{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} module Expr where import Annotations.MultiRec.ShowFam import Generics.MultiRec.Base import Control.Monad.Either import Annotations.MultiRec.ErrorAlg data Expr = EAdd Expr Expr | EMul Expr Expr | ETup Expr Expr | EIntLit Int | ETyped Expr Type deriving (Eq, Show) data Type = TyInt | TyTup Type Type deriving (Eq, Show) type PF_Expr = I Expr :*: I Expr :*: U :+: I Expr :*: I Expr :*: U :+: I Expr :*: I Expr :*: U :+: K Int :*: U :+: I Expr :*: I Type :*: U type PF_Type = U :+: I Type :*: I Type :*: U type instance PF Tuples = PF_Expr :>: Expr :+: PF_Type :>: Type data Tuples :: * -> * where Expr :: Tuples Expr Type :: Tuples Type instance EqS Tuples where eqS Expr Expr = Just Refl eqS Type Type = Just Refl eqS _ _ = Nothing instance El Tuples Expr where proof = Expr instance El Tuples Type where proof = Type instance ShowFam Tuples where showFam Expr = show showFam Type = show instance Fam Tuples where from Expr ex = L . Tag $ case ex of EAdd x y -> L $ I (I0 x) :*: I (I0 y) :*: U EMul x y -> R . L $ I (I0 x) :*: I (I0 y) :*: U ETup x y -> R . R . L $ I (I0 x) :*: I (I0 y) :*: U EIntLit n -> R . R . R . L $ K n :*: U ETyped e t -> R . R . R . R $ I (I0 e) :*: I (I0 t) :*: U from Type ty = R . Tag $ case ty of TyInt -> L $ U TyTup x y -> R $ I (I0 x) :*: I (I0 y) :*: U to = t where t :: Tuples ix -> PF Tuples I0 ix -> ix t Expr (L (Tag ex)) = case ex of L (I (I0 x) :*: I (I0 y) :*: U) -> EAdd x y R (L (I (I0 x) :*: I (I0 y) :*: U)) -> EMul x y R (R (L (I (I0 x) :*: I (I0 y) :*: U))) -> ETup x y R (R (R (L (K n :*: U)))) -> EIntLit n R (R (R (R (I (I0 x) :*: I (I0 y) :*: U)))) -> ETyped x y t Type (R (Tag ty)) = case ty of L U -> TyInt R (I (I0 x) :*: I (I0 y) :*: U) -> TyTup x y -- $(deriveConstructors [''Expr, ''Type]) -- $(deriveFamily ''AST [''Expr, ''Type] "PFAST") -- type instance PF AST = PFAST -- inferTypeExpr :: ErrorAlg (PF_Expr :>: Expr) String Type -- inferTypeExpr = undefined & undefined & undefined & undefined & undefined -- -- inferTypeType :: ErrorAlg (PF_Type :>: Type) String Type -- inferTypeType = undefined & undefined -- -- inferType :: ErrorAlg (PF_Tuples) String Type -- inferType = inferTypeExpr & inferTypeType -- inferType :: ErrorAlg (PF Tuples) String Type type ExprErrorAlg e a = (a -> a -> Either e a) :&: (a -> a -> Either e a) :&: (a -> a -> Either e a) :&: (Int -> Either e a) :&: (a -> a -> Either e a) type TypeErrorAlg e a = Either e a :&: (a -> a -> Either e a) -- inferType :: ExprErrorAlg String Type :&: TypeErrorAlg String Type inferType :: ErrorAlg (PF Tuples) String Type inferType = ( equal "+" & equal "*" & tup & const (Right TyInt) & equal "::" ) & ( Right TyInt & tup ) where equal op ty1 ty2 | ty1 == ty2 = Right ty1 | otherwise = Left ("lhs and rhs of " ++ op ++ " must have equal types") tup ty1 ty2 = Right (TyTup ty1 ty2) type (:&:) = (,) infixr :&: