect the city while their men slept in preparation for the " "next day's siege." msgstr "Spartské ženy byly jedněmi z nejsvobodnějších v antickém světě. Mohly vlastnit zemi a otroky a dokonce cvičily nahé jako spartští muži. Říká se, že jedině spartské ženy rodily skutečné muže. Jako ocel tvrdé ženy více než jedenkrát pomohly svému městu od zkázy, například když po prohrané bitvě proti Pyrrhovi z Epiru během noci navršily hliněný val k ochraně města, zatímco muži spali, aby nabrali sílu na další den obléhání." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Description msgid "Units in phalanx formation move faster." msgstr "Jednotky zformované do falangy se pohybují rychleji." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].Name msgid "Tyrtean Paeans" msgstr "Tyrtean Paeans" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[1].History msgid "" "Paeans were battle hymns that were sung by the hoplites when they charged " "the enemy lines. One of the first known Paeans were composed by Tirteus, a " "warrior poet of Sparta, during the First Messenian War." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Description msgid "+25% health for spear infantry, but also +10% train time." msgstr "+25% zdraví pro jednotky s oštěpem, ale také +10% k délce výcviku." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].Name msgid "The Agoge" msgstr "Agoge (vojenská výchova)" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Technologies[2].History msgid "" "Spartans were housed and trained from a young age to be superlative warriors" " and to endure any hardship a military life can give them." msgstr "Sparťané byli ubytováni a cvičeni od mladého věku tak, aby byli vynikajícími válečníky a aby vydrželi jakékoli strádání, které by jim vojenský život přinesl." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].History msgid "" "The king of Sparta, who fought and died at the battle of Thermopylae in 480 " "B.C. He successfully blocked the way of the huge Persian army through the " "narrow passage with his 7000 men, until Xerxes was made aware of a secret " "unobstructed path. Finding the enemy at his rear, Leonidas sent home most of" " his troops, choosing to stay behind with 300 hand-picked hoplites and win " "time for the others to withdraw." msgstr "Král Sparty, který bojoval a zemřel v bitvě u Thermopyl roku 480 př. n. l. Úspěšně se postavil do cesty obrovské perské armádě v úzkém průchodu se svými 7000 muži, dokud Xerxes nenalezl tajnou nestřeženou cestu. Jakmile Leonidas spatřil nepřátele ve svém týle, rozkázal většině svých jednotek návrat do Sparty a zůstal na bojišti s 300 vybranými těžkooděnci, čímž pro ustupující vojáky získal dostatek času na ústup z bojiště." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[0].Name msgid "Leonidas I" msgstr "Leonidas I." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[1].History msgid "" "Because Brasidas has sponsored their citizenship in return for service, " "Helot Skirmishers fight longer and harder for Sparta while within range of " "him." msgstr "Protože se Brásidás zasadil o jejich občanství oplátkou za službu, hélótští harcovníci bojují déle a tvrději za Spartu, když jsou v jeho dosahu." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].History msgid "" "Agis III was the 20th Spartan king of the Eurypontid lineage. Agis cobbled " "together an alliance of Southern Greek states to fight off Macedonian " "hegemony while Alexander the Great was away in Asia on his conquest march. " "After securing Crete as a Spartan tributary, Agis then moved to besiege the " "city of Megalopolis in the Peloponnese, who was an ally of Macedon. " "Antipater, the Macedonian regent, lead an army to stop this new uprising. In" " the Battle of Megalopolis, the Macedonians prevailed in a long and bloody " "battle. Much like Leonidas 150 years earlier, instead of surrendering, Agis " "made a heroic final stand in order to buy time for his troops to retreat." msgstr "" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonFactions[0].Heroes[2].Name msgid "Agis III" msgstr "Ágis III" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonStructures[1].Name msgid "Syssition" msgstr "Syssition" #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonStructures[1].Special msgid "Train heroes and Spartiates and research technologies related to them." msgstr "Cvičte hrdiny a Sparťany a vyzkoumejte technologie s nimi spojené." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonStructures[1].History msgid "" "The Syssition was the Mess Hall for full-blooded Spartiates. Every Spartan " "peer, even kings, belonged to one." msgstr "Syssition byla společná vojenská jídelna pro čistokrevné Sparťany. Každý Sparťanský šlechtic, dokonce králové, náleželi k jednomu." #: simulation/data/civs/spart.jsonHistory msgid "" "Sparta was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece, and its dominant " "military power on land from circa 650 B.C. Spartan culture was obsessed with" " military training and excellence, with rigorous training for boys beginning" " at age seven. Thanks to its military might, Sparta led a coalition of Greek" " forces during the Greco-Persian Wars, and won over Athens in the " "Peloponnesian Wars, though at great cost." msgstr "Sparta byla předním městským státem starověkého Řecka, a jeho dominantní vojenskou mocností na pevnině zhruba od roku 650 př. n. l. Spartská kultura byla oddána vojenskému tréninku a dokonalosti, s důsledným tréninkem chlapců od sedmi let. Díky své vojenské síle vedla Sparta koalici řeckých sil během Řecko-Perských válek, a zvítězila nad Athénami v Peloponéských válkách, ačkoliv za vysokou cenu."